IB English 4: First Quarter (Handouts marked with * are assignments!) Monday, 8/18 Handouts: Syllabus, Parent Letter (*), Personal Superlatives (*), Poetry Study Material, Poetry Guidesheet, Shirley Counsil Analysis of Poetry, Writing to Analyze Style, “Love Calls Us…” (*); Notebook Check (*); “Lucky Seven” Guide to Annotation Homework: 1.) 2.) 5.) 2” (MIN.) Binder Print/Insert: Vocabulary Lists, Writing Process, Compare/Contrast, Argumentative Essays EE Due Wednesday, 8/20 Due THURSDAY, 8/21: Parent Signature Form; Personal Superlatives; “Love Calls Us” Find ALL devices, etc. in the poem; identify Wilbur’s intent and means through which he accomplishes it. Pygmalion test (MC) Thursday LP: 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.) Syllabus / Parent letter; Class procedures; Class website Superlative Assignment (DUE 8/21) Highlighting: Grading Policy / Late Work (Initial Schedules) Laptop: stats, handout pdfs, IB/AP Credit policy; E1/E2 IBexams Discuss the Goals: 5.0 + average score; 100% pass rate; 67-75% 5 or higher scores Listen to “Love Calls Us…” Post/Explain EE grades (50F – first; 25F – peer edit; 50S = final) Links: UF: https://catalog.ufl.edu/ugrad/current/advising/info/IB-examination-credit-info.aspx UCF: http://knightsource.sdes.ucf.edu/ib FSU: http://admissions.fsu.edu/credit/ibcredit.cfm “Love Calls Us”: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDWK0uWoM50&safe=active 3.) 4.) Tuesday, 8/19 Handouts: Student Info. Sheet, IOC Major Handout, IB E1 Comm. Major Handout, IB E2 (Drama) Major Handout Homework: See Monday: #3 EE DUE TOMORROW!; #4 DUE THURSDAY; Pygmalion test Thursday LP: 1.) WA Overview(Dec./Jan.) 2.) Check out The Great Gatsby (complete info. sheet) 3.) Laptop: Links to IBO orals pages (class site) 4.) IOC/E1/E2 Packets (Link to assessment videos on class site) 5.) Laptop: Show 2013 Exam (E1); Comp. to AP Lit. exam (IOC is similar to Q3) 6.) Time to work on Wilbur (“Love Calls Us…”) Wednesday, 8/20 Handouts: IOC Guiding Questions; Poems: “Patchwork” (*); “Black Lace Fan”/”Knight in Wood” (*); “Sequoia”/”Passed On” (*); “Lost Heritage” (*) Homework: 1.) EE DUE TODAY 2.) Parent signature, Superlatives, “Love Calls Us…” DUE TOMORROW! 3.) Pygmalion test TOMORROW! LP: 1.) Distribute/read poems (handouts) 2.) Time for Wilbur assignment (“Love Calls Us…”) Thursday, 8/21 (**Pygmalion test today!**) Handouts: 1999 Sample IB Commentaries (E1): “Lost Heritage”; IBCommColor-MarkingPoetry Homework: N/A LP: 1.) Collect parent letter, superlatives, “Love Calls Us…” 2.) TEST: Pygmalion (10 min.) 3.) TED Video: Billy Collins (9:20; 12:45 “Everyday”) https://www.ted.com/talks/billy_collins_everyday_moments_caught_in_time#t-790645 http://www.ted.com/talks/billy_collins_two_poems_about_what_dogs_think_probably 4.) Review/discuss “Love Calls Us…” 5.) “The Lost Heritage” Read 3 times, color mark, and annotate the poem Use color-marking handout; next day: 3 person groups come up with list of best motifs In your group of 3, share your markings and understandings of “The Lost Heritage.” When thinking about the poem, consider a summary(annotate): -who are the characters? -what’s the main conflict? -any additional conflicts? -is there a resolution? -what’s the setting? As a group write a comprehensive, overarching statement of -what the poem is about -the intended effect(s) the poet wants to achieve -the techniques the poet uses to achieve that effect Also consider…(go to listing of techniques to look for in poetry; find 2-3 clever ways to link 2 different moments in the poem) 6.) Read sample commentaries on “Lost Heritage” (or tomorrow) Friday, 8/22 Handouts: 0102PoemsANDSamplesAuthorSecret (*); AP-IBquoteDeviceEffect (*) Homework: Read (3X), color-mark, annotate “The Secret Life of Books” and “The Author to Her Book” ON NOTEBOOK PAPER: Complete ALL steps of QuoteDeviceEffect handout for both poems. **If you would rather use handouts, print your copies from class web site.** www.guffordsenglishclasses.weebly.com LP: 1.) IB Commentary major handout discussion/review 2.) Groups: Poetry Test (hard)/Review 3.) “Lost Heritage” samples (?)/Homework time Monday, 8/25 Handouts: CommGroupPresDirHalfPg (*); CommIntroSamples; IOCPoemPrepChecklist Homework: Read (3X), color-mark, annotate “The Black Lace Fan My Mother Gave Me”; ON NOTEBOOK PAPER: Complete ALL steps of QuoteDeviceEffect handout for both poems. **If you would rather use handouts, print your copies from class web site.** www.guffordsenglishclasses.weebly.com LP: 1.) Jigsaw/share: “The Secret Life of Books”/”The Author to Her Book”/collect homework 2.) Share intro. samples/discuss; Examine IOCPoemPrepChecklist (structure) 3.) Homework time? Tuesday, 8/26 Handouts: IOCPoetryQPanelDisc Homework: Read (3X), color-mark, annotate “The Knight in the Wood”; ON NOTEBOOK PAPER: Complete ALL steps of QuoteDeviceEffect handout for both poems. **If you would rather use handouts, print your copies from class web site.