Elements VOCATS Review Questions

Elements VOCATS Review Questions
1. Microsoft Word 2010 is what common
type of application software?
A. Presentation
C. Spreadsheet
B. Text editor
D. Word Processing
2. Which is NOT a document that is created
using Microsoft Word 2010?
A. Letter
B. Report
C. Spreadsheet
D. Memo
3. What is the name of the Microsoft Word
2010 feature that offers an optional
display showing symbols indicating a
tab, space, or use of the Enter key?
A. Word symbols
B. Formatting symbols
C. Nonprinting characters
D. Formatting characters
4. Which command on the Page Layout
ribbon enables the user to control the
way the document prints on the page?
A. Print
C. Print Setup
B. Page Setup
D. Printing
5. When Microsoft Word 2010 marks a
sentence in the document with a green
wavy underline, what is indicated?
A. Possible grammatical error
B. Synonym is available
C. Antonym is available
D. Possible spelling error
6. Selecting text, pressing and holding the
mouse button and moving the text to a new
location is known as:
A. Word text repositioning.
B. Cut and paste.
C. Drag and drop.
D. Select and move.
7. Where does Microsoft Word 2010
temporarily store copied information until it
is pasted elsewhere
A. Pasteboard
C. Cutboard
B. Clipboard
D. Copyboard
8. Which dialog box in Microsoft Word 2010
is used to quickly locate a specific phrase in
a document?
A. Search and replace B. Word search
C. Character search D. Find and replace
9. Which is the process of navigating to a
specific location in a document such as a
line number?
A. Find
C. Replace
B. Go to
D. Select
10. Which is the purpose of adding
background shading to a selected area of a
document in order to bring attention to the
A. Coloring
B. Marking
C. Highlighting
D. Emphasizing
Elements VOCATS Review Questions
11. Which term refers to changes made in a
document that impact the appearance of
the document?
A. Styling
C. Designing
B. Formatting
D. Perfecting
12. The way in which a paragraph lines up
horizontally between the paper edges of a
document is called:
A. Adjustment.
B. Balancing.
C. Alignment.
D. Spacing.
13. From the current location, this is refers
to moving the information to the right?
A. Backspace
B. Insertion point
C. Paragraph mark D. Indent
14. What are the dots added for emphasis
to a list of items?
A. Bullets
C. Points
B. Pellets
D. Marks
15. When items in a list need to stay in a
particular order, which type of emphasis
will be used?
A. Bullets
C. Marks
B. Symbols
D. Numbers
16. What type of formatting is bold,
underline or italic?
A. Organized
C. Paragraph
B. Style
D. Font
18. What controls the variety of fonts,
colors, and other visual effects available
within a
A. Theme
C. Design
B. Style
D. Layout
19. To change a document theme in order
to convey a different look and feel, which
ribbon must be utilized?
A. Home
C. Page Layout
B. Insert
D. Review
20. Applied with one click, which Microsoft
2010 command enables an entire set of
formatting choices?
A. Instant theme
C. Design wizard
B. Layout now
D. Quick styles
21. Which are the two types of page
A. Instant and quick
B. Automatic and manual
C. Manual and instant
D. Quick and automatic
22. What Microsoft Word 2010 feature
allows users to have lists of information in
horizontal rows and vertical columns?
A. Numerical list
C. List area
B. Table
D. Grid area
23. How do you select an entire table?
17. What is a combination of keystrokes to
perform a task is referred to as?
A. Mouse shortcut B. Command shortcut
C. Keyboard shortcut D. Task shortcut
A. Click the table select handle
B. Double-clicking the right margin of the
C. Click the table move handle.
D. Click the table area.
Elements VOCATS Review Questions
27. How do you insert rows into a table?
24. How do you select only a part of a
A. Select the table part using the mouse
pointer and clicking on the table
B. Choose the Select command on the
Table Tools Design ribbon
C. Choose the Select command on the
Home ribbon
D. Choose the Select Table command on
the Home ribbon
25. How do you move in a table from cell to
A. Use the Home, up arrow and End keys
B. Use the right mouse button, up arrow
key and Home key
C. Use the table movement shortcut keys,
the Home key, and End key
D. Use the arrow keys, the Tab key or the
mouse to point and click to another
cell in the table
A. Select a column or row, right-click the
mouse and choose Insert from the
shortcut menu.
