D.P.QUELUZ • EDITORA ADMINISTRATIVA DA BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF ORAL SCIENCES FACULDADE DE ODONTOLOGIA DE PIRACICABA UNICAMP e-mail: brjorals@fop.unicamp.br D.P.QUELUZ D.P.QUELUZ www.fop.unicamp.br/brjorals D.P.QUELUZ Indexed in LILACS, BBO, US Cochrane Centers Master List of Journals, BIREME, DOAJ, Scirus, Free Medical Journal, Bioline International and QUALIS B in CAPES 2006 D.P.QUELUZ 9/11/2004 D.P.QUELUZ HISTÓRICO Comissão da Biblioteca 1998 Fevereiro / 1999 – Início da elaboração do Regimento Interno “Revista de Odontologia da UNICAMP” Abril/ 2001 - Aprovado na Congregação Regimento Interno “Revista de odontologia da UNICAMP” D.P.QUELUZ HISTÓRICO International Standard Serial Number- INSS forma impressa ISSN 1677-3217 forma eletrônica ISSN 1677-3225 Lançamento 1/Julho/2002 April/June 2002. Volume 1. Number 1 Setembro de 2003 enviado para indexação na Base de Dados LILACS – 6 volumes Aprovado no LILACS Novembro 2004 HOJE : October/December 2006. Volume 5. Number 19 D.P.QUELUZ MEMBROS DO CONSELHO CIENTÍFICO Mandato de 28/7/2005 a 27/7/2009. Editor Científico: Prof. Dr. José Francisco Hofling. Editores Científicos Associados: Profª Drª Regina Maria Puppin Rontani Prof. Dr. Mário Alexandre Coelho Sinhoreti. D.P.QUELUZ MEMBROS DO CONSELHO ADMINSTRATIVO Mandato de 28/7/2005 a 27/7/2009 Editor Administrativo: Profª Drª Dagmar de Paula Queluz. Editor Administrativo Associado: Profª Drª Maria Beatriz Gavião. D.P.QUELUZ CONSELHO ADMINSTRATIVO Departamento de Odontologia Social: Profª Drª Dagmar de Paula Queluz. Departamento de Odontologia Infantil: Profª Drª Maria Beatriz Gavião. Departamento de Ciências Fisiológicas: Prof. Dr. Francisco Carlos Groppo. Departamento de Prótese e Periodontia: Prof. Dr. Mácio Zaffallon Casati. Departamento de Morfologia: Profª Drª Silvana Pereira Barros. Departamento de Diagnóstico Oral: Prof. Dr. Renato Mazzonetto. Departamento de Odontologia Restauradora: Profa. Dra. Brenda Paula F. de A. Gomes. D.P.QUELUZ D.P.QUELUZ Sites/diretórios inserido a Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences Scirus for Scientific Information Um novo site de busca de caráter científico, além da pesquisa em seu banco de dados, agrega busca na web. Pode ser acessado de qualquer computador, com textos na íntegra, disponíveis gratuitamente na rede. http://www.scirus.com/ D.P.QUELUZ Directory of Open Access Journals - DOAJ Disponibiliza artigos na íntegra de vários periódicos internacionais. http://www.doaj.org / Intermedicina Revistas em espanhol em Ciências da Saúde, a maioria com textos completos. http://www.intermedicina.com D.P.QUELUZ Dr Zbys Fedorowicz The Director The Bahrain Branch of the UKCochrane Centre The Cochrane Collaboration Bahrain branch see : www.cochrane.org/bahrain Cochrane Collaboration see: www.cochrane.org Cochrane reviews see: http://www.cochrane.org/cochrane/newreviews. htm D.P.QUELUZ Free Medical Journals Promoting free access to medical journals Diponibiliza artigos na íntegra de uma série de periódicos biomédicos selecionados. http://www.freemedicaljournals.com/ Bioline International Disponibiliza artigos na íntegra de uma série de periódicos biomédicos selecionados. http://www.bioline.org.br/ D.P.QUELUZ From: "Bioline International“ To: <dagmar@fop.unicamp.br> Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2007 12:21 PMSubject: Usage Statistics February 2007 Dear Dagmar, Here are your usage statistics for February 2007 on the Bioline system. Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences Summary of hit statistics - February 2007D.P.QUELUZ Summary of hit statistics - February 2007 274 visits to journal homepage (www.bioline.org.br/os/) 924 requests to view particular abstracts 1329 requests for full-text articles 112 requests for information for authors / about this journal 144 number of users looking at the list of issues available on Bioline 304 number of users that have looked at lists of article titles 40 number of times this journal appeared in search results D.P.QUELUZ 2203 Total hits Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks, Jen Sweezie (Miss) Project Coordinator Bioline International