Study Visit Report


dAIR study visit report


Guidelines for the Study Visit Report


Objectives of the Study Visit Report: a) It will allow the hosting partner and participating project partners to give feedback on the study visit (projects and challenges presented, discussion between project partners etc.) and to keep track of their initial objectives for each visit. b) It will allow project partners who have not attended the study visit to better understand the practices and challenges of the hosting partner. This is necessary for the transferability of the identified good practices. c) It will allow for the identification of good practices and the compilation of data and information for the final “transnational best of document” . Indeed, the identification of good practices is based on a bottom-up approach, a peer review by partners through study visits. Questionnaires are thus the main element for the identification of good practices

Therefore, the information provided in the Study Visit Report should be precise and detailed, keeping in mind that partners not having attended the study visit should be able to understand the practices and challenges as well.



The Study Visit Report is to be drafted by the host partner(s) after each visit

It should be sent to the Lead Partner ( and

and to the ARC ( and

It shall be accompanied by: o A documented report on media impact:

 A copy of the press releases issued on the occasion (in English and in the initial languages)

 The press occurrences (copy of articles whenever possible)

 Check the website as well, as some are available o The electronic files of all the presentations made during the meeting (Check the website as well) o Photos and videos (on the website as well) o Details of all attendees (from outside the D-AIR partnership.)


What is the size of my study visit report?


There is no definitive rule on the size of the study visit report, but we advise you to keep it simple.

Ideally the answer to each question should be around one paragraph (5-10 lines maximum) and provide detailed information, including quantitative data, where available, on the measures presented.

In addition to this detailed information, website links can be included for the interesting measures, for

partners wishing to get more information.


When shall I submit my study visit report?

Our advice is that you draft the report immediately after the study visit, and submit it as soon as possible. The first reason is that it will make your work easier: our experience is that the sooner the reports are written the fresher your mind and recollection of the day will be.

The report template requires to have a survey made amongst the participants. We advise you to have it filled at the end of the visit rather than having to chase the answer.

In all cases, we ask you to submit your study visit report no later than 1 month after the visit.


To whom shall the report be sent?

We ask you to send the report to the Lead Partner and to the ARC.



The study visit reports will be published under the restricted section of the website (i.e. accessible only

to the members of the partnership)


Study Visit Report of the Project Partner


Mitteldeutsche Airport Holding

City of Leipzig



– 5


September 2013

Table of contents




For the hosting partner


Background information

Date of the visit: 3 th – 5 th September 2013 (including Midterm Event)

Programme of the visit (please attach final agenda of the visit);

Tuesday, September 3 rd

Venue: Leipzig/Halle Airport, meeting room 1

11:30 – 12:30 Registration and lunch

12:30 – 13:30 Welcome Session: Dr. Michael Schimansky (Stadt Leipzig)

Markus Kopp (CEO Mitteldeutsche Airport Holding)

13:30 – 14:30 Session 1a: Energy Saving Measures at Leipzig/Halle and Dresden Airports - Laura

Holguin (GICON GmbH)

Session 1b: Introduction to Energy Management System and Relation of Energy to



emissions - Paul Kanig (GICON GmbH)

14:30 – 15:00 Coffee break

15:00 – 16:00 Session 2: EuroCAREX – vision for carbon reducing surface access in cargo logistics -

Arjen Donkersloot (EuroCAREX Amsterdam)

16:00 – 17:30 Airport overview

18:30 – 20:50 Social evening event at Porsche Leipzig

20:50 – 23:30 DHL Hub Leipzig

Wednesday, September 4 th

Venue: City Hall, room 262

9:30 – 10:00 Meeting in hotel lobby afterwards joint walk to city hall

10:00 – 11:00 Session 4a: Case study: evaluation of car parking facility lighting at Leipzig/Halle

Airport - Robert Hesse (Mitteldeutsche Airport Holding)

Session 4b: Case study: assessment of alternative mobile motorization at

Leipzig/Halle and Dresden Airport - Matthias Arnold (PortGround GmbH)

11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break

11:30 – 12:30 Session 5: additional activities – part 1

Presentation and exchange of views on good practices identified so far on CO

2 reduction. These good practices were all presented already by one or several DAIR partners. They relate to surface access or Airport Operation and have an innovation component. The objective is to finalise the selection criteria/methodology in view of the Best of documents which will be produced at the end of the DAIR projects. – Wim

