The Holy Spirit - Midwest Theological Forum

Chapter 7: The Holy Spirit
1. Pentecost (pp. 158-161)
Free write for two minutes about what the election of St. Matthias
reveals about the role of St. Peter in the Apostolic Church.
1. Pentecost (pp. 158-161)
 What did Christ promise his Apostles?
 What was the effect of the Holy Spirit on the Apostolic Church?
 Who is the Holy Spirit?
 Christ promised to send the Holy Spirit, or Paraclete, to guide the Church
until the end of time.
 The Church began her public ministry on the day of Pentecost when the
Holy Spirit descended upon the Apostles, enabling them to preach Christ
 The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity who proceeds
from the Father and the Son and who spoke through the prophets.
1. Pentecost (pp. 158-161)
As they waited for the Holy Spirit, what physical fears did the
Apostles experience?
They were afraid they would be arrested or prosecuted like Christ had
As they waited for the Holy Spirit, what spiritual anxieties did the
Apostles experience?
They did not know when the Holy Spirit would arrive or what he would
be like.
1. Pentecost (pp. 158-161)
As they waited for the Holy Spirit, what questions did Apostles
likely have?
What should they do? How should they do it? How could they do it?
As they waited for the Holy Spirit, what positive things did the
Apostles do?
They prayed, supported one another, and elected a replacement for Judas
1. Pentecost (pp. 158-161)
What did Christ promise would happen when the Holy Spirit
The Apostles would understand all that they had experienced with Christ,
know what they would have to do, and be empowered to do it.
Who is the Holy Spirit?
The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, who had
spoken through the prophets.
1. Pentecost (pp. 158-161)
When did Christ promise the Holy Spirit?
He promised the Holy Spirit at the Last Supper and again just before his
Most simply stated, what would the Holy Spirit do for the Church?
He would guide her.
How long will the Holy Spirit aid the Church?
He will do so until the end of time.
1. Pentecost (pp. 158-161)
Work with a partner to complete the following table about the Holy
Spirit’s role in the Church and her members.
1. Pentecost (pp. 158-161)
1. Pentecost (pp. 158-161)
Think/Pair/Share using the following question:
 What metaphors did St. Luke use to describe the Descent of the Holy
1. Pentecost (pp. 158-161)
Why did the Apostles and other disciples return to Jerusalem after
Christ’s Ascension?
Christ had told them to go there to wait for the arrival of the Holy Spirit.
Where did the Apostolic Church assemble?
They gathered in the same Upper Room where Christ had celebrated the
Last Supper.
Who was with the Apostles?
The Blessed Virgin Mary and other disciples were with them.
1. Pentecost (pp. 158-161)
What is the origin of the word Pentecost?
It comes from the Greek word for “fifty” because the feast took place
fifty days after Passover. Extension: The Hebrew Shauvot is derived from
the word for “weeks.”
How was Jerusalem during Shauvot?
It was flooded with Jewish pilgrims.
How does Pentecost relate to a prophecy of St. John the Baptist?
He said Christ would baptize “with the Holy Spirit and with fire,” and on
that day the Holy Spirit came down as tongues of fire.
1. Pentecost (pp. 158-161)
What did the Apostles do after they had received the Holy Spirit?
They went out into the streets for the first time since Christ’s arrest to
proclaim boldly the Word of God.
What was miraculous about the Apostles’ original preaching?
Everyone heard them speak in his or her own language.
1. Pentecost (pp. 158-161)
What was the effect of St. Peter’s first sermon?
The Apostles baptized some 3000 people that day.
In what sense was Pentecost the birthday of the Church?
The day of Pentecost marked the beginning of the Church’s public
ministry in the world.
1. Pentecost (pp. 158-161)
Why is the Holy Spirit called “Lord”?
He is God.
Why is the Holy Spirit called the “Giver of Life”?
Grace, a gift of the Holy Spirit, is what gives life to people’s souls.
How does the Holy Spirit “proceed”?
He is the Love that proceeds from both the Father and the Son.
1. Pentecost (pp. 158-161)
Why is the Holy Spirit worshiped and glorified?
He is one of the three Persons of the Blessed Trinity, who alone deserves
to be worshiped.
What did the Holy Spirit “speak” through the prophets of the Old
Testament and St. John the Baptist?
The Holy Spirit called the People of God to repentance and announced,
in stages, God’s plan of redemption.
1. Pentecost (pp. 158-161)
In the year 381, what did the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed
teach about the Holy Spirit’s procession?
He proceeds “from the Father.”
In the year 589, why did the Council of Toledo add to the NicenoConstantinopolitan Creed about the Holy Spirit’s procession?
The Council Fathers were fighting the Arian heresy, which claimed that
Jesus is not God. This phrase clarified the Church’s faith that the Holy
Spirit proceeded from both the Father and the Son.
1. Pentecost (pp. 158-161)
What was the Great Schism?
