From: Peter Bahrs [] Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 9:08 PM To: Thomas Gustafson Cc: Bill Glendenning; Adam Drisin; Francisco Alonso; Scott Graham; Juan Caraballo; Ken Stapleton; Karrell Muller; Martha Gurierrez; Pallab Mozumder; Pradeep P Mansey; Ramon Trias; Naphtali Rishe; Vojkan Dimitrijevic Subject: Re: UniversityCity Project TIGER Proposal status Tom Links from IBM below Budget - Bill working for Thursday delivery Timeline - need to get relevant people on a call Thursday. I suggest we do a high level milestone plan including the following milestones that come to mind. 0. Project start 1. HDW/SFT acquisition - FIU / IBM 2. IT environment installed (development, test) - IBM 3. Data formats ready - FIU 4. Operations center ready - FIU 5. Data Integrated - IBM 6. Mobile application implemented - IBM 7. Garage design, built - FIU 8. Sensor acquisition - IBM / FIU 9. Garage application completed - IBM 10. Communication plan - FIU 11. Pilot - FIU 12. Design Complete - IBM / FIU 13. Implementation Complete - IBM 14. Testing Complete - IBM 15. Deployment Complete - IBM / FIU 16. Readiness Testing - All 17. Turn On Switch ... ...there may be more, these may be too many ... Links from IBM: Government Solutions Intelligent Transportation ays=1825&ctvwcode=US&appname=SNDE_GW_GW_USEN_SB&additional=summary&contents=XGW_ GWX%20and%20keeponlit Business Analytics and Optimization Smarter Architecture & Engineering IBM integrated, workload optimized, smarter computing appliances help improve service delivery Software services Operational Decision Management Smarter Cities Five innovations that will change cities in the next five years ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________ Peter C. Bahrs, PhD. / IBM Distinguished Engineer & CTO WebSphere Services / +1-720-395-4788 / From: Thomas Gustafson <> To: Naphtali Rishe <>, Ken Stapleton <>, Scott Graham <>, Francisco Alonso <>, Juan Caraballo/Boca Raton/IBM@IBMUS, Pradeep P Mansey/Boca Raton/IBM@IBMUS, Peter Bahrs/Austin/IBM@IBMUS, Bill Glendenning/Austin/IBM@IBMUS, Pallab Mozumder <>, Ramon Trias <>, Martha Gurierrez <>, Adam Drisin <>, Karrell Muller <>, Vojkan Dimitrijevic <> Date: 10/26/2011 06:32 PM Subject: UniversityCity Project TIGER Proposal status I agree with Ken as to attachmentsas discussed below. We will use only the images as needed to tell our story within the text. Due to total 25 page limit, such images will be reduced to about a quarter page or less sized image and caption and we can use a link just below each image in the text to allow for a larger sized versions of all these images to be viewed more closely. Further, there will be other plans and maps from P+W and TYLIN that will be referenced but not included as images in the text and they can be referenced on web site. Karrell Muller needs in addition to the P+W Images he already has, those images from TYLIN (Francisco to provide his the TYLIN link and confirm he has all drawings complete) and Ramon Trias who has two newly completed concept drawings of the: i) "Gazebos + Covered Walkway" improvement from the Small Bus Shuttle "Transit Stop" immediately north of the NW corner entrance of Owa Ehan Building to the Green Library "Refreshments and Outdoor Community Classroom Gazebo" at the location between the southwest corner of the Owa Ehan Building and Green Library northeast corner; and, ii) the ATMS improvements that include the AWAY Cafe next to the "Bus Terminal Area" facilities and Bus Stop "Platform" plus Retail and Market uses on eastern side and within the new pedestrian-oriented and mixed-use parking structure and plaza. I will also pick or revise my best PowerPoint presentation to be placed at the I/UCRC-CAKE website so it can be referenced in text as discussed below. As the ITP text, IBM may want to give thought to any of their or other websites most related to ITP that we could reference. If they can identify them to me hopefully sometime tomorrow or Friday morning I can reference those links in text. Finally, our cost budgets can be shown by the I/UCRC-CAKE web link method described below to support the overall budget summaries that Scott Graham is developing and that by web link we will need to be reference to US DOT in the proposal text. I need TYLIN/Francisco to send his detailed budgets to Scott ASAP that now needs to also include the last two ATMS and Gazebos+Covered Walkways drawings from Ramon (belong sent next) and the costs to construct: 1) the ATMS interior improvements (a space that includes seating for 50 people, small retail sales of refreshments, sandwiches, publications, general or school supplies, sundries, bathrooms and storage in a 30 by 80 foot area plus 25 by 80 foot bus loading platform that is raised 3 feet or so above garage floor height at say $9,000,000; and 2) theCovered Walkway to Green that measures the length of the area shown with gazebos at the transit stop for 20 people or so and similar gazebos at NW entrance to EO building, at midpoint southerly along the EO building and a larger Gazebo at the corners where EO Building and Green Library almost touch for a space to accommodate refreshments and community classroom for 50 people; covered walkway is at least 30 feet wide and is with Gazebos make at of