De Kinderen (Brainport Development)

12:30 – 13:30 Lunch (Wandelhalle, City hall)

13:30 – 15:00 Session 5: additional activities – part 2

15:00 – 16:00 Session 3: Environmental sustainability, carbon reduction program and future perspectives – Thorsten Glasneck, Michael Kluge (DHL Deutsche Post)


16:00 – 16:45 Coffee break and visit city hall tower

Venue: City Hall, room 270

16:45 – 18:15 Session 6a: The new Central German S-Bahn Network for Leipzig region - Markus

Engelke (Regional Railway Authority Organization for Leipzig Area)

Session 6b: New Service level in operating Central German S-Bahn Network in

Leipzig - Christian Dubiel (DB Regio AG)

Session 6c: The „Job Ticket“ by Central German Transport Association – Michael

Strangalies (DB Regio AG)

20:00 – 22:30 Social evening event; Zoo Leipzig “Gondwanaland”

Thursday, September 5 th

Venue: City Hall Leipzig, room 262

08:30 –09:00 Meeting in hotel lobby and joint walk to City Hall

09:00 – 09:45 Session 7: Panel discussion on e-mobility - Franziska Wilhelm (teilAuto); Christoph

09:45 – 10:00

10:00 – 13:00

13:00 – 17:00


Friedrich (Stadtwerke Leipzig); Christoph von Radowitz (Bundesverband e-


Session 8: Study visit conclusions

Session 9: BMW

D-Air mid term event, “Alte Börse“, Leipzig

Social evening event, “Bayerischer Bahnhof”, Leipzig

Can you provide explanations on why you had set up this specific agenda?

The study visit was focussed mainly on three topics/themes. The first topic was concentrated on the airport projects on reducing CO


emissions, e.g. energy efficiency and management, energy supply, own energy production, use of renewable energies (for further information, please see presentations of Session 1 and 4).

At this point, the continuous improvement process of different actions and projects of airport operations to gradually reduce the airport's environmental impacts was exposed.

The second part was about surface access of people from the airport region to the airport with the aim of increasing the use of public transport and electric cars (for further information, please see presentations of Session 5, 6 and 7).

The third part was based on cargo transport. On the one hand, a big project in Europe for the implementation and optimization of cargo logistics by train was exposed (for further information, please see presentation of Session 2). And on the other hand, companies like DHL presented their projects with the aim on reducing environmental impacts, especially carbon emissions (for further information, please see presentation of Session 3).

If not available in the agenda please specify

What has been presented: please see agenda attached.

Name of the speakers: please see agenda attached.

Methods of the presentations: MS PowerPoint.

Please attach an electronic version of the documents: please visit DAIR website for all presentations.

Number of participants (please attach copy of the presence list): 59 (speakers included)


1) What is the key message that you initially intended to convey through this visit to the other

D-AIR partners?

Mitteldeutsche Airport Holding and the City of Leipzig are working hard to reduce the environmental impact in public surface access to the airport as well as in airport operations. The study visit is the best opportunity to present improvements of the different actions and projects of the airport and to exchange ideas and discuss similar problems to find possible solutions with the project partners and other interested parties.

The main objectives of the study visit were:

To present goals achieved on reducing carbon emissions and to expose concrete future projects (e.g. LED, renewable motor fuel) and measures for a continuous improvement process (energy management systems).

To discuss with the project partners about energy efficiency and management in order to share similar experiences and get different perspectives on several issues and possible solutions.

To present the status quo of the additional activities of some project partners.

To exchange ideas and to present currently projects about surface access to the airport in order to increase the use of public transport.

2) Could you explain how you think the presentations made on the day supported the overall

D-AIR objective, and yours. Please fill in the table for each presentation.



Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6

No impact Low Medium


No opinion

 Session 7

Session 8

Session 9

The expected results

How did the visit help in achieving the goals as mentioned in Q1?

Do you think the visit was useful for you? If yes, please explain how, if not what are the recommendations you would have for colleagues?

