Email Marketing for Small Businesses

Facebook Advertising
Campaigns & Contests
Dakota Internet Designs ~ Hilarie Strong 303.217.0843
Connect with Me
About Me
• Aunt & Furmom
• Dog Lover
• Married/Military Wife
• From South Dakota
• Tennis Player
• Love to Travel
More About Me…
• Social Enthusiast
• Constant Contact Authorized Local
Expert (Speaker/Trainer)
• Certified Solutions Provider for
Constant Contact
• Social Media & Digital Marketing
• Trained by Top Experts: Amy
Porterfield, Andrea Vahl, Melanie
Duncan, Kim Garst, Will Irish &
Mari Smith
• Masters in Business
• 20+ years in Marketing/Operations
• Speaker, Trainer & Consultant
• Specialize in :
Facebook Campaigns/Advertising
Email Marketing
Social Media Management
Website Audits/Consultation
More About Me…
My clients:
• Fitness Gym, Chamber’s,
Gallery, Higher Education,
Retail, Products, Non-Profit’s,
Health/Beauty, Nutrition,
Human Services, Photography,
Travel, Food/Beverage,
Membership, etc.
Most Popular Services
-Content Marketing Plans-Annual
-Social Media audits/recommendations
-Website audits/recommendations
-Email Marketing Set Up/Management
-Website Management
-1:1 Consultation/Training
What we’ll cover today…
• Facebook Ads-How does this work?
• How to target your audience(s)
• Local Awareness Advertising
• Pay to Play Environment
• Why you need to have an online marketing budget
• How to attract more quality likes & leads
• What is a lead magnet?
• What’s next?
1.44 Billion on Facebook
936 Million Daily Users
(up 17% from last year)
HIT 1 Billion in a Single Day!
1 in 7 people on the web
Globally-3 Billion people
So 1 in 3 people were on FB!!!!
Organic Reach is down, down, down…
• Constantly evolving
• How to attract new fans?
• Increase engagement?
• Make sales?
• Get qualified leads?
• I can’t afford it…Must move
beyond this
• Missing an opportunity
• Sharing is up, up, up
• Photos and videos are working
• Video is the “king”
• Likes are still the most dominant
engagement but shares are
• Focus on quality versus quantity
• Increase in paid activities
Facebook 2015 Industry Report
by Simply Measured (1-1.15-3.31.15)
Top 100 Global Brands
Key Findings:
• Likes are still the most dominant engagement type
• Shares in Q1-15 increased by 28% (photos & videos)-SPREAD
• 31% increase in ad spend
• Shares of video increased by 43% from Q4-14 to Q1-15
• Decrease in content-more strategic & less often
• Using to respond to fans quickly
• Links & photos are the most common types and drove most engagement
• Increase in engagement from 2014-2015
• Status updates decreased by 72%
Facebook is the most important social
network for most marketers!
2015 Social Media
Marketing Industry
(3720 participants)
Social Media Examiner
Small Businesses…
• B2C-65% #1 social media platform
• B2B-30% #1 social media platform
• 84% use Facebook ads
• In the future-53% will increase
Facebook ads
• Future content-73% visuals, 72%
videos, 69% blogging & 26%
Facebook can help your business grow
Facebook Ads-How does this work?
Must have a goal/purpose
Choose an objective:
• Clicks to website (send to website)
• Website conversions
• Boost posts for increased engagement
• Page likes
• App Installs
• App Engagement
• Local Awareness
• Event Attendance
• Offers/Coupons
• Video views
Create your “ad set”
• Select your audience parameters
• 746 different parameters to choose from
and then combinations of these
• Choose budget-daily or lifetime
• Bid-choose optimized (fb will get you the
best price) Best value & easiest!
• Bid on clicks (buy, opt-in-fee for every
• Bid on Impressions (brand awareness-pay
when every 1K people served)
• Choose schedule-how long
• You can stop at any time!
Ad Objectives
How people see your ad on Facebook
Every business needs a digital budget!
Start as low as $1-$5 per day.
Daily or Lifetime budget of $50 per ad.
Bidding available
You can get 10x the exposure with ads!
Laser Targeting
Benefits of Facebook Ads!
• Allows laser targeting of
• Audience segmentation
• Split test ads-see what works
• CTA buttons-only in ads!
