Consistent Cuts

Consistent Cuts
Ken Birman
 We would like to take a snapshot of the state
of a distributed computation
 We’ll do this by asking participants to jot
down their states
 Under what conditions can the resulting
“puzzle pieces” be assembled into a
consistent whole?
An instant in real-time
 Imagine that we could photograph the system in
real-time at some instant
 Process state:
A set of variables and values
 Channel state
Messages in transit through the network
 In principle, the system is fully defined by the set of
such states
 Real systems don’t have real-time snapshot
 In fact, real systems may not have channels
in this sense, either
 How can we approximate the real-time
concept of a cut using purely “logical time”?
Deadlock detection
 Need to detect cycles
Deadlock is a “stable” property
 Once a deadlock occurs, it holds in all future
states of the system
 Easy to prove that if a snapshot is computed
correctly, a stable condition detected in the
snapshot will continue to hold
Insight is that adding events can’t “undo” the
Leads us to define consistent
cut and snapshot
 Think of the execution of a process as a
history of events, Lamport-style
Events can be local, msg-send, msg-rcv
 A consistent snapshot is a set of history
prefixes and messages closed under causality
 A consistent cut is the frontier of a consistent
snapshot – the “process states”
Deadlock detection
 Need to detect cycles
Deadlock detection
 Need to detect cycles
Deadlock detection
 Need to detect cycles
Deadlock detection
 A “ghost” or “false” cycle!
A ghost deadlock
 Occurs when we accidently snapshot process
states so as to include some events while
omitting prior events
 Can’t occur if the cut is computed
consistently since this violates causal closure
A ghost deadlock
A ghost deadlock
A ghost deadlock
Algorithms for computing
consistent cuts
 Paper focuses on a flooding algorithm
 We’ll consider several other methods too
Logical timestamps
Flooding algorithm without blocking
Two-phase commit with blocking
 Each pattern arises commonly in distributed
systems we’ll look at in coming weeks
Cuts using logical clocks
 Suppose that we have Lamport’s basic logical
 But we add a new operation called “snap”
Write down your process state
Create empty “channel state” structure
Set your logical clock to some big value
Think of clock as (epoch-number, counter)?
Record channel state until rcv message with big
incoming clock value
How does this work?
 Recall that with Lamport’s clocks, if e is causally
prior to e’ then LT(e) < LT(e’)
 Our scheme creates a snapshot for each process at
instant it reaches logical time t
 Easy to see that these events are concurrent: a
possible instant in real-time
 Depends upon FIFO channels, can’t easily tell
when cut is complete – a sort of lazy version of the
flooding algorithm
Flooding algorithm
 To make a cut, observer sends out messages “snap”
 On receiving “snap” the first time, A
Writes down its state, creates empty channel state
record for all incoming channels
Sends “snap” to all neighbor processes Waits for
“snap” on all incoming channels
A’s piece of the snapshot is its state and the channel
contents once it receives “snap” from all neighbors
 Note: also assumes FIFO channels
With 2-phase commit
 In this, the initiator sends to all neighbors:
“Please halt”
A halts computation, sends “please halt” to all downstream
Waits for “halted” from all of them
Replies “halted” to upstream caller
 Now initiator sends “snap”
A forwards “snap” downstream
Waits for replies
Collects them into its own state
Send’s own state to upstream caller and resumes
Why does this work?
 Forces the system into an idle state
 In this situation, nothing is changing…
 Usually, sender in this scheme records
unacknowledged outgoing channel state
 Alternative: upstream process tells receiver how
many incoming messages to await, receiver does so
and includes them in its state.
 So a snapshot can be safely computed and there is
nothing unaccounted for in the channels
 Suppose we use a two-phase property detection
 In first phase, asks (for example), “what is your
current state”
 You reply “waiting for a reply from B” and give a
“wait counter”
 If a second round of the same algorithm detects the
same condition with the same wait-counter values,
the condition is stable…
A ghost deadlock
Look twice and it goes away…
 But we could see “new” wait edges
mimicking the old ones
 This is why we need some form of counter to
distinguish same-old condition from new
edges on the same channels…
 Easily extended to other conditions
Consistent cuts
 Offer the illusion that you took a picture of
the system at an instant in real-time
 A powerful notion widely used in real
Especially valuable after a failure
Allows us to reconstruct the state so that we
can repair it, e.g. recreate missing tokens
 But has awkward hidden assumptions
Hidden assumptions
 Use of FIFO channels is a problem
Many systems use some form of datagram
Many systems have multiple concurrent
senders on same paths
 These algorithms assume knowledge of
system membership
Hard to make them fault-tolerant
Recall that a slow process can seem “faulty”
High costs
 With flooding algorithm, n2 messages
 With 2-phase commit algorithm, system pauses for
a long time
 We’ll see some tricky ways to hide these costs
either by continuing to run but somehow delaying
delivery of messages to the application, or by
treating the cut algorithm as a background task
 Could have concurrent activities that view same
messages in different ways…
 Many issues here
Who should run the algorithm?
If we decide that a process is faulty, what happens if a
message from it then turns up?
What if failures leave a “hole” in the system state –
missing messages or missing process state
 Problems are overcome in virtual synchrony
implementations of group communication tools
Systems issues
 Suppose that I want to add notions such as realtime, logical time, consistent cuts, etc to a complex
real-world operating system (list goes on)
 How should these abstractions be integrated with
the usual O/S interfaces, like the file system, the
process subsystem, etc?
 Only virtual synchrony has really tackled these
kinds of questions, but one could imagine much
better solutions. A possible research topic, for a
PhD in software engineering
Theory issues
 Lamport’s ideas are fundamentally rooted in
static notions of system membership
 Later with his work on Paxos he adds the
idea of dynamically changing subsets of a
static maximum set
 Does true dynamicism, of sort used when we
look at virtual synchrony, have fundamental
Example of a theory question
 Suppose that I want to add a “location” type to a
language like Java:
Object o is at process p at computer x
Objects {a,b,c} are replicas of 
 Now notions of system membership and location
are very fundamental to the type system
 Need a logic of locations. How should it look?
 Extend to a logic of replication and self-defined
membership? But FLP lurks in the shadows…
Other questions
 Checkpoint/rollback
Processes make checkpoints, probably when
Some systems try to tell a process “when” to make
them, using some form of signal or interrupt
 But this tends to result in awkward, large
Later if a fault occurs we can restart from the
most recent checkpoint
So, where’s the question?
 The issue arises when systems use message passing
and want to checkpoint/restart
 Few applications are deterministic
Clocks, signals, threads & scheduling, interrupts,
multiple I/O channels, order in which messages
arrived, user input…
 When rolling forward from a checkpoint actions
might not be identical
Hence anyone who “saw” my actions may be in a
state that won’t be recreated!
Technical question
 Suppose we make checkpoints in an
uncoordinated manner
 Now process p fails
 Which other processes should roll back?
 And how far might this rollback cascade?
Rollback scenario
Avoiding cascaded rollback?
 Both making checkpoints, and rolling back, should
happen along consistent cuts
 In mid 1980’s several papers developed this into
simple 2-phase protocols
 Today would recognize them as algorithms that
simply run on consistent cuts
 For those who are interested: sender-based logging
is the best algorithm in this area. (Alvisi’s work)