The Study Visit was very successful and all participants were very interested in the presentations and excursions. They had the chance to learn something new and discuss about measures or actions in their regions and airports. They also had the chance to get to know some projects that could be implemented / transferred to their regions as well. Every project partner is a metropolitan region in

Europe and they are facing similar challenges, that’s why a Study Visit is suitable for exchanging ideas and to learn from each other. During Session 5 some activities of four different project partners have


been presented. Here, all the participants had the chance to discuss and make suggestions about the activities running in every region at the moment.

The Study Visit was really useful for the Mitteldeutsche Airport Holding and the City of Leipzig because we had the chance to expose the improvement of the measures and actions taken until now and to get reflections of the actions taken.

The Study Visit also represents the middle of the project. It was a good opportunity to go back and to give a feedback, what has every project partner done until now and what do they have to do until project ends. In this regard we have been able to share a lot of information and experiences. But it is a continuous process in which we continue learning every day. The Study Visit was very valuable for us too, as organizers of this Study Visit we also learned a lot.

The unexpected results

Have you faced any unexpected difficulties?

Have you had any new ideas thanks to the visit? If yes, please describe / explain.

The organisation of the Study Visit required a lot of work. Our targets for the Study Visit were also very high, so that the main difficulty was during the preparation of the Study Visit. We wanted to show our measures and actions and share our collected experiences during the project. It was important to us to provide an attractive programme for the Study Visit participants and to create an enjoyable and unforgettable event, meaning interesting presentations and excursions giving a better understanding for the participants. To define the programme as well as to find the speakers took a lot of time and effort.

The Study Visit was performed without any further difficulties. The supervision was with some effort but nothing that couldn’t be managed.

3) Do you consider that your programme matches the partners’ expectations in their start position reports?

No opinion 1 not at all

2 to a limited extent

3 fairly

4 to a large extent

5 outstandingly


CO2-reduction - Introduction

Please include here a table summarising briefly the main practices and challenges identified in the

Start Position Report for each sub-theme

Airport surface access:


The airport surface access was analysed at the beginning of the project. The biggest challenge of the airport is to increase the airport surface access by public transport for passengers and employees.

The City of Leipzig has a small influence on the airport surface access, because the airport is not located in the urban area of Leipzig, but in the surroundings of the city.


The airport surface access has not changed a lot during the last years (see Start Position Report,

Surface access Q1). That’s why it is a big challenge for the city to increase the use of public transport and to improve the airport surface access. At this point the focus is to work together with the

German Railway (DB - Deutsche Bahn), MDV (Mitteldeutscher Verkehrsverbund – Central German

Public Transport) and taxi companies on the improvement of the public airport surface access and on solutions for a CO


neutral transport to and from the airport.


The implementation of the “City Tunnel” (for more information see presentations of Session

6) generates a new railway network. For this reason, the trains not only commute between the airport and the station, but rather cover the whole region including City of Leipzig.

Increasing frequency of the trains to the airport (e.g. implementation of the “City Tunnel”)

Jobticket: ticket for public transport for the employees of the airport or companies located at the airport with the aim of increasing the number of people using public transport from home to the working place and back (bus or train).

Impulse and Support cab companies and provider from car shuttle services to use more electric cars (for further information, please see presentations of Session 7, e.g.

“Schaufenster Elektromobilität”, e-car-sharing).

Airport operations:


The airports have determined their focus on reducing carbon emission of the airport operations.

Besides vehicles, boilers, GPU’S and engines the electricity, heating and cooling systems play an important role in the airport operations due to their high consumption.

The main objective of the Leipzig/Halle and Dresden airports is to reduce the emissions coming from purchased electricity, heating and cooling systems by meaning the introduction of an energy management system and working on energy efficiency.


The emphasis on carbon reduction measures is the improvement of electricity, heating and cooling systems, including energy saving measures and energy efficiency.

Optimization of the lighting at the airports (e.g. Parking garage, others).

Installation of a photovoltaic energy plant at Leipzig/Halle.

Please also include a general summary of the programme presented and the main issues to retain from this visit. Do you have advice to give to project partners on the organisation of a study visit?

A summary / documentation of the Study Visit as well as all presentations are published on the D-AIR website.



Airport operator activities

4) What is the main message that you want to convey to the D-AIR partners concerning C02 reduction measures from airport operator activities?

Leipzig/Halle and Dresden airports would like to inform and to share their main experiences to the D-

AIR partners concerning CO


reduction measures on airport operations, as described below:

Implementation of the Airport Carbon Accreditation for monitoring, reduction, optimisation and neutrality of carbon emissions and environmental impacts.

