File - Mrs. Miller-FALA

AP World History
How to win at the Document-Based Question
Write an essay that:
• Has a relevant
thesis and supports that
thesis with
evidence from the documents.
• Uses
all of the documents.
• Analyses the documents by
grouping them in as many ways as
possible. Does not simply summarize the documents individually.
• Takes into account the sources of the documents and analyses the
point of view.
• Explains the need for at least one
additional document.
You may refer to relevant historical information not mentioned in
the documents.
2006 DBQ Scoring Guide (Operational Rubric)
BASIC CORE (competence)
(1 point)
(1 point)
• Has an acceptable
• Understands the basic meaning of the
documents. (may
misrepresent one document)
• Supports
thesis with appropriate evidence from all or all but (1-2 points)
one of the documents.
• Analyzes
point of view in at least two documents.
(1 point)
• Analyzes documents by grouping them, in two or three ways.
(1 point)
• Identifies and explains the need for one type of
(1 point)
appropriate additional document or source.
Total 7 points
(1-2 points)
EXPANDED CORE (excellence)
Max score 9
Expands beyond the basic core of 1-7 points. A
student must earn 7 points in the basic core before
earning points in the expanded core.
Basic Core (competence)
• The thesis must be explicitly stated in the
introduction or conclusion of the essay.
• It may appear as one or two connected sentences.
• Amere restatement of the question is not
acceptable, but your thesis must DIRECTLY
• Stating the date range
• Addressing the verb within the prompt
• Making a clear statement of how the documents
address the prompt.
2. Understands the basic meaning of the documents
• There are eight documents. Students must
all documents and demonstrate
understanding of basic meaning in at least
seven documents. Listing the documents
separately or listing the documents as part
of a group does not sufficiently demonstrate
an understanding of the basic meaning.
• Always use parenthetical citations ex: (Doc
6) after any direct or indirect reference to a
3. Supports
thesis with appropriate evidence
from all or all but one of the documents.
• For 2 points:
Evidence must be drawn from seven or eight
documents and must be connected to thesis.
• For 1 point:
Evidence must be drawn from six documents
and connected to thesis.
4. Analyzes
point of view in at
least two documents.
• POV explains why this particular person might have this
particular opinion OR what particular feature informs the
author’s POV.
• Students must move beyond mere description of that
individual by considering and explaining the tone, the
characteristics of the author, the intended audience, and/or
how outcome may have influenced the author’s opinion.
• Mere attribution is not sufficient. Attribution is copying or
repeating information verbatim from the source line of the
5. Grouping
• Analyzes documents by grouping them, in
two or three ways, depending on the
6. Identifies and explains the need for one type of
appropriate additional document or source.
• Students must identify an appropriate
additional document or source and explain
how the document or source will contribute
to an analysis of the effects of the silver
Expanded Core (excellence)
Expanded thesis
Careful and insightful analysis of documents
Analyzes P.O.V. in more than two documents
Brings in relevant “outside” historical evidence
Identifies more than one additional document or
provides a particularly sophisticated explanation
of why the additional document is necessary.
DBQ Essential Tools List:
1. Manchester DBQ (2002 AP Euro Exam)
2. Football DBQ (PowerPoint) on POV
3. Parental DBQ
4. AP College Central (most recent DBQ and info)