It was the separation between the Eastern Orthodox Churches and the
Catholic Church.
How did the Filioque contribute to the Great Schism?
The Greek-speaking Church generally rejected this insertion, which
became a major sticking point in East-West relations over papal authority.
1. Pentecost (pp. 158-161)
Study Questions 1-5 (p. 173)
Practical Exercise 3 (p. 174)
Workbook Questions 1-7
Read “The Mission of the Holy Spirit” through the sidebar “Prayer to
the Holy Spirit” (pp. 162-165)
1. Pentecost (pp. 158-161)
Write a paragraph answering the following question:
 Who is the Holy Spirit, and what did he do for the early Church?
1. Pentecost (pp. 158-161)
Free write for five minutes about whether you have ever experienced the
help of the Holy Spirit and what it was like. If you think you have never
had this help, write about how you might recognize it. (This will not be
handed in or seen by anyone else.)
2. The Mission of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 162-165)
Incorporate the “Prayer to the Holy Spirit” (p. 165) into the
Opening Prayer.
2. The Mission of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 162-165)
 What is the mission of the Holy Spirit?
 What effect does the Holy Spirit have on the faithful?
 The mission of the Holy Spirit is to help people see the presence of
God in the world and who they are as children of God.
 The Holy Spirit makes it possible to become holy.
2. The Mission of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 162-165)
Based on the paragraph “From the very beginning . . .” (p. 162), free
write for five minutes about what you think is the greatest role the Holy
Spirit plays in salvation history and why.
2. The Mission of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 162-165)
What two basic gifts does the Holy Spirit bestow on a follower of Christ?
The Holy Spirit helps him or her (1) to recognize the presence of God in the
world and (2) to see who he or she is as a child of God.
What does the Holy Spirit help each person to see about him- or herself ?
He or she is a sinner in need of redemption.
In what ways can a person be confident he or she has received the grace of
the Holy Spirit?
One can receive the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation.
2. The Mission of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 162-165)
Based on the sidebar “Symbols of the Holy Spirit” (p. 163), summarize in
your own words what the various images of the Holy Spirit symbolize.
2. The Mission of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 162-165)
2. The Mission of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 162-165)
Free write for five minutes about which of the ways the Holy Spirit is
active and present today (pp. 163-164) is the easiest for you to cooperate
with and which is the hardest.
2. The Mission of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 162-165)
What does the Holy Spirit do for prayers, sacrifices, gifts, and good
He elevates them, making them holy, pleasing, and acceptable to God the Father.
What does the Holy Spirit do for the bread and wine offered in the Mass?
He makes them holy so they might become the Body and Blood of Christ.
What three kinds of help does the Holy Spirit give?
He gives the theological virtues, the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and the fruits of the
Holy Spirit.
2. The Mission of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 162-165)
What does baptism do for human nature?
It elevates human nature to the supernatural order, meaning it gives the recipient access
to divine assistance.
What are the theological virtues?
They are faith, hope, and charity (love).
Are the theological virtues acts?
No, they are habits that abide in the soul. Extension: The theological virtues make
supernaturally virtuous acts possible, but they do not cause them. These virtues can lie
dormant if a person does not act according to them.
What is the effect of acting according to the theological virtues?
A person can grow in virtue and give him- or herself more completely to God and
2. The Mission of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 162-165)
Study Questions 6-11 (p. 173)
Practical Exercise 4 (p. 174)
Workbook Questions 8-12
Read “Gifts of the Holy Spirit” through “Conclusion” (pp. 165-170)
2. The Mission of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 162-165)
 Write a paragraph relating the theological virtues to the
mission of the Holy Spirit.
2. The Mission of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 162-165)
Search the Internet for an artistic representation of the Holy
Spirit and free write for five minutes on the artist’s use of
symbolism to depict this invisible reality.
3. Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 165-170)
St. Paul names charity, or love, as the highest gift God gives. Free write
for two minutes about what in 1 Corinthians 13 you find most
3. Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 165-170)
 What are the gifts of the Holy Spirit?
 What are the fruits of the Holy Spirit?
 What are the charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit?
 The gifts of the Holy Spirit are the supernatural habits of wisdom, understanding,
counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord.
 The fruits of the Holy Spirit are supernatural acts that flow from the gifts of the
Holy Spirit and include love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness,
gentleness, self-control, modesty, chastity, and goodness.
 The charismatic gifts of the Holy Spirit are extraordinary graces God gives to
members of the Church for their own benefit or for the common good of the
3. Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 165-170)
This prayer (p. 165) is based on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Free write
for five minutes about the gift of the Holy Spirit you think is the most
important in your life and why.
3. Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 165-170)
What is the nature of the gifts of the Holy Spirit?
They are supernatural habits infused into the soul.
What are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit?
They are wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and
fear of the Lord.
What is necessary for the gifts of the Holy Spirit to be operative in a
Christian’s life?