** www.guffordsenglishclasses.weebly.com LP: 1.) Jigsaw/share: “The Black Lace Fan My Mother Gave Me”/collect homework 2.) Commentary samples: “Black Lace” (class web site) 3.) IOC sample: Laptop (Sample A IOC2013) 4.) Interview portion of IOC (prose/sample Gatsby ?’s on laptop) Wednesday, 8/27 Handouts: N/A Homework: Read “Planting a Sequoia” and “Passed On”; consider each poem in context of mark schemes for IB examiners (think like a teacher/examiner). SUMMATIVE THURSDAY. LP: 1.) Jigsaw/share: “The Knight in the Wood” 2.) TED video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCg2NcGYu34 (3:15-7:54) 3.) Share/discuss mark schemes for 2013 papers (poetry): Thinking like an examiner (laptop) 4.) IB IOC PPT (laptop, packet highlighting review) Thursday, 8/28 Handouts: N/A Homework: N/A (Media center tomorrow!) LP: SUMMATIVE: Choose between COIN FLIP: “Planting a Sequoia” and “Passed On”; Read, color mark, annotate, write 500-700 word commentary on the poem. Friday, 8/29 Handouts: N/A Homework: N/A LP: 1.) Media (Chance): EE/CAS/Honor Code/WA/turnitin/etc. 2.) Time allowing: Sample intro’s (GoodIntroSamples doc.: Commentary Folder) Monday, 9/1 NO SCHOOL Tuesday, 9/2 Handouts: 2007 APLitQ1BarredHistory (*); 2006 APLitQ1Hawk (*); 2013MockIOCv1Q3 (*) Homework: Preparation for Thursday summative (Media Center) LP: 1.) Return commentaries/share samples (esp. intro.’s)/”Sequoia” samples (?) 2.) Intro. to MC Thursday (SUMMATIVE): * 2 APLitQ1’s/2APLitQ3’s per person (DIVIDED IN CLASS TODAY) * 15 minute prep. time for both partners * 6-8 minute oral (Q1) * 6-8 minute conversation (Q3) * SWITCH ROLES, complete process again * 50 points: 20 prep; 10 process; 10 peer evaluation; 10 self-evaluation 3.) Prep. time/discussion (partners) Wednesday, 9/3 Handouts: College Essay Prompts, Writing Tips (*); 2001ProseCommCharTJ (*) Homework: Summative essay (CommonApp50 points) due 9/18; annotate 2001ProseCommCharTJ by Monday, 9/8 LP: 1.) Discuss personal superlatives/writing journal responses 2.) College essays: 50 points SUMMATIVE (due 9/18) 3.) Exam P1 packet/Sister Carrie w/sample (class set) Thursday, 9/4 Handouts: N/A Homework: Summative college essay due 9/18; annotation of ProseCommCharTJ by Monday, 9/8 LP: MEDIA CENTER: SUMMATIVE IOC PRACTICE (see Tuesday, 9/2 for info.) Friday, 9/5 Handouts: Literary Theory/Criticism Homework: BRING THE GREAT GATSBY TO CLASS ON MONDAY!; Summative college essay due 9/18; annotation of ProseCommCharTJ by Monday, 9/8 LP: Video: A&E Biography (F. Scott Fitzgerald) Links: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KVB0qWLCnEo&index=1&list=PLF3yDl6JWjT9sTKcPgQX3q1dB3udmH0fK Monday, 9/8 Handouts: Gatsby background/major handout; Vectors of Character Change; Narrative Theory Homework: Summative college essay due 9/18; Print 2001TJsamples8,9 for class tomorrow! LP: 1.) Read first two pages of Gatsby background/major handout and HIGHLIGHT 2.) Gatsby PPT/notes (13Intro) 3.) Sample IOC passages (1,2) 4.) ProseCommCharTJ passage to be used in class then turned in tomorrow Tuesday, 9/9 Handouts: N/A (SEE PRINTING FOR TOMORROW) Homework: Read/Analyze preface/map/afterward in DETAIL (191-end/222; vii-xvi); Print CH. 1, 2 Quotes for TOMORROW!; Gatsby study questions due 9/25 (see site!) LP: 1.) Discuss/review 2001ProseCommCharTJ (annotations) 2.) Read/highlight/annotate samples (earned a 8, 9 on AP Lit. test) 3.) Turn in commentary passage and samples (both annotated/highlighted) 4.) Read/highlight basic intro. to literary theory (handout) Wednesday, 9/10 Handouts: Gatsby oral presentations Homework: Summative college essay due 9/18; Gatsby study questions due 9/25 (see site!); Reading test AND quotes 1,2 formative TOMORROW LP: 1.) Discussion (PPT 0809): Character and setting in Gatsby; Preface & Expl. Notes PPT (08-09) 2.) Vectors of Character Change / Narrative Theory discussion Thursday, 9/11 Handouts: N/A Homework: Summative college essay due 9/18; Gatsby study questions due 9/25 (see site!) LP: 1.) Gatsby reading formative (35 points) 2.) Chapter 1-2 Quotes formative (10 points) Friday, 9/12 Handouts: N/A Homework: Summative college essay due 9/18; Gatsby study questions due 9/25 (see site!) LP: 1.) Finish Chapter 1-2 Quotes formative (10 points) Monday, 9/15 NO SCHOOL Tuesday, 9/16 Handouts: N/A Homework: Summative college essay due 9/18; Gatsby study questions due 9/25 (see site!) LP: 1.) Group oral presentation topics 2.) Applied practice #3 Passage, MC (10 points, formative) 3.) Review chapters 1-4 (SUMMATIVE test Thursday) Wednesday, 9/17 Handouts: N/A Homework: Summative college essay due 9/18; Gatsby study questions due 