The main measures of the airport operations: o Purchase/own production of energy for electricity, heating and cooling (regarding renewable energy sources). o Implementation of an energy management system at the airports for documentation and a continuous improvement process. o Energy saving measures (e.g. lighting, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems). o Environmental friendly vehicles for airport operations (optimisation regarding performance- and needs-based).

The environmental guidelines of the airports: to protect and preserve the environment, less pollution of air and water to conserve the natural ground, to avoid garbage and to improve energy efficiency of facilities and buildings.

German Airports Association (ADV): for competitive air travel and modern, efficient airports in Germany.


5) Please provide a short summary of each measure or idea presented during the visit

Measure Responsible entity/ Description

Implementation of an Energy


System operator

Mitteldeutsche Airport

Holding -


Improvement of energy-related performance.

Transparency in power consumption.

Identification of energy reduction opportunities.

Prioritized energy planning.

2. Energy saving measures

Mitteldeutsche Airport


Traceable action planning.

Documented operational control.

Systematic analysis of energy consumption.

To reduce electric energy consumption at the airports are focused on the inside and outside lighting of the buildings and the parking facilities.

Optimisation of the Heating Ventilation and

Air Conditioning (HVAC) system.

Increase of the own energy production as


3. Improvement of the lighting facilities

4. Alternative mobile motorisation

5. Cargo logistics and environmental sustainability

Mitteldeutsche Airport


Mitteldeutsche Airport


DHL, CAREX combined generation of heating, cooling and power in connection with an optimised use of heating and cooling storage systems.

Evaluation of lighting facilities (main consumers: central terminal and parking deck).

Improvement of building equipment and appliances.

Measuring at the parking deck.

Cost effectiveness of LED (energy saving, reduced CO


, maintenance costs).

Needs-oriented lighting control systems,

Software solution.

Alternative Powertrains (e.g. biodiesel, natural gas, liquified gas, hydrogen, ethanolfuel, btl-fuel, electric and hybrid drive)

Analysis of the existing vehicle fleet on possibilities of using alternative power trains and derivation of individual measures and projects.

Mobile / stationary fuel cell applications.

Target: reduction of carbon emissions.


Using the existing high speed rail network for express freight transport in Europe.

CAREX trains will generate minimum 17 times less carbon than similar truck and air transport.


Corporate strategy: GoGreen to minimize the impact on the environment, especially on improving our carbon efficiency.

Optimisation and modernization of the network (smart route planning, capacity optimization, combination of different modes of transport), fleet (aircrafts and road vehicles to reduce carbon emissions, alternatives technologies and fuels) and buildings

(intelligent solutions of lighting, heating and cooling).

Carbon-neutral shipping service.

Emissions trading (EU-ETS): monitoring plan,


verification by external party and annual submission of the CO



AIREG: Aviation Initiative for Renewable

Energy in Germany (regenerative fuels for aviation).

IATA: Carbon Neutral Growth as of 2020

(biofuels, improvement of technology, infrastructure, operation)

Global Volunteer Day / World Environment

Day (forestation projects, bike to work).

6) Amongst all the measures on airport activities presented during the visit, which are in your opinion the 1 to 3 best measures?

Please give information as detailed as possible as these measures could be identified as “good practices” within the dAIR project and perhaps transferred to/implemented by other project partners.

Leipzig recommends the following measures to the other partners identified as “good practices”:

1) Identification and implementation of energy saving measures.

2) Introduction of an energy management system to reduce costs and environmental impacts parallel.

3) Optimisation of lighting facilities.

7) To what extent do you think these 1 to 3 measures will help achieve the objectives of the dAIR project? Please complete the table below for each measure presented in the previous question.

No impact

Low Medium High No opinion


Measure 1

Measure 2

Measure 3

Reduction of CO2 emissions

Reduction of CO2 emissions

Reduction of CO2 emissions


Involvement of external organisations to contribute to the “CO2 neutrality of airport operator activities” goal (in stimulating innovation, i.e. new products and services to be deployed; through buying/procurement policy, serving as a Living Lab,…) a) Private companies and R&D communities


Do you cooperate with companies?


