Learning Centers on a Dime Workshop for Remmel Butler Child Development Center By Dr. Melanie Kennon Steps for Developing Learning Centers 1. 2. 3. 4. PURPOSE: Decide on the purpose of the center. What is your instructional objective? ACTIVITIES: What will the children do? What activities are planned? RESOURCES AND MATERIALS: What resources and materials are needed for this activity? EVALUATION: How will the children and the teacher know when they have been successful? Learning Center Examples A. All About Me a. It’s My Birthday! Purpose: Math (One-to-one Correspondence, Counting); Dramatic Play; Language; Literacy Materials: Styrofoam blocks, birthday candles, candle holders, straws, cups, plates, napkins, old calendars, old birthday cards displaying numerals, invitations, birthday books such as Secret Birthday Message and Happy Birthday Moon (Frank Asch) b. When I Was A Baby Purpose: Math (Counting, sorting and classifying); Dramatic Play; Language development; Literacy; Visual Discrimination Skills; Self-awareness; Self-esteem building Materials: Empty baby food jars, plastic spoons, tongs, baby pictures, socks, shoes, photo albums, two laundry baskets, “I Can…” chart, bathing bassinet, empty baby shampoo bottles, ethnically diverse baby dolls, a high chair, plastic teething keys, catalogues featuring baby supplies, diaper boxes, empty baby wipe containers, books such as All About Me, Bigger Than a Baby by Harriet Ziefert, Welcome, Little Baby by Aliki c. Here I Am! Purpose: Math (Counting, Sorting and Classifying by Patterns, Colors, Kinds, Pairs); Dramatic Play; Language development; Literacy; Visual Discrimination Skills, Selfawareness, Self-esteem building; Writing, Name and Letter Recognition Materials: Hats, shoes, socks, laundry baskets, hula hoops, unbreakable mirrors, magazine pictures of people displaying different emotions, books such as Two Eyes, A Nose, and A Mouth by Roberta Intrater, Here Are My Hands by Bill Martin, Hats by John Spier, Shoes by John Spier, Eleanor, Ellatony, Elencake, and Me by C.M. Rubin, and A, My Name is Alice by J. Bayer. What Comes in Pairs? Collage, plastic, wooden, and magnetic letters, metal cookie sheets, and name cards. B. Restaurants a. Pizza Purpose: Counting, Literacy, Money Concepts, Addition and Subtraction, Dramatic Play, Writing, Sequencing of making a pizza, concepts of small, medium, and large, cooking, measuring Materials: Red Fun Foam, Brown Pompoms, tan and red felt, green pipe cleaners, order pads, pencils, pizza pans, play money, checkbooks, chef hats, purses, cash register, menus (environmental print), play dough, clean pizza boxes, pizza coupons, yellow yarn or Styrofoam peanuts, Books such as Eating Fractions by Bruce McMillan and Pizza for Breakfast. (See Prop Box Handout for other appropriate pizza- themed books.) b. McDonald’s/ Fast Food Purpose: Counting, Literacy, Money Concepts, Addition and Subtraction, Dramatic Play, Writing, Sequencing, Language Development Materials: Dog toys shaped like hamburgers and hotdogs, Styrofoam and fun foam food shapes, yellow sponge fries, clean empty food containers, order pads, cash register, plastic visors, money, environmental print menus, logos, tongs, brown or yellow pompoms for chicken nuggets c. Seafood Restaurant and Market Purpose: Language development, Fine motor skills, Counting, Literacy, Money concepts, Sequencing, Dramatic play, Math concepts of more and less Materials: Menus, order pads, money, cash register, large brown pompoms for hushpuppies, plastic fish or fish made of cardboard or fun foam, yellow sponges for French fries, plastic plates and utensils, tongs, food scale, large clean clam shells, curled packing peanuts for shrimp, freezer paper and masking tape, aprons, Goldfish Crackers and graphing charts, and books such as Rainbow Fish, Swimmy, and Fish Eyes. d. Chinese Purpose: Counting, Literacy, Money Concepts, Addition and Subtraction, Dramatic Play, Writing, Sequencing, Language Development Materials: Chop sticks, foam rollers for egg rolls, tea pot, small cups, environmental print menus and signs, uncooked rice, scoopers, clean empty take-out food containers, order pads, cash register, aprons. C. Market a. Farmer’s Market/Fruit Stand Purpose: One-to-one correspondence, counting, money concepts, literacy, language development , sorting and classifying, dramatic play, addition and subtraction, sequencing, using a calculator, weight Materials: Crates, boxes, plastic fruits and vegetables, baskets, scales, strawberry baskets, seed packages, grocery ads, large riding toys, paper sacks, money, checks, signmaking materials, dried peas and beans, scoops, and books such as Growing Vegetable Soup by Lois Elhert and Pumpkin, Pumpkin by Jeanne Titherington. b. Bakery/ Donut Shop Purpose: One-to-one correspondence, money concepts, dozen, ½ dozen, measurements, following directions, sequencing, literacy, language development, fractions, fine motor skill development. Materials: Books such as Walter the Baker by Eric Carle and Bread, Bread, Bread by Ann Morris, rolling pin, aprons, hats, cookie cutters, playdoh, cookie sheets for cooking and displaying pastries for sale, empty sacks/containers of flour, sugar, and salt, order pads, round and square styrofoam forms for wedding cakes, cake decorations, cash register, money, materials for sign- making, egg cartons with plastic