9/25 (see site!) LP: 1.) Groups: Prepare for oral presentations Thursday, 9/18 Handouts: N/A Homework: Gatsby study questions due 9/25 (see site!) LP: 1.) Collect college essays 2.) Chapters 1-4, Bio. Test (Summative): 15 MINUTES 3.) Groups: Prepare for oral presentations (BEGIN TOMORROW) Friday, 9/19 Handouts: N/A Homework: Gatsby study questions due 9/25 (see site!) LP: 1.) Groups: Oral presentations (30 points formative) Monday, 9/22 Handouts: N/A Homework: Gatsby study questions due 9/25 (see site!) LP: 1.) Groups: Oral presentations (30 points formative) 2.) Chapters 5-9 discussion, review Tuesday, 9/23 Handouts: Gatsby matrix assignment (*) Homework: Gatsby study questions due 9/25 (see site!) LP: 1.) Finish group presentations 2.) PPT reviews: Characters (MAIN overview 08); Gatsby FINAL Wednesday, 9/24 Handouts: N/A Homework: Gatsby study questions due 9/25 (see site!); Quiz tomorrow (5-9) LP: 1.) Finish group presentations Thursday, 9/25 Handouts: N/A Homework: Impromptu oral responses tomorrow! LP: 1.) Collect Gatsby study questions (75 points) 2.) Chapter 5-9 Summative Friday, 9/26 Handouts: N/A Homework: Impromptu oral responses today and Monday! LP: 1.) Names, questions pulled at random: 1-2 minute oral responses Monday, 9/29 Handouts: N/A Homework: IOC passages in class tomorrow! LP: 1.) Names, questions pulled at random: 1-2 minute oral responses Tuesday, 9/30 Handouts: N/A Homework: N/A LP: 1.) IOC passages: 20 minute prep., two-person groups perform 10 minutes each. Wednesday, 10/1 Handouts: Poetry packets (*) Homework: “Greater Love” (Owen) / “Out, Out-“ (Frost) color-marking and two-sided handout due Mon. LP: 1.) Introduction to Owen, Frost (packets, video/audio clips) 2.) Sample IOC (Intro.): IBO sample A Thursday, 10/2 Handouts: N/A Homework: Prepare for group presentation/analysis; color-marking/two-sided handout due Mon., 10/6 LP: 1.) Computer lab.: research/preparation for presentations Friday, 10/3 Handouts: N/A Homework: “Greater Love” (Owen) / “Out, Out-“ (Frost) color-marking and two-sided handout due Mon. LP: 1.) Poetry packets: bio./critical overview 2.) Groups (15 min.)/schedule of assignments 3.) Video clips (intro.) Monday, 10/6 Handouts: Owen/Frost study questions (* due 10/22) Homework: “Apologia…”/”The Roads Also” (Owen) / “The Sound of the Trees”/”Design” (Frost) Color-mark, two-sided IOC poem prep. handout LP: 1.) (Owen) “Greater Love” analysis (Bio., Hist., Lit. Context; Analysis) 2.) (Frost) “Out, Out-“ analysis (Bio., Hist., Lit. Context; Analysis) Tuesday, 10/7 Handouts: Owen/Frost study questions (* due 10/22) Homework: “Disabled”/”Smile, Smile, Smile” (Owen) / “The Gift Outright”/”Provide, Provide” (Frost) Color-mark, two-sided IOC poem prep. handout LP: 1.) (Owen) “Apologia…”/”The Roads Also” analysis (Bio., Hist., Lit. Context; Analysis) 2.) (Frost) “The Sound of the Trees”/”Design” analysis (Bio., Hist., Lit. Context; Analysis) Wednesday, 10/8 Handouts: Owen/Frost study questions (* due 10/22) Homework: “Anthem for Doomed Youth”/”The Show” (Owen) / “Birches”/”Goodbye, and Keep Cold” (Frost) Color-mark, two-sided IOC poem prep. handout LP: 1.) (Owen) “Disabled”/”Smile, Smile, Smile” analysis (Bio., Hist., Lit. Context; Analysis) 2.) (Frost) “The Gift Outright”/”Provide, Provide “ analysis (Bio., Hist., Lit. Context; Analysis) Thursday, 10/9 Handouts: Owen/Frost study questions (* due 10/22) Homework: “Strange Meeting”/”Dulce Et Decorum Est” (Owen) / “After Apple-Picking”/”A Considerable Speck” (Frost) Color-mark, two-sided IOC poem prep. handout LP: 1.) (Owen) “Anthem for Doomed Youth”/”The Show”analysis (Bio., Hist., Lit. Context; Analysis) 2.) (Frost) “Birches”/”Goodbye, and Keep Cold” analysis (Bio., Hist., Lit. Context; Analysis) Friday, 10/10 Handouts: Owen/Frost study questions (* due 10/22) Homework: “Mental Cases”/”Exposure” (Owen) / “An Old Man’s Winter Night”/”Ghost House” (Frost) Color-mark, two-sided IOC poem prep. handout LP: 1.) (Owen) “Strange Meeting”/”Dulce Et Decorum Est” analysis (Bio., Hist., Lit. Context; Analysis) 2.) (Frost) “After Apple-Picking”/”A Considerable Speck”analysis (Bio., Hist., Lit. Context; Analysis) Monday, 10/13 Handouts: Owen/Frost study questions (* due 10/22) Homework: “Spring Offensive” (Owen) / “Mending Wall” (Frost) Color-mark, two-sided IOC poem prep. handout LP: 1.) (Owen) “Mental Cases”/”Exposure”analysis (Bio., Hist., Lit. Context; Analysis) 2.) (Frost) “An Old Man’s Winter Night”/”Ghost House” analysis (Bio., Hist., Lit. Context; Analysis) Tuesday, 10/14 Handouts: Owen/Frost study questions (* due 10/22) Homework: N/A LP: 1.) (Owen) “Spring Offensive” analysis (Bio., Hist., Lit. Context; Analysis) 2.) (Frost) “Mending Wall” analysis (Bio., Hist., Lit. Context; Analysis) Wednesday, 10/15 Handouts: Owen/Frost study questions (* due 10/22) Homework: N/A (see above) LP: 1.) (Owen) Groups: Remaining poems 2.) (Frost) Groups: Remaining poems Thursday, 10/16 Handouts: Owen/Frost study questions (* due 10/22) Homework: Study questions due by 10/22 LP: 1.) Complete, submit first five study questions Friday, 10/17 Handouts: Owen/Frost study questions (* due 10/22) Homework: Study questions due by 10/22 LP: 1.) Complete, submit 6-10 Second Quarter Monday, 10/20 NO SCHOOL Tuesday, 10/21 Handouts: Owen/Frost web-based study questions (*) due 10/23; Owen/Frost matrix (*) due 12/4 Homework: See above LP: 1.) Finish study questions (due by tomorrow) Wednesday, 10/22 Handouts: Art of Tragedy; Shakespeare packet (*) Homework: Owen/Frost web-based study questions (*) due 10/23; Owen/Frost matrix (*) due 12/4; Read Hamlet (Act 1) by Friday LP: 1.) Review poets (summative tomorrow) Thursday, 10/23 Handouts: N/A (Hamlet books) Homework: Owen/Frost matrix (*) due 12/4; Read Hamlet Act I before tomorrow LP: 1.) Study questions due 2.) Poetry summative (40 MC Questions = 80 Summative points) Friday, 10/24 Handouts: Sophocles/Shakespeare, Greek/Elizabethan theatre Homework: Owen/Frost matrix (*) due 11/13; Read Hamlet Act II by Monday LP: 1.) Discussion/overview of Shakespeare packet, Art of Tragedy, Sophocles/Shakespeare 2.) Act 1 (video) Monday, 10/27 Handouts: N/A Homework: Prepare for summative (Acts I-III) on Thursday, 10/30 LP: 1.) Acts I, II (video) Tuesday, 10/28 Handouts: N/A Homework: Prepare for summative (Acts I-III) on Thursday, 10/30 LP: 1.) Act III (video) Wednesday, 10/29 Handouts: Hamlet Comparative Analysis (*); Agree/Disagree Discussion Topics (*) Homework: Prepare for summative (Acts I-III) on Thursday, 10/30 LP: 1.) Act IV (video) 2.) Discuss handouts/due dates Thursday, 10/30 Handouts: Hamlet review (*); Hamlet quote analysis (*) Homework: Prepare for quote analysis (11/4) LP: 1.) Summative: Acts I-III 2.) Discuss review/quote analysis handouts Friday, 10/31 Handouts: N/A Homework: Prepare for quote analysis (11/4) LP: 1.) Finish viewing Hamlet 2.) Hamlet review assignment (due 11/6) Monday, 11/3 Handouts: N/A Homework: Prepare for quote analysis (11/4); Review assignment due 11/6 LP: 1.) Assign topics for Agree/Disagree activity 2.) Groups: Approaching Hamlet passages through literary criticism (see handout) Tuesday, 11/4 Handouts: N/A Homework: Review assignment due 11/6; Poetry matrix due 11/13 LP: 1.) Draw names, one at a time, for Hamlet 1-2 line analysis Wednesday, 11/5 Handouts: N/A Homework: Review assignment due 11/6; Poetry matrix due 11/13 LP: 1.) Draw names, one at a time, for Hamlet 1-2 line analysis Thursday, 11/6 Handouts: N/A Homework: Poetry matrix due 11/13 LP: 1.) Summative: Hamlet Acts IV-V Friday, 11/7 Handouts: N/A Homework: Poetry matrix due 11/13 LP: 1.) Agree/Disagree discussion Monday, 11/10 Handouts: N/A Homework: Poetry matrix due 11/13 LP: 1.) Draw names/questions for 1-2 minute responses (summative) Tuesday, 11/11 NO SCHOOL Wednesday, 11/12 Handouts: N/A Homework: Poetry matrix due 11/13 LP: 1.) Draw names/questions for 1-2 minute responses (summative) Thursday, 11/13 Handouts: N/A Homework: Phase 2 Panel (Writing) due 11/20 LP: 1.) Agree/Disagree topics Friday, 11/14 Handouts: N/A Homework: Phase 2 Panel (Writing) due 11/20 LP: 1.) Agree/Disagree topics Monday, 11/17 Handouts: N/A Homework: Phase 2 Panel (Writing) due 11/20 LP: 1.) Computer lab. (O-17): Work on phase 2 writing assignment Tuesday, 11/18 Handouts: N/A Homework: Phase 2 Panel (Writing) due 11/20 LP: 1.) Computer lab. (O-17): Work on phase 2 writing assignment Wednesday, 11/19 Handouts: N/A Homework: Phase 2 Panel (Writing) due 11/20 LP: 1.) Computer lab. (O-17): Work on phase 2 writing assignment Thursday, 11/20 Handouts: N/A Homework: Phase 2 Panel (Writing) due 11/19 LP: 1.) Collect panel writing; begin poetry panels Friday, 11/21 Handouts: N/A Homework: N/A LP: 1.) Poetry panels Monday, 11/24 Handouts: N/A Homework: N/A LP: 1.) Poetry panels Tuesday, 11/25 Handouts: N/A Homework: N/A LP: 1.) Poetry panels Wednesday, 11/26 NO SCHOOL Thursday, 11/27 NO SCHOOL Friday, 11/28 NO SCHOOL Monday, 12/1 Handouts: IOC Schedule Homework: IOC Review (matrices, etc.: Gatsby, Hamlet, Poetry) LP: 1.) IOC schedule / passes 2.) Reading assignments 3.) IOC PPT, video, (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKVqEkaoORo) , recordings Tuesday, 12/2 Handouts: IOC Questions/Topics (Gatsby, Hamlet, Poetry) Homework: IOC Review (matrices, etc.: Gatsby, Hamlet, Poetry) LP: 1.) Hamlet review (1-2 line quotes) 2.) Gatsby review (quotes) Wednesday, 12/3 Handouts: IOC Questions/Topics (Gatsby, Hamlet, Poetry) Homework: IOC Review (matrices, etc.: Gatsby, Hamlet, Poetry) LP: 1.) Prep. for IOC practice tomorrow (media center) Thursday, 12/4 Handouts: IOC