Word Prediction In Hebrew Preliminary and Surprising Results

Word Prediction in Hebrew
Preliminary and Surprising Results
Yael Netzer
Meni Adler
Michael Elhadad
Department of Computer Science
Ben Gurion University, Israel
August 6th ISAAC 2008
Objectives and example.
Methods of Word Prediction
Hebrew Morphology
Experiments and Results
August 6th ISAAC 2008
Word Prediction - Objectives
• Ease word insertion in textual software
– by guessing the next word
– by giving a list of possible options for the next word
– by completing a word given a prefix
• General idea:
guess the next word given the previous ones
[Input w1 w2]  [guess w3]
August 6th ISAAC 2008
I s_____
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Word Prediction Example
I s_____
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 verb, adverb?
Word Prediction Example
I s_____  verb
sang? maybe.
singularized? hopefully
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Word Prediction Example
I saw a _____
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Word Prediction Example
I saw a _____  noun / adjective
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Word Prediction Example
I saw a b____
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Word Prediction Example
I saw a b____  brown? big? bear? barometer?
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Word Prediction Example
I saw a bird in the _____
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Word Prediction Example
I saw a bird in the _____  [semantics will do
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Word Prediction Example
I saw a bird in the z____
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Word Prediction Example
I saw a bird in the z____  obvious (?)
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Word Prediction Example
Statistical Methods
• Statistical information
– Unigrams: probability of isolated words
• Independent of context, offer the most likely words as
– More complex language models (Markov Models)
• Given w1..wn, determine most likely candidate for wn+1
– Most common method in applications is the unigram
(see references in [Garay-Vitoria and Abascal, 2004])
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Word Prediction Methods
Syntactic Methods
• Syntactic knowledge
– Consider sequences of part of speech tags
[Article] [Noun]  predict [Verb]
– Phrase structure
[Noun Phrase]  predict [Verb]
– Syntactic knowledge can be statistical or based on
hand-coded rules
August 6th ISAAC 2008
Word Prediction Methods
Semantic Methods
• Semantic knowledge
– Assign semantic categories to words
– Find a set of rules which constrain the possible
candidates for the next word
• [eat verb]  predict [word of category food]
– Not widely used in word prediction, mostly because it
requires complex hand coding and is too inefficient for
real-time operation
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Word Prediction Methods
Word Prediction Knowledge Sources
• Corpora: texts and frequencies
• Vocabularies (Can be domain specific)
• Lexicons with syntactic and/or semantic
• User’s history
• Morphological analyzers
• Unknown words models
August 6th ISAAC 2008
Word Prediction Methods
Evaluation of Word Prediction
• Keystroke savings
• Time savings
• Overall satisfaction
– Cognitive overload (length of choice list vs. accuracy).
• A predictor is considered adequate if its hit ratio is
high as the required number of selections
1-(# of actual keystrokes/# of expected keystrokes)
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Word Prediction Evaluation
Work in non-English Languages
• Languages with rich morphology:
– n-gram-based methods offer quite reasonable
prediction [Trost et al. 2005] but can be improved
with more sophisticated syntactic/semantic tools
• Suggestions for inflected languages (e.g. Basque)
– Use two lexicons: stems and suffixes
– Add syntactic information to dictionaries and
grammatical rules to the system, offer stems and
– Combine these two approaches: offer inflected nouns.
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Hebrew Word Prediction
Motivation for Hebrew
• We need word prediction for Hebrew
– No known previous published research for Hebrew.
• We wanted to test our morphological analyzer in a
useful application.
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Initial Hypothesis
Word prediction in Hebrew will be complicated,
morphological and syntactic knowledge will be
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Hebrew Ambiguity
• Unvocalized writing: most vowels are “dropped”
 inhrnt
• Affixation: prepositions and possessives are attached to
in her note 
in her net 
• Rich Morphology
– ‘inhrnt’ could be inflected into different forms according to
sing/pl, masc/fem properties.
 inhrnti, inhrntit, inhrntiot
– Other morphological properties may leave ‘inherent’ unmodified
(construct/absolute forms for noun compounding).