• Highly effective in converting
• Look like wall posts
• Avoids over-posting on wall
• Dark or unpublished post allows
only the audience you pick to
see the ad/post
• Exclude audiences
• Create audiences from emails
and phone numbers
• You can find and advertise to
your perfect prospects!
• Create custom audiences
• Retarget website visitors
Audience persona-AVATAR
Working woman
Worked at same job for many years
Married with two grown children
Skews female
Age 50-65
Dual income household-140k
What other pages do they follow?
Your Fans…
Get to know them!
The better you know them, the
better you can craft your message
and you will know what they
respond to.
Connect to the right people that
care about your business!
Test, test, test…
Did you know?
Targeting your audience:
1. Demographics & Connections-162 choices
2. Interests-261 choices
3. Behaviors-316 choices
4. A combo of these
Over 700 choices when picking your perfect prospects!
See how things look on each feed
Sample Ad
Create Your AD…
-Choose existing post or image
or video
-Text (20% rule) use GRID Tool
-CTA button
-Link Description
-Display Link
-LIKE button top right corner if
you haven’t liked page yet!
Local Awareness Ads
What is a
Local Awareness AD?
• Target prospective customers
near your business location
• Geographic focus
• You want folks through your
store or purchase from you,
give them something of
value-your lead magnet!
• Brick and mortar store-traffic!
• Start within 10 miles
Local Awareness Ads-Calls to action
Small Businesses
40 Million small businesses
ONLY 2 million
Advertise on Facebook
Boosted post
• If you’re in a hurry
• Less targeting options
• Only pick a few interests
• Only age, location & gender
• No placement options (news feed only )
• You can’t segment (split-test)
• NO exclusion of audiences
• Maybe if your post is gaining momentum
Sample Boosted Post
Promoted post
• More targeting options including behaviors (316)
• Choose placement of ad (mobile-only, sidebar-only or desktop-only or
• Split-test (you can make multiple ads by changing one interest or
behavior at a time)
• Then watch and see which one does better and shut-down the others
Social Sales-Customer is King!
• Test more things
• The better your ads will be
• What worked?
• What didn’t and why?
• Split-test ads
• Change one thing per ad set
Facebook is a destination for
news, trends, shopping and
It is a staple for social marketers
as well!
Facebook drives 25% of all social
referral traffic.
Custom landing pages & lead magnets
• I use lead pages-you can create
your own on website
• There are many to pick from
• Have a Lead Magnet to offer on
your landing page
• Lead Magnet must MATCH the
information audience wants
Create a Facebook contest
checklist (lead magnet) for those
that are interested in possibly
running a Facebook contest/want
to learn more about it for their
Landing Page
(opt-in or purchase)
• Fixes pain points of audience
• Offer solutions to their
• Administer a pain killer not a
• Increase social sharing on this
• Make it easy-click on page
• Multiple lead/landing pages for
different audiences
• Each offer has their own landing
Sample Facebook ad
Lead Magnet is a
FREE Guide
Landing Page-Opt-In
After landing page-click on website
Confirmation Email-then FREE Guide…
Lead Magnets
Blog posts
Resource guides
Cheat Sheet
People love to possess things…Download vs. Learn
2015 Super Bowl Commercial-Budweiser
30 million views
Q1-15 data
• Over 1 MILLION Shares!
• Appeal to their fans
• Targeted content
Pick content carefully to promote in an ad $$
Strategic Planning
Trends Include
• Focus on quality
• Solidly invest in video
• Popular holidays
• Popular events
• Good photos
• Partner with another brand
• Must be willing to try &
• Avoid sales pitch
• Connect socially
• Use a part of your sales funnel
Power of Facebook-reach global audiences
“But I think there are technologies and other circumstances today that
can actually bring back advantage to small-scale businesses, so they
can afford to stay local, but act global.”
Dick, of Startup Capital Ventures
Tech tools for growth!
Hawaii Business Magazine
August, 2015
Yes, Locally Owned has a Future
Lavonne Leong
Video Tips
• High Quality
• Increases Engagement
• Share well!!!
• Helps tell your story
• Brand Awareness-remember Budweiser!
• Videos for each audience
• Bring your story to LIFE!
Best practices for video creative
Facebook Contests
Why run one?
• One of the least expensive ways
to get more likes, fans & emails
• Get results
• Fun for your fans
• Viral (share) ability
• Creates buzz
• Increases engagement
• They convert!
