Civil Rights Cause and Effect Worksheet

Civil Rights - Cause and Effect
Write the number to the “cause” in the blank beside the “effect”
When one event causes another to happen.
The cause is WHYit happens. The effectis WHAT
1. Martin Luther King led a bus boycott of
buses in Montgomery, Alabama.
2. The Albany movement involved several civil
rights organizations whose goal was to end
ALL types of segregation in the city.
3. Linda Brown had to walk a mile to her
“black” school and her parents thought it was
unfair since they lived so near a “white”
4. Martin Luther King Jr.’s strategy of peaceful
protest was adopted by a group of college
5. The Federal Court ruled in 1946 to end
Georgia’s white primary.
6. Georgia legislators showed their feelings
about school integration.
7. Eugene Talmadge died before taking office
of governor for a fourth term.
8. Lester Maddox refused to serve African
Americans in his Atlanta Restaurant.
9. In August 1963, more than 250,000 people
marched on Washington, D.C. to demand
equal rights for African American citizens.
10. Lester Maddox was elected governor of
Georgia from 1967 to 1971.
11. Richard B. Russell and 18 other Democratic
senators organized a 75-day filibuster to stop
the Civil Rights Act.
12. Andrew Young worked with Martin Luther
King in an effort to secure civil rights.
13. Atlanta’s population changed to a black
14. Brown vs. Board of Education ruled in
favor of integration of schools.
_____Melvin Thompson was declared the
legal governor following the “three governor’s
_____This ensured that African Americans had
a real voce in the state’s voting process.
_____Students organized the SNCC (Student
Non-Violent Coordinating Committee) in 1960.
_____The state flag of 1956 included the
Confederate battle flag.
_____Segregation of buses was stopped in
Montgomery, Alabama.
_____Martin Luther King gave his famous “I
Have a Dream” speech.
_____Brown vs. Board of Education ruled in
favor of integration of schools.
_____The Civil Rights Act was passed in spite
of the filibuster.
_____Martin Luther King said that protests in
Albany tried to do too many things instead of
focusing on one facet of segregation.
_____Maynard Jackson was elected mayor in
1973 of Atlanta.
_____Charlayne Hunter and Hamilton Holmes
enroll in the University of Georgia.
_____Andrew Young was elected mayor of
Atlanta following Maynard Jackson and helped
bring the Olympic Games to Atlanta in 1996.
_____This governor put more African
Americans into government jobs than ever
before – much to the surprise of the public.
_____Lester Maddox closed his restaurant
instead of obeying the Civil Rights law.
M. Noyes – 1/16