c/o Division of Social Sciences University of Toronto at Scarborough 1265 Military Trail, Scarborough, ON Canada, M1C 1A4 http://www.bioline.org.br/ Email: bioline.international@utoronto.ca D.P.QUELUZ PARA DIVULGAR O SEU TRABALHO EM UMA REVISTA DE CIRCULAÇÃO INTERNACIONAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS Mission: The Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences, published by the Piracicaba Dental School – UNICAMP, is an international non-profit journal, which publishes full-Length papers, original research reports, literature reviews, special reports, clinical cases, current topics and short communications, dealing with dentistry or related disciplines. The periodicity of this journal is threemonthly. Whilst every effort is made by publishers and Editorial Board to see that no inaccurate or misleading opinion or statement appears in this Journal they wish to make clear that the opinions expressed in the article, correspondence, advertisement, etc., herein are the responsibility of the contributor, author or advertiser concerned. D.P.QUELUZ According, the publishers, the Editorial Board and their respective employees, offices and agents accept no liability whatsoever for the consequences of any such inaccurate or misleading opinion or statement. Manuscripts, prepared in accordance with the Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences – “Instructions for Authors”, should be submitted to the Editor. Original papers will be considered for publication with the understanding that they are contributed solely to the BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF ORAL SCIENCES, submitting an article, the author(s) should state in the cover letter that the material has not been published previously, is not under consideration by another journal and follow the ethical rules in the conduct and reporting of research (http://www.icmje.org/). D.P.QUELUZ Peer Review: All papers will be first checked based on the guidelines for authors. Manuscripts improperly formatted will be returned to the sender before any evaluation of the merit. After the first evaluation, the manuscripts will be submitted to appreciation of at least two reviewers from the advisory board in a blind basis (both the reviewers and the authors are not known by the other party). Based on reviewer’s recommendation, the scientific council will decide over the convenience of rejecting, accepting or returning the manuscript to the authors with suggestions for alterations. In this last case, the manuscript will be reevaluated by the Advisory Board and the Scientific Council. After acceptance of the manuscript with request of alterations by the reviewers, the author will be asked to send the revised version containing the alterations required. Any alterations that are not accomplished should be accompanied by an explaining letter from the author. After approval, the paper will be submitted to a technical review concerning English language and the statistic accuracy. If the manuscript is considered improper based on these criteria, the paper will be returned to the authors for accomplishment of the changes required. All studies considered improper for publication will be returned to the authors together with an explaining letter. D.P.QUELUZ CORRESPONDING ADDRESS: BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF ORAL SCIENCES A/c José Hofling BS, MS, PhD - Editor Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba Av. Limeira, 901 – 13.414-903 – Piracicaba, Brasil Fax: +55-19-3412-5218 – Phone: +55-19-3412-5333 E-mail:brjorals@fop.unicamp.br Site:http://www.fop.unicamp.br/brjorals The Journal publishes Full-Length Papers, Original Research Reports, Literature Reviews, Special Reports, Clinical Cases, Current Topics and Short Communications, dealing with dentistry or related disciplines. Manuscripts must be submitted in English and must be accompanied by a diskette. Authors whose primary language is not English must have their article reviewed by a native English speaker. The decision of acceptance for publication lies with the Editors and is based on the recommendation of the Editorial