wood or similar materials). IBM need to also send their detailed budgets to Scott and any and all detailed itemized other cost estimates by Thursday with refinements allowed Friday AM. In addition there needs to be $30,000 for four SoA post graduate students at $7500 each working 20 hours per week beginning with the Fall 2012 semester beginning August 2012 and ending with the Spring semester that extends to April 2013. These post graduate students would provide advice to the University as to design alternatives to be considered before or during plans development. Scott can get any additional details from Adam Drisin who says the students are to be selected after the TIGER award and could be hired as OPS or otherwise. Scott needs this information so he can work the numbers into a comprehensive final budget that I can reference in the text of the University Project TIGER Proposal submittal discussing the schedule, costs, and budget expectations. We want the budget to reference the basis for a detailed schedule with evidence of project milestones, financial capacity, and commitment in order to show project readiness (this information can be included in a Ken Jessell letter committing FIU to effort is TIGER award granted). The proposal text could then say with such background estimated budgets, milestones, and schedule that we will obligate all federal funds by June 30, 2013 or sooner (and show how we get NEPA approvals by March 30, 2011) after we get a start date and authority to spend funds from US DOT which I assume is likely to occur by or before March 1, 2012 (assumes a TIGER award announcement no later than February 2012). I have asked Carlos Becerra and MWW to check this assumption as this is what I remember discussing amongst ourselves with Marion Turner last week in Washington. Based on input received, I believe we can keep this March 1, 2012 start day assumption if we are an important project US DOT wants to ficus upon. As to the construction phase, we will assume all buildings, structures, interior improvements, bridges, streets, corridors, plazas, landscape, hardscape and other pedestrian-oriented and multimodal components are in place and fully operational and constructed by 36 months or sooner after authority to spend funds is granted (March 1, 2011) and I need Naphtali, IBM, TYLIN (with review by Vojkan Dimitrijevic, Bill Foster and Bob Griffith) to construct a reasonable timeline that makes general sense to them for ITP Version1 (effort led by IBM with I/UCRC-CAKE and FIU personnel support) and improvement developed by I/UCRC-CALE and FIU personnel (Versions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc). Per my discussion with Juan, FIU will seek ITP Version 2.0 funding once we know how far patch improvements can take ITP Version 1.0 through the efforts of I/UCRC-CAKE and others and once we have a better idea of what ITP Version 2.0 might need to do beyond the various improved versions of ITP, what new functions it should preform, and how best to build a better next general product/solution. As to the obligation of construction funds, we will use the design-build bid process that requires the hiring by Facilities Management of a Design Criteria Professional who puts together a Design Criteria Package that is used in the Design-Bid procurement process (Design Criteria Professional selected in three months or less and work completed in 6 months or less thereafter) that begins within 9 months after the UniversityCity Project TIGER Proposal award on or about March 1, 2012. This might allows for the Design-Build vendor to be selected and to finalize agreements, obligate of funds, and start construction in about 12 months post TIGER award (March 2013). This schedule might be accelerated based the speed by which the Design Criteria Professional can produce the Design-Bid Design Criteria Package without raising costs (maybe while reducing costs). In that alternative, FIU can also undertake to simultaneously bid out the construction plans design work along and initiating a separate construction manager at risk procurement selection process and separately select both entities to thereafter work together. In that case, FIU could obligate TIGER funds within 5 months by signing agreements with both the construction plans professionals and construction manager at risk five months post the TIGER award (August 2012). In this case, construction plans won't be likely finished and construction will not likely start until about 11 more months post August 2012 (July 2013). FIU will likely want to review with US DOT after the TIGER award which of these alternate processes will actually be faster in obligating funds and in the constructing of the improvements so as to met with US DOT favor and fulfill intended TIGER grant goals and desired outcomes. As to the ITP, I plan to assume a ten to twelve month schedule to complete initial phase (Version 1.0) after authority to spend funds occurs March 1, 2012 (likely to be a month or so after actual announcement of award in say February 2012 - hence the above expected March 1, 2012 date). I assume Naphtali and I/UCRC-CAKE personnel and associated FIU personnel are working in this ten to twelve month period to help launch ITP Version 1.0 by say last