Questions/Topics (Gatsby, Hamlet, Poetry) Homework: IOC Review (matrices, etc.: Gatsby, Hamlet, Poetry) LP: 1.) IOC practice: 8 minutes poem, 8 minutes Gatsby or Hamlet (coin toss) (listener, recorder uses IOC Questions/Topics handouts) Friday, 12/5 Handouts: IOC Questions/Topics (Gatsby, Hamlet, Poetry) Homework: IOC Review (matrices, etc.: Gatsby, Hamlet, Poetry) LP: 1.) Matrices/review (10 minutes each): Gatsby, Hamlet, Poetry 2.) Discuss/review reading assignment for 12/8-12/16 Monday, 12/8 Handouts: Reading assignment (IOC’s) Homework: N/A (IOC Prep.) LP: 1.) Reading Arms and the Man, All My Sons OR Anowa (see site for Arms/Anowa) Tuesday, 12/9 Handouts: Reading assignment (IOC’s) Homework: N/A (IOC Prep.) LP: 1.) Reading Arms and the Man, All My Sons OR Anowa (see site for Arms/Anowa) Wednesday, 12/10 Handouts: Reading assignment (IOC’s) Homework: N/A (IOC Prep.) LP: 1.) Reading Arms and the Man, All My Sons OR Anowa (see site for Arms/Anowa) Thursday, 12/11 Handouts: Reading assignment (IOC’s) Homework: N/A (IOC Prep.) LP: 1.) Reading Arms and the Man, All My Sons OR Anowa (see site for Arms/Anowa) Friday, 12/12 Handouts: Reading assignment (IOC’s) Homework: N/A (IOC Prep.) LP: 1.) Reading Arms and the Man, All My Sons OR Anowa (see site for Arms/Anowa) Monday, 12/15 (EXAM WEEK) Handouts: Reading assignment (IOC’s) Homework: N/A (IOC Prep.) LP: 1.) Reading Arms and the Man, All My Sons OR Anowa (see site for Arms/Anowa) Tuesday, 12/16 (EXAM WEEK) Handouts: Reading assignment (IOC’s) Homework: N/A (IOC Prep.) LP: 1.) Reading Arms and the Man, All My Sons OR Anowa (see site for Arms/Anowa) Wednesday, 12/17 (EXAM WEEK) Handouts: Reading assignment (IOC’s) Homework: N/A (IOC Prep.) LP: 1.) Reading Arms and the Man, All My Sons OR Anowa (see site for Arms/Anowa) Thursday, 12/18 (EXAM WEEK) Handouts: Reading assignment (IOC’s) Homework: N/A (IOC Prep.) LP: 1.) Reading Arms and the Man, All My Sons OR Anowa (see site for Arms/Anowa) Friday, 12/19 NO SCHOOL UNTIL 1/6/15 Third Quarter Tuesday, 1/6 Handouts: Anowa major handout; Anowa 1st,2nd reading assignments Homework: Anowa 1st reading assignment due FRIDAY, 1/9 LP: 1.) Overview of second semester/site (GET BOOKS) 2.) Overview: AP Language (PPT) Wednesday, 1/7 Handouts: AP Language Packet; WA Tips; Paret1984 (*) Homework: Anowa 1st reading assignment due FRIDAY, 1/9; WA Final submission 1/15 (digital copy uploaded to turnitin.com; hard copy turned in); Paret passage/comm. prep due TOMORROW LP: 1.) WA Folders, Rubric, info. 2.) AP Lang Q3 (2006): passage, samples, scores 3.) Paret 1984 (look for 3 MI’s, pattern of examples for each) Thursday, 1/8 Handouts: 2012APLangQ2 (*) Homework: Anowa 1st reading assignment due FRIDAY, 1/9; WA Final submission 1/15 (digital copy uploaded to turnitin.com; hard copy turned in) LP: 1.) Review Paret passage/commentary plans 2.) 2012 Q2: JFK (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IzD_TrKmrCo) Friday, 1/9 Handouts: 91APLitHurstonMC (*) Homework: Anowa Music Journal due 1/14; WA Final submission 1/15 (digital copy uploaded to turnitin.com; hard copy turned in) LP: 1.) Turn in Anowa reading assignment 2.) AP Lang Q1 (2007): Small groups 3.) 91 Hurston MC Monday, 1/12 Handouts: 01APLangMC (*) Homework: Anowa Music Journal due 1/14; WA Final submission 1/15 (digital copy uploaded to turnitin.com; hard copy turned in) LP: 1.) Formative practice: 01APLangMC Tuesday, 1/13 Handouts: Art/Theory of Drama; DOAS/Streetcar 1st Reading Assignments (*); Anowa technique journal (*) Homework: Anowa Music Journal due 1/14; WA Final submission 1/15 (digital copy uploaded to turnitin.com; hard copy turned in) LP: 1.) Sample IB Exam (May 2013Paper 2) 2.) Anowa technique journal (due 1/19) 3.) DOAS/Streetcar 1st Reading Assignments Wednesday, 1/14 Handouts: N/A Homework: Anowa Technique Journal due 1/20; WA Final submission 1/15 (digital copy uploaded to turnitin.com; hard copy turned in); Begin reading DOAS LP: 1.) Turn in Anowa music journal 2.) Class reading/performance: Anowa Production Notes, Prologue, Phase 1 Thursday, 1/15 Handouts: N/A Homework: Anowa Technique Journal due 1/20; Begin reading DOAS LP: 1.) Class reading/performance: Anowa Phase 1, Phase 2 Friday, 1/16 Handouts: N/A Homework: Anowa Technique Journal due 1/20; Begin reading DOAS LP: 1.) Class reading/performance: Anowa Phase 2, Phase 3 Monday, 1/19 NO SCHOOL Tuesday, 1/20 Handouts: N/A Homework: Continue reading DOAS LP: 1.) Anowa technique journal due 2.) Class reading/performance: Anowa Phase 3 Wednesday, 1/21 Handouts: Anowa group presentations (*); DOAS/Streetcar 1st Reading Assignment (*) Homework: Continue reading DOAS LP: 1.) Groups/Topics for Friday/Monday 2.) Major Handout: responding to criticism (drawing numbers for 1-2 min. response) Thursday, 1/22 Handouts: