IB English A: Literature HL 1 & 2 Course Syllabus 2015-2016 Ms. Spencer ~ room C204 shuntaspencer@lancasterisd.org Kik: englishflava Remind: Text @IBlit17 to 81010 (Year 1) Text @IBLit16 to 81010 (Year 2) Goals Reinforce higher order skills in critical thinking when reading, writing, and listening. Expand your skills of literary analysis, and your ability to explore an author's approach, techniques, intentions, and style. Appreciate human experiences that are different from your own, through literature. Practice the skills and techniques necessary to achieve your greatest possible success on the IB examinations. Course Expectations To maximize your success in this class, the following are recommended Keep up with the reading assignments, and pay attention to what you're reading. Have thoughts and questions, and bring them up in the analysis/discussions we'll have about the literature. Be organized, and bring what you'll need to class each day, including the book we're reading, paper, pen, highlighter (highly recommended in this course), an organized notebook. This is a general survival strategy to adopt as an IB student for your own balance and sanity. Have a willingness to share—aloud and in writing—as well as a willingness to listen respectfully to others' viewpoints and the manner in which they express them. Materials Students will be required to get their own copies of novels for class use. While physical copies are recommended, students may choose to purchase ebooks. All titles are included in this document to allow time for purchase. Additionally, the following items should be in class daily. a perforated spiral notebook to keep dialectical journals black or dark blue pen(s)--pencils are optional highlighters copies of current texts an open mind willingness: to try, to learn, to share Assignments This course requires that students think read, write, think critically, read and write some more. Therefore, homework assignments will consist mainly of reading assignments and long-term projects (essays/commentaries and oral presentations). There will be frequent small quizzes (reading check quizzes). Less frequently there will be major tests for each unit; usually, the major test grade will be an essay or presentation to practice for an IB assessment. The final component of your grade comes from your participation in the class and in discussions. Content Overview (Year 1 & 2) Part One World Literature (Written Assignment – 25% of IB grade) So Long a Letter by Mariama Ba The Story of Zahra by Hanan Al-Shaykh The Sand Child by Tahar Ben Jelloun Part Three – Genre (Novels and Short Stories) (Paper 2 Essay – 25% of IB grade) The Crucible by Arthur Miller Pygmalion by Bernard Shaw Death and the King’s Horsemen by Wole Soyinka Assessment: World Literature Paper (external) Assessment: Exam (external) Part Two – Detailed Study (Individual Oral Commentary – 15% of IB grade) Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe * Hamlet by William Shakespeare Selected poems of Langston Hughes Part Four – School’s Choice: Telling the Truth (Individual Oral Presentation – 15% of IB grade) The Awakening by Kate Chopin* The Woman Warrior by Maxine Hong Kingston Heat and Dust by Ruth P. Jhabvala Assessment: Oral Commentary (external) Assessment: Creative Oral (internal)6 *assigned as summer reading Academic Integrity Consent Statement Course: IB Language A 1 & 2 Instructor: Ms. Spencer DIRECTIONS: Read through this statement carefully. Ask questions if there is anything you do not understand. Return the signature page signed by both you and your parent/guardian. I have heard the teacher's discussion of plagiarism, and I understand that I must use research conventions to cite and clearly mark other people's ideas and words within my papers. I understand that plagiarism is an act of intellectual dishonesty. I understand it is academically unethical and unacceptable to do any of the following acts: To submit an essay written in whole or in part by another student as if it were my own. To download an essay from the internet, then quote or paraphrase from it, in whole or in part, without acknowledging the original source. To restate a clever phrase verbatim from another writer without acknowledging the source. To paraphrase part of another writer's work without acknowledging the source. To reproduce the substance of another writer's argument without acknowledging the source. To take work originally done for one instructor's assignment and re-submit it to another teacher. To cheat on tests or quizzes through the use of crib sheets, hidden notes, viewing another student's paper, revealing the answers on my own paper to another student, through verbal or textual communication, sign language, or other means of storing and communicating information, including electronic devices, recording devices, cellular telephones, headsets, and portable computers. To copy another student's homework and submit the work as if it were the product of my own labor. I understand that the consequences for committing any of the previous acts of academic dishonesty can include a failing grade for the assignment or quiz with no opportunity for make-up and/or failure in the class as a whole. I understand that the purpose of this course is to help me develop skills necessary for college-level writing. Therefore, I will not plagiarize or cheat. Signing the Memo of Understanding for the course will indicate agreement with this statement. Memo of Understanding for IB Language A I have read the syllabus, including the Academic Integrity Consent, and understand the expectations and goals of this course. I understand that any questions should be directed to the teacher before signing this agreement. Student Name ________________________________________________________________ Student Email: ________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Student Signature Date ************************ Parent Name __________________________________Contact Number ___________________ Parent Email: __________________________________________________________________ Parent Name __________________________________Contact Number ___________________ Parent Email: __________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Parent Signature Date **This signed signature page and required class materials are due by Wednesday, August 26, 2015**