2014 APPLICATION Carlisle Barracks Spouses’ Club Scholarship The CBSC Scholarship Program offers scholarships annually to deserving students and spouses who have committed to continuing their education beyond high school. CBSC Scholarships are merit-based and may be used for any college-related expenses. Scholarship checks will be sent directly to your institution. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: 1. Possess a valid US military family member identification card. 2. Be a CBSC member or their dependent. Membership must be current as of 31 December 2013. If parent is not eligible for CBSC Membership, then Service Member must be assigned to Carlisle Barracks. 3. Be a high school senior, home-schooled equivalent (living within 50 miles of Carlisle Barracks), spouse or dependent enrolled in an accredited college/university or certification program. 4. Applicant must enroll as a matriculated student as defined by the college/university or certification program during the 2014-15 academic year. QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: Applicants must submit all of the following by the postmark deadline, 15 April 2014, in order to be considered qualified for an award: ___Completed application (pages 1-5) ___Official transcript(s) from the applicant’s high school(s) or state-certified grades or proof of GED, and official college transcripts if applicable *see last page for more specific requirements. ___Essay, 500 words or less, Times New Roman, 12-pt. font, double-spaced on one of the two selected topics as indicated on the application. ___ 2 Letters of Recommendation from non-family members ___ Letter of acceptance from an accredited college/university or certification program (if not currently enrolled). ___ Official copy of SAT or ACT scores (HIGH SCHOOL APPLICANTS ONLY) ___Additional information, as required COMPLETED APPLICATIONS MUST BE MAILED AND POSTMARKED NO LATER THAN TUESDAY 15 APRIL, 2014 CARLISLE BARRACKS SPOUSES’ CLUB ATTN: SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE P.O. BOX 924 CARLISLE, PA 17013 PLEASE FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. INCOMPLETE, LATE OR IMPROPERLY SUBMITTED APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED BY THE SELECTION COMMITTEE. APPLICATION CHECKLIST Please use the checklist to ensure that the application is complete and properly submitted. Incomplete, late or improperly submitted applications will not be considered by the selection committee. Please submit the required components: ___ Completed Applicant Application (pages 1-5). Please be sure to read and sign the Privacy Act Statement. Please follow the instructions and include continuation sheets if necessary. ___ Essay, 500 words or less, Times New Roman, 12-pt font, double-spaced on one of the two proposed topics ___ 2 Letters of Recommendation from non-family members ___ Letter of acceptance from an accredited college/university or certification program (if not currently enrolled) ___ HIGH SCHOOL APPLICANTS ONLY: Attach an OFFICIAL copy of high school transcript(s) and SAT or ACT scores. ___ CONTINUING UNDERGRADUATE APPLICANTS: Provide an OFFICIAL copy of transcript(s) from ALL colleges listed in Section 1 of this application. If the applicant has completed fewer than thirty (30) semester hours by 1 April 2014, an official high school transcript is also required ___ SPOUSES: Provide an OFFICIAL copy of transcript(s) from all colleges listed in Section 1. If more than 5 years since attendance, or transcripts not required by program, then a 1 page letter stating this fact, what your previous GPA was (High School or College) and why you wish to pursue this degree/certification is required. ___ Place all of the above in a single envelope addressed to: CARLISLE BARRACKS SPOUSES’ CLUB ATTN: SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE P.O. BOX 924 CARLISLE, PA 17013 The complete application packet must be mailed to the CBSC at the address above and postmarked no later than 15 April 2014. Incomplete, late or improperly submitted applications will not be considered by the selection committee. *If you are awarded a scholarship from the Carlisle Barracks Spouses’ Club the money will be sent directly to your Institution. 2014 CBSC SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION APPLICANT INFORMATION I AM CURRENTLY A: (Circle one of the following: If you are a spouse currently enrolled in a school, you will circle SPOUSE) HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT CURRENTLY ENROLLED STUDENT SPOUSE LAST NAME __________________________________ FIRST NAME ______________________________ ADDRESS _______________________________________________________________________________ CITY _______________________________________________ STATE ___________ ZIP ______________ PHONE _____________________ EMAIL _____________________________________________________ NAME OF CBSC MEMBER OR SERVICE MEMBER STATIONED AT CARLISLE BARRACKS _________________________________________________________________________________________ PRIVACY ACT STATEMENT Under authority of U.S. Title 10, Section 3012, the enclosed personal information will be maintained by the CBSC Scholarship Committee for administrative use and released only to the individuals needed to evaluate the application. The disclosure of the information