Sharon Hornsby Campus Dean of Florida Parishes and Hammond Area Campus JoEllen Carruth STEP COORDINATOR/WORKKEYS INSTRUCTOR LTC-HAMMOND AREA CAMPUS/FLORIDA PARISHES CAMPUS Accreditation The Louisiana Technical College Hammond Area Campus is accredited by the Council on Occupational Education. (COE) Greater Northshore Region Ascension Campus Hammond Area Campus Florida Parishes Campus Sullivan Campus “BB Sixty Rayburn” Correctional Institute Extension Campus Sullivan Instructional Service Center Mission Workforce Development & Training When it is needed Where it is needed How it is needed Spring 2006 LCTCS Board of Supervisors adopts plan for enhanced changes in LTC Development of Regional Technical Education Centers Local Autonomy LTC Campuses as primary provider of workforce training in the State of Louisiana Enhanced collaboration and stakeholder involvement Commitment To Faculty & Staff July 1, 2006 serves as a milestone for Louisiana Technical College Region 9. Continued dedication to quality technical training, the rebuild of the gulf coast region, and building 'communities of practice' will continue to serve as strategic priorities. Successful partnerships with business and industry, postsecondary and secondary institutions, and local communities will serve as a road map to ensure the success of our region. I appreciate your continued support as we deliver quality training programs that meet the needs of the workforce of the 21st century. Fall 2006 Credit Enrollment Ascension Campus Florida Parishes Campus Hammond Area Campus Sullivan Campus 255 353 248 860 LTC Region 9 Total Credit Enrollment 1,716 Regional Program Offerings Practical Nursing EMT - Basic Nurse Assistant Medical Office Assistant Patient Care Technician Automotive Technology Process Technology Building Trades Technology Carpentry Office Systems Technology Accounting Technology HVAC Network Specialist Barber/Styling Welding Collision Repair Drafting & Design Technology Machine Tool Technology Developmental Education Hospitality & Tourism Apprenticeship Training Electrical Plumbing HVAC Workforce Training Highlights Mine Safety & Health Administration (MSHA) Toyota/Lexus Certification Center Process Technology (P-Tech) National Retail Federation CISCO Training Academy American Heart Association Training Site Dual Enrollment Training with Secondary Partners Apprenticeship Training Grant Initiatives Shell Exploration & Production Veterinary Technician IWTP YouthBuild Bogalusa Pineland Tech Prep Consortium Process Technology IWTP Toyota T-TEN Training Center Pathways to Construction Center of Excellence (October 2006) Commitment To Students World class technical training, qualified faculty, and successful partnerships with business and industry are just a few of the many opportunities awaiting you when you enroll in one of the Louisiana Technical Colleges in Region 9. Today's industry standards require technical training and skills enhancements necessary to build career opportunities throughout the lifespan. The faculty, staff, and administration of Louisiana Technical College Region 9 are dedicated to your success COLLEGE CHOICES Opportunity begins here! Louisiana Technical College-Florida Parishes Campus 137 College St Greensburg, LA (225) 222-4251 (800) 827-9750 Louisiana Technical College Hammond Area Campus 111 Pride Drive Hammond, LA (985)543-4120 (800)469-0236 About Us LTC-Florida Parishes Campus & Hammond Area Campus are two of 38 technical college campuses that comprise Louisiana Technical College. Both campuses are presently two Branch campuses located in Region 9. LTC Reorganization Act 506 of the 2005 Louisiana Legislature mandated the Board of Regents to reorganize the LTC. Effective July 1, 2006, LTC/FPC and LTC/HAC became part of the newly created Region IX, along with Sullivan Campus (Bogalusa) and Ascension Campus (Sorrento). About Us The Mission of the Louisiana Technical College is to provide three essential elements in workforce and economic development: To prepare students for “real life” work experiences. About Us First Element Provide relevant technical and academic education needed by individuals to make informed and meaningful occupational choices. Second Element To train and retrain individuals to qualify for employment in existing or potential occupational fields. Third Element To mesh in a system of articulation with secondary, postsecondary technical colleges/higher education institutions and industry to continue training and to upgrade skills and education credentials of the workforce. DID YOU KNOW THAT: For every 20 9th graders: 6 – Dropouts 6 – HS Graduates will go directly to work. 4 – College Dropouts 4 – College Graduates* *Of the 4 college graduates, 2 will be underemployed and 2 will be in high skill/high wage occupations. “Other Ways To Win” Kenneth Gray & Herr The Louisiana Technical College System Offers……… WELDING Instruction is provided in various processes and techniques of welding including ox fuel cutting, carbon arc cutting, shielded metal arc welding, gas tungsten arc welding, flux-cored arc welding, gas metal arc welding, pipe- welding, plasma arc cutting, blueprint reading, weld symbols, and joints. After completion of this program, the student will have covered the skills designated by the AWS (American Welding Society) and will be prepared to take the AWS entry level test. AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY The purpose of this program is to provide specialized classroom instruction and practical shop experience to prepare individuals to engage in the servicing and maintenance of all types of automobiles at the entry level. The program prepares the individual to select, safely use, and maintain hand