N/A Homework: Continue reading DOAS LP: 1.) Major Handout: responding to criticism (drawing numbers for 1-2 min. response) Friday, 1/23 Handouts: N/A Homework: Continue reading DOAS LP: 1.) Anowa presentations/notes (20/25 points) Monday, 1/26 Handouts: N/A Homework: Continue reading DOAS LP: 1.) Anowa presentations/notes (20/25 points) Tuesday, 1/27 Handouts: Miller major handout Homework: DOAS 1st assignment due 1/29; DOAS test 1/29 LP: 1.) Turn in Anowa presentations notes 2.) Paper 2 review: Anowa (rubric, past exam prompts) 3.) Agree/Disagree topics (100-word responses due tomorrow, 1/28) Wednesday, 1/28 Handouts: N/A Homework: DOAS 1st assignment due 1/29; DOAS test 1/29 LP: 1.) Turn in agree/disagree 100-word responses (Anowa) 2.) Miller: “The American Theater” / “Timebends” excerpt 3.) Death of Salesman Reading Activity: DUE 2/5 Yellow: Highlight time spent in the past or intrusions from the past (Ben, etc.) Pink: Highlight lies Blue: highlight at truly significant lines Mark foreshadowing (of death) Mark use of music (and how this and lighting contribute to fluid scene changes) Mark use of lighting Underline use of nicknames (scout, pal, honey, kid, etc.) Box all moments where you laughed (comedic relief)) Thursday, 1/29 Handouts: DOAS Study Questions (*) Homework: Miller handout AND Art of Drama handout QUIZ 2/5; DOAS Reading Activity due 2/5; DOAS Study Questions due 2/12 LP: 1.) Turn in DOAS 1st assignment 2.) Test: DOAS 3.) Video/Reading/Annotations: DOAS Friday, 1/30 Handouts: N/A Homework: Miller handout AND Art of Drama handout QUIZ 2/5; DOAS Reading Activity due 2/5; DOAS Study Questions due 2/12 LP: 1.) Video/Reading/Annotations: DOAS Monday, 2/2 Handouts: Discussion Questions, Page #’s for Friday, 2/6 and Monday, 2/9 Homework: Miller handout AND Art of Drama handout QUIZ 2/5; DOAS Reading Activity due 2/5; DOAS Study Questions due 2/12 LP: 1.) For page #’s: 1 theme/social commentary; 1 word analysis; 1 other page link; sig. of prior/next pg; 2 stage techniques; explore 1 relationship; link to Miller packet # 2.) PAGE #’S: discuss for plot/char/devices/significance (pairs): pg 16, 17, 22-23, 37, 41, 43, 51, 56, 59, 65, 73, 81, 90, 95, 97, 115120, 132, 136, 138 (maybe 77-78) 3.) Video/Reading/Annotations: DOAS Tuesday, 2/3 Handouts: N/A Homework: Miller handout AND Art of Drama handout QUIZ 2/5; DOAS Reading Activity due 2/5; DOAS Study Questions due 2/12 LP: 1.) Video/Reading/Annotations: DOAS Wednesday, 2/4 Handouts: N/A Homework: Miller handout AND Art of Drama handout QUIZ 2/5; DOAS Reading Activity due 2/5; DOAS Study Questions due 2/12 LP: 1.) Review: Miller handout / Art of Drama handout Thursday, 2/5 Handouts: N/A Homework: DOAS Study Questions due 2/12 LP: 1.) Miller handout quiz AND Art of Drama handout quiz Friday, 2/6 Handouts: N/A Homework: DOAS Study Questions due 2/12 LP: 1.) Student pairs: Discussion of assigned page #’s 2.) PPT topics (1-2 minute responses) Monday, 2/9 Handouts: N/A Homework: DOAS Study Questions due 2/12 LP: 1.) Student pairs: Discussion of assigned page #’s 2.) PPT topics (1-2 minute responses) Tuesday, 2/10 Handouts: Tragedy Matrix (*) Homework: DOAS Study Questions due 2/12 LP: 1.) Student pairs: Discussion of assigned page #’s 2.) PPT topics (1-2 minute responses) Wednesday, 2/11 Handouts: N/A Homework: DOAS Study Questions due 2/12; Anowa and DOAS minor details quiz tomorrow LP: 1.) IB Exams: Essay 2 (packet) 2.) Samples/scores: Essay 2 Thursday, 2/12 Handouts: N/A Homework: Get Streetcar BY 2/23 (check ISBN number; red cover, intro. by Arthur Miller) LP: 1.) Minor details quiz: Anowa and DOAS Friday, 2/13 Handouts: IB Essay 2 Prep. (*) Homework: Get Streetcar BY 2/23 (check ISBN number; red cover, intro. by Arthur Miller) LP: 1.) IB Essay 2 Prep. (groups): Select ONE of the prompts, and follow instructions carefully Monday, 2/16 NO SCHOOL Tuesday, 2/17 Handouts: IB Essay 2 Prep. (*) Homework: Get Streetcar BY 2/23 (check ISBN number; red cover, intro. by Arthur Miller) LP: 1.) IB Essay 2 Prep. (groups): Select ONE of the prompts, and follow instructions carefully (must use different prompts than you used on Thursday) Wednesday, 2/18 Handouts: IB Essay 2 Exam (*) Homework: Get Streetcar BY 2/23 (check ISBN number; red cover, intro. by Arthur Miller) LP: 1.) Review IB Essay Major handout (15 min) 2.) START IB Essay Test (comparative DOAS/X) – PREP WORK DUE END OF PERIOD AND GRADED WITH COMMENTS (100 for exam; 25pts each: 1) prompt brainstorm; 2) thesis; 3) structural outline w/ text references; 4) your essay) Thursday, 2/19 Handouts: N/A Homework: Get Streetcar BY 2/23 (check ISBN number; red cover, intro. by Arthur Miller) LP: 1.) IB Essay 2 Exam (day 2) Friday, 2/20 Handouts: N/A Homework: Get Streetcar BY 2/23 (check ISBN number; red cover, intro. by