No Explanation (why and – if yes – how)

University of Leipzig (HTWK): energy optimisation at the Leipzig airport, focused on the lighting facilities, especially at the parking deck and central terminal with the aim of the development of energy saving measures.


what elements of the visit were (specifically) related to this cooperation?

Session 4: presentation about “Evaluation of Lighting Technology at Leipzig/Halle Airport” by

Robert Hesse, Mitteldeutsche Airport Holding.

what was the feedback (positive/negative, and why) that you got from these partners?

Positive feedback from the participants due to the high energy saving potential regarding new technology (implementation of LED) and intelligent (needs-based) control system.

do you intend to involve them in the future?



Do you cooperate with R&D communities?

Yes No

Explanation (why and – if yes – how)

what elements of the visit were (specifically) related to this cooperation?

what was the feedback (positive/negative, and why) that you got from these partners?

do you intend to involve them in the future?


Do you cooperate with companies and R&D communities combined?

Yes No

Explanation (why and – if yes – how)

What elements of the visit were (specifically) related to this cooperation?

what was the feedback (positive/negative, and why) that you got from these partners?

do you intend to involve them in the future? b) Other organisations and stakeholders


Do you cooperate with other organisations and stakeholders?



(individual and/or organised)

Public authorities

(local/ regional/…)

Tenants of airport premises

Yes No

Explanation (why and – if yes – how)

what elements of the visit were (specifically) related to this cooperation?


what was the feedback (positive/negative, and why) that you got from these partners?

do you intend to involve them in the future?

9) Are there any relevant innovation projects in your region (including those not shown during the study visit) ? If yes, please explain the project(s).

Optimisation of the lighting facilities at the parking deck (LED and intelligent control system).

Analysis of the existing vehicle fleet on possibilities of using alternative power trains and derivation of individual measures and projects.

10) To what extent do you think these projects will help achieve the objectives of the dAIR project? Please complete the table below for each project presented in the previous question.

Project 1

Project 2

No impact

Low Medium High No opinion


Reduction of CO2 emissions

Reduction of CO2 emissions

11) Did the discussions/exchanges with other dAIR project partners during the study visit give you some answers to your challenges/difficulties (identified in the Start Position Report, for ex) on airport operations?

For airport operations we were discussing about similar problems and possible solutions, especially about energy management and saving measures.

12) What project did you find more interesting of the projects submitted in the regional transport stakeholders’ forum meeting or expert coordination meeting?

We are a member of the “Air Traffic Noise Commission”. Project 1 is interesting for the Commission because we want to realise it.

13) Which CO2 reduction measure from airport operator activities can you implement/ replicate in the short/medium/long term?

Most of the measures with the aim of reducing carbon emissions from the airport operations presented during the Study Visit are already in the implementation phase. Energy saving measures is a continuous process, which has to be carried out permanently.

The challenge are the energy saving measures from own activities regarding electricity, heating and cooling systems.


Implementation of project


1. Implementation of an Energy

Management System

Short term

Medium term

Long term

2. Energy saving measures

3. Improvement of the lighting facilities

 

 4. Alternative mobile motorization

14) Are there any similar projects implemented at other airports in Europe? If yes, please explain the implementation process.

All of the project partners are facing similar problems and that’s why we are part of the D-Air project, to learn from each other and to discuss similarities. Every airport is dealing with an analogue implementation process.

15) Which measures presented should be considered as good practices?

Please see question nr. 6.


Surface access

16) What is the main message that you want to convey to the other dAIR partners concerning

CO2 reduction measures from surface access?

City of Leipzig would like to inform and to share their main experiences to the D-AIR partners concerning CO2 reduction measures on airport surface access, as described below: o Many public transport alternatives to and from Leipzig/Halle airport are given for the passengers and employees at the airport. o A new railway network, which also covers the region around Leipzig, is generated by the opening of the “City Tunnel”. In this connection, the improvement of the frequency of the trains starts in order to increase the airport surface access by public transport. o Support of airport access by public transport for the employees at the airport with the aim of reduction of the use of private cars to the working place (reduced ticket prices). o Stimulation and support cab companies and provider from car shuttle services to use electric cars/ to provide electric cars in their car fleet.

17) Please provide a short summary of each measure or idea presented during the visit.


