"Punk Farm" shared reading plan

5-Day Shared Reading Lesson Plan
By: Shelby MacDonell Date: September 18th, 2014
Grade 1: Punk Farm by Jarrett J. Krosoczka
Lesson Description: In this 5-day shared reading plan, the class will read “Punk Farm” by Jarrett J.
Krosoczka and practice: predicting the outcome of the story though a picture walk, sing the song
“Old Macdonald” from the book and recognizing different versions of the song, and identifying
different instruments and exploring the sounds they make.
Time frame: 10-20 min per day
Book Title: Punk Farm By Jarrett J. Krosoczka
Overview: In this picture book, Farmer Joe works on a farm with a variety of animals. At the end of
the day Farmer Joe is tired and heads home for bed, but little does he know his animals are getting
ready for their big concert. The animals rehearse and tune their instruments. Oh no! They see the
farmers light turn on! Is that the farmer coming to check on them? Not tonight, as the lights go off
and the band finishes rehearsing before going on stage in front of a big crowd. Punk Farm performs
their song “Old Macdonald” for their fans and everyone goes wild. The next morning Farmer Joe
heads to the barn for a big day at work and doesn’t suspect a thing!
Rationale Supporting Choice: This book is a story that incorporates animals that live on the farm,
which can teach students about the sounds they make along with what they produce (I.e. Cow
produces milk, Chickens lay eggs). This book also incorporates music into the lesson, as the farm
animal band sings the classic “Old Macdonald”, which is a great incorporation of cross-curricular
Ontario Curricular Overall Expectations (Reading):
1. Read and demonstrate an understanding of a variety of literary, graphic, and informational texts,
using a range of strategies to construct meaning.
Ontario Curricular Specific Expectations:
1.3: identify a few reading comprehension strategies and use them before, during and after reading
to understand texts, initially support them with direction.
1.4: demonstrate an understanding of a text by retelling the story or reinstating information from the
text, including the main idea.
1.5: use stated and implied information and ideas and texts, initially with support and direction, to
make simple inferences and reasonable predictions about them.
Materials: (the book and…)
Smart Board/White Board (To write lyrics, thoughts, etc.)
YouTube Videos/Tracks (On Smart Board)
Snare Drum
Bongo Drums
Jingle Bells
Wood Blocks
Day 1:
Learning Goal: Today we will learn how to predict what will happen in the story by looking at the
illustrations of the story (Picture Walk).
Success Criteria: I can use the title, cover photo and illustrations within the book to predict what will
happen in the story.
What teachers say/do
What students do/say
Before: Motivational Hook/engagement/introduction (Minds On)
*Clap, Clap, Clap Clap Clap*
“One, two three, eyes on me. Everyone gather
on the carpet. Today we are going to be reading
a new book (Show cover).
Can anyone tell me what these animals are?”
“What are these animals doing?”
“What kind of music do you think they are
“Boys and girls this book is called “Punk Farm”,
do you all think we will find out the type of music
they might play?”
Students will repeat the clapping rhythm of the
“ I know what that one is! It’s a Cow! That one
singing is a sheep!”
“The sheep is singing, the pig is playing a guitar;
making music.”
“I think they are singing Rock and Roll. I think
they are singing something that a band sings.”
Students brainstorm options.
During: Working on it/action
“What does a farmer do on a farm?”
“Farmers take care of the animals”
“Do you know the types of instruments the
animals are playing?”
Students name instruments like guitars, drums,
piano, bass.
“Are these instruments (picking a specific
instrument) loud or soft? What sounds do they
make? Is it fast or slow music?”
“Loud, soft, squeaky, fast, slow.”
“Do any of you play instruments? If so, which
ones do you play?”
(I play the piano...explain experience).
Allow students to share what instruments they
play, if any.
“Other animals that live on the farm. Farmer Joe”
“Who might come to the concert?”
“Yes! No!”
“Do you think Farmer Joe will catch the animals
After: Consolidation (reflect and connect)
“Did you think the animals sang a good song?
Did you recognize the song?”
“How was the animals version of “Old
Macdonald” different from the one you are
familiar with?”
“Yes! Old Macdonald had a farm!”
“It was faster! The words were different in some
parts of the song”
“Can we all together sing “Old Macdonald” the
way we know?”
Follow teacher in singing “Old Macdonald”
Begin singing “Old Macdonald”
Day 2:
Learning Goal: Today we will learn about how a familiar song we learned in the story can sound
different when sung in a different genre.
Success Criteria: We will recognize different beats, tempos, rhythms and singing styles in various
versions of “Old Macdonald”.
