Summary of Chapter I: Biology is one of the life science, comes from Greek words, “bios"(life) and "logos"(reason). There are some branches of biology namely: Zoology the study of animals, Botany the study of plants, Microbiology the study of microorganism, Taxonomy the study of naming and classifying organisms, Genetics the study of heredity and variation. Studying biology is important because it is a science that will help you think critically, make informed choices, solve problems, and know the boundaries of science. Life is a distinctive characteristic of a living organism from dead organism or non-living thing, as specifically distinguished by the capacity to grow, metabolize, respond (to stimuli), adapt, and reproduce. Characteristics of life: Movement, Adaptation, Irritability, Growth and Development, and Reproduction. a.) Movement. Moving from one place to another through locomotive structures like flagella, cilia, pseudopods, setae, etc. b.) Adaptation. Ability to adjust to the environment for protection, survival, food-getting. c.) Irritability. Ability to respond to stimulus/stimuli. d.) Growth and Development 1.) Growth-changes in size or appearance. 2.) Development-changes from beginning to maturity. e.) Reproduction. Ability to produce offspring through. 1.) Sexual Reproduction-two parents give rise to offspring. 2.) Asexual Reproduction-only one parent gives rise to offspring. This are the Differences of plants and animals: PLANTS ANIMALS Plants generally are rooted in one place an do not move on their own Most animals have the ability to move fairly freely. Plants contain chlorophyl and can make their own food Animals cannot make their own food and are dependent on plants and other animals for food. Plants give off oxygen and take in carbon dioxide given off by animals. Animals give off carbon dioxide which plants need to make food and take in oxygen which they need to breathe. Plants cells have cell walls and other structures differ from those of animals. Animal cells do not have cell walls and have different structures than plant cells Plants have either no or very basic ability to sense. Animals have a much more highly develped sensory and nervous system. Scientific Method. It is a process for experimentation that is used to explore observations and answer questions and it is used to search for cause and effect relationships in nature. Explanation: The Scientific Method 1. A scientific observation leads to a question 2. That question leads to research and the construction of a hypothesis 3. That hypothesis is tested using an experiment, which includes a. Materials b. Procedure I. Variable (what is being tested) II. Control (what it is being tested against—must be equal to variable) 4. Results are recorded and analyzed 5. Conclusions are drawn, and most importantly, 6. The process is repeated. Diagram of the steps in scientific method Tools Commonly used in Biology a.) Dissection tools is used by biologist to cut and dissect flesh, it is made of stainless, which rust and which remains sharp and efficient. b.) Microscope to view and examine the smallest microorganism. c.) Centrifuge it is used to separate materials of different densities in a liquid. d.) Computers it is used to store all gathered data and can perform manipulation and computation. e.) Labs Wares these are the common accessories in the laboratory to perform experiments. Scientific Attitude 1. Beliefs. A scientist believes that everything happens in this world thas a cause of reason. 2. Curiosity. A scientist show interest and pays particular attentions to objects or events. 3. Inventiveness. A scientist can generate new and original ideas. 4. Open-mindedness. A scientist listens to and respect the ideas of others. 5. Responsibility. A scientist actively participates in a task and also dutifully performs tasks assigned. Famous and Filipino Biologist 1. Louis Pasteur-he is the father of microbiology that first vaccines rabies and andanthrax. 2. Charles Darwin-he proposed that organism evolve due to adapting its environment and he was known as Father of Evolution. 3. Gregor Mendel-he demonstrate the inheretance in pea plants follows particulas patterns,he was known as Father of Genetics. 4. Eduardo Quisumbing-the father of Philippine orchidology who pioneered in the study of phil. medicinal plants. 5. Carmen Velasquez-identified numerous species of genera of parasitic worms in phil. fish, birds, and mammals. The 7 Taxa in Classifying :Kingdom, Phylum/Division, Class, Order, Family, Genus, and Species The 5 Kingdom classification of living organism: 1. Kingdom Monera-contains all organism that are composed of either one prokaryotic cell or simple association of prokaryotic cells. 2. Kingdom Protista-contains those organism that are composed of only one eukaryotic cell or a simple association of eukaryotic cells. 3. Kingdom Fungi-it is made up of decomposer and lack of chlorophyll. 4. Kingdom Plantae-is composed of autotrophs. 5. Kingdom Animalia-contains multicellular organism with eukaryotic cells and they are all heterotrophs. Taxonomy is the science of classifying organisms. Binomial nomenclature (also called binominal nomenclature or binary nomenclature) is a formal system of naming species of living things by giving each a name composed of two parts, both of which use Latin grammatical forms, although they can be based on words from other languages. In writing a scientific name the first letter of Genus name is written in capital letter and the rest are small letter, the Species name are all written in small letters. The two words must underline separately. Summary of Chapter II: Chemistry is the science of matter, especially its chemical reaction, but also its composition, structure and properties. Subdisciplines of Chemistry: Analytical, Biochemistry, Inorganic, Materials, Neurochemistry, Nuclear, Organic, Physical, Theoretical Chemistry. 1. Analytical Chemistry is the analysis of material to gain an understanding of chemical composition. 2. Biochemistry is the study of chemicals interactions that take place in living organism. 3. Inoranic Chemistry is the properties of inorganic compounds. 4. Material Chemistry is the characterization of substances with a useful function. 5. Neurochemistry is the study of neurochemicals and their reactions and the roles they play in forming maintaining, and modifying the nervous system. 6. Nuclear Chemistry is the study of subatomic particles come together and makes nuclei. 7. Organic Chemistry is the study about the organics compound. 8. Physical Chemistry is the study of the physical of chemical systems and processes. 9. Theoretical Chemistry is the study of chemistry via fundamental theoretical reasoning. Chemistry is important and somehow related to biology just because in biology there are so many essential elements that made up our body, so studying it gives us information and about chemical processes. Atom is the basic unit of chemistry and it consist of positive charge core which contains protons(positively charge) and neutrons(neutral) and which maintains a number of electron(negatively charge).