What Stops Us from Writing?

Obstacles to
Academic Writing
Dr. Steve Wallace
Inside and Outside Game
of Writing
 Inside game: our habits and motivations
 Outside game: the techniques and
strategies we use in writing.
What Stops Us from
 I am really too busy. – 15 minutes a day
 Teaching preparation takes all my
extra time. Good teachers produce more
writing (Sax, 2002).
 I will write just as soon as______ - You
don’t have to be perfect first.
What Stops Us from
 I’m too depressed to write. – Triggered by
continuous stress over time. Consider exercise
or medicine.
 I’m going to make writing my number one
goal in life. “The most valued activity carries
demands for time and perfection that
encourages its avoidance” (Boice, 1997).
 I couldn’t get to my writing site. – Become
flexible with your writing environment.
What Stops Us from
 I have to read just one more paper. - Mastery
is an illusion, some of the best research is
done in isolation.
 I just can’t get started. - Reward yourself for
writing. Phone or e-mail partner. Plan an
agenda for the next writing session.
 I’m afraid of writing because my idea is very
controversial or emotional. - Consider
What Stops Us from
 I’m afraid of writing because publication is
so permanent. - Peer review helps.
 I’m not in the mood to write right now.
Behavior modification theory.
 My childcare responsibilities are preventing
me from writing. – Use small, more efficient
blocks of time; babysitters (Sax, 2002).
What Stops Us from
 I really can’t move forward on this
writing project. – Move to a different
 I can’t write because my idea sucks. –
Writing makes better ideas.
 My thesis advisor is a bigger problem
than a help. - Try writing without help
first or change advisor.
What Stops Us from
 I can’t sit still. - Short bursts with an
 I feel guilty about not writing. –
Common problem
 I write so slowly that I never seem to
get much done. – Most people write
What Stops Us from
 If I have a long productive writing day, I have a hard
time getting started the next day. Common problem
 I know my writing habits are bad, but that’s just
who I am. I can’t change. - Choose productive over
 I am eager to write, but I don’t have the material or
scrolling resources. – Third World countries
 I have to make progress on several writing projects
at one time and I am in a panic. – Two projects are
better than one
What Stops Us from
 I would love to ask someone to read and comment
on my work, but everyone seems so busy and I
don’t want to bother them. - Schedule time to read
 I’m beginning to wonder if being a professor is
really the career for me. So what’s the point of
writing? I probably won’t get a job anyway. –
Teaching, writing, research, socializing, organizing,
and discipline
 I’m not smart enough for this kind of work. –
Passion more important
What Stops Us from
 I get distracted by Web surfing
emailing, and text messaging. –
Disconnect yourself
 It is so difficult to write in English. –
Reading leads to better writing
 I need big blocks of time to write, but
my schedule doesn’t allow for such
blocks. – Short and more productive
Identify Your Own Writing
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 www.editing.hk
 www.editing.hk/blog