Notes: Intro to Ecology Objective: What are the different levels of organization that ecologists study? Instructions: • Take the page and divide it into 6 equal boxes • Number the boxes Notes: Intro to Ecology 1 2 3 4 5 6 Title Box 1: What is Ecology? Ecology: study of explaining how living organisms affect each other and the world they live in. Levels of Organization Biosphere Biome Ecosystem Community Population Individual Title Box 2: What are the different Levels of Organization? Species: an individual living thing. Population: all of the same species in an area TALK IT OVER: What are some species that I can find at Norco? Title Box 3: What are the different Levels of Organization? Community: all populations that live together in an area Ecosystem: community + abiotic factors (non-living items) Biotic = living Group Discussion What different populations do you see in this ecosystem? What are some abiotic factors found in this ecosystem? Title Box 4: What are the different Levels of Organization? Biome: large area that has a particular climate and particular species of plants and animals Biosphere: part of the Earth that supports living things. Title Box 5: Norco High Example Instructions: Using “Norco High School” as the “Biosphere” write down and brainstorm in your groups an example of the following: Species/Individual = Population = Community = Ecosystem = Biome = Table # _____ Levels of Name (first and last) Date Organization Poster Period Purpose: Apply my understanding of the levels of organization in ecology. Levels of Organization Poster Instructions: Choose an example to base your poster on: (For example: Star Wars) Write down on your paper the example you will use to create your poster For each level that we talked about: (Species, Population, Community, Ecosystem, Biome, and Biosphere) create a picture that shows that level based on your example Title Box 6: Levels of Organization Acronym Exit Ticket: Using your notes from today create an acronym that will help you memorize the different levels of organization. (Start with the lowest level) S P C E B B Title Box 6: Levels Flowmap Exit Ticket: Using your notes from today create a flowmap that shows the different levels of organization. (Start with the lowest level) Example: A B C Once your done come up front and get your notes stamped