IB Biology HL: Eukaryotic Cells Name:________________________________ Use any resource you want (text or internet) to do the following worksheet. Your drawing must follow IB drawing rules. Your annotations of functions should not be included on the drawing but put underneath or on another piece of paper. The description of the organelle functions should be brief – not to exceed 10 words. 1. Draw and label a diagram of the ultrastructure of an exocrine gland cell of the pancreas as an example of an animal cell and a palisade mesophyll cell of the leaf. Structures should include: Nucleus Plasma membrane (enclosing cytoplasm) 80S Ribosomes Mitochondria Rough endoplasmic reticulum Golgi apparatus Lysozyme Microvilli Cell wall (if applicable) 2. Annotate the diagram with the functions of each named structure. 3. Identify structures in electron micrographs of liver cells. Above images (left and right) provide more examples of structures to identify. Below image – how many structures can you identify (at least 4). Can you find the golgi apparatus? Not sure if I can, so help me out! Above images - circle the golgi apparatus