Arthur Miller) LP: 1.) IB Essay 2 Exam (due today @ end of period) Monday, 2/23 Handouts: A Streetcar Named Desire 1st assignment (*); Streetcar major handout Homework: Begin reading Streetcar, working on 1st assignment (due 3/12) LP: 1.) Intro. to Streetcar / major handout Tuesday, 2/24 Handouts: N/A Homework: Begin reading Streetcar, working on 1st assignment (due 3/12) LP: 1.) Re-introduction: IB Exam Essay 1 (literary commentary) Major Handout 2.) “Wasp’s Nest” Wednesday, 2/25 Handouts: PoetryGuideSheet/7KeysToAnnotating; PoetryStudyMaterial; AnalysisOfPoetry(Counsil); IOCPoemPrepChecklist (YOU ALREADY HAVE THESE HANDOUTS) “BehaviorFish”/”PointsOfView” (*) Homework: Begin reading Streetcar, working on 1st assignment (due 3/12); WA due 3/4 LP: 1.) Silent reading/marking/annotating: “Behavior Fish”; “Points of View” 2.) Sample/scoring (“Points of View”) Thursday, 2/26 Handouts: Poem Commentary Exam (*) Homework: Begin reading Streetcar, working on 1st assignment (due 3/12); WA due 3/4 LP: 1.) Commentary writing (day 1) TURNED IN AT END OF PERIOD Friday, 2/27 Handouts: N/A Homework: Begin reading Streetcar, working on 1st assignment (due 3/12); WA due 3/4 LP: 1.) Commentary writing (day 2) FINISHED COPY DUE AT END OF PERIOD Monday, 3/2 Handouts: “The Loom” (class set); “Nervous Conditions” (*) Homework: Begin reading Streetcar, working on 1st assignment (due 3/12); WA due 3/4 LP: 1.) Prose commentary: “The Loom” (post-it notes/class set) 2.) “Nervous Conditions” (‘98 exam) Tuesday, 3/3 Handouts: LifeofPiComm&Assign (*) Homework: Begin reading Streetcar, working on 1st assignment (due 3/12); WA due ¾ LP: 1.) Prose commentary practice: Life of Pi passage & assignment Wednesday, 3/4 Handouts: WA cover sheet (*); 0203Prose&Samples (*); Prose Commentary Exam (*) Homework: Begin reading Streetcar, working on 1st assignment (due 3/12) LP: 1.) WA cover sheet (completed in class) 2.) Commentary practice: 0203 exam 3.) Prose commentary exam (for Thurs./Fri.) Thursday, 3/5 Handouts: Prose commentary exam (*); Streetcar study questions (*) Homework: Read Streetcar, work on 1st assignment (due 3/12); Streetcar study questions due 3/19 LP: 1.) Prose commentary exam (day 1) Friday, 3/6 Handouts: Prose commentary exam (*) Homework: Read Streetcar, work on 1st assignment (due 3/12); Streetcar study questions due 3/19 LP: 1.) Prose commentary exam (day 2) Monday, 3/9 Handouts: Streetcar study questions (*) Homework: Streetcar study questions due 3/19 LP: 1.) Read/discuss/highlight Williams major handout Tuesday, 3/10 Handouts: (Class sets) 2011, 2012 Prose/Poetry Samples; Commentary Comp. Eval. Form (*) Homework: Read Streetcar, work on 1st assignment (due 3/12); Streetcar study questions due 3/19; Final, typed draft of commentary due 3/19 LP: 1.) Commentary evaluations: prose, poetry Wednesday, 3/11 Handouts: N/A Homework: Read Streetcar, work on 1st assignment (due 3/12); Streetcar study questions due 3/19; Final, typed draft of commentary due 3/19 LP: 1.) Commentary evaluations (discussion)—FINAL DRAFT OF CHOSEN COMMENTARY DUE 3/19. 2.) Movie: A Streetcar Named Desire Thursday, 3/12 Handouts: N/A Homework: Streetcar study questions due 3/19; Final draft of commentary due 3/19 LP: 1.) Turn in character assignment (bone structure); turn in final draft of commentary 2.) Movie: A Streetcar Named Desire Friday, 3/13 Handouts: N/A Homework: Streetcar study questions due 3/19; Final draft of commentary due 3/19 LP: 1.) Movie: A Streetcar Named Desire Monday, 3/16 Handouts: Arms and the Man 1st reading assignment (*); Shaw major handout Homework: Streetcar study questions due 3/19; Final draft of commentary due 3/19 LP: 1.) Movie: A Streetcar Named Desire 2.) Intro. to Arms / 1st assignment (?); Begin work on tragedy matrix (?) Tuesday, 3/17 Handouts: N/A Homework: Streetcar study questions due 3/19; Final draft of commentary due 3/19 LP: 1.) Work on tragedy matrix (due tomorrow) Wednesday, 3/18 Handouts: N/A Homework: Streetcar study questions due 3/19; Final draft of commentary due 3/19 LP: 1.) Arms and the Man 1st assignment Thursday, 3/19 Handouts: N/A Homework: Final draft of commentary due TODAY LP: 1.) IB Essay 2 mock exam #2 (Streetcar + choice) Friday, 3/20 NO SCHOOL: SPRING BREAK UNTIL MONDAY, 3/30 Fourth Quarter Monday, 3/30 Handouts: Drama Linkages (*); Memorable Quotes (*) Homework: Shaw last 2 pages due 4/2; Major handouts (Miller, Aidoo, Williams, Shaw) highlighting due 4/2 (in-class check) LP: 1.) Distribute linkages, memorable quotes handouts 2.) Shaw major handout: highlighting, ASSIGNMENTS on last pages Tuesday, 3/31 Handouts: N/A Homework: Shaw last 2 pages due 4/2; Major handouts (Miller, Williams, Shaw) highlighting due 4/2 (inclass check) LP: 1.) Movie/read-along: Arms and the Man Wednesday, 4/1 Handouts: Arms