Matter Profiling ILTA Webinar November 21, 2013 Tom Baldwin, Chief Knowledge Officer, Reed Smith Phil Bryce, Knowledge Resources Counsel, White & Case Tanya Vasilev, Senior Legal Manager, Cisco Systems Moderated by Chris Boyd, Senior Director of Professional Services, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati 1 Definition of “Matter Profiling” • Recording information about each case, deal or other matter handled by the department or firm • Tying this information to other knowledge assets, e.g. matter financials, work product, time entries, etc. • Making all of this searchable to enable defined use cases (scenarios) 2 Reasons to Profile Matters Business Reason Law Department Law Firm Service delivery -Precedents -Experts -Contract management -Precedents -Experts Marketing / sales -In scope / out of scope - Internal marketing / business case -League table rankings -Awards submissions -Comparable matters -RFP responses Budgeting / pricing -Matter budgeting -Matter budgeting -Price estimates / quotes Staffing / talent management -Work allocation -Hiring (capacity and expertise) -Performance evaluation -Work allocation -Hiring (capacity and expertise) -Performance evaluation Risk management / governance -Policy compliance -Conflict checking 3 Matter Profiling Decisions • • • • • Which matters When to do it Which metadata Who does it How to do it 4 Case Study #1: White & Case • One of the world’s largest law firms – 1,900+ lawyers in 38 offices in 26 countries practicing in 17+ languages – About 65% of lawyers are outside of the U.S. • Emphasis on global footprint as competitive advantage – Seamless global integration, and “One Firm” approach, is a high priority 5 Case Study #1: White & Case • Strong commitment to Knowledge Management • Chief Knowledge Officer (Oz Benamram) • Knowledge Department includes – Professional Support (over 30 Professional Support Lawyers globally) – Library and Research – Information Governance and Records Management – Conflicts and New Business – Knowledge Systems (Intranet, Search) 6 Case Study #1: White & Case Matter Phases CONFLICT CHECK PITCH MATTER OPEN WORKING PHASE MATTER MATTER RESOLUTION ADMINISTRATIVE CLOSE Supported Processes PITCHING PRICING, PROFITABILITY, REPORTING EXPERTISE, STAFFING LOCATING MATERIALS MANAGING RELATIONSHIPS 7 Case Study #1: White & Case 8 Case Study #1: White & Case Suggested Enhancements Suggested Enhancements New Business Intake system modernization including integration with InterAction for client/party information: Create a single comprehensive global approach for managing final document collections to improve client service, records retention, reduce risk and create a searchable repository of prior work product for knowledge and other purposes. Admin Closing CON Conflict Check CRM REC Suggested Enhancements Integrate Marketing pitch information into the Matter lifecycle so that the information gathered during this phase is fed into other systems and exposed for future use. Suggested Enhancements A process to collect substantive legal lessons learned is implemented for each matter and integrated into the Matter Profile Matter Page Matter Resolution CON *Optional CRM MPS Matter Profiling establishes processes by which lawyers familiar with matters would describe and profile substantially all matters, and update those descriptions and profile values at key points during the matter lifecycle. Managing Clerk will docket relevant litigation materials and augment information within Connect matter pages as cases progress. DMS PPM Suggested Enhancements Matter Workspaces on Connect aggregate information from various data sources into one place to give Attorneys an easy way to locate all of the needed client and matter information when it is relevant to them. Pitch Suggested Enhancements DOC Work Phase CRM DMS MPS FIN CON Matter Opening DMS CRM MPS FIN Client Numbering Schema: Eliminate silos of information about our clients by developing consistent global procedures that result in a single client number for all representations for any particular client going forward. 