
By Sonia Levintin
Cyberlesson created by
Alyse Kerelejza
• Copies of “Boom Town” by Sonia Levintin
• Computer with Internet Access
Imagine you moved to a town far away that “was so sad and
lonesome even your shadow ran off.” There is only one
store and a few cabins. What would you do to pass the
time? How could you try to change the town to make it more
exciting? We will meet Amanda who changes a lonely town
into a “Boom Town.”
Before Reading
“Boom Town” by Sonia Levintin is historical fiction set in a boom town.
• We have been studying western expansion. Think about what you already
know about how and why boom towns developed. Discuss this with a
partner and click on the worksheet to type three facts about boom towns.
• Amanda is the main character in “Boom Town.” Like many pioneers, she is
an entrepreneur. Click on entrepreneur to read the definition of the word.
• Do a picture walk and make a prediction about how Amanda’s
entrepreneurship helps develop the boom town. Again, click on the
worksheet to type your ideas.
During Reading
• While we read “Boom Town,” check your predictions about how
Amanda’s business sparks the development of the town. You
will complete a sequence chain as we read.
• If you are in Group A, click on the horses to link to the
sequence chain.
• If you are in Group B, click on the wagon to link to the
sequence chain.
• Did your prediction come true? Click on the worksheet to link
back to your prediction and answer the question by choosing
yes or no. If your answer is no, explain what was different.
After Reading
Many entrepreneurs found success in boom towns during the gold rush.
• To read about these entrepreneurs, click on the jeans.
Why jeans? You’ll understand after reading the article!
Amanda is a young girl who starts a successful business.
• To read about other children entrepreneurs, click on the can.
Why a can? Read to find out!
After Reading
Now that you have learned more about pioneer
entrepreneurs and child entrepreneurs, I have some
questions for you to think about. Click on the picture
below to read the questions and type your answers.
Don’t forget to support your answers with information
from the text!
Beyond Reading
• You have read about pioneer entrepreneurs and
young entrepreneurs. Click on the hamburger.
We will use this website as a guide to have a
class discussion about additional interesting
• Now click on the computer to play a game and
see what it would be like to be an entrepreneur.
Beyond Reading
You have read about how Amanda’s business helped develop a boom town. You
also read about pioneer entrepreneurs and student entrepreneurs. We have even
explored and discussed the entrepreneur who started McDonald’s, and why ice
cream cones were invented.
Now it’s your turn to be an entrepreneur! Use the drawing tools in Microsoft Word
to draw a picture of an idea you have to improve our community or school, or
make students’ lives easier. After you have created your drawing, compose a
poem or short song that could be used in an advertisement for your idea. Click on
the piggy bank to get started.
Before Reading:
3 Facts about Boom Towns
Types 3 accurate facts about
boom towns
Types 1 or 2 accurate facts
about boom towns
Types inaccurate facts about
boom towns
Before Reading:
Types a reasonable
prediction and supports
prediction with information
from the picture walk
Types a reasonable
prediction but does not
support it with information
from the picture walk
Types an unreasonable
prediction and has no
support from the picture walk
During Reading:
Sequence Chain and
Prediction Confirmation
Completes sequence chain
with most important events
from “Boom Town” and
confirms prediction
Completes sequence chain
with some important events
from “Boom Town” and
confirms prediction
Does not complete sequence
chain and does not confirm
After Reading:
Comprehension Questions
Answers 2 questions with
support from the text
Answers 1 question with
support from the text
Answers 0 questions with
support from the text
Beyond Reading:
Entrepreneur Website
Fully participates in
discussion with partner and
Limited participation in
discussion with partner and
No participation in discussion
with partner and class
Beyond Reading:
Idea Drawing
Creates a clear depiction of
an idea that will improve
community, school, or
students’ lives
Creates a questionable
depiction of an idea to
improve community, school,
or students’ lives
Does not create a depiction
of an idea to improve
community, school, or
students’ lives
Beyond Reading:
Poem or Song
Composes a poem or song
containing a clear
explanation of idea drawing
Composes a poem or song
containing a partial
explanation of idea drawing
Does not compose a poem
or song with an explanation
of idea drawing
Free Animation:
“Boom Town” by Sonia Levintin
illustrated by Cat Bowman Smith