Food Regulations E.G. SOMAPALA Former Government Analyst INTRODUCTION Why you need Regulations? 1. 2. 3. To protect consumer To protect industry To control imports Food Act No. 26 of 1980 Food (Amendment) Act No. 20 of 1991 Food (Amendment) Act No. 29 of 2011 FEATURES a) An Act to regulate and control the Manufacture, Importation, Sale & Distribution of Food b) To establish a Food Advisory Committee c) To repeal the Food & Drugs Act of 1949 Part II – Administration FOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE (a) ex-officio members: 1. Director General of Health Services – Chairman 2. Director –in charge of Food Control Administration – Secretary 3. Two Deputy Directors-General of Health Services in charge of public Health Services 4. Two Asst, Directors of the Dept. of Health services in charge of Food Control Administration 5. Govt. Analyst or his nominee 6. Director General of Customs or his nominee Director General of Consumer Affairs Authority or his nominee Director General of SLSI or his nominee 7. 8. 9. Director General of Department of Commerce or his nominee 10. Director General of Dept. of Animal production and Health or his nominee 11. Chief Medical Officer of Health of Colombo Municipal Council 12. City Analyst of CMC 13.Food Commissioner or his nominee 14. Nutritionist from MRI 15. Legal Officer of the Ministry of the Minister to whom the subject of Health is assigned Food Advisory Committee contd. (b) nominated members: 1. An officer nominated by the secretary to the Ministry of the Minister to whom the subject of Local Govt. and Provincial Councils 2. A Food Technologist nominated by the Minister 3. A Food Microbiologist nominated by the Minister 4. A Food Scientist nominated by the Minister 5. A member nominated by the Minister who shall represent commercial interests relating to food 6. A member nominated by the minister who shall represent industrial interest relating to food 7. Two members nominated by the Minister to represent the interests of consumers relating to food IMPLEMENTATION OF FOOD ACT NO. 26 OF 1980 IN SRI LANKA MINISTER OF HEALTH FOOD ADVISORY COMMITTEE CHIEF FOOD AUTHORITY (DG of Health Services) 1.Technical Sub Committee 2. Regulation sub committee 3. labeling & Advertising sub committee FOOD AUTHORITY (MOH, DPDHS, LOCAL GOVT.) AUTHORIZED OFFICERS (MOH, F&DI, PHI, FI) Food Seizure & Detain Food Sampling Formal Approved Analyst Addl. Approved Analyst Report Legal Proceedings Inspection Informal Quality control & advisory Report Chief Food Authority Food Authority – - Director General of Health Services Municipal council/MOH Local Govt./MOH Excise Commissioner for excisable foods Director General of customs in Port Authorized Offices (AO) MOH, F & DI PHI, FI Veterinary Surgeon for Meat only Officer authorised by the Ex.Com. or DG Customs AO shall exercise the powers of Police Officer in terms of Code of Criminal Procedure Act No. 15 of 1979 Duties of AO 1. Inspection of premises/vehicles, open and examine any receptacle or package. 2. Seize and detain (inform the relevant Food Authority) 3. Sampling – formal or informal 4. When AO is MOH, DG of Customs, Commissioner General of Excise they can examine books, records and documents and make copies. 5. No person shall obstruct AO 6. No person shall make misleading on false statements to AO Authorized Officers contd. Refusal to take sample is an obstruction Every vendor shall disclose the name, address and such other particulars to AO No person shall remove, alter, tamper or otherwise interfere in any manner with any food seized by AO Any seized food may be kept or stored in the same building or removed to any other place a his discretion AO shall inform the relevant Food Authority of any seizure madeunder the Act Seized articles may be destroyed if Authority is satisfied that there has been contravention of any provisions of the Act/Regulations. The owner should consent in writing to the destruction Otherwise inform the Magistrate Court and follow up Food (Labelling & Advertising) Regulations 2005 1. Package or container is labeled in accordance with the regulations 2. Label with two languages (with certain exceptions) 3. Label indelibly printed or painted or affixed on the main panel (Supplementary label may be affixed for imported foods) 4. (i) Main panel: a) b) c) Common Name - two languages Brand/Trade Name one or more languages (Shall not mislead the public) Net contents in international symbols eg: g or kg, ml or l Contd…. (ii) Main or any other panel – anyone or more of the three languages a) Food Additives by name or INS number b) Instructions for storage/use, if any c) Name & address of manufacturer, packer or distributor in Sri Lanka d) Batch No. or Code No. or decipherable code marking e) The date of expiry – exp date/Â.