Sanitary inspection of waterworks Qadir

Chair: communal hygiene and
Subject: TSN. Sanitary
inspection of waterworks from
open sources of water supply.
(Sanitary inspection of
waterworks Qadir)
 -Acquainted with the scheme of treatment facilities of
the river water and the organization of the Legislative
- Preview of the organizations LPK quality of drinking
- Learn how to write a description of the head sanitary
sewage treatment plants river water supply (the act.
Sanitary inspection.).
-possession The methodic of sanitary inspection of the
head of the river water supply treatment plants (Qadir).
Water - the main source of life !!!
The student should know :?
 Is the value and the legal rules governing the relationship of
man to man, society and the environment.
 -Primenyat Main provisions of each document in its
 -Features Organization and conduct of sanitary and
epidemiological measures to mitigate the adverse effects of risk
factors on health and the environment.
purification plant
The student should be able to :?
- To carry out the current sanitary supervision on controlled utility
 - Justify their actions in solving the problem.
 - Conduct sanitary inspection of supervision and make the
appropriate accounting and reporting documentation.
River is the main
source of water
 1. The main sources of pollution of public waters.
2. as a result of the sanitary survey which identified the sources of
pollution of water bodies.
3. When the sanitary survey of pollution sources, together with
some organizations working.
4. Method of study of the incidence of human settlements.
5. Major issues cards sanitary survey.
Content of the lesson? In
centralized water supply (CV)
health officers:
 conduct sanitary inspection of the various sources of water supply for
waterworks and water stations:
 carry out systematic monitoring of sanitary condition of water supply sources
(including laboratory monitoring of water quality in them) and adherence to the
sanitary regime within the sanitary protection zone (SPZ) water supply:
 periodically conduct sanitary surveys of head of water supply facilities in order
to identify the health of their proper use and maintenance of industrial control
laboratory (PBL) for the quality of water:
 generalize materials on the effectiveness of cleaning and disinfection of water
level control health education and adherence to minimum health service
personnel, as well as the presence of systematic observation of his health:
-carry out systematic surveillance of the sanitary condition of the
water supply network and structures thereon verify compliance
with health regulations in their operation, repair, washing
disinfection control the conduct of LPK and implement laboratory
quality control of water. ? -izuchayut Degree of satisfaction of
needs of the population in the water for drinking and household
needs and the impact of water conditions on the health and
sanitary conditions of the population (communication water quality
data collection and analysis of data on infectious diseases spread
by water, participation in the investigation of outbreaks, the
organization medical examinations for infection of the population
fluorosis dental caries and other diseases or preventing the
occurrence of which is associated with water quality, population
questionnaire on water, etc)?
 Technique of the existing sanitary physician in the survey of public
water supply sources.
 Date of construction plumbing. His affiliation, utilities or
departmental. What objects provides water: City, part of the living
area, industry, number of people served by water supply.
Sources of water (river, lake, reservoir), its sanitary topographical
and hydrological characteristics
 Characteristics of the reservoir with water intake (depth, width, flow
velocity, flow rate, etc.) unit intake structures
 The daily water consumption of water supply and water consumption
for 1 person, interruption of water supply causes.
 Treatment facilities for water their device operation, laboratory
research on test, the performance of individual facilities. (Sump
 The effectiveness of the settling tanks and filters checked to improve
the transparency of the water when using coagulation water sanitary
doctor should independently determine the optimal dose of
coagulant and verify the effectiveness of coagulation to reduce the
color of water.
 Disinfection of water. The type of installation used a dose of
chlorine contact time of water with chlorine. Sanitary doctor
must determine hlorpoglaschaemost water normal dose of
chlorine chlorination check compliance regime introduced
into the water chlorine water flow to determine the residual
chlorine and bacteriological analysis of water to produce.
 Scheme of water supply facilities on it. Type the number of
standpipes and placement in terms of the presence of the
village aprons diversion grooves for water drainage
maximum radius service columns. Number of households
connected to the water supply.
 Zone of sanitary protection of water sources and water
supply as its organization and operation.
 Sanitary and laboratory monitoring of water supply works on
materials CSES and departmental labs (what tests and how
 Water samples and analyze water. Analytical data presented
in the following table.
Ministry of Health
 RUzNaimenovanie institutions
 Form code OKUD ................
 Code established. OKPO ...............
 Medical dokumentatsiyaForma
number 327 / y
UtverzhdenaMinisterstvo health RUz№
____ "____" ___________ 200
Discharge of untreated wastewater into
water sources leads to microbiological
contamination. According to the World
Health Organization (WHO), 80% of
diseases in the world are caused by
improper quality and unsanitary water.
In rural areas, water quality problem is
particularly acute - about 90% of the
rural population in the world is
constantly used for drinking and
bathing with contaminated water.
 In-depth examination (when choosing where
water intake, defined lenii SBV, compiling
sanitary passport, control over the accuracy of
the device, and operation of facilities for local
and centralized water supply is used the
following methods:
 - Sanitary and topographic;
 - Plumbing with water sampling;
 - Sanitary-epidemiological.
 Example of sanitary-topographic survey
Sanitary and topographical survey of the surface
water source of the river Boz-Su did not reveal any
sources of concentrated pollution t. E. Abandoned
landfills, quarries, suction wells, etc. not found in one
zone of the SOA. There is an opportunity for all three
devices belts SBV.
