
02 march, 2005


sompit moi fusakul’s necklace. It reflects the user’s emotions with the patterns of changing lights and the blossoming metal wings made of shape memory alloys.

The necklace builds an afective communication.

With the user through its abilities that provides the user to express his/her emotions and with the others through triggering emotional appraisal by getting in contact with the product and its user.

02 march, 2005


Something that produces the desired result condoms provide contraception, effectively. They are easy to use, highly protective, could be always accessible and also protects from STDs.

Contraceptive pills, on the other hand, may be provide a more effective contraception for couples, not physically but emotionally.

02 march, 2005


Working well, quickly and without waste

Google works well, fast and without waste(from one perspective) Although it is effiecient to provide you hundreds and thousands of web pages according to your keywords, it is sometimes nearly impossible to reach really what you need. It is efficient but not always effective as it is not intelligent.





02 march, 2005


come together towards the same point the flow of information or material to a certain point from different senders

02 march, 2005


To take or carry from one place to another the flow of information or material towards a certain path

02 march, 2005


on all sides, completely surronding gsm technology could be said to be an ambient technology that is always available in our surroundings wheter we are in office or in home or in street or even in country.

The infrastructure behind ambient technologies could be visible and tangible or could be highly hidden from view, embedded in or beneath other surfaces

02 march, 2005


An aparatus instrument or tool for a particular purpose which does the the same work with the man but does the work better

Man has the power to make calculations, from mind or on paper. But abacus does it faster as an appliance. A calculator does the same much more faster besides lots of other types of calculations it can do. Microsoft Excell could be said to be a digital appliance that makes calculations and the storage of the data much more eficient and effective than conventional methods.

02 march, 2005


apppliances worn on the body that facilitates an exchange of any kind of information between the body the user and the environment

02 march, 2005


apppliances that are easy to carry yet able to function independent from the movement or the environment

02 march, 2005


environments, tools or services that are accessed and used by multi users

02 march, 2005


environments, tools or services that are accessed and used by multi users

02 march, 2005


Existing as a real fact.


Although we have been using computer based folders for a time, actual folders would be around in an office environment, at least to keep the printed copies of documents

02 march, 2005


To obtain a physical or virtual good or service or stored information.

easy access requires a good planning of the requirements of the user and a good understanding and planning for a working infrastructure

16 march, 2005


Good or quick in thinking

Materials and products that serve customized services according to pre determined combinations of user demands could be called smart. The product or material does not decide but remember.

Shape Memory Alloys are smart materials as they behave according to the change of the environmental temperature. They remember their physical form in a certain temperature and get their pre-programmed or arrenged or determined shape.

16 march, 2005


Having or showing powers of learning

Chess playing computers could be classifeid intelligent as they virtually truly decide what to do according to the game of their rivals and develop their games according to the play.

Even Kasparov admits that sometimes he thought there was a man behinf the computer.



Diagram, notes, text, maps, images, movies, animations, mock-ups, or what ever medium you choose to document your observation

02 march, 2005

NTT DoCoMo i-mode + FeliCa = Mobile Wallet

i-mode FeliCa is a new service made possible by the synergy of two platform technologies --

NTT DoCoMo's Internet service, i-mode, and

Sony's contactless IC technology, FeliCa.

FeliCa's speedy and secure data transmission technology was combined with i-mode, which enables communication wherever the user may be. After charging electronic money online to your i-mode FeliCa-equipped handset, paying at a cash register just takes a simple wave of your handset. This combination is the birth of a new mobile tool that makes such convenient and fast shopping a reality.

Using i-mode FeliCa will reduce the bulky content in your wallet. It can be your cash, credit card, membership ID, and house key all in one.

Handsets now have reached a level of usability that implies a way of living.

NTT DoCoMo proposes a new kind of lifestyle brought about by i-mode FeliCa.

02 march, 2005

NTT DoCoMo + muradesign

i-mode FeliCa could be used in a different way to increase its potential.

The camera of the phone can be used as a barcode reader.

You can check the content of the books by reading their barcodes and your phone gives you the necessary information about the book, if it is relevant to your area of research, or if is there any keywords or titles in the book which you previously uploaded to ypur phone in order it to “alert” you.

Alternative 01

02 march, 2005

Is it a computer display or a hand woven textile? IFM's Patent

Pending Electric Plaid looks like a beautiful, soft textile artwork, but changes color like a computer display.

IFM's Electric Plaid is a unique textile display technology and design material. It is used by

IFM to create hand woven, sensuous individual artworks, interior design and architectural surfaces. Electric Plaid combines woven electronic circuits, color-change inks and drive electronics, to add TIME AND

MOTION to textile patterns and design.

Patterns change color slowly over time, to give you information or change the decor of the room. Electric Plaid is a reflective (it doesn't light up!) color-change medium.

Electric Plaid can be combined with IFM's textile sensors, StitchSwitch, to create fully interactive textiles and artworks.

02 march, 2005

Is it a computer display or a hand woven textile? IFM's Patent

Pending Electric Plaid looks like a beautiful, soft textile artwork, but changes color like a computer display.

IFM's Electric Plaid is a unique textile display technology and design material. It is used by

IFM to create hand woven, sensuous individual artworks, interior design and architectural surfaces. Electric Plaid combines woven electronic circuits, color-change inks and drive electronics, to add TIME AND

MOTION to textile patterns and design.

Patterns change color slowly over time, to give you information or change the decor of the room. Electric Plaid is a reflective (it doesn't light up!) color-change medium.

Electric Plaid can be combined with IFM's textile sensors, StitchSwitch, to create fully interactive textiles and artworks.

16 march, 2005

Contacless IC technology is going to be used with electronic textiles. There will be an additional contacless IC unit sewn on the sleeve of a business suit with the technology used in e-plaid and the DoCoMo phone is going to be used as a processor for the new age office suit.

The sleeve will function as the DoCOMo phones new card, but will be easier to use without taking the phone out.

The office furniture, partly or wholoy would be covered with e-plaid textiles with the card readers benaeth the surface and would be used for caccessing any allowed information in the office.

16 march, 2005

The textile surfaces of the office would be used both for accesseing dat and also for visualizing the data with the dynamically changing patterns of e-plaid technology

Team members could follow each other’s work from the changing visual pattern of friend’s sofas or textile surfaces. The exchange of information would be easily visualized and would be visible by anybody when desired.

Contactless IC technology in the business suits would both provide access to virtual and physical necessities. The textile technology behind it also will provide an affective communication of both business and personal information that will sure increase the efficiency of the workplace.

16 march, 2005

my workscape

I work on my thesis and on my articles.

The undisturbed flow of information is important for my work.

I use both physical and virtual worksettings for my work. All physical and virtual work settings provide me to access and store information that is necessary for my thesis.

The work consists of inspiration, research, reading, data collection, discussion and writing. So my workscape is nearly all the places where i am either alone or with friends, collegues or instructors during daytime or nighttime, when i am awake.

İ carry out my work in three different cities. It is importnt for me to access, download, upload and store information from everywhere i live.