• Mobile ready
• Everyone’s on mobile
• 400 million mobile daily
• 48% of users use daily
Mobile Stats
Time spent on mobile has surpassed PC usage
62.1% check email
15% make purchases
99.5% access content/information
63.1% access the internet
41.7 download and use apps
Accounts for 60% of time spent engaging with digital retail vs. 40% for
desktop in 4Q 2014
• The mobile commerce market in the U.S. is set to grow 25.72% over the
period 2014-2019.
Mobile Commerce
• 175% growth last 2 years
• 33% of orders came from a mobile device rather than a computer
• Forecast 50% market share in developed countries such as Japan, UK
• Smartphones: 53% USA & 90% JAPAN
• Products & Services in 2014 202% growth
• Coupons on rise: 2015-40.5% and 2017-48%
• 97.4 billion US consumers redeeming coupons (use ad/contest/email)
Types of Contests
• Video contest
• Refer-a-friend
• Sweepstakes
• Photo contest
• Instagram
Steps to running a successful
1. Pick a relevant prize
(need a really good one)
Great visual/photo
2. Pick an entry method
Landing page on website &
timeline (news feed)
Easy for fans to share!
Steps (continued)
3. Create your contest
Use a third party add, graphics,
feature product/business, entry
form, add like & share buttons,
include social proof (testimonials,
past winners and submissions)
Create urgency-count down clock
7-14 days usually
4. Promote your contest
***most important***
-thank you page on website
-social channels
-use FB ads
-promoted posts
Steps (continued)
• Monitor campaign-DATA
• Facebook Insights
• Google Analytics
5. Pick a Winner & Follow Up
-Most critical!!!!
-auto-responder email (series)
-stay in touch & keep engaged
-drip, drip, drip
Email Marketing is your friend!
Common Mistakes
• Offering your service or product as a prize
• Must be exciting!
• Relevant to your fans
• Offer something with wide appeal and outside your biz
• Must appeal to your audience
Tips for Success
• Now what?
• Retarget new emails (leads)
• Get to know your audience
• Be ready for sales/social media engagement/customer service
• Make it easy to enter
• Sign up with Email only-less is better
• Compliant with FB rules
• Drive around holidays or events-convert better
• Use great visuals-human eye sees images 60,000 more than text
Facebook is Hard to Beat
• It is a staple of our ecosystem
• It is not going away
• Golden opportunity for targeted
• Affordable
• Video is HOT, HOT, HOT!
• It must integrate with overall
marketing plan
Big Picture Marketing
Success & Challenges of Social Media
Tied to overall business goals
Tactical execution
Content that your audience
likes and responds to
1. Demonstrating value of social
2. Social media not integrated
into overall business
3. You don’t have the right set of
tools to measure social media
Sales Funnel
Loyal Customers
brand, create content, contests, blog,
ads, lead magnets (wiifm), etc.
Landing pages, emails-series, website
Build relationships, content
Sell, upsell (social sales)
Continue to build relationships and
WOW customers
**Social customer care
Understanding & analyzing your
audience, competition and own
efforts on each network and
developing a strategy that maps to
the overall company goals is key.
View must social media as a
complex but holistic ecosystem.
The State of Social Media
2015 Report
Facebook Advertising Campaigns
Facebook Contests
Local Awareness Ads
Pay-to-Play environment-Budgeting
Digital Marketing Plan
Facebook has millions of subscribers
just waiting for you to target!
Your job is NOT full time marketing but my
FULL TIME job is!
My Services Include:
• Social Media Management/Consultation
• Email Marketing Setup/Management
• Facebook Contests/Campaigns
• Facebook Advertising
• Website audits/consults
• WordPress audits/management/assistance/updates
August Specials-Not advertised
Content Marketing Plans-Special $250 -50% off
Constant Contact Email Account 30% off for 3 months!
FREE Trial of Email Marketing is always available!
Contact me!
Thanks for coming!
My gift to you!
Bonus email coming with FREE stuff to
help you in your Facebook journey!
Mahalo ~ Hilarie
• Mari Smith,
• Brian Carter,
• Social Media Examiner, 2015 SM Marketing Industry Report, Michael
Stelzner, May 2015
• Simply Measured, Facebook 2015 Industry Report
• Simply Measured, The State of Social Marketing Report, Kevin Shively
• Will Irish,
• Website magazine,
• Social Media Today,
• Facebook,
• Hawaii Business Magazine, August 2015