Chemistry 51 (Section 4074) Syllabus Fall 2013 MW 4:25 pm Los Angeles Trade-Technical College Fall 2013 CHEMISTRY 51 (Fundamentals of Chemistry) section 4074, 5 units _____________________________________________________________________________ Description: This course with laboratory emphasizes the principles of inorganic chemistry and introduces elementary organic and biological chemistry. It is planned primarily for health science majors, as a preparatory course for higher-level chemistry courses, and for non-science majors requiring a one-semester course with laboratory. This course can be used for high school credit. Pre-requisite: Math 113 and 114; or Math 115; or higher level Math with a grade of “C” or better. Instructor: Hans Lee, Ph.D. E-mail: Office hours: M: 3:30-4:20 pm Class website: (syllabus, lab instructions, etc) Lecture Section: M,W: 4:25 pm - 6:30 pm (Room CH / K 222) Laboratory Section: W: 6:40 pm-9:50 pm (Room CH / K 464) Required Textbook: General Organic and Biochemistry 10th edition; Hein, Pattison, Arena; Wiley. Solution Manual (Optional – but recommended) Required Materials: Laboratory safety: goggle, lab coat (not available in bookstore), closed toe shoes, and Lock. Laboratory notebook (with duplicate sheets) Scientific calculator (non-programmable) Reading and Homework: Read assigned chapters before the related topic is covered in lecture. Homework is due on exam days and will be checked for completion. It is your responsibility to do (at least) the assigned homework in order to master the covered material. The more problems you do, the more you will learn, so it is in your best interest to do as many problems as you can (including ones not assigned). Allocate ~ 8 hours of independent study per week for this course. Quizzes: There will be 4 pop quizzes during the Lecture Section. No make up quizzes will be given. Exams: Three exams are tentatively scheduled (see page 4) during the regular lecture time slot. No makeup exams will be given unless you have proof of a medical emergency. Final: Exam is cumulative and must be taken to receive credit for the class. Wed, Dec 11, 5:00-7:00 pm. Laboratory: Safety goggle, lab coat, and closed toed shoes must been worn! Read each experiment before attending the lab section. Bring a laboratory notebook (with duplicate pages) to each lab session. The lab notebook will include all pre-lab and raw data. Prelab: Name, Date, Title of experiment, Purpose/Introduction, Procedure (Flow chart/outline). The pre-lab duplicate page(s) will handed in at the beginning of each Lecture period. Lab (Raw) Data: At the conclusion of each lab period, hand-in the duplicate notebook page(s) containing the raw data collected that day. Name, lab partner’s name, title of the experiment, date, and data must be included. The proper units for all measurements should also be included. 1 of 4 Los Angeles Trade Tech Chemistry 51 (Section 4074) Syllabus Fall 2013 MW 4:25 pm Lab Reports: Neatly complete the Lab Handout. Due 1 week after completion of lab. Failing to attend and/or complete THREE (3) laboratories will result in a lab course grade of “F”. Scale: A (90–100%) Grading: Pop Quizzes 10% HW/In-Class Assignments 10% Exams 30% Lab 20% Final Exam 30% Total = 100% B (80–89%) C (70–79%) D (55–69%) F (below 55%) The last day to drop the course without a "W" is Sept 8, 2013 (by web). The last day to drop the course with a "W" is Nov 17, 2013. (Double check with the Schedule of Classes!!) Attendance policy: Students are expected to attend every class meeting, to arrive on time and stay throughout the class period. Students may be dropped from class for excessive absences or tardiness, for failure to attend class the first day or during the entire first week of the class, or if the total number of absences exceeds twice the number of hours the class meets per week. Academic Dishonesty: Cheating and or plagiarism will result in an F grade for the course. All forms of communication with others are considered cheating during an exam/quiz. Cell phones, text messengers, and programmable calculators may not be used during an exam/quiz. LACCD student code of conduct as it relates to student dishonesty (Board Rule 9803.28) as follows: “Violations of academic integrity of any type by a student provide grounds for disciplinary action by the instructor or college. Violations of academic integrity include, but are not limited to, the following actions: cheating on an exam, plagiarism, working together on an assignment, paper or project when the instructor has specifically stated students should not do so, submitting the same term paper to more than one instructor, or allowing