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Ambiguity Level
• These variations create a high level of ambiguity:
– English lexicon: inherent  inherent.adj
– With Hebrew word formation rules:
 in.prep her.pro.fem.poss note.noun
 in.prep her.pro.fem net.noun
 inherent.adj.masc.absolute
 inherent.adj.masc.construct
• Parts of speech tagset:
– Hebrew: Theoretically: ~300K, In practice: ~3.6K distinct forms
– English: 45-195 tags
• Number of possible morphological analyses per word:
– English: 1.4
– Hebrew: 2.7
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(Average # words / sentence: 12)
(Average # words / sentence: 18)
(Real Hebrew) Morphological
• ‫ בצלם‬bzlm
‫ ְּבצֶ לֶ ם‬bzelem (name of an association)
‫ ְּבצַ לֵּ ם‬b-zalem (while taking a picture)
‫ ְּבצָ לָ ם‬bzalam (their onion)
‫ ְּבצִ לָ ם‬b-zila-m (under their shades)
‫ ְּבצַ לָ ם‬b-zalam (in a photographer)
‫ בַ צַ לָ ם‬ba-zalam (in the photographer(
‫ ְּבצֶ לֶ ם‬b-zelem (in an idol(
‫ בַ צֶ לֶ ם‬ba-zelem (in the idol(
August 6th ISAAC 2008
Hebrew Morphology
Morphological Analysis
Given a written form, recover the following
• Lexical category (part-of-speech)
– noun, verb adjective, adverb, preposition…
• Inflectional properties
– gender, number, person, tense, status…
• Affixes
– Prefixes: ‫( מ ש ה ו כ ל ב‬prepositions, conjunctions,
– Pronoun suffix: accusative, possessive, nominative
August 6th ISAAC 2008
Hebrew Morphology
Morphological Analysis
Example: given the form ‫ בצלם‬propose the following analyses:
• ‫ְּבצֶ לֶ ם‬
– ‫ בצלם‬proper-noun
• ‫ְּבצַ לֵּ ם‬
– ‫ בצלם‬verb, infinitive
• ‫ְּבצָ לָ ם‬
– ‫ם‬-‫ בצל‬noun, singular, masculine
• ‫ְּבצִ לָ ם‬
– ‫ם‬-‫צל‬-‫ ב‬noun, singular, masculine
• ‫ְּבצֶ לֶ ם ְּבצַ לָ ם‬
– ‫צלם‬-‫ ב‬noun, singular, masculine, absolute
– ‫צלם‬-‫ ב‬noun, singular, masculine, construct
• ‫בַ צֶ לֶ ם בַ צַ לָ ם‬
– ‫צלם‬-‫ ב‬noun, definitive singular, masculine
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Hebrew Morphology
Morphological Disambiguation
A difficult task in Hebrew:
Given a written form, select in context the correct
morphological analysis out of all possible analyses.
We have developed a successful* system to perform
morphological disambiguation in Hebrew [Adler et al,
ACL06, ACL07, ACL08].
*93% for POS tagging and 90% for full morphology analysis, which
was used in this test)
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Hebrew Morphology
Word Prediction in Hebrew
• We looked at Word Prediction as a sample task to
show off the quality of our Morphological
• But first… we checked a simple baseline
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Hebrew Word Prediction
Baseline: n-gram methods
• Check n-gram methods (unigram, bigram,
• Four sizes of selection menus: 1, 5, 7 and 9
• Various training sets of 1M, 10M and 27M words
to learn the probabilities of n-grams.
• Various genres.
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Hebrew Word Prediction
Prediction results using n-grams only
Keystrokes needed to enter a message in % (Smaller is better)
For tri-grams model trained
on 27M corpus – very good
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Hebrew Word Prediction
Adding Syntactic Information
P(wn|w1,…,wn-1) = λ1P(wn-i,…,wn|LM) + λ2P(w1,…,wn|μ),
– μ is the morpho-syntactic HMM (morphological disambiguator)
– Combine P(w1,…,wn|μ) with the probabilistic language model
LM in order to rank each word candidate given previous typed
– if the user typed I saw, and the next word candidates are
{him, hammer}
we use the HMM model, for calculating:
p(I saw him|μ)
p(I saw hammer|μ),
in order to tune the probability given by the n-gram.
* Trained on a 1M sized corpus.
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Hebrew Word Prediction
Results with morpho-syntactic
Model sequences of parts of speech with morphological features
Results w/o
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Hebrew Word Prediction
Some Notes on Results
• n-grams perform very well (high level of
keystroke saving)
• High rate for all genres
• And the expected:
– Better prediction when trained on more data
– Better prediction with tri-grams
– Better prediction with larger window
• Morpho-syntactic information did not improve
results (in fact, it hurt!)
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• Statistical data on a language with rich
morphology yields good results
– up to 29% with nine word proposals
– 34% for seven proposals
– 54% for a single proposal
• Syntactic information did not improve the
• Explanation - morphology didn't improve due the
use of p(w1,…,wn|μ) of an unfinished sentence
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Hebrew Word Prediction - Conclusions
Thank you
August 6th ISAAC 2008
Technical Information
• CMU – N-grams
• Storage – Berkeley DB to store knowledge for
WP: Mapping n-grams
• More questions on technology –
August 6th ISAAC 2008
Hebrew Word Prediction