Board and/or ad hoc reviewers. The following guidelines must be followed carefully. Correction of technical presentation and English revision, if necessary, will be charged to the author at the time of acceptance. Audience: Oral biologists, physiologists, anatomists, pathologists D.P.QUELUZ GENERAL Three complete sets of the manuscript, illustrations and tables must be submitted.The authors’ names, institutions and address for correspondence should appear on only ONE copy. The other two copies will be sent to the referees for scientific evaluation.The complete address, including e-mail, of one responsible author must be indicated for correspondence. The manuscript must be accompanied by a computer diskette with the file in Word.The manuscript must be printed double-spaced, on good quality paper, with ample margins (3 cm) at the top, bottom and both sides. Pages should be numbered consecutively, starting with the title page. Full-length papers are assembled in the following sections: 1. Title Page; 2. Structured abstract and Key Words; 3. Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, and Discussion; 4. References; 5. Tables (each on a separate page); 6. Figure Results and Discussion may be joined. Short Communications and Case Reports should be divided into appropriate sections. The trade name of material used must be followed by the manufacture, city, state and country, within parentheses upon first mention. All abbreviations must be explained at first mention. D.P.QUELUZ TITLE PAGE On the first page should be typed the title, author(s) full name(s), institutions and the name and address of the responsible author for correspondence, including e-mail. On 2 copies only the title should be typed. These copies are for the referees. The title should be limited to 10 words, if possible, and should not exceed 15. It should describe the article’s content specifically, clearly, and concisely. D.P.QUELUZ ABSTRACT On a separate page, an abstract of no more than 200 words should clearly state the aims, methods, results, and any conclusions drawn from the study. Section separation must be performed in the abstract (aim, method, result and conclusion). A list of key words (no more than 5) should be included below the abstract. For this must be followed the “DeCS - Health Sciences Descriptors” vocabulary (consult http://decs.bvs.br) INTRODUCTION Summarize the purpose of the study, giving only pertinent references. Do not review existing literature extensively. State clearly the working hypothesis. D.P.QUELUZ MATERIAL AND METHODS Material and methods should be presented in sufficient detail to allow confirmation of the observations. Indicate the statistical methods used, if applicable. Ethical Considerations: The authors should indicate their adherence to ethical standards considering investigations in living organisms (human or animal). Indication of the approval by ethics committee must be indicated when this is relevant. Patients must not be referred to by their own initials or numbers. Manuscripts must be carried out conform to the standards for experimentation and care according to international standards such as the Declaration of Helsinki (1965). Authors who are in doubt about these statements should contact the Editorial Office. D.P.QUELUZ RESULTS Present the results in a logical sequence in the text, tables and figures. Do not repeat the same data in both tables and figures. Do not repeat in the text all data in the tables and illustrations. The important observations should be emphasized. Report statistical data here. DISCUSSION Summarize the findings without repeating in detail the data given in the Result section. Present your conclusions within the Discussion. Relate your observations to other relevant studies and point out the implications of the findings and their limitations. D.P.QUELUZ REFERENCES References must follow the Journal’s style. The reference list must be typed double-spaced at the end of the article in numeric sequence. Reference must be number umbered consecutively in the text in order of citation. The reference must be write up to six authors; more than six, to use