1. New regional rail passenger

Responsible entity / operator


City of Leipzig, MDV, DB Construction and opening of the City Tunnel

Leipzig (a new railway network/ frequency of


transport the trains from the city centre through the airport) for development of the rail network in Leipzig

Jobticket: public transport ticket for employees at the airport (integrated transport innovation and reduced prices)

The Central German S-Bahn Network: new regional rail passenger transport with electric railcars (modern and non-polluting trains, fast

2.. E-mobility Private companies, associations, research institutes, city of Leipzig


connections etc.)

E-car-sharing/ e-taxi

Build infrastructure for e-mobility (charge stations, cars)

18) Amongst all the measures on surface access presented during the visit, which are in your opinion the 1 to 3 best measures?

Please give information as detailed as possible as these measures could be identified as “good practices” within the dAIR project and perhaps implemented by other project partners.

Leipzig recommends the following measures to the other partners identified as “good practices”:

1) Jobticket.

2) City Tunnel, improvement of the train connections.

3) E-Mobility (e.g. e-car-sharing/ e-taxi).

19) To what extent do you think these 1 to 3 measures will help achieve the objectives of the dAIR project? Please complete the table below for each measure presented in the previous question.

Low Medium High Comments

Measure 1

Measure 2

Measure 3

No impact

No opinion

Reduction of CO2 emissions

Reduction of CO2 emissions

Reduction of CO2 emissions


Involvement of external organisations to contribute to the “sustainable surface access” goal (in stimulating innovation, i.e. new products and services to be deployed; through buying/procurement policy, serving as a Living Lab,…) a) Private companies and R&D communities


Do you cooperate with companies?



No Explanation (why and – if yes – how)

Private transport companies (German Railway – DB): working for a better solution giving public transport alternatives in order to increase the use of public transport and to avoid/reduce the use of private car.

Taxi companies / car-sharing companies (teilAuto): alternative environmental friendly transport mode; e-cars, e-shuttle service, free floating, private carsharing, corporate carsharing.

Organisations or Association (BEM): awake interests for emobility, improvement of the infrastructure, find company partners.

Public Utility Company Leipzig: Infrastructure, and build and improvement of the network of charging stations.

Supplier of energy.

what elements of the visit were (specifically) related to this cooperation?

Session 6: presentations about the “S-Bahn Network – City Tunnel”, the “Central Germany S-Bahn” and the “Jobticket” presented by the Germany Railway (DB Regio AG) and ZVNL (Association for the Local Traffic Region Leipzig).

Session 7: presentations about “e-mobility” by private companies (teilAuto) and Public Utility

Company Leipzig (as energy supplier) and BEM (German Association for e-mobility).

what was the feedback (positive/negative, and why) that you got from these partners?

The feedback from the Study Visit participants was positive. This topic was presented as a panel discussion and everybody had the chance to give their opinion, to get to know the project better and discuss about possibilities.

Do you intend to involve them in the future?



Do you cooperate with R&D communities?

Yes No

Explanation (why and – if yes – how) not yet

Within the scope of our additional activity “e-taxi” we want to involve the university of Leipzig.

what elements of the visit were (specifically) related to this cooperation?

what was the feedback (positive/negative, and why) that you got from these partners?

do you intend to involve them in the future?


Do you cooperate with companies and R&D communities combined?

Yes No

Explanation (why and – if yes – how)


what elements of the visit were (specifically) related to this cooperation?

what was the feedback (positive/negative, and why) that you got from these partners?

do you intend to involve them in the future?


Other organisations and stakeholders: Do you cooperate with other organisations and stakeholders?


Citizens (individual and/or organised)

Public authorities

(local/ regional/…)

Tenants of airport site and premises

DB Regio AG


No Explanation (why and – if yes – how)

 Not directly, in context with the “Jobticket”- Survey we cooperate with the employees of the airport

Internal cooperation with department of urban planning/ of traffic/ of environment in context with the “Jobticket”- Survey we cooperate with the tenants of the airport

We work together to implement the „Jobticket“ for employees at the airport.

what elements of the visit were (specifically) related to this cooperation?

Session 6: presentation about the “Jobticket” presented by the Germany Railway (DB Regio AG) and ZVNL (Association for the Local Traffic Region Leipzig)

what was the feedback (positive/negative, and why) that you got from these partners?

The feedback was positive.

do you intend to involve them in the future?