ª.âµ¼ f) The date of manufacture g) Bulk imports & repacking – date of manufacture, date of repacking h) List of ingredients in descending order i. ii. Country of origin for imported foods Any other declarations required by regulations Letter Size a) b) c) d) Common name minimum height 3 mm and shall be not less than 1/3 of brand name When common name consisted of more than one word, the words shall be in identical type and size and similarly displayed 25 g or 30 ml or less size packs – letter size shall not be less than 1.5 mm (exceptions may be allowed by Chief Food Authority for packages not exceeding 25 Net content & Date of Expiry letter size Minimum Height Area 1 mm Bottles closures containing aerated waters and liquid with not exceeding 1.5 mm 120 cm2 3 mm 120 – 240 cm2 6 mm 240 – 600 cm2 9 mm exceeding 600 cm2 e) Date of Expiry : Exp/Expiry/Best Before/Use Before f) g) Oil Source has to be declared Blended “X” Vegetable Oil X – more than 75% of single constituent When none of the oil exceeds 75% “Blended Vegetable Oil” - Constituents shall be declared on the label h) Use the word “butter” Sugar/Chocolate confectionery – at least 4% Butter fat of total fat Flour confectionery – entirely of butter fat i) Artificial Products Eg: Artificial Vinegar Artificial Cordial Similar words in close proximity No pictorial representations i) Irradiated foods should have the international logo for irradiation Special Claims i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. “Food is recommended, prescribed or approved by Medical Practitioner, Association or any Professionals” – not allowed – in label or advertisement False/misleading claims Word “Pure” – no additives of any kind Word “Natural” – Unmixed, unadulterated No additives, unprocessed, (pasteurization, chilling, freezing allowed - It should be biological material Source of nutrient – shall have 1/3 of recommended daily dietary allowance Source of Protein – Contribute 12 g protein per day. 20% of Energy value of food is provided by protein Vegetable oil label with “no cholesterol” should carry a statement “Vegetable oil does not contain cholesterol” in close proximity to the above Fortified/enriched with Vitamin C - not less than 40 mg of Ascorbic acid per 100 g of the product. Special Dietary Use i. ii. iii. Low Sodium - declare the sodium content in mg per 100 g Energy provide - one day consumption shall provide 300 K cal. - Declare the K cal contribution per 100 g of ford (beneficial/protective) (a) Dietary Fats for heart diseases – not allowed (b) Medicinal properties for invalids – not allowed (cure or prevent illness) (c) Food use for any illness – not allowed (d) Food to be an aid for slimming, weight control or weight reduction – not allowed (e) Diabetic food – 60 % of the carbohydrate content normal food Food (Colouring Substances) Regulations 2006 Added colouring substances not permitted in the following foods. Any raw or unprocessed meat, poultry fish, fruits, vegetables, coffee, tea, bread, cream, liquid milk, condensed milk, powdered milk. Exceptions Flavoured milk, yoghurt, butter (natural), cheese (natural) Permitted Colouring Substances Colour Common Name INS Number Red Carmoisine Poncean 4R Erythrosine Allura red 122 124 127 129 Yellow Sunset Yellow FCF Tartrazine 110 102 Blue Indigo Carmine(Indigotine) Brilliant Blue FCF 132 133 Green Green FCF 143 Permitted Natural Colours Curcumin 100(i) Riboflavin 5’ Phosphate 101(i) Cochineal 120 Riboflavin 5’Phosphate,Na 101(ii) Chlorophyll s 140 Chlorophylls copper cpx 141(i) Caramel class I 150 a Caramel class III 150c Carotenes 160 a(ii) Caramel class IV 150d Annatto Extracts 160 b Paprika oleoresin (Capsanthin or Capsorubin) 160 c Lycopene 160 d Carotenal;Beta-Apo-8 160e Carotenoic acid,Methyl or Ethyl ester of Beta-Apo-8’ 160f Flavoxanthin 161 a Canthaxanthin 161g Betanin(Beet red) 162 Anthocyanins 163(i) Grape Skin Extract 163(ii) Titanium Dioxide 171 Food (Packaging Materials and Articles) Regulations - 2010 1. Import, manufacture, transport, advertise for sale, expose for sale, sell, package, store, use or distribute any food packaging material or article if; (a) it is injurious to health (b) deteriorates the organoleptic characteristics of food (c) changes the nature, substance and quality of food 2. Manufacture/import any material/article intended for packaging of food Shall have printed (a) “FOR FOOD USE” or relevant words or designated symbol (b) special conditions to be observed in the use (c) name & address or registered trade mark of manufacturer Packaging materials contd. 