expression et al. after the sixth (Vancouver Style – http://www.icmje.org/ item IV.A.9). The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the style used in Index to Dental Literature and Index Medicus. Consult the List of Journals Indexed in Index Medicus, published annually as a separate publication by the library and as a list in the January issue of Index Medicus. The list can also be obtained through the library’s web site (http://www.nlm.nih.gov)”. The style and punctuation of reference follow the format illustrated below: D.P.QUELUZ 1. Blomlof JP, Blomlof LB. Lindskog SF. Smear removal and collagen exposure after non-surgical root planning followed by etching with an EDTA gel preparation. J Periodontol. 1996;67:841-5. 2. Bikker FJ, Ligtenberg AJ, van der Wal JE, van den Keijbus PA, Holmskov U, Veeman EC et al. Immunohistochemical detection of salivary agglutinin/gp-340 in human parotid, submandibular,and labial salivary glands. J Dent Res. 2002; 81:134-9. 3. Shafer WG, Hine MK, Levy BM. Tratado de Patologia Bucal. 4. ed. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Guanabara, 1987. 4. Walton RE, Rotstein I.Bleaching discolored teeth: internal and external. In: Walton RE. Editor. Principles and Practice of Endodontics. Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1996. v.2. p.385-400. 5. Hyde DG. Physical properties of root canal sealers containing calcium hydroxide. [Master’s thesis]. Michigan: University of Michigan; 1986. 80p. The citation of the reference should be pointed in the body of the test, as to proceed: Aside from prevalence reports very few studies have evaluated the response to therapy according to the individual genotype 4,10,12 This finding is in accordance with previous data of BRAND et al.17, which showed… D.P.QUELUZ TABLES Each table with its legend must be typed double-spaced on a separate page at the end of the manuscript. Tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals and the title should be above the table. Each table must contain all necessary information so that it may stand alone, independent of the text. Vertical lines should not be used in tables. FIGURES All figure legends should be typed on a separate page and the title should be below the figure. Three sets of figures be submitted, either uncounted black India ink drawings of professional quality or uncounted glossy photographs. Computer-generated artwork must be laser-printed on high-quality paper. Lettering and identifying marks must be clear and sharp, and the critical areas of X-rays and photomicrographs are isolated. Separate parts of composite figures must be labeled with letters A, B, C, etc. Single figures may not exceed 8 cm in width or groups of figures may not exceed 16 cm in width. Figures should be labeled on the back with the title of the article. Only black and white figures can be used. No color figures can be accepted. Do not send slides. Only files in Excel, Word or Photoshop (saved with extension TIF or JPG – 300 dpi resolution) can be accepted. Figures in Power Point are not accepted. D.P.QUELUZ ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Financial support by government agencies should be acknowledged, technical assistance or assistance from colleagues may be acknowledged. Conflict of Interest: All authors are expected to disclose, in the manuscript submittal letter, any commercial affiliations as well as consultancies, stock or equity interests, and patent-licensing arrangements that could be considered to pose a conflict of interest regarding the submitted article. (Inclusion of a company name in the author address lines of the manuscript does not constitute disclosure.) In addition, if a manuscript concerns a commercial product, the manufacturer’s name must be indicated at the first occurrence in both the abstract and the text. Specifics of the disclosure will remain confidential. If appropriate, however, the editor may recommend that a general statement regarding the disclosure be included in this section. D.P.QUELUZ CHECKLIST FOR AUTHORS 1. Submission letter. 2. Original and two (2) copies of the article, figures and tables. 