week in December 2012 (as a Holiday Season gift) or the slow month of February 2013. Costs paid to IBM is YO be estimated at $10.5 million plus and allocation to develop a new smart garage at a cost of $1.5 million. The IBM contract with FIU would say IBM with I/UCRC-CALE and FIU personnel would start work March 1, 2012 (this agreement is negotiated and approved by FIU in the January to February 2012 time period). These I/UCRC-CAKE and FIU personnel also are using this time after March 1, 2012 to conceive ITP Vision 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc. improvements and will begin working out those issues even as Version 1.0 is being developed and finalized for deployment by December 2012 or so. The budget for I/UCRC-CAKe and other FIU personnel is allocated at $3 million and I/UCRCCAKE might assume responsibility for smart parking garage installation and have the $1.5 million amount assigned to them. By this means, we can assure obligating all ITP related funds by June 30, 2013 and completion of ITP Versions 1.0 and sequential improvements announced for up to Version 2.0 (Versions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc). Once that work begins to conclude, FIU and IBM with I/UCRC-CAKE can decide if a better and elegantly restructured Version 2.0 should be launched (assuming new funding beyond that funding through a FY2011 TIGER Discretionary Grant award is identified for a ITP Version 2.0). In any event ITP Version 1.0 and sequent Version 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc. will be completed due to the above milestones and the following means: 1) I/UCRC-CAKE and FIU personnel on that basis of time devoted and their percentage of salaries dedicated to this end start and complete their ITP Version 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc work as the improvements leading to but not including a Version 2.0 improvements and they will also start and complete those efforts to support IBM efforts to design, define, and deploy the Version 1.0 solution; assume a beginning date of March 1, 2012 and concluding date of June 30, 2013 for these two distinct and somewhat overlapping work efforts by I/UCRC-CAKE and FIU personnel, FIU will obligate at least $3 million in funds; and, 2) IBM finishes ITP Version 1.0 deployment on December 25, 2012 or so assuming the March 1, 2012 start date. With the signing of the agreement with IBM, FIU obligated the $10.5 million for ITP Version 1.0. Negotiations between FIU and IBM should start with the TIGER grant announcement in January 2012 and agreement need to be signed before March 1, 2012) and during that time it will de decided who does the smart parking garage work such that those $1.5 million of ITP related funds are obligated by June 30, 2013; and, 3) after the last of the I/UCRC-CAKE and FIU lead ITP improvements are completed on June 30, 2013 (Version 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc), IBM per a contract to be negotiated with FIU starting in about January 2013 and to be signed by or before May 30, 2013 (assuming a funding source is found) will create and deploy with I/UCRC-CAKE an ITP Version 2.0 based on a better understanding of needs defined by I/UCRC-CAKE and provided for in this ITP Version 2.0 contract between FIU and IBM. This has the effect of obligating the $15 million of ITP budgeted funds by June 30, 2013 and provides a strategy and schedule to seek more non-TIGER funds for Version 2.0. I/UCRC-CAKE and FIU personnel must complete the ITP Version 1.0 based sequential improvements (Versions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.) by June 2013 (a date tied to the need to provide a three month cushion before the NOFA absolutely drop dead deadline for funds to be obligated and construction undertaken which is set by law as September 30, 2013; the estimated June 30,2013 planned obligation of all funds therefore gives you so room to fall a little behind schedule and comfort to IS DOT that you will not not forfeit funds grant to you). I will discuss tonight with Naphtali these matters and the need for a publicly available web link on the I/UCRC-CAKE homepage and that will provide a link to specific completed documents that will be referenced in the UniversityCity Project TIGER Proposal. This I/UCRC-CAKE website link reference (and a voice over additional reference?) should now mention the current I/UCRC-CAKE Sustainable Communities Initiative related integrated multimodal transportation planning and deployment efforts (including the advanced electronic wayfinding program development, town planning, and master planning efforts) such that we can display the CCPGP proposal and abstract plus the UniversityCity Project TIGER Proposal and documents that we specifically reference in the TIGER proposal with a I/UCRC-CAKE link directly to the document referenced therein. This request is separate from the more private UniversityCity TIGER Team only accessible site that currently holds our background and work-in-progress documents. The changes to the I/UCRC-CAKE home page should clarify that Sustainable Communities Initiative related transportation, master planning, and town planning are within the interests and work efforts of I/UCRC-CAKE and that the UniversityCity Project TIGER Proposal and associated documents provided therein are interrelated to the CCPGP submittal and Abstract and should include including easy to access links to the bios of principally involved persons engaged in TIGER and CCPGP activities (Naphtali, RAM, Ramon, me and others) and entities engaged in these same TIGER and CCPGP activities (Sweetwater, IBM, TYLIN, MDX, FDOT, MDT, IITS Laboratory or others). Please confirm you have read and agree to do what I ask. Are we :) or :( or somewhat in the middle? This email and earlier ones (with whatever responses I get or got) guides my final drafting efforts. 