Generic Free-Response Scoring Rubric for AP European History

APEURO Calibration Question
Directions: You should spend 5 minutes organizing and outlining your answer.
Write an essay that:
 Has a relevant thesis
 Addresses all parts of the question
 Supports thesis with specific evidence
 Is well organized
Analyze the impact of the major developments of the Commercial Revolution on
Europe’s economy and society in the period of 1650 to 1789.
Generic Free-Response Scoring Rubric for AP European History
9-8 Points
 Thesis is explicit and fully responsive to the prompt.
 Organization is clear, consistently followed, and effective in support of the argument.
 Essay is well balanced; all major topics suggested by the prompt are covered at some length.
 Essay contains specific and appropriate supporting evidence; all major assertions in the essay are supported thoroughly and
consistently by multiple pieces of relevant evidence.
 May contain errors that do not detract from the argument
7-6 Points
 Thesis is explicit and responsive to the prompt.
 Organization is clear and effective in support of the argument but not consistently followed; may introduce evidence that is
not pertinent to the task
 Essay is balanced; all major topics suggested by the prompt are covered but may analyze a particular topic in greater depth
rather than in a balanced manner.
 Essay contains specific and appropriate supporting evidence; all major assertions in the essay are supported by at least one
piece of relevant evidence.
 May contain an error that detracts from the argument.
5-4 Points
 Thesis is explicit but not fully responsive to the question; may only address part of the question effectively
 Organization is clear but may not be consistently followed; essay may veer off task chronologically or thematically or both
 Essay may be somewhat imbalanced; some major topics suggested by the prompt are neglected.
 Essay contains some specific supporting evidence but may use evidence unevenly; most of the major assertions in the essay
are supported by least one piece of relevant evidence.
 May contain one or more errors that detract from the argument.
3-2 Points
 Thesis may merely restate or paraphrase the prompt, or it may fail to respond to the charge specified in the prompt
 Organization is unclear or ineffective in support of an argument relative to the prompt
 Essay shows a serious imbalance; most major topics suggested by the prompt are neglected or dealt with in a superficial
 Limited use of relevant supporting evidence; only one or two major assertions are supported by relevant evidence or
evidence is confused
 May contain several errors that detract from the argument.
1-0 Points
 Thesis is erroneous or irrelevant or absent
 No effective organization is evident
 Essay does not respond to the prompt with relevant evidence or does so only in general terms; one or none of the major
topics suggested by the prompt is mentioned
 Provides little or no relevant supporting evidence
 May contain numerous errors that detract from the argument.
Note: distinguish between the 4-5/ 6-7/ 8-9. Your goal should be 6 or higher. The average score is usually about 4.
APEURO FRQ Essay Format
Introductory Paragraph
 Setting the Stage: 1-2 Lead in sentences (explains event(s); shows an understanding of chronology, etc.)
 Thesis
Thesis should:
1. take a position
2. fully answer the question
3. Provide an overview of the topics to be covered in the body paragraphs
a. Topic sentences for body paragraphs come from organizational categories in the
Also good idea to use words that show sophistication: although, controversial, turning point,
underlying causes, primary, secondary, key, significant, predominant. You should try to use
at least 1 or 2 of these words in your thesis statement.
Body Paragraphs
 One paragraph for each category in the thesis
 Begin with topic sentence
Explains main idea of paragraph
Supports thesis
 Evidence/Concrete Details (1-3 per paragraph + commentary)
Concrete Detail = evidence to prove thesis
Commentary = a sentence of analysis or explanation that explains how the concrete detail proves
the thesis (can do 3 details then analysis or detail, analysis, detail, analysis, etc.)
A good APEURO essay will have a minimum of 5-6 concrete details + commentary
Clincher sentence (answers the “so what?”)
(sometimes called a linking statement because it links the paragraph back to the thesis)
Conclusion (can be skipped if pressed for time but should be included if at all possible)
 Reinforce thesis
 Synthesis of clincher sentences
 Addresses the question “so what?” (assigns importance)
 Exit sentence – explains what the topic leads into next (put essay in historical perspective)