3. Names of authors, institutions and address for correspondence only on the original. The other two copies will be sent to referees without identification. 4. Article double-spaced, Times New Roman, size 12. 5. References (double-spaced). 6. Tables with their respective legends each on a separate page (doublespaced) at the end of the article. 7. Figure legends on a separate page (double-spaced). 8. Figures (3 copies) with name of article on back. 9. Disk with file in MicrosoftWord® for Windows®. D.P.QUELUZ Sites que apontam para a Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences ABOPREV. URL: http://www.aboprev.org.br/links.htmABO-RJ. URL: http://www.aborj.org.br/modules.php?name=browse&grpid=3&cntid=15&mode=page Acta Studieonderdelen. URL: http://www.onderwijs.acta.nl/studieweb/portal20032004/mediatheek/site/tijdschr_a_i.htm Amherst College Library. URL: http://sfx.exlibrisgroup.com:9003/amherst_t?sid=sfx:e_collection&issn=16773225&pid=serviceType=getFullTxt&genre=journal APCD. URL: http://www.apcd.org.br/Biblioteca/links_pesquisa.php California State University. Monterey Bay. URL: http://library.csumb.edu/serials/jlist.php?alpha=B Carnegie Mellon University. URL: http://sfx.library.cmu.edu/sfx_local-e-collection/ejournals-B.html Centro universitário Vila Velha. URL: http://www.uvv-es.br/biblioteca/linksEst.asp College of Saint Benedict. Saint John´s University. URL: http://csbsju.liblink.umn.edu/csbsju?sid=sfx:e_collection&issn=16773225&pid=serviceType=getFullTxt&genre=journal D.P.QUELUZ Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. URL: http://olivo.csic.es:9003/sfx_local-ecollection/e-journals-B.html Consorzio Interuniversitario Lombardo per l’Elaborazione Automatica. URL:http://sfx.cilea.it:9003/enea-e-collection/e-journals-B.html Dental Articles.com. URL: http://www.dentalarticles.com/resources.html Drexel University. URL: http://sfx.library.drexel.edu/sfx_local-e-collection/e-journals-B.html Duquesne University Library. URL: http://sfx2.exlibrisgroup.com:9003/duquesne?sid=sfx:e_collection&issn=16773225&genre=journal Elektroniske Tidsskrifter ved UBB. URL: http://wgate.bibsys.no/gate1/SHOW?objd=04029661x&bibl=UBB&ih=%28a%2Bt%29&lang =N&bibk=d Escola São Francisco de Assis. URL: http://www.esfa.edu.br/esfageral/biblioteca/materialonline/outras.htm Florida Center for Library Automation. URL. http://sfx.fcla.edu/ucf-e-collection/e-journalsB.html Georgia Satte University. URL: http://sfx.galib.uga.edu/sfx_gsu1?sid=sfx:e_collection&issn=1677-3225 Georgia State University Library. URL: http://www.library.gsu.edu/ejournals/index.asp?action=browse&param=B D.P.QUELUZ Ghent University. URL: http://lib.ugent.be/execl.cgi?start=0&rq=category:ddc.04*&rs=journal&s=all&sort=A Government of Dubai. Department of Health & Medical Library. Rashid Medical Library. URL: http://web.dohms.gov.ae/medlib/remote/Dentistry.htm Greek Orthdontic Society. URL: http://www.grortho.gr/hor/links_el.html Health Sciences Center. New Orleans. School of Dentistry. Library. URL: http://www.lsusd.lsuhsc.edu/Libr/links.htm Health Smart Library. URL: http://www.galter.northwestern.edu/electronic_resources/index.cfm?action=search&resourc ename=B&keyword= Hellenic Orthodontic Review. URL: http://www.grortho.gr/hor/links_en.html Illinois State University. Milner Library. URL: http://sfx3.exlibrisgroup.com:9003/ilstu?sid=sfx:e_collection&issn=16773225&genre=journal Indiana University Library. School Dentistry. URL: http://www.iusd.iupui.edu/depts/lib/instructions_authors.htm?printer_friendly Indiana University. URL: http://libsfx.iu.edu/sfx_ko?sid=sfx:e_collection&issn=16773225&pid=serviceType=getFullTxt&genre=journal J-Gates Informatics. URL: http://j-gate.informindia.co.in/Librarian/publisher.asp?alphabet=B D.P.QUELUZ Johns Hopkins Libraries. URL: http://sfx.library.jhu.edu:8000/jhu_sfx?sid=sfx:e_collection&issn=1677-3225&genre=journal Kenniscentrum Civiele Techniek. URL: http://www.library.tudelft.nl/civiel/2541/f_B_NL.html Kenniscentrum Luchtvaart – en Ruimtevaarttechniek. URL: http://www.library.tudelft.nl/aerospace/2774/f_B_NL.html Kenniscentrum Technische Natuurkunde. URL: http://www.library.tudelft.nl/physics/1283/f_B_NL.html