3rd draft ETA is 8:00 AM Thursday. I need Karrell to provide me by email all pictures that we can cite in draft by 12 noon or sooner and we will add pictures to text after the 2:30 PM meeting i had scheduled at Jose Abreu's Miami-Dade Aviation Department office at MIA (on 5th or 6th floor above the Airport Terminal Hotel lobby using elevator marked for those offices). Everyone that can attend this important meeting should. Let me know who is coming to this meeting as it is being attended by Steve Sauls, Ken Jessell, Mayor Manuel Marono, Javier Rodriguez (MDX) as well as representatives from several MiamiDade County departments and offices (including MDT, MDAD, and others). It will be a briefing of the FIU led UniversityCity Project TIGER Proposal and the related MDT SR-835 Express Enhanced Bus Service TIGER Proposal. Thanks. Tom Gustafson 954 661-7848 Sent from my iPhone On Oct 26, 2011, at 12:17 AM, "Ken Stapleton" <> wrote: Tom, Here's the most relevant section of the NOFA: D. Length of Applications The project narrative may not exceed 25 pages in length. Documentation supporting the assertions made in the narrative portion may also be provided, but should be limited to relevant information. If possible, Web site links to supporting documentation (including a more detailed discussion of the benefit-cost analysis) should be provided rather than copies of these materials. At the applicant’s discretion, relevant materials provided previously to a Cognizant Modal Administration in support of a different DOT discretionary program (for example, New Starts or TIFIA) may be referenced and described as unchanged. To the extent referenced, this information need not be resubmitted for the TIGER Discretionary Grant application (although provision of a Web site link would facilitate DOT’s consideration of the information). DOT recommends use of appropriately descriptive file names (e.g., ‘‘Project Narrative,’’ ‘‘Maps,’’ ‘‘Memoranda of Understanding and Letters of Support,’’ etc.) for all attachments. Cover pages and tables of contents do not count towards the 25-page limit for the narrative portion of the application, and the Federal wage rate certification and one-page update of the pre-application form (if necessary) may also be outside of the 25-page narrative. Otherwise, the only substantive portions of the application that should exceed the 25- page limit are any supporting documents (including a more detailed discussion of the benefit-cost analysis) provided to support assertions or conclusions made in the 25-page narrative section. I think the highlighted section is most relevant since it suggests that "Maps" are attachments separate from the Project Narrative, and since it includes "etc" to imply that other kinds of supportive documents like renderings and plans can also be considered attachments. To be safe, I think many of these documents should be provided as web site links as long as the narrative still has a number of images that help it flow and strengthen key points. Finally, be aware that the one-page pre-app update is in addition to the 25 page narrative. This is slightly different than Debra's interpretation: The NOFA does not explicitly address this regarding images, but based on what is said, I would say 'No". To be safest, we should keep any images within the narrative and the 25 page limit. It also makes it easier for reviewers to read and refer to images if they are embedded in the text and they do not need to flip through pages (or file) to get to them. Here's what the NOFA says: The following items can be outside of the 25 page limit: Cover pages and TOC Federal Wage Certification 1 pg Pre-application update (if needed) NOFA quote: "Otherwise, the only substantive portions of the application that should exceed the 25-page limit are any supporting documents (including a more detailed discussion of the benefit-cost analysis) provided to support assertions or conclusions made in the 25-page narrative section." "Maps" are indicated as being an additional attachment, but I am pretty sure they are referring to GIS files (like the ones we generated for the Pre-Application). Those, of course, can not be included in a text file. Fundamentally, I do not agree with Debra about GIS files being the only "imagery/maps" that can be submitted outside the narrative, but the more you include as web links the better. Let me know if this seems clear enough for you. Thanks, Ken -Ken Stapleton, President <ksa_logo.png> Ken Stapleton & Associates 9800 West Bay Harbor Dr., Suite 605 Bay Harbor Islands, FL 33154 216.849.6494 [attachment "ksa_logo.png" deleted by Peter Bahrs/Austin/IBM]