Cover Letter, Resume and References

Cover Letter, Resume
and References
What is a resume?
• 1-2 page summary of your high school education, activities,
volunteer and paid work experience, and skills
• You should add to and update it with your most recent
achievements often.
• This is a “live” document that is always changing and
• You can tailor your resume for the job you are applying for.
Why is your resume so
To complete your class assignment 
Land a co-op or work-study opportunity
Get into college, university
Get a scholarship
Get a job
Keep track of education, special courses, project and
• Record paid and unpaid work experience
• Recognize your skills, interests and accomplishments
The Resume
• The resume is a selling tool that outlines your skills and
experiences so a potential employer can see, at a glance,
how you can be a valuable member of their organization.
• It may be odd to think about, but you are a product that
you are marketing to businesses.
• Your resume has to sell you in short order. While you
may have all the necessary requirements and skills for a
particular position, your resume is a failure if the
employer does not instantly come to the conclusion that
you "have what it takes."
• The first hurdle your resume has to pass--whether it ends
up in the "consider file" or the "reject file"--may take less
than thirty seconds.
• The most effective resumes are clearly focused on a specific
job and addresses the employer's requirements for the
• Remember that you can tailor your resume to a specific job.
One resume will probably not be sufficient for each job you
apply for.
• The more you know about the duties and skills required for
the job--and organize your resume around these points--the
more effective the resume.
• You will need information to write
a good resume. Not just
information about jobs you've held
in the past but also information
most relevant for THIS position.
• The more you know about the
employer and the position, the
more you can tailor your resume to
fit the job.
The Basic Student Resume
• Beginner resume that can be expanded, developed,
focused and changed depending on your objectives.
• Major headings will include:
– Personal information
– Education, including courses, activities, and awards
– Work Experience
– Community service/volunteer activities and jobs
Employability Skills
• Employability skills are the same as Transferable skills –
so what are Transferable skills?
• Transferable skills are those skills that you can take with
you from job to job. Example: Communication skills,
computer skills, and organizational skills.
Employability Skills
are the same as Transferable skills
Team player
Highly organized
Meets deadlines
Public speaking
• Computers
• Patience
• Discipline
• Excellent
• Self-motivated
• Sense of humor
• Operating registers
• Customer service
• Positive attitude
• Reliable
• Punctual
Retail Sales (ie Associate at America Eagle)
What skills do you think would be useful in this job?
Good customer service skills
Good communication skills
Energetic and outgoing
Punctual and reliable
Cash register operation
Let’s Begin with the Resume
• Please go to this handout
• Skills
• Have you Got Skills?
• On the back of your Writing a Resume you will see a skills and
abilities list. Using this list pick 5 skills/abilities that you have and
provide proof that you have them. Use examples and stories that
you can recall how you attained this skill or ability. I expect a
paragraph for each.
Choosing the Type/Font
• The two most common fonts are Times New Roman
(more conservative) and Ariel (more contemporary).
• Use Bold, italic, bold italic, and CAPS to emphasize
certain text such as headings and job titles.
• Be consistent with the type used for headings and other
• Use 12- or 11-point type. Set your name in 14-point type
so that it stands out.
Resume Do’s
Do state your objective/tag line carefully.
Do keep your resume to one page.
Do proofread carefully.
Do have someone else read over it for you, such as a
parent or teacher.
• Do use good white paper
• Do be honest...always.
• Update the content of your resume at least once a year.
Resume Do Not's
• Don’t include your birth date or a photograph of yourself.
Unless you are looking for a modeling job.
• Don’t include statements about your health unless
• Don’t include your Social Security number.
• Don’t write anything negative about a past employer or
• Don’t fold, bend or soil your resume.
• Don’t use scented or colored paper.
Writing Tips
• Avoid using the personal pronoun “I.” We know that
your resume is all about you – it has your name at the
• Start your sentences with strong verbs (present-tense for
current job, past-tense for past jobs).
The world of resumes is
• It’s still necessary for us to have paper copies of resumes,
because technology has not caught up to everyone.
• Here are some resumes that you will probably see in your
career work places:
Pictures are hyperlinked.
The Cover Letter
• A cover letter is a formal letter that
accompanies your résumé. Use it to
introduce yourself to potential employers,
and to convince them that you’re the right
person for the job.
• Your cover letter doesn’t simply re-state
your résumé—it offers some new
information, and it highlights the skills you
have that are relevant to the job you’re
applying for.
Cover Letter
• Your cover letter summarizes the best of what you have to
• The goals of the cover letter are:
Get the readers attention
Impress the employer
Use keywords and skills you think they are looking for
Show genuine interest in the company/place
Show you have employability skills
A Good Cover Letter Has…
• Your contact information
• The potential employers contact information
• A Greeting
• Intro paragraph
• Middle paragraph with important skills that are
relevant to the job
• Closing paragraph with logistics info
• A Signature
Top 10 Cover Letter Tips
• Do your homework. Learn what you can about the
company or organization.
• Follow instructions. Be sure to include any information
that was requested in the job posting.
• Don’t just restate your résumé. Use your letter as an
opportunity to make a great first impression.
• Personalize your letter. When possible, address your
cover letter to a specific person.
• Tailor your letter to the job. Make sure the skills and
experience you highlight in your cover letter are clearly
connected to the job you’re applying for.
Top 10 Cover Letter Tips
• Presentation counts. Use a font that’s easy to read, like
12-point Times New Roman or Arial. Using 8.5 x 11-inch
white paper is usually a smart choice.
• Break it down. Make your cover letter easier to read by
breaking the text down into short paragraphs.
• Use a professional tone. Be sure to use professional and
respectful language when writing your cover letter.
• Be brief. Your cover letter should be no more than one
page long—the best strategy is to keep it short and to
the point.
• Proofread. Review your cover letter several times; don’t
just rely on spell-check. Ask someone else to proofread it
as well.
Let’s read a cover letter
• Dana Power’s Cover Letter
Cover Letter Example
• Her address at top
• Date
• Employers address
• Salutation
• 3 paragraphs
(see details of each
On draft copy)
Finish with closing
Cover Letter Jobs
• Using the handout provided, write a cover letter that fits one
of the criteria given.
Cover Letter – Opening Paragraph
State why you are writing and what position you are applying for.
Mention any mutual contacts you might have. Be sure to sound
professional and enthusiastic.
Middle Paragraph
This is the most important paragraph. State your academic and work
experience that is most relevant to the position you are applying for.
Emphasize your key skills. Be sure to incorporate keywords. Provide
details whenever possible.
Closing Paragraph
Include any details about your availability. Mention again
how much you would like the position. Thank the individual
for his or her time and express interest in future contact.
Where do I apply?
• Use my job listings for your
example cover letter.
• Remember, these are jobs that
I’ve made up, but treat them as
real job ads that you’ve found on
Kijiji or through the business’
• Note what qualifications the
employer is looking for and try
to use that in your cover letter.
• Refer to this handout
• Handout “References Outline”
• Fill in the Reference Page template with THREE
• You should have two personal references and
one personal reference.
• You will need to get information/phone
numbers/etc. tonight for homework if you do
not have it here at school.