another individual to assume one’s identity for the purpose of enhancing one’s grade. For more information on the Standards of Student Conduct refer to the college catalog available in hardcopy and online at” Disability Support Services (DSS) Accommodation: Students with disabilities who need any assistance or accommodations should contact the instructor. Students should also contact the Disabled Student Programs & Services (DSPS) center located in MA-100 or call 213 763-3773. Learning Skills Center: To further your success, reinforce concepts, and achieve the stated learning objectives for this course, visit the Learning Skills Center for learning assistance services. You will be automatically enrolled in Supervised Tutoring, a free noncredit course that does not appear on your transcripts. Services are located in C102. Disclaimer: This syllabus and course schedule are subject to change. 2 of 4 Los Angeles Trade Tech Chemistry 51 (Section 4074) Syllabus Fall 2013 MW 4:25 pm Student learning outcomes (SLO): At the end of the course, students will be expected to develop and demonstrate competencies, skills, and knowledge related to the below: 1. Students will apply basic chemistry concepts to solve the following problems using the scientific method: a) Categorize matter according to its physical state and according to its chemical composition. b) Describe the atom in terms of subatomic particles and their properties c) Inorganic compounds d) Classify, balance and perform calculations with chemical reactions e) Explain properties of matter in terms of electron configurations f) Calculate concentration of solutions g) Solve acid-base, redox, and radioactivity problems h) Recognize simple organic compounds 2. Students will perform quantitative experiments and relate experimental data to concepts learned in class. 3 of 4 Los Angeles Trade Tech Chemistry 51 (Section 4074) Syllabus Fall 2013 MW 4:25 pm Lab coat and goggles are required to enter the lab! Week# Lecture Schedule (M,W) Week 1 8/26 Introduction & Ch. 1 – Introduction to Chemistry Week 2 9/2 No Class Sept 2 (Holiday) Ch. 2 – Standards for Measurements Lab1: Measurement and Significant Figures Ch 2: RQ: 6,7,9-14; PE: 2-50 even* Ch 3: RQ: 2,3,9-10,1416,18; PE: 2-20 even* Week 3 9/9 Ch. 3 – Elements and Compounds 4 Properties of Matter Lab 2: Measurements: Melting and Boiling Points (Bring Lab coat/goggles!) Ch 4: RQ: 4,5,8,9; PE: 2-20 even* Week 4 9/16 5 Early Atomic Theory and Structure Exam 1 (Ch 1-4) Wednesday Lab 3: Derived Quantities: Density of Different Substances Ch 5: RQ: 1-6; PE: 220 even; AE 36,37* Lab 4: Separation of Mixtures by Physical Means Ch 6: RQ: 1,5,6; PE: 224 even; Lab 5: Properties of O2 and H2 Ch 7: RQ: 1-11 odd; PE: 2-30 even* 8 Chemical Equations Lab 6: Chemical Changes: Double Displacement Reactions Ch 8: RQ: 1-4,6,8; PE: 2-24 even* Week 8 10/14 9 Calculations from Chemical Equations Exam 2 (Ch 5-8) Wednesday Lab 7: Chemical Changes: Single Displacement Reactions Ch 9: RQ: 1,2,5,6; PE: 2-30 even* Week 9 10/21 10 Modern Atomic Theory and Periodic Table Lab 8: Quantitative Composition of Compounds: Decomposition Of KClO3 Ch 10: RQ: 1,2,4,5,6,9; PE: 2-34 even* Week 10 10/28 11 Chemical Bonds: Formation of Compounds from Atoms Lab 9: Gases: Boyle’s Law Ch11: RQ: 1,2,3,4,8,1012,14,17,18,21; PE: 236 even* Week 11 11/4 12 Gaseous State of Matter Lab 10: Introduction to Acid–Base Titrations Ch 12: PE: 2-40 even* Week 12 11/11 No Class Nov 11 (Holiday) 14 Solutions Exam 3 (Ch 9-12) Wednesday Lab 11: Electrolyte Solutions Week 13 11/18 15 Acids, Bases, and Salts Lab 12: Organic Chemistry: Hydrocarbons Week 5 9/23 Week 6 9/30 Week 7 10/7 6 Nomenclature of Inorganic Compounds 7 Quantitative Composition of Compounds Lab Schedule (W) Safety Video (8/28 Must Attend or you will be dropped!) Thermometers and Distribution of Equipment (Bring Lock) Homework Ch 1: Define key terms; RQ:1-16 Ch 14: RQ: 2,9,11,1416,20-26; PE: 4-30 even* Ch 15: RQ: 1,3,7,12,17,19,26; PE: 2-30 even* Ch 17: RQ: 8,9; PE: 218 even* Week 14 Lab 13: The Shape of Molecules: 17 Oxidation Reduction 11/25 VSEPR Theory Week 15 18 Nuclear Chemistry Ch 18: PE: 2-18 even* Clean Up and Check Out 12/2 Organic Chemistry: Summary Final Final: Wed 5pm-7pm 12/11 CH / K222 RQ = Review Questions, PE = Paired Exercises, *Problems with multiple parts - do enough to understand the problem. Homework is due on exam days. Prelab due in Lecture Section. Data is due before you leave the Lab: No data means a zero on the Report. Reports are due the following Wednesday. NO LATE WORK ACCEPTED. If you cannot make it to lab: email (pdf) me the work before the deadline. 4 of 4 Los Angeles Trade Tech