Running head: CHAPTER 5 QUESTION 1 Tracy Hawthorne Ek1877 Wayne State University SW 4710 Journal Chapter Five October 13, 2015 CHAPTER FIVE 2 1. How is the new Supplementary Poverty Measure superior to the older poverty index? I really can’t define the different views on measure poverty the newest mean is with the supplementary poverty measure. This way fundamentally better than the older measure among these factor are things like healthcare and general cost of living expenses. 2. How does child support enforcement resolve and exacerbate the problems of family poverty? Because of the intimate link of child support to poverty, welfare, and researchers, does not mean child support payments of a few hundred dollars can make a real poverty problems of families about the fathers or mothers so that we can analyze it be the solution 3. Why are wages lower than a living wage permitted by law in the U. S? The United State has a highest unemployment rate which lead to social problem. Also, you have motor car companies paying new worker $13 an hour for a job that is typically pay $20, which is a $7 different, also the cost of living should be taking a factor. Families will never get out of poverty having minimum wages jobs with the labor market consisting of high-turnover, low-pay, and usually part-time or temporary work. Sometimes, secondary tasks are performed by high school or college students. The majority of service sector, light manufacturing, and retail jobs are considered secondary labor. 4. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the three approaches to combatting poverty – curative, alleviative, and preventative? curative approach aims to end chronic and persistent poverty by helping the poor to become selfsupporting through changes in their personal lives and in their environment. By breaking the cycle of poverty, this approach strives to initiate the poor into employment and later the middle class. CHAPTER FIVE 3 Alleviative approach focus on easing the suffering of the poor rather than attacking the causes of poverty. preventive approach people are required to utilize social insurance to insure against the cost of accidents, sickness, death, old age, unemployment and disability. 5. What is the fringe economy? to a range of businesses that engage in financially predatory relationships with low-income or heavily indebted consumers by charging excessive interest rates, superhigh fees, or exorbitant prices for goods or services.