21) (question for public authority partner) Have you taken or do you intend to take

‘innovation’ measures that fall completely within the scope of your own competences and which have or will contribute(d) positively to the dAIR objectives? (such as buying and procurement policies)

Yes No

Explanation (why and – if yes – how)

Not yet

During our participation in the D-AIR project, we have been working on several ideas and taking note of several “good practices” exposed during the different Study Visits. At the end of the project we want to evaluate the ideas that could have a potential for Leipzig.

However, we have ongoing processes where we work within collaborative projects in order to identify and implement continuous improvements that are in line with the D-AIR objectives. The construction and opening of the “City Tunnel” in order to offer a new railway network with major frequency of trains to and from the airport increases the number of public transport users (passengers and employees at the airport). We work together with DB Regio AG to implement the “Jobticket” for


employees at the airport. Another example is to support the business model of e-car-sharing or eshuttle service in order to reduce environmental impact, especially carbon emissions.

After gaining additional knowledge from different Study Visits and making own experience in the D-

AIR project good practices, we would like to analyse and introduce more improvement measures and innovative solutions for the airport surface access.

22) Are there any relevant innovation projects in your region (including those not shown during the study visit)? If yes, please explain the project(s).

Construction and opening of “City Tunnel” for improvement of the rail network in Leipzig, increase trains frequency to the airport, and better and fast connection (for further information, please see presentation “City Tunnel” of Session 6).

Implementation of the “Jobticket” for employees at the airport (for further information, please see presentation “Jobticket” of Session 6).

E-mobility (support of business model of e-car-sharing, e-shuttle service from and to the airport)

23) To what extent do you think these projects will help achieve the objectives of the dAIR project? Please complete the table below for each project presented in the previous question.

No impact

Low Medium High No opinion


Project 1

Project 2

Project 3

Reduction of CO2 emissions

Reduction of CO2 emissions

Reduction of CO2 emissions

24) Did the discussions/exchanges with project partners during the study visit give you some answers to your challenges/difficulties (identified in the Start Position Report) on surface access?

The D-AIR partners gave many ideas about public transport regarding the issue of airport surface access. It is a problem that every region has to deal with and we all are looking for alternatives and improvement measures to increase and improve the public transport for passengers and employees at the airport to reduce carbon emissions, e.g. avoiding the use of private cars.

25) What project did you find more interesting of the projects submitted in the regional transport stakeholders’ forum meeting or expert coordination meeting?

In context with our activities we introduced different interesting project ideas. For example, to create an application software which helps to find the best (in sense of reduction of CO 2 emissions) way for surface access.

26) What action should be implemented to improve surface access to/from the airport visited?

Continued work on airport surface access management, please see question nr. 21 above.


Improvement measures for better connections in the public transport system, more frequency of the trains. In this context, the “Jobticket” will be much more interesting for the employees of the airport.

Improvement of airport surface access for employees at the airport (cost and time efficient).

27) Are there any similar projects implemented at other airports in Europe? If yes, please explain the implementation process.

All of the project partners are facing similar problems and that’s why we are part of the D-Air project, to learn from each other and to discuss similarities. We all are working for the same target: improvement of airport surface access and parallel reduction of carbon emissions. Every airport is dealing with an analogue implementation process of improvement measures.

28) Which measures presented should be considered as good practices?

For the City of Leipzig please see question nr. 18.

The eco taxi system from Stockholm Arlanda Airport is a very good example for a good practise measure. This system is an effective way to reduce the CO





For visiting partners


Airport operator activities

29) Which C02 reduction project/measure from airport operator activities was the most interesting? Please explain.

30) Which measures presented during the visit should be considered as good practices for

Airport Operator activities for the dAIR project? Please fill in the following information for each measure.

Mature Project

Innovative project

CO2 reduction

Financial costs

Other external costs

(noise, pollutants etc.)


No impact

Measure 1: Name/Description


Low Medium High No opinion

Mature Project


Measure 2: Name/Description


Innovative project

CO2 reduction

Financial costs

Other external costs

(noise, pollutants etc.)

No impact Low Medium High No opinion

31) What action should be implemented to improve airport operator activities at the airport visited?

32) Which CO2 reduction project(s)/measure(s) from airport operator activities can you implement / replicate in the short/medium/long/term?

Project / Measure Short term Medium term Long term

33) Which CO2 reduction measure from airport operator activities is not suitable for your airport? Please explain why.