is voluntary; however, failure to disclose all of part of the requested information may hinder evaluation of the application. I certify that the information in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that I may be disqualified if I have included false information in this application. I agree to abide by the conditions of the CBSC and accept the decision of the CBSC as final. The application acknowledges that scholarship money can only be used for legitimate post-secondary education expenses. APPLICANT’S SIGNATURE_______________________________________________ DATE ____________ *CBSC MEMBER OR SEVICE MEMBER SIGNATURE ________________________ DATE ____________ *Required if Applicant is under the age of 18 when signed ^^ Proof of military dependent status may be required before check is disbursed (military dependent ID card) ESSAY – On separate sheet of paper, write an essay, 500 words or less, on one of the two topics. Please try not to exceed 500 words. This should reflect your own work. Please title the essay, type using Times New Roman, 12-pt. font, double-spaced. Your essay will be evaluated based on content, structure, spelling, and grammar. ESSAY TOPICS: 1. How has your family background and experiences influenced your intended field of study? 2. Discuss a special attribute or accomplishment which sets you apart. 2014 CBSC SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION APPLICANT ACADEMIC INFORMATION CUMULATIVE GRADE POINT AVERAGE (GPA): _____________ LIST ADVANCED PLACEMENT & HONORS CLASSES (High school applicants only) School Name Year Taken (Fr, So, Jr, Sr) Course APPPLICANT ACTIVITIES SCHOOLS ATTENDED. List ALL schools you have attended since Grade 9. (Spouses, list all schools attended since High School Graduation.) Please include both high school and undergraduate institutions. School Name Location-City,State Dates Attended *Please use additional paper if necessary. Be sure to include your name. Graduation Date 2014 CBSC SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION SCHOOL ACTIVITIES. List all school-related extra-curricular and volunteer activities during the last four years. For example: clubs, academic teams, athletic teams, band, student government, National Honor Society, Fraternity/Sorority, etc… Please include the average number of hours per week spent participation in each activity. School Activity Leadership Title (if applicable) Dates Hours per Week *Please use additional paper if necessary. Be sure to include your name. COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES. List all community activities and volunteer work you participated in throughout your scholastic endeavors or in the community at-large when not in school. For example: Boy/Girl Scouts, church activities, Red Cross, food pantry, Toastmasters, etc. Community Activity Leadership Title (if applicable) Dates *Please use additional paper if necessary. Be sure to include your name. Hours per Week 2014 CBSC SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION HONORS & AWARDS. List any Honors/Awards/Recognition received. Awards may be school and/or community-related. Name of Honor or Award Date *Please use additional paper if necessary. Be sure to include your name. PAID EMPLOYMENT. List all employment experiences during the last four years. Include any selfemployment opportunities. Please include the dates each position was held. Job Location-City,State Dates Hours per Week *Please use additional paper if necessary. Be sure to include your name. HOBBIES/OTHER INTERESTS. List all hobbies/other interests that have not been mentioned previously. Hobby or Interest Dates *Please use additional paper if necessary. Be sure to include your name. Hours per Week 2014 CBSC SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION UNUSUAL CIRCUMSTANCES. List any unusual circumstances that may have affected your achievement and/or participation in school or community activities. For example: parent(s) deployed, attending many different schools, illnesses, etc. Unusual Circumstances *Please use additional paper if necessary. Be sure to include your name. Transcript requirements for all applicants 1. High School Seniors: High School seniors entering college/university or other post high school accredited certification program for the first time must submit certified transcript(s) from the applicant’s high school(s) or state-certified grades or proof of GED. 2. College Freshman: College freshman and those who have not completed 30 credit hours must submit a certified transcript from Senior year of high school or state-certified grades or proof of GED and a certified transcript from the fall semester of Freshman year including current GPA. 3. College Sophomores and above: College sophomores and above and those who have completed 30+ credit hours must submit certified transcripts of all college coursework including current GPA. 4. Spouses: Spouse entering a college/university or accredited certification program should submit a certified transcript from their previous college/university including GPA. If it has been more than 5 years since attendance, or transcripts are not required for the program, than they must submit a 1-page letter stating this fact, what their last GPA was (high school or college) and why they wish to pursue this degree/certification.