B. Select a column or row by clicking the
table select button, right-click the
mouse and choose Insert from the
shortcut menu.
C. Select a column or row, right-click the
mouse and choose Insert from the
Home ribbon.
D. Select a column or row by clicking the
table select button, right-click the
mouse and choose Insert from the
Home ribbon.
28. How do you change the width of a table
A. Right-click in the column and choose
width from the shortcut menu
B. Double-click the column to enter
column edit mode.
C. Drag the column border to adjust the
D. Choose adjust width from the Table
Tools Design ribbon.
26. The process of rearranging information
in alphabetical order in a table is called:
A. Organizing.
C. Filtering.
B. Sorting.
D. Moving.
29. When the tab key is pressed, where the
cursor moves to on the horizontal ruler is
A. Insertion point. B. Indention.
C. Column marker. D. Tab stop.
Elements VOCATS Review Questions
30. Explanatory comments or references
that appear at the end of a Microsoft Word
document are known as:
36. The location within a document that
links connect to is a:
A. Reference information. B. Footers.
C. Footnotes.
D. Endnotes.
A. document marker. B. bookmark.
C. hyperlink.
D. target.
31. Features included in Microsoft Word
2010 documents such as footnotes and
captions are found on which ribbon?
A. Reference
C. Home
B. Insert
D. Add-Ins
32. The very top of the page in a document
is known as the:
A. Margin.
C. Header.
B. Headline.
D. Top reference.
33. The very bottom of the page in a
document is called the:
A. margin.
C. endnote.
B. footnote.
D. footer.
34. Which ribbon opens headers and
footers in Microsoft Word 2010?
A. Home
C. Reference
B. Insert
D. Add-Ins
35. What creates links in a document to a
web page?
A. Document marker.
C. Hyperlink.
B. Bookmark.
D. Target.
37. Which procedure must be completed in
the document prior to using the Table of
Contents command?
A. Apply heading styles to the appropriate
headings in the document
B. Apply bold formatting to the
appropriate headings in the
C. Apply italics formatting to the
appropriate headings in the
D. Apply table of contents formatting to
the appropriate headings in the
38. Clip art placed in a Microsoft Word 2010
document is a:
A. shape.
C. graphic.
B. picture.
D. clip.
39. Which feature is used for applying
visually dramatic formatting to text and
creating text that is considered a graphical
A. ClipArt
C. SmartArt
B. TextArt
D. WordArt
Elements VOCATS Review Questions
40. Which ribbon includes desktop
publishing features in Microsoft Word 2010
A. Home ribbon, Text group
B. Insert ribbon, Desktop Publishing
C. Insert ribbon, Text group
D. Home ribbon, Desktop Publishing
41. The WordArt object is located on which
A. WordArt Preferences
B. GraphicArt Tools
C. Graphical Tools
D. WordArt Tools Format
42. Resizing a graphical image is:
A. adjustment.
C. dragging.
B. modification.
D. scaling.
43. What are two or more vertical blocks
A. Blocks
C. Columns
B. Newspaper
D. Tables
44. What is combining information from
two separate sources to create a final
document with custom information on each
A. Mail merge
B. Document Merge
C. Combine Document D. Word Merge
45. What are placeholders that direct
Microsoft Word 2010 where to insert
customized information in order to create
several letters in a final merged document?
A. information fields.
B. data fields.
C. merge fields.
D. combining fields.
46. The group of commands used to create
a document merge is on which ribbon?
A. Home
C. References
B. Insert
D. Mailings
47. What is it called when formatting
changes and edits are restricted in
Microsoft Word
A. protection.
B. restriction.
C. limiting.
D. permissions.
48. Which area is clicked to share a blog
post on the File tab in a Microsof Word
2010 document?
A. Info
C. Save As
B. Save and Send
D. Options
49. Which type of file can be selected as the
starting point to create a new document
the quickest way?
A. Boilerplate
C. Template
B. Form
D. Master
50. Where is the list of available file types
found when starting a new document in
Microsoft Word 2010?
A. File tab, new command
B. File tab, template command
C. Home tab, template command
D. Home tab, new command
51. Which ribbon is used to effect the page
background of a document?