34) Are there any similar projects implemented at your airport or at other airports in Europe?

If yes, please explain the implementation process.


Surface Access

35) Which surface access project/measure was the most interesting? Please explain.

36) Which measures presented during the visit should be considered as good practices for surface access for the dAIR project? Please fill in the following information for each measure.

Mature Project


Measure 1: Name/Description


Innovative project

CO2 reduction

Financial costs

Other external costs

(noise, pollutants etc.)

No impact Low Medium High No opinion

Mature Project


Measure 2: Name/Description


Innovative project

CO2 reduction

Financial costs

Other external costs

(noise, pollutants etc.)

No impact Low Medium High No opinion

37) What action should be implemented to improve surface access to/from the airport visited?

38) Which surface access project(s)/measure(s) can you implement/replicate in the short/medium/long/term?

Project / Measure Short term Medium term Long term

39) Which surface access project is not suitable for your airport? Please explain why.

40) Are there any similar projects implemented at your airport or at other airports in Europe?

If yes, please explain the implementation process.



General questions

You may want to ask the D-AIR partners to fill an (anonymous if they wish) form where they can provide comments. Marius Nicolescu from ARC (

) will help you putting the survey as an on line survey



Express your overall satisfaction of the visit from 1 (the less satisfied) to 5 the more satisfied

1 2 3 4 5 No opinion not at all to a limited extent partially to a large extent totally


Did the programme meet your expectations?

1 not at all

2 to a limited extent

3 partially

4 to a large extent

5 totally


Please rate the study visit on the following items:

1: - - 2: - 3 4: + 5: ++ No opinion



Creating interest in topics

Involvement of participants

Included sufficient examples


To what extent was this Study Visit useful to you?

1 not at all


2 to a limited extent

3 partially

4 to a large extent

5 totally


To what extent can you apply the information presented today to your work?

1 not at all

2 to a limited extent

3 partially

4 to a large extent

5 totally


No opinion


No opinion

No opinion



Of the information presented during the Study Visit, how much is useful to you







What three elements from this study visit were most useful to you?





The things that could have been omitted from the study visit are:





Were you satisfied with the field visit(s)?

1 not at all

2 to a limited extent

3 partially

4 to a large extent


5 totally

No opinion


Do you think there was the right number of participants from the D-AIR project?

Too many Right number Not enough


Do you think there was the right number of participants from outside the D-AIR project?

Too many Right number Not enough


From theory to practice: do you think that the visit was putting emphasis on the practical

/theoretical aspects of surface access/airport operations?

Surface access

No emphasis Low Medium High No opinion

Practical aspects




Airport operations

Practical aspects

Theoretical aspects



If during the visit you have noted a good or bad practice, aspect etc. referred to the D-AIR project even if it is not coming from the organised visit, please explain.


Do you think that issues addressed or solutions presented could be useful for other EUparties? Which ones?


Please rate the challenges listed below according to their level of severity (for the current study visit)

Airport Operator Activities

No impact

Low Medium High No opinion

Lack of ACA scheme

Lack of data on annual CO2 emissions

Lack of new technologies/operational procedures leading to lower energy usage

Lack of efficient energy management team/strategy

Lack of strategy on surface vehicles

Lack of emission reduction plan

Lack of measures regarding:

Conveyor belts


Monitoring of energy consumption from electric appliances

Renewable energies (wind power, photovoltaic energy)

Alternative energies



Lighting systems

Heating/cooling systems

Lack of strong mechanisms of cooperation between different stakeholders

Lack of cooperation for innovation

Lack of measures for off-setting remaining emissions




Surface access

No impact

Low Medium High No opinion

Not enough passengers using public transport

Not enough staff using public transport

Lack of adequate information on public transport (schedule, fare, real-time information)

Lack of adequate transport connections

Not enough use of new transport technologies (electric cars/buses, motorbikes etc)

Lack of alternative modes: carsharing offers etc

Lack of strong mechanisms of cooperation between different stakeholders

Lack of cooperation for innovation





In your view, what kind of data is important for the assessment of the impact of the measures presented during the study visit? If known, please state relevant data sources.


Please list references to any studies or documents of relevance with links to online download where possible.



How can the next study visits be improved?

Feel free to add as many elements as you feel relevant