9 Case Study #1: White & Case • New Business Intake Process – Selection of Matter Practice and “Type of Service” – Questions limited to those needed to initiate matter • LegalKey > Elite > Matter Profiling System (Experience Manager) > Enterprise Search • “Day 2” (in process) – Currently, Marketing team and, increasingly, PSLs, update matter information for selected matters – Marketing has a Matter Profiling Team that proactively updates matter information – In future, we hope to automate “trigger” points and include workflow to get lawyer input 10 Case Study #1: White & Case • Closing – On-Line Transaction Closing Questionnaires are available for each Practice – We have a new centralized Electronic Closing Binder process, and when a closing binder is received we notify the PSLs, Marketing and specifically the Matter Profiling team so that matter information can be reviewed and updated 11 Case Study #2: Reed Smith • Background on the firm • Business reasons for matter profiling 12 Why upgrade? • Create an experience that is more inviting – an experience that encourages the profiling of matters • Introduce key functionality that will “bring back” lawyers who found it too restrictive • Offer a step-by-step process (wizard), but also allow users to enter information in a non-linear manner • Gamify process – Enhance leaderboard functionality and include more progress touchpoints 13 Old MPT No ability to browse for a specific matter Only one Area of Law per matter The Matter Profiling Tool launched January 19, 2012. Since then, 2,577 matters have been profiled by Reed Smith attorneys. 14 Old MPT Matters Profiled in 2012: 1479 Lengthy Entry Form; no sense of progress Matters Profiled in 2013 (YTD): 1098 2013 Projection with release of MPT 2.0: 2233 15 You Are Here! (Step user thru process) TREND Number of Matters Profiled: Most important question is first 4Q2012: 325 1Q2013: 442 2Q2013: 487 Ability to define multiple AOL codes for single matter Projections: 3Q2013: 718 4Q2013: 586 16 Are we there yet? Prominent display of most encouraged functions 17 What does “My World” look like? Visual indication of completeness The Differentiator Leaderboard by Practice or Firm “ There is no question the ability to search the information archived in MPT has helped us win significant new client work and improve our rankings in key industry directories including Legal 500, Chambers and The American Lawyer. " ~ Dave Egan, Chief Marketing Officer 18 Promotional Efforts Promote top profiles and top PGs on our intranet 19 Promotional Efforts • Emails come from senior person • Direct link to matters ready to be profiled • Inclusion of ranking… 20 Results 21 Case Study #3: Cisco Systems Cisco Legal Global Center of Excellence (gCOE) A team within Cisco Legal specializing in providing Legal Services to other Cisco functions and to the Legal colleagues with high efficiency and effectiveness Launched Nov.1, 2010 as pilot Structured globally for the “follow the sun” model 60%+ productivity increase YoY, 3 years in a row Nearly 5000 legal matters handled a quarter (as of October 2013) 350 4.92 4.93 4.93 4.96 4.96 300 5.00 4.80 250 4.60 200 308 150 100 50 126 142 180 4.40 221 0 4.20 4.00 FY2013 Q1 FY2013 Q2 FY2013 Q3 FY2013 Q4 FY2014 Q1 Customer Sat # Matters Per Negotiator # Negotiators 22 Legal Matter Case Study #3: Cisco Systems 23 Case Study #3: Cisco Systems Legal Matter Selling: in Scope /out of Scope 24 Case Study #3: Cisco Systems Legal Matter Selling: in Scope /out of Scope Ad Hoc 25 Case Study #3: Cisco Systems Selling: in Scope /out of Scope Legal Matter Portals for Non-Legal Portal for Legal 26 Case Study #3: Cisco Systems Selling: in Scope /out of Scope Legal Matter Portals for Non-Legal Portal for Legal 27 Case Study #3: Cisco Systems Staffing: Work Allocation Legal Matter Portals for Non-Legal Portal for Legal Specialization based on: (i) request type Specialized Expertise Required? (ii) Area of Expertise and/or Layer of Expertise (see next slide) 28 Case Study #3: Cisco Systems Staffing: Work Allocation 29 Case Study #3: Cisco Systems Staffing: Work Allocation Manually routed Auto-routed Portals for Non-Legal SME Legal Matter Yes Portal for Legal Specialized Expertise Required? No Scheduled/ gCOE owned Auto-routed 30 Case Study #3: Cisco Systems Service Delivery: Efficiency and Effectiveness