All of the above, as well as the appearance of
water so. e. the absence of odors, oily spots, floaters,
Foam, a small color, etc. lead to a preliminary
conclusion about the possibility of using the river as a
water source for drinking purposes, and use 30 percent
of the flow of the river, with 95 percent of security
allow runoff water to supply water users currently on a
25-year term.
 Example of sanitary inspection
As a result, the sanitary survey Waterworks
deviations from the requirements of KMC "Suv taminoti"
existing regulations and guidelines for the design and
operation of water treatment plants have been found.
On the basis of the sanitary survey we can conclude
that there is no adverse impact waterworks facilities and
water treatment technology on the quality of treated
 Example of sanitary-epidemiological surveys.
 As a result, the sanitary-epidemiological survey of the
population using water investigated outbreaks of intestinal
infections not obnaruzheno.Epizooty not.
 It can be concluded that the water is safe to test the water
source against epidemic.
 «_____» ______________
Mr. Tashkent
Me, Sanitarian Gore CSSES Akhmedova MS san made. examination
Waterworks Qadir in the presence of Comrade duty. Wherein Mansurov, found:
 Waterworks Kadir communal type drinking purposes is located on the street.
Yalangach and was built in 1965 and has a 3-belt SPZ-1 high-security zone, 2-3
zone restrictions. Zone acute mode is a plot of S = 100 ha. plot with the size of
90x90 m sides.
 Zone acute mode fenced height of 2 m, militarized guarded, has alarm. On
territorii1 of belt is building the coagulation reaction chamber, septic tanks and
filtration, chlorination of individual buildings, clean water reservoir, warehouse
storage of reagents, forestry and administrative buildings (office, garage,
toilet), transformer substation, pumping station 1 and 2 the first lifting.
-Territory area landscaped, planted, has paved track on all
installations.? - On the territory of the plot are fruit trees. Which
is not processed manure and mineral fertilizers. In the second
zone is located sewerage residential development, school
(Zadeh) kindergarten and nursery. Sources of air pollution and
soil on the territory of the second belt BPC no. ? -TBO Going to
waste receptacle located on paved areas, one of the areas
adjacent to the zone of strict regime. Sanitary condition is not
satisfactory.? -Vyborochnaya Check medknizhki duty Fedorova
showed orderly passage of honey. inspection, one every 3
months.? -Warehouse Storage bleach capital type; it contains
240 kg of bleach. Joinery warehouse glazed. The following
CONCLUSIONS:? 1.ZSO not meet sanitary
requirements. (Sites waste receptacle)?
2.Dushevaya installation is completely nonaligned to the sewer.? 3. In the chlorination
room is no mechanical ventilation.? 4. In the
time of the survey on duty hloratorschitsa
worked without spices. clothes.? 5. In medical
book was not marking the passage of X-rays, c.
Cells and the tank. assays.? San. Doctor: /
Name /? The duty on Waterworks / Name /
Provide rigorous test passes and round the clock
security. Time - immediately and permanently.? In the
chlorination room Ensure adequate ventilation and attach
to the outside shower drain. Term - up to 10/12 - 200___
year.? To bring to the attention of the Yunus-Abad
paradise CSSES abuse c. Fedorova san. rules.? oblige the
administration Waterworks at least 2 times a week to
send samples available bleach to analyze the content of
active chlorine.? Signature san. doctor? Act to transfer
leadership to take _________________? a signature
«_______» ____________________
Test questions
 1. Problems of organization of the GOS for centralized water supply
 2. Methods to improve the quality of drinking water;
 3. Modern sanitary measures to improve the quality of drinking water;
 3. The spread of infectious diseases by water and the ways of their
identification, prevention;
 4. What is the registration and certification of sources of pollution of water
 5. What the components of the act of sanitary inspection.
 6. Comparative hygienic evaluation of methods to improve the quality of
drinking water.
 7. Dates of periodic medical examinations attendants in water supply
 "Summary:
 1. "Health" under the guidance of prof. Demidenko
NM T. 2003
 2. Guide to laboratory work on communal hygiene
Goncharuk EI Moscow 1990
 3. Sh.T.Otaboev, T.I.Iskandarov, G.T.Iskandarova
"Kommunal hygiene" Tashkent 2010 th.
 4 "Kommunal gigienadan Amal mashgulotlar
Uchun ukuv
 kullanma. " Edited by Academician Iskandarova TI
T. 2006y
 5. "Communal Hygiene" E.I.Goncharuk Kiev in
2007 I, II part
Further Reading
 - Iskandarova GT "Regional san. gig. problems of
protection of water sources "water inpatient population
of Uzbekistan. T. 2001.
 - Health rules and regulations of planning and building
of settlements of the Republic of Uzbekistan 0003-93
 - Sanitary norms of admissible levels of
electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies 0064-96
 - Sanitary rules of design and maintenance of
cemeteries 0086-99
 - Health rules and regulations and the optimum
allowable building density residential areas of cities of
Uzbekistan 0144-03
 - Sanitary rules and standards for design of residential
buildings in the climatic conditions of Uzbekistan 0146-04
 - Health rules and regulations setting up and maintaining
public toilets 0151-04
 - Hygiene requirements for institutions, organizations,
companies and individuals involved in the disinfection
activities 0177-04
 - Health rules and regulations for the use of mobile phones
 - Lecture materials.
Internet sites
O'z.Res.SSV veb-sayt
TTA sayti – htt://web.tma
TMA Wi-Fizone ZiyONet