What teachers say/do
What students do/say
Before: Motivational Hook/engagement/introduction (Minds On)
*Clap. Clap. Clap Clap Clap*
Students repeat clapping the rhythm of the
“One, two, three, eyes on me. Everyone please
join me on the carpet.”
Students gather on the carpet to listen to the
“Can anyone remember what the animals were
doing in the story?”
“They were playing music.”
“Playing music in a band.”
“Singing Old Macdonald”.”
“Lets re-read the book to refresh our memory.”
During: Working on it/action
“Why do you think the farmer did not hear the
animals playing music in the barn?”
“What do you think he might have done?”
“Do you remember what the song is called that
the animals were singing?”
“Because he was sleeping”
“They were playing the music quietly so he didn’t
hear it”
“Maybe he would be mad. Maybe he would enjoy
the concert.”
“Old Macdonald!”
After: Consolidation (reflect and connect)
“We sang the song “Old Macdonald’ yesterday.
Do you remember how we sang it?”
“We sang it normally”
“Today I will be introducing some new versions
of “Old MacDonald”.” (Play different versions for
Students listen to new versions of “Old
students from YouTube).
“Who can tell me what is different about version
#1? Version #2? Version #3?
“They are fast, slow, happy, sad, loud, soft, etc.”
“What was your favourite version of “Old
“The original, the fast one, the slow one, country,
hip-hop, etc.”
“How did this version make you feel? How do
you think the animals feel?”
“Happy, sad, excited, bored, etc.”
“Faster, slower, different instruments, softer,
“How was it different from the original version?”
harder, etc.”
Day 3:
Learning Goal: Today we will learn the sounds that the different instruments make, just like the
ones the animals used in the story.
Success Criteria: We will recognize that different instruments produce different sounds, beats and
tempos while exploring these instruments in groups.
What teachers say/do
What students do/say
Before: Motivational Hook/engagement/introduction/ (Minds On)
*Clap, Clap, Clap Clap Clap*
Students will repeat the clapping rhythm of the
“One, two three, eyes on me. Everyone gather
on the carpet.”
Students gather as a class on the carpet
“Who can tell me what happened in the story?”
(Have students explain important points of the
story, write on chalk board/ chart paper).
“Who can tell me what is different about the song
the animals sang compared to the version we all
know? Why was it different?”
“Today we are going to split into groups of three.
Each group will visit one centre and explore the
instruments at that centre.”
During: Working on it/action
During this time, the students will be broken up
into groups of three to go and explore the
instruments at their designated station. Here, the
teacher will be able to facilitate and guide the
independent learning occurring throughout each
Musical station #1 will include various drums
“Animals formed a band, played “Old
MacDonald” for their fans…etc.”
“It was a different version/genre of the song. It
was fast/slow, softer/harder, etc.”
Students broken up into groups of three in where
they will visit each centre.
Students will be broken up into three different
groups and sent to their designated station. Each
station will contain a different instrument for the
group to explore. Children may not understand
how the instruments work so it is important to
introduce and demonstrate use of each
including the bongos, and snare drums.
As students explore the instruments, they will
Musical station #2 will include percussion
become more comfortable and create beats and
instruments including the triangle, jingle bells and rhythm with the children in their group.
Musical station #3 will include wood instruments
including claves, maracas and wood blocks.
The teacher will sit in with each group to engage
the students by introducing each instrument and
demonstrating the appropriate way it is used.
The teacher can guide the students learning by
posing questions to students including:
“How does that sound? Do you think it is similar
to the instruments the animals played in the
After: Consolidation (reflect and connect)
Bringing the students back into a group on the
carpet, discuss how the instruments are
connected to the story.
“What sounds did the instruments make?”
“Were the instruments you explored similar or
different than instruments that are shown in the
“Did you learn anything from the students in your
Students reflect on their experience that they had
with the peers in their group. Students will share
their experience they had with the instrument
that they explored with the rest of the class and
participate in the discussion of how these
instruments are similar or different compared to
the instruments in the book.
Day 4:
Learning Goal: Today we will continue to explore the different instruments at each centre with our
peers in groups.
Summary of Strategies and Activities:
The day will repeat as each group moves to a different music station to explore the different types of
instruments. The teacher will have to visit each group to demonstrate how each instrument is used,
and facilitate the students learning through posing questions that will allow the students to lead the
Day 5:
Learning Goal: Today we will continue to explore the different instruments at each centre with our
peers in groups.
Summary of Strategies and Activities:
The day will repeat as each group moves to a different music station to explore the different types of
instruments. The teacher will have to visit each group to demonstrate how each instrument is used,
and facilitate the students learning through posing questions that will allow the students to lead the
learning. The teacher will then bring students back to the carpet to conclude what the students
learned by playing the instruments, which can lead to a closing discussion of what their overall
experience was and if they enjoyed it.