Manually routed Auto-routed Portals for Non-Legal SME Legal Matter Yes Portal for Legal Specialized Expertise Required? No Based on: (i) Process (ii) Knowledge Management tools (see next slide) (iii) IT tools Scheduled/ gCOE owned Auto-routed 31 Case Study #3: Cisco Systems Service Delivery: Efficiency and Effectiveness 32 Case Study #3: Cisco Systems Service Delivery: Efficiency and Effectiveness 33 Case Study #3: Cisco Systems Management: Work Progress Manually routed Auto-routed Portals for Non-Legal SME Legal Matter Yes Portal for Legal Based on (including but not limited to): (i) Dashboards and Reports Specialized Expertise Required? No Scheduled/ gCOE owned Auto-routed 34 Case Study #3: Cisco Systems Management: Work Progress INC000028422 656 INC000028435 692 Customer Name/Legal Support for WebEx 7 – Completed input into Knowledge Layer 4 Management tool (mandatory) 7 - Completed input into Knowledge Management Layer 3 tool (optional) 3 - Handle communication with minor and Layer 2 immaterial modifications to the agreement Customer Name/Legal Support for WebEx Customer Name//renewal/Legal Support for INC000028464 WebEx 857 INC000028491 Customer Name//Legal Support for WebEx Layer 4 5 - Sent for Cisco approval and signature 946 Customer Name//Terms and Conditions/Legal 4 - Negotiate agreement – involving addressing INC000028511 Support for WebEx case has been created Layer 4 requests for material changes 946 Customer Name/Legal Support for WebEx case 3 - Handle communication with minor and INC000028535 has been created Layer 2 immaterial modifications to the agreement 382 1 - Determine strategy and agreement for the INC000028554 Customer Name//Legal Support for WebEx Layer 1 request 229 Customer Name//Settlement Agreement and INC000028555 General Release/Legal Support for WebEx Layer 3 2 - Draft and send out agreement 199 Customer Name//Terms and Conditions/Legal INC000028568 Support for WebEx Layer 3 2 - Draft and send out agreement 593 1 - Determine strategy and agreement for the INC000028617 Customer Name//Legal Support for WebEx Layer 2 request 135 35 Case Study #3: Cisco Systems Management: Work Progress 36 Case Study #3: Cisco Systems Management: Individual Performance Evaluation Manually routed Auto-routed Portals for Non-Legal SME Legal Matter Yes Portal for Legal Specialized Expertise Required? Based on (including but not limited to): Productivity = # of transactions * complexity No Scheduled/ gCOE owned Auto-routed 37 Case Study #3: Cisco Systems Management: Individual Performance Evaluation Matter Complexity Matrix Type of Request Q3 FY12 Q4 FY12 Q1 FY13 Q2 FY13 Q3 FY13 Q4 FY13 Q1 FY14 Channel Other 6 6 6 6 6 6 1.85 Channel Renewal 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Drafting 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ECLM and VAP 3 2.8 2.8 2.6 2.6 2.5 2.5 EOL 5 5 IronPort IronPort Transaction Support Misc NDA Public Sector Search WebEx WebEx Name Change 4 4 4 4 1 2 1 1.85 4 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 4 1 2 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 1 2 1 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 38 Case Study #3: Cisco Systems Management: Individual Performance Evaluation 900 800 700 600 Std. dev 500 Average 400 Minimum 300 Max 200 100 0 FY2012 Q4 FY2013 Q1 FY2013 Q2 900 900 800 800 700 700 600 600 500 500 400 400 300 300 FY2013 Q3 FY2013 Q4 200 200 100 100 0 0 FY2012 Q4 FY2013 Q1 FY2013 Q2 FY2013 Q3 FY2013 Q4 FY2012 Q4 FY2013 Q1 FY2013 Q2 FY2013 Q3 FY2013 Q4 39 Case Study #3: Cisco Systems Marketing and Funding: Business Case and Investment Manually routed Auto-routed Portals for Non-Legal SME • Cost per transaction Legal Matter Yes Portal for Legal Based on (including but not limited to): Specialized Expertise Required? No Scheduled/ gCOE owned Auto-routed 40 Case Study #3: Cisco Systems Marketing and Funding: Business Case and Investment Cost Reduction over five quarters: 54% 350 Channel Other 300 Channel Renewal, EOL 250 Drafting ECLM and VAP 200 NDA, IOT 150 Public Sector, Misc IronPort, WebEx 100 Search 50 WebEx Name Change 0 FY2013 Q1 FY2013 Q2 FY2013 Q3 FY2013 Q4 FY2014 Q1 41 Thank you • • • • Tom Baldwin – Chris Boyd – Phil Bryce – Tanya Vasilev – 42