March 2013

501 S. Bird St.
Sun Prairie, WI53590
(608) 834-6500
Date: Thursday, March 21, 2013, at Kicks Unlimited
Members Present: Abby Alt, Karen Bailey, Betsy Butler, Jill Conaway, Tim Culver, Seth Degnan,
Chris Mayo, Patrick Malinowski, Chris Swenson, Zach Wilson, David Thwing.
Guests: Cathy Pagel, Heather DuBois Bourenane.
Agenda Items
I.Call to Order 7:35 a.m. by Karen Bailey
Thank you to Seth Degnan for hosting the meeting this morning. Seth shared information about his
business and the location.
II. Approval of 2/18/2013 Minutes
Motion to approve by Chris Swenson; seconded by Patrick Malinowski. Motion carried.
III. Introduction of Guests
Betsy Butler
Cathy Pagel and Heather DuBoisBourenane spoke about the program SPARC (Sun Prairie Action
Resource Coalition). Their first project is centered around collecting donations and funding for snacks for
students at the elementary level. They are looking for both community partners and community dropsites. They have met with school personnel and have learned more about how to proceed with their
project. Sentry is collecting donations now as well as Walgreens. Those present completed some
brainstorming of contacts and ideas for them.
IV. Student Feature
Zach Wilson
Zach Wilson shared information about ProStart and the high school Forensics team going to Nationals.
Jared Scharenbrock won state in wrestling and Jazz I is going to compete in New York. Academic
Awards were given out this past Tuesday in the Performing Arts Center.
V. Finance/Budget Report
Betsy Butler
Betsy Butler reported for Nancy Everson. We have had $3100 dollars come in, while outstanding bills
still exist for second quarter and are estimated at $1200 for recognitions at Sacred Hearts, the elementary
and middle schools. Upcoming costs include third quarter Recognitions, the 1.0 Recognitions, and Prairie
Voices. Dues have started to come in ($2425). Motion made by Tim Culver to approve the treasurer’s
report, seconded by Jill Conaway. Motion passed.
Chris Swenson reported the latest on the search for a new financial institution. He will present the
complete findings next month and put this to a vote. Betsy Butler reviewed our Investment Policy and set
up of the Financial Committee. It was determined this committee needs to meet and make
VI. Old Business
A. Survey Use
Betsy Butler
The survey results will be used to guide committee meeting recommendations for program
changes. The first committee that needs to meet regarding this is Student Recognition, and they
need to meet before the end of the school year.
B. Board Membership
Karen Bailey
Karen Bailey reported that Chris Mayo will continue on the board and that there will be a new
representative for Veyance as Lorie is unable to continue. She will continue working with us in
several projects on her own.
C. Officers for Next Year
The slate for next year was presented and will be voted on at the next meeting: President, Tony
Dugas and Corey Shefchik; Vice President, Patrick Malinowski; Treasurer, Nancy Everson; and
Secretary, Betsy Butler.
VII. New Business
Bylaws Amendments
Betsy Butler
Discussion occurred regarding the number of board members and recommendations
for some bylaws changes. This topic was tabled until further information could be obtained
regarding the Chamber of Commerce’s wishes as well as other concerns.
VIII. Current Business
A. Administration
Abby Alt/Betsy Butler
The annual meeting/breakfast is Thursday, April 18th at 7:00 a.m at Cannery Grill.
Concerns over the directory were raised. The directory will be updated again in August.
B. Scholarship
Tim Culver
Tim Culver reported that the committee was meeting tomorrow regarding selections for
C. Student Recognition
Karen Bailey/Abby Alt
Abby Alt is in contact with a speaker for the Breakfast of Champions and will report back
in April. QBE is all set to host. Curt the Cardinal is coming and some SPHS band
members as well.
D. Vocational
Nancy Everson
Adopt a Class – surveys going out in May. Mock interviews were held last week at the
high school and PPA interviews are this morning. It was discussed that the Vocational
Committee needs to meet and a meeting will be set up after the April board meeting.
E. Academics
Nancy Everson/Betsy Butler
The Prairie Voices publication ceremony was held on Monday, March 18, in the
Performing Arts Center at the high school. It was very well attended.
F. Membership
Chris Swenson
Membership kits will be available in April. Dues are coming in. A reminder will be
going out in April.
IX. Motion to adjourn made by Abby Alt; seconded by Chris Swenson. Motion carried at 8:55 a.m.
The next meeting BEP Meeting is the Annual Meeting and Recognition Breakfast on Thursday,
April 18th, at Cannery Grill at 7:00 a.m.
cc: BEP Members, Administrative Team, School Board Members