and power tools, jacks, and hoisting equipment. Instruction in the diagnosis of malfunctions and the repair of engines; fuel, electrical, cooling, and brake systems; drive train; and suspension systems is included. The competencies in the automotive technology program are directly correlated with the knowledge required to prepare an individual for the certification test given by the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE). The content is organized into competency-based courses of instruction that specify occupational competencies the individual must successfully complete according to the priorities for tasks established by the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF). OFFICE OCCUPATIONS ACCOUNTING TECHNOLOGY, OFFICE SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY & MEDICAL OFFICE ASSISTANT Accounting Office Systems Technology Preparation to perform duties of special assistants for management & professional accountants General accounting principles & practices, accounting software etc. Preparation to perform duties of special asst. for business executives & top management Business communication, public relations, office supervisory skills, office equipment and procedures etc. Medical Office Assistant Preparation for management of health information Positions as medical transcriptions, secretaries, file clerks, receptionists or office asst. Medical terminology & medical machine transcription as well as business office skills PRACTICAL NURSING Preparation to meet licensure requirements for Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), as established by the LSBPNE Classroom instruction; lab practicum and supervised clinical activities in accredited hospitals, nursing homes, & other healthcare agencies 16 months in length NURSE ASSISTANT Preparation for employment in longterm care facilities, home health agencies, & hospitals where basic bedside nursing care is needed Classroom and clinical activities Certificate program PATIENT CARE TECHNICIAN • • • • Prepares individuals for a variety of job opportunities in the health occupations areas and is generated to meet the need for cross training of employees in health care facilities. Graduates may find employment in long-term care facilities, hospitals, laboratories, and clinics where basic bedside nursing skills are required, as well as the skills of phlebotomy, performing electrocardiograms (EKG), stress testing, and halter monitoring procedures. All OBRA skill standards are included into this competency-based curriculum. The program consists of classroom/lab instruction and supervised clinical activities. Upon successful completion of this competency-based program, students may be eligible to take certification exams in Phlebotomy, Nursing Assistant, Electrocardiogram (EKG) Technician, and/or Patient Care Technician. EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION The Early Childhood Education program prepares individuals for various levels of employment in child care centers, nursery schools, recreation centers, public school settings, Head Start programs, or other areas where caring for young children is the principal function. This program focuses on cognitive, physical, emotional, and social growth and development of the young child. Developmentally appropriate play activities, curriculum, nutrition, guidance, health/safety, children with special needs, and approaches for teaching as suggested by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) are included. National Child Development Association (CDA) competency standards are incorporated into the curriculum. Each Technical Competency Area (TCA), Certificate of Technical Studies (CTS) and the Technical Diploma (TD) surpasses the requirements for CDA credentialing Hospitality/Tourism-Hotel Clerk This program is designed to train students for employment in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry. Courses in the major of Travel Clerk provide information in specific procedures for the operations of airlines, tour companies, cruise lines, Amtrak, and car rental agencies. Tourism training includes destination geography (complete knowledge of U.S. and world destinations), and regional history (complete knowledge of the history, culture, and attractions relating to the surrounding areas). A comprehensive study of reservations is included. A supervised externship in the Hospitality/Tourism Industry is included in this program. Building Technology Specialist This program prepares individuals to keep a building functioning; and service a variety of structures including commercial and industrial buildings. The program includes instruction in the basic maintenance and repair skills related to the air conditioning, heating, plumbing, electrical, and other mechanical systems. Electrician The purpose of this program is to provide a basic core of specialized instruction and practical shop experience to prepare students for employment in electrical trades. The Industrial Electrician course will prepare individuals to install, troubleshoot, and repair wiring, electrical equipment, and other electrical devices used in the industrial environment, such as motors (AC and DC drives), transformers, control systems, instruments, PLC's, and lighting systems. The Marine Electricity program prepares individuals to install and repair wiring fixtures, and equipment for electrical services aboard ships and in shipyard facilities. Marine wiring methods and equipment will also be covered. The Commercial Electricity program generally prepares individuals to install, maintain, troubleshoot, and repair electrical devices, components, and equipment that are utilized in residential and commercial