and the Man Discussion/Music (*) Homework: Shaw last 2 pages due 4/2; Major handouts (Miller, Williams, Shaw) highlighting due 4/2 (inclass check) LP: 1.) Movie/read-along: Arms and the Man Thursday, 4/2 Handouts: N/A Homework: Shaw last 2 pages due 4/2; Major handouts (Miller, Williams, Shaw) highlighting due 4/2 (inclass check) LP: 1.) Movie/read-along: Arms and the Man (in-class check of major handouts) 2.) Turn in Shaw assignment (last 2 pages of major handout) Friday, 4/3 Handouts: Arms and the Man Discussion/Music (*) Homework: Drama linkages due 4/16 LP: 1.) Groups: Select topics/prepare for presentation (5 min./group: Monday) Monday, 4/6 Handouts: N/A Homework: Drama linkages due 4/16 LP: 1.) Group presentations (5 minutes): Arms, Streetcar, DOAS Tuesday, 4/7 Handouts: N/A Homework: Drama linkages due 4/16 LP: 1.) Groups: open-note cumulative quiz (questions assigned to each group; present/discuss answers to assigned questions) Wednesday, 4/8 Handouts: N/A Homework: Drama linkages due 4/16 LP: 1.) Groups: open-note cumulative quiz (questions assigned to each group; present/discuss answers to assigned questions) Thursday, 4/9 Handouts: Cumulative, cross-textual study ?’s (*) Homework: Drama linkages due 4/16 LP: 1.) Minor details quiz: Arms and the Man, A Streetcar Named Desire Friday, 4/10 Handouts: Group Quote Quiz Activity (*) Homework: Drama linkages due 4/16 LP: 1.) Linkages activity (all 4 plays) Monday, 4/13 Handouts: “Big” Matrix Master Review (*) Homework: 1st page of “Big” Matrix due Thursday, 4/16; Memorable Quotes assignment due 4/21 LP: 1.) Linkage activity (cont.) 2.) “Big” matrix page 1 Tuesday, 4/14 Handouts: Group Commentary Presentation (*); Cumulative, cross-textual study ?’s (*) Homework: 1st page of “Big” Matrix due Thursday, 4/16; Read/highlight group comm. pass. due Monday, 4/20; Memorable Quotes assignment due 4/21 LP: 1.) “Big” matrix (cont.) Wednesday, 4/15 Handouts: Group Commentary Presentation (*); Planning for commentary (*); Final Essay Experience (*) Homework: 1st page of “Big” Matrix due Thursday, 4/16; Read/highlight group comm. pass. due Monday, 4/20; Memorable Quotes assignment due 4/21 LP: 1.) Handouts/prewriting for Final Essay Experience (prewriting due @ end of class) Thursday, 4/16 Handouts: N/A Homework: Read/highlight group comm. pass. due Monday, 4/20; Memorable Quotes assignment due 4/21 LP: 1.) Turn in page 1 of “Big” Matrix 2.) IB Final Essay Experience (day 1) Friday, 4/17 Handouts: N/A Homework: Read/highlight group comm. pass. due Monday, 4/20; Memorable Quotes assignment due 4/21 LP: 1.) IB Final Essay Experience (day 2) Monday, 4/20 Handouts: 2010 Prose and Poetry (and ‘08 Venus) Homework: Prewriting for group prompt due tomorrow; Memorable Quotes assignment due 4/21 LP: 1.) Groups: prewriting for group prompt, passage/quotes/etc. (due tomorrow) Tuesday, 4/21 Handouts: N/A Homework: 15 Cross-textual study questions due 4/23 LP: 1.) Commentary review: 2010 Polar Breath (prewriting / sample 25) 2.) DAY ONE OF TWO-DAY ORAL TEST (FAVORITE QUOTES) Wednesday, 4/22 Handouts: N/A Homework: 15 Cross-textual study questions due 4/23 LP: 1.) Groups: Prepare for oral commentary (MUST have a scanned, marked passage w/thesis) 2.) DAY TWO OF TWO-DAY ORAL TEST (FAVORITE QUOTES) Thursday, 4/23 Handouts: Group essay prompt presentation (*) Homework: Highlight/annotate commentary major handout due 4/27 LP: 1.) Group presentations (3): commentary passages Friday, 4/24 Handouts: N/A Homework: Highlight/annotate commentary major handout due 4/27 LP: 1.) Group presentations (3): commentary passages Monday, 4/27 Handouts: N/A Homework: Highlighted commentary packets due today LP: 1.) Group presentations (finish): commentary passages 2.) Group prep. time: prompt responses for tomorrow Tuesday, 4/28 Handouts: N/A Homework: Notebook check Thursday, 4/30 LP: 1.) Group presentations: drama prompts Wednesday, 4/29 Handouts: Paper 1 Sample Intro.’s Homework: Notebook check Thursday, 4/30 LP: 1.) Group presentations: drama prompts Thursday, 4/30 Handouts: N/A Homework: Notebook check Thursday, 4/30 LP: 1.) Groups: essay 1,2 review (notebook checks) Commentary (Paper 1) Review: 4/30 (3:00-5:00 p.m. in O33) Sample test passages with responses & scores Commentary review PPT Subject report comments Reading processes, etc. (review) Friday, 5/1 Handouts: N/A Homework: Note that today is the LAST DAY FOR ALL MAKE-UP WORK LP: 1.) Groups: essay 1,2 review Drama (Paper 2) Review: 5/1 (3:00-5:00 p.m. in O33) Paper 2 Major handout review Art of drama/tragedy handout review Prompt practice Sample responses & scores Review quizzes, etc. Monday, 5/4 PAPER 1 EXAM (COMMENTARY): A.M. @ ERAU Drama (Paper 2) Review #2 Readings of 4 plays / major handouts review Tuesday, 5/5 PAPER 2 EXAM (DRAMA): P.M. @ ERAU