3.Raw materials used in the manufacture of packaging material shall be certified by the manufacturer OR in compliance with International standards to say food grade quality raw materials are used in the manufacture. Food Packaging contd. 4. Plastic laminates used for food packaging: all components of laminating including adhesives and ink shall be of food grade/international standards 5.Enamel or glazed earthware (capable of imparting Pb,As,Cd or any other toxic substance) not allowed unless it passes the leaching test Food Packaging contd. 5. Packaging material or article made of enamel or glazed earthware is not allowed, if it is capable of imparting Lead, Arsenic, Cadmium or any other toxic substance to food. During storage the leachate ( Fill with 4% Acetic acid and keep for 24 hours) shall not exceed the 0.2 mg/kg(ppm) Food Packaging contd. 6. Packaging materials made of Polyvinyl chloride shall not contain more than 1 mg/kg of vinyl chloride monomer. Food shall not contain more than 0.05mg/kg of vinyl chloride. Food Packaging contd. 7. No vinyl chloride plastics in coatings applied to fresh fruits No acrylonitrile bottle/ box/ container for packaging/ storing/ delivering/ expose for sale. Packaging – other prohibitions package/container used for non-food product 2. Sugar/flour in sack previously used for other purposes 3. Edible oil/fat in bottle or metal container previously used for other purposes (tankers and silos exempted) 4. Plastic containers previously used for other purposes (however with an extra food grade wrapper it is possible) 5. Rice in gunny bag or polysack previously used for other purposes 6. Bottled drinking water containers (however containers not less than 18L previously used for water only may be reused) 7. Recycled plastic packages, appliances, containers Exception: box or crate previously used for vegetables can use for fruits and viceversa 1. Packaging – other prohibitions 1. Any coin, toy or other article in food exposed for sale exemptions: - article for measuring the recommended quantity (sterile) - label completely enclosed in an interior wrapper with no direct contact with food - reduced iron powder for oxygen absorption; this shall not contaminate food; this shall be labeled “OXYGEN ABSORBER” “DO NOT EAT CONTENTS” and “CONTAINS IRON POWDER” Food (Bread standards) Reg. 1994 Standards for bread: white bread(sliced or not) shall be the product by baking a yeast leavened dough prepared from “white bread” wheat flour and water with or without the addition of optional ingredients and permitted colours; Bread contd. Any part of the bread the moisture content shall not exceed 40%. Acid insoluble ash shall not exceed 0.1% Ingredients: wheat flour, baker’s yeast, edible common salt, water Bread Optional Ingredients. Optional Ingredients:(revised in 2011) sugar milk & milk products tapioca flour, rice flour, kurakkan flour, corn flour, soya flour, potato starch and any other edible flours and edible oil seeds. Bread: optional ingredients contd. Gluten – not exceeding 2% by mass of flour Malt products – not exceeding 2% by mass of flour Vitamin B1 – nicotinic acid or nicotinamide hydrochloride not exceeding 0.25% by mass of flour Food(Bread standards)-new addition in 2011 In the preparation of a bread, where any optional flours referred is added and the percentage of the added optional flour is not less than 10% m/m, the name of the such optional flour may be named in the bread Food (shelf life of imported food items) 2011 All items of food imported to Sri Lanka shall at the point of entry posses a minimum period of sixty percentum(60%) of unexpired shelf life. This is not applicable to fresh fruits, vegetables & potatoes Shelf life contd. Period is calculated based on the date of expiry declared by the manufacturer Similar words for date of expiry: “end of shelf life” “best before” “use by” “use before” or similar words Definition for shelf life Period of time between the date manufacture and its usability by the consumer, during which time the product is safe for human consumption and is of satisfactory quality in terms of nutritional value, flavour, texture and appearence Food( Formaldehyde in fish) Regulations 2010 Any fish in Sri Lanka which contains Formaldehyde levels exceeding 5mg/kg(ppm) is not permitted to import, transport, distribute, store, sell or expose for sale F00d(Melamine in Milk & Milk Products) Regulations 2010 Maximum level permitted is 1.0 mg/kg A health certificate shall be produced from National Food Safety Authority of the country of origin THANK YOU