A. Home
C. View
B. Insert
D. Page Layout
Elements VOCATS Review Questions
52. Lines drawn to visually frame
documents, tables or cells in a Microsoft
Word 2010 document are called:
A. outlines.
C. margins.
B. borders.
D. boundaries.
53. What is a graphic that appears behind
A. Imprint.
C. Logo.
B. Watermark.
D. Emblem.
54. Which command on the Page Layout
ribbon enables the user to control the way
the document prints on the page?
A. Print
C. Print Setup
B. Page Setup
D. Printing
55 When Microsoft Word 2010 marks a
sentence in the document with a green
wavy underline, what is indicated?
A. Possible grammatical error
B. Synonym is available
C. Antonym is available
D. Possible spelling error
56 Where is the zoom control slider located
in the Microsoft Word 2010 window?
A. View ribbon
C. Status bar
B. Home ribbon
D. Title bar
57 Which method is used to insert new
lines into a document?
A. Arrow down
B. Use the Enter key
C. Use the Tab key D. Use the Insert key
58 What is the result of using the Enter key
on the keyboard?
A. Word wrap begins
B. Margins are set
C. A new paragraph begins
D. A tab is inserted
59 What action is necessary when saving a
document for the first time in Microsoft
Word 2010?
A. A file name must be assigned to the
B. Margin settings must be established
C. Non-printing characters must be
D. Print settings must be established
60 What is the proper method for viewing
a document in Print Layout?
A. Right-click in the document area and
choose Print Layout from the
shortcut menu
B. Triple-click the document
C. Choose the File tab and select the Print
Layout View
D. Choose the View ribbon and select the
Print Layout option
61 Which is a method for moving quickly to
the bottom of a document?
A. CTRL + arrow down
B. CTRL + End
C. ALT + arrow down
D. ALT + Page down
Elements VOCATS Review Questions
62 Which reference does the Microsoft
Word 2010 Spell Check feature rely upon?
A. Microsoft Word's built-in dictionary
B. Webster's built-in dictionary
C. The Internet
D. The Microsoft Website
63 What is the feature that enables a user
to add a statement in a document's margin
about that section of the document?
A. Text box
C. Comment
B. Markup
D. Notes
64 Which Microsoft 2010 feature marks
and follows revisions made in a document
by other users?
A. Markup
C. Comments
B. Notes
D. Track Changes
65 In a document, how are changes
highlighted for users to review?
A. In pop-up boxes containing suggestions
B. In balloons containing suggestions
C. In dialog boxes containing suggestions
D. In flashing boxes containing
66 The amount of space before and after
each paragraph in a document is known as:
A. The margin.
B. Line spacing.
C. Paragraph spacing. D. The font size.
67 Where are the commands that adjust
paragraph and line spacing in a document
A. The Home ribbon in the Spacing group
B. The Page Layout ribbon in the
Paragraph group
C. The Page Layout ribbon in the Spacing
D. The Home ribbon in the Paragraph
68 Adding emphasis to a list of items in a
Microsoft Word 2010 document is
considered what type of formatting?
A. Organized
C. Paragraph
B. Style
D. Font
69 Prior to applying a hyperlink to an
image, which action should use the user
A. Recolor the image
B. Move the image to the center location
in the document
C. Select the image
D. Triple-click the image
70 While in the Insert Hyperlink dialog box,
which command must precede an email
address to identify the hyperlink as an email
address link?
A. Mail:
B. Mailto:
C. eMail:
D. eMailto:
71 The positioning of graphics in a specific
place and specific line of a document is
referred to as:
A. Floating.
C. Wrapped.
B. Inline.
D. Anchored.
Elements VOCATS Review Questions
72 Which of the following is NOT a
common type of graphical image used in
Microsoft Word
73 Which of the following is NOT an option
for sharing a document via Email?
A. Send as PDF
B. Send as Internet Fax
C. Send as XPS
D. Send as Text Message
74 To automate work, which Microsoft
Word 2010 feature appears as a purple
dotted underline and offers a button
displaying a menu of commands related to
the specific task you are completing?
A. Smart tag
C. Quick Menu
B. Shortcut options
D. Quick Part
75 In Microsoft Word 2010, stored words,
blocks of text or graphics that can be
inserted with the click of a button are
referred to as:
A. Anchored.
C. Quick parts.
B. Dummy data.
D. Form Parts.
76 Which is NOT a category in the quick
parts gallery that may be inserted into a
A. Quick text
C. Auto text
B. Document property
D. Field