Name: _______________________________________________ Date: 09/20/13 Due Monday 09/30/13 Students will have time to work on the project in class on Thursday 9/26. This will not be enough time for them to complete the project so the rest will need to be done at home. Students can use any format (typed, handwritten, PowerPoint, Prezi, poster, etc…) to create their product. Help from parents, siblings, notebooks, textbooks, etc… is encouraged. Please read over the rubric as this is how the projects will be scored. Structure and Transformation of Matter Unit Project Option 1: Create a journal or notebook written from the view point of matter. Option 2: Create a rap song or poem about matter. Option 3: Create a preview or trailer for a movie about matter. *Examples of each option can be found on Ms. Blythe’s science web page. Students and parents should review the project options together. Decide which option will best suit you. Complete the bottom portion of this page and return to school on Monday 9/23. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me. Email is best ( but I am also available by phone (781-4544 ext. 202). _______________________________ ___________________________________ student name parent signature Please check to indicate your choice: ________ Option 1: Create a journal or notebook written from the view point of matter. ________ Option 2: Create a rap song or poem about matter. ________ Option 3: Create a preview or trailer for a movie about matter. Rubric for scoring projects: Hint: use this to help you make sure you are meeting all the requirements. 3 States of Matter Measurement Combining Matter How matter changes 4 Includes details about all 3 states of matter (solids, liquids and gases) Identifies 2 measurable properties and the tools used to measure them. Includes mixture and solution and uses them correctly Includes all 3 phase changes(melting, freezing, boing) 3 Includes details about 2 of the states of matter Identifies 2 measurable properties and the tools but has some misconceptions Includes mixture and solution but has some misconceptions Includes all 3 phase changes(melting, freezing, boing) but has some misconceptions 2 Includes details of 2-3 states but has some misconceptions Identifies only 1 measurable property and the tool used to measure it. Includes mixture OR solution and use the term correctly Includes only two of the phase changes 1 Includes details of only 1 state OR has misconceptions about all states Identifies only 1 measurable property and the tool but has some misconceptions Includes mixture OR solution but uses the term incorrectly Includes only one of the phase changes 0 Does not include any details about the states of matter Does not include any measurable properties or tools Does not use either (mixture, solution) in project Does not include phase changes.