He or she must follow Christ sincerely.
3. Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 165-170)
How can a person obtain more grace to live better the theological
virtues and gifts of the Holy Spirit?
He or she can receive the Sacraments frequently, especially Penance and
the Eucharist.
How does the principle “grace builds on nature” apply to holiness
of life?
Natural human disposition and free will must be engaged in order to
make use of the grace received from God.
3. Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 165-170)
Mini-lecture on an infused supernatural virtue.
3. Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 165-170)
What is wisdom?
It is the ability to judge experiences correctly.
What standards should be used to judge between right and wrong?
The objective moral truth should be used, which was given by Christ and
is taught by the Church.
3. Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 165-170)
Why is wisdom based on love for God?
Unless a person loves God above all things, he or she will not want to
judge things according to his mind. Extension: If a person wants to do
something objectively wrong and loves it more than God, he or she will
not want to consider what God thinks about it.
3. Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 165-170)
What is understanding?
Understanding refers to perceiving the divine truth revealed by God.
What is counsel?
Counsel helps to make decisions based on the will of God.
What does fortitude do?
It gives strength and courage to endure long and trying difficulties to
complete the tasks one has undertaken in the service of God.
3. Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 165-170)
What is knowledge?
Knowledge enables a person to use created things wisely, detached from
What is piety?
Piety teaches people they are children of God and brothers and sisters of
all people, truths that determine the way they act toward both.
What is fear of the Lord?
It is the sense of awe or reverence toward God that makes a person detest
sin and have a humble and adoring attitude toward God.
3. Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 165-170)
What are the fruits of the Holy Spirit?
They are the supernatural acts, or works, that flow joyfully from the gifts
of the Holy Spirit.
What are the traditional fruits of the Holy Spirit?
They are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness,
gentleness, self-control, modesty, chastity, and goodness.
3. Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 165-170)
What is the fruit of love?
It is easily loving God and neighbor as Christ loves.
What is the fruit of joy?
It is the inner spirit of happiness that remains in spite of troubles and tragedy.
What is the fruit of peace?
It is the awareness of God’s indwelling presence.
What is the fruit of patience?
It is the ability to wait for the good things God wishes to give.
3. Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 165-170)
What is the fruit of kindness?
It is easily treating every person well as a consequence of recognizing Christ in
him or her.
What is the fruit of generosity?
It is sharing the good things God has given with those in need.
What is the fruit of faithfulness?
It is keeping a true and unwavering relationship with Christ.
What is the fruit of gentleness?
It is the disposition to treat others with charity, respect, and sensitivity without
using power or intimidation.
3. Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 165-170)
What is the fruit of self-control?
It is the control of unruly passions, e.g., gluttony, drunkenness, or sins against
What is the fruit of modesty?
It is avoiding vanity in search of praise or admiration, including in the way one
What is the fruit of chastity?
It is the proper living of purity within one’s state of life.
What is the fruit of goodness?
It is constant and habitual good thoughts, words, and deeds.
3. Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 165-170)
What is required to be forgiven of any sin?
Repentance and, if the sin is mortal, reception of the Sacrament of
Penance are necessary.
What is the only unforgivable sin?
Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit is unforgiveable.
3. Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 165-170)
What is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit?
It is the complete rejection of God’s offer of salvation and the refusal of
sanctifying grace from the Holy Spirit, which makes salvation possible.
According to St. Thomas Aquinas, why is blasphemy against the
Holy Spirit unforgivable?
It excludes the elements through which the forgiveness of sin takes place.
A person who has rejected repentance, forgiveness, and redeeming grace
cannot be sorry.
3. Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 165-170)
What is a charism?
It is a specific gift or grace of the Holy Spirit that directly or indirectly
benefits the Church, given in order to help a person live the Christian life
or serve the common good in building up the Church.
What are examples of charismatic gifts?
These include healing, prophecy, interpretation of prophecies, speaking in
foreign languages (tongues), teaching, and leadership.
3. Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 165-170)
According to St. Paul, what higher gifts should be sought?
Faith, hope, and love should be sought, and love is the greatest of these.
Where do we see the charismatic gifts in the Acts of the Apostles?
They were manifested in the healings performed by the Apostles and
when they spoke in foreign languages after the descent of the Holy Spirit
at Pentecost.
3. Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 165-170)
Work with a partner to select one theological virtue, one gift of the Holy
Spirit and one fruit of the Holy Spirit that are related. Write a paragraph
explaining them in light of each other.
3. Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 165-170)
 Study Questions 12-15 (p. 173)
 Practical Exercises 1-2, 5 (p. 174)
 Workbook Questions 13-19
3. Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 165-170)
Write a paragraph summarizing the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit,
including a brief definition of each.
3. Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 165-170)
Work with a partner to create a Graphic Organizer to identify, define, and
give an example of three fruits of the Holy Spirit.
Answers may vary.
3. Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit
(pp. 165-170)