electrical systems. Students have two options to complete this diploma: by course work, or by employment in a work-based course with an electrical contractor. BARBER-STYLING The Barber-Styling program is designed to prepare students to work efficiently in the industry of Barber-Styling. This competency-based program includes classroom instruction and practical/lab experience under supervision of the instructor. Practical skills are developed through experience in a schoolbased on-site shop which is equipped and managed according to industry standards. The program is approved by the LA State Board of Barber Examiners and, following all course work and 1500 clock hours, prepares individuals to take the state licensure examination. NETWORK SPECIALIST The core for this program provides a thorough background in computer hardware, operating systems, local area networking, and Internet technologies. Implementation responsibilities include installing, configuring, and troubleshooting network systems. MCSE Track Wide Area Network Track General Track COLLISION REPAIR TECHNOLGY The purpose of this program is to provide specialized instruction and practical shop experience to prepare students for employment in a variety of jobs in the field of Collision Repair Technology. This program prepares individuals to repair modern vehicles. This includes identification and analysis of damage, measurement, straightening, welding, structural repair and replacement, corrosion, alignment, refinishing, trim and glass replacement, plastic repair, and working with electrical and mechanical components as they pertain to collision repair. EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN-BASIC This program prepares students to give prehospital/emergency care to victims of accidents or medical emergencies in prehospital environments. Skills taught in this program begin at the EMT-Basic level. Instruction meets the minimum standards as identified by the 2000 US Department of Transportation (DOT) National Standard Curriculum for (BEMS). The course is competency/outcome based and instruction. Paramedic Education and the LA State Bureau of Emergency Medical Services. Completion of this course of study allows the student to be eligible to take the written and practical National registry examinations for Louisiana State certification. Additional Courses Developmental Studies Mathematics English Reading General Education English Composition I College Algebra Introduction to Psychology Physical Science Introduction to Public Speaking FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLE PELL Grant TOPS TOPS TECH Early Start (On hold since Katrina/Rita) STEP (Strategies to Empower People) Veteran’s Benefits (VA) Louisiana Rehabilitation Services (LRS) WIA (Workforce Center) Enrollment Requirements • Complete Application Take COMPASS or ACT ACT required for high school graduates ages 17-24 who are first-time freshman COMPASS required for non-high school graduates & students 25 years & older $15.00 fee paid to the LTC campus Minimum age requirement of 17 Dually enrolled high school students can enroll at age 16 Proof of LA residency High School Transcript Proof of Immunization Selective Service Registration Tuition and Fees Application Registration Service Fee Tuition (per credit hour) Operational Fee (per credit hour) Academic Excellence Fee (per credit hour) SGA Fee Technology Fee (per credit hour) Identification Card Current tuition & fees for full-time enrollment 5.00 5.00 23.00 2.00 7.00 15.00 5.00 5.00 468.00 Fees subject to change without notice. Does not include applicable lab fees, materials or books. WORK KEYS INITIATIVES Tanf Corrections Grant $101,000 Awarded 24 inmates trained at Tangipahoa Parish Prison (Amite, LA) LTC-Florida Parishes Campus/Tangi Parish Sheriff's office partnered to provide training for entry-level skills and work keys to qualified inmates Instruction also included developmental studies, workplace literacy training and life skills training Goals of the TANF Grant To reduce recidivism To provide educational rehabilitation services to inmates that are nearing release. To increase reading, language and math academic levels To prepare inmates for successful employment through job skills training To incorporate life skills training to provide successful transition into society Goals continued To enhance partnering and family care techniques Coping Anger Management Money and Time Management Relationship Building Social Skills ACT Work keys Work place Literacy – basic skills Components Reading for information Locating Information Applied mathematics Listening Observation Applied Technology Team Work Business Writing Qualifications for Participation Incarcerated male inmates Partners of a dependent child Housed in a state or local facility Nearing release from prison within two years Partnership Responsibilities Campus Supervision and administration of training project Instructional Services Collaboration with students, instructors and industry partners to set individual work key goals Administration of Work keys materials Collaboration with ACT on assessment materials Collaboration with all partners to meet goals of project as well as completion of all reports Supplies and Equipment Correctional Facility Review all documentation to determine that all project eligibility requirements were met by all participating inmates Provide classroom space Provide security for campus personnel and equipment Louisiana Work Ready! Certificates The Gold Certificate The Silver Certificate The Bronze Certificate Work Keys Certificates Monitoring Visit by LCTCS Work keys Certificate Presentation Awarding of Work key Certificates Success Story Thank You! Questions?