LATINDEX. URL: http://www.latindex.org/latindex/cgibin/listados/TodosEstos.cgi?Folio=100&Tabla=Tit_tema Life Science & Tecnology Knowledge Centre. URL: http://www.library.tudelft.nl/lifescience/1469/f_B_EN.html Looking for Dental. URL: http://www.lookingfordental.com/magazines/ Medisinsk Bibliotek. URL: http://www.usmedbib.uio.no/etids/A-C.asp Murray State University. URL: http://sfx.murraystate.edu:9003/sfx_local-e-collection/ejournals-B.html Newcastle University Library. URL: http://dithers.ncl.ac.uk:9003/sfx_local-e-collection/ejournals-B.html PUC/RS. URL http://www.pucrs.br/biblioteca/pesquisa_tipo_recurso2.php?tipos=5&areas=27&recurso=Pe ri%C3%83%C2%B3dicos D.P.QUELUZ PUC-MG. URL http://server05.pucminas.br/biblioteca/php/fitas.php?letra=B&titulo=Peri%C3%83%C6%92 %C3%82%C2%B3dicos&tipo=se Radiation Sciences Knowledge Centre. URL: http://www.library.tudelft.nl/radiation/1401/f_B_EN.html Sheridan Libraries. URL: http://sfx.library.jhu.edu:8000/jhu_sfx-e-collection/e-journals-MSEB.html Sistema de Bibliotecario dell’Univesità di Parma. URL: Sociedade Ortodôntica de Chipre. URL: http://www.auth.gr/dent/ortho/links_en.htm#Data%20Bases Southern Cross University. Northern NSW Australia. URL: http://www.scu.edu.au/library/fulltext/alpha.php?index=b Suny Connect. URL: http://sfx.sunyconnect.suny.edu:9003/inssfx-e-collection/e-journalsB.html Texas Tech University. URL: http://sfx.ttu.edu:9003/sfx_local-e-collection/e-journals-B.html Turku University Library. URL: http://kirjasto.utu.fi/e-lukusali/tieteet/laaklehdet_b.html UFRJ: URL: http://acd.ufrj.br/bibccs/informa.html Universidad de Granada. URL: http://histolii.ugr.es/RevOdont.html D.P.QUELUZ Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul. URL: https://online.unisc.br/biblio/biblioteca/php/fitas.php?letra=td&titulo=Peri%C3%83%C2%B3 dicos&tipo=se Universidade do Sagrado Coração. URL: http://sfx.fcla.edu/ucf?sid=sfx:e_collection&issn=1677-3225&pid=serviceType=getFullTxt UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SANTA CATARINA / BIBLIOTECA SETORIAL DO CCS – ODONTOLOGIA. URL: http://www.bu.ufsc.br/odontologia.html Universidade Ibirapuera. URL: http://www.ibirapuera.br/biblioteca.php?area=periodicos&cont=odo Universidade São Francisco. Biblioteca. URL: http://www.saofrancisco.edu.br/biblioteca/links/odontologia.asp Universiteitsbibliotheek Gent. URL: http://lib.ugent.be/execl.cgi?start=0&rq=category:ddc.04*&rs=journal&s=all&sort=P Universitetet I Oslo. URL: http://www.ub.uio.no/uod/generelt/eltidny.html University at Albany. URL: http://sfx.sunyconnect.suny.edu:9003/farsfx-e-collection/ejournals-B.html University Library of Southerns Denmark. URL: http://bifrost.bib.sdu.dk:9003/sfx_local-ecollection/e-journals-B.html University of Bristol. URL: http://www.bris.ac.uk/is/informationgateway/electronicjournals/StaticPages/Journalsb D.P.QUELUZ University of Central Florida. URL: http://sfx.fcla.edu/ucf?sid=sfx:e_collection&issn=16773225&pid=serviceType=getFullTxt University of Detroit Mercy. Libraries. URL: http://archive.udmercy.edu/shamsml/ej.htm University of Michigan. URL http://www.lib.umich.edu/ejournals/ejsearch.php?searchBy=PX&searchFor=Dentistry University of Minnesota. The University Libraries Linking Service. URL: http://tc.liblink.umn.edu/sfx_local?sid=sfx:e_collection&issn=1677-3225&genre=journal University of Southern California. URL: http://www.usc.edu/hsc/dental/library/e_resources/j_b.html University of Southern Mississippi URL: http://sfx2.exlibrisgroup.com:9003/usm?sid=sfx:e_collection&issn=16773225&genre=journal University of Texas Libraries. URL: http://www.lib.utexas.edu/journals/freejournals.html?letter=B University of Windsor Livraries. URL: http://webvoy.uwindsor.ca:8080/cocoon/tinker/llist/B University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire. McIntyre Library. URL: http://lib1.uwec.edu/perlist/ListPage.asp?page=9&strStart=b&strEnd=c&strDesc=B University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point University Library. URL: http://library.uwsp.edu/EJournal/ejournal.asp?L=B&OnPage=20 Winconsin Medical Society. URL: D.P.QUELUZ http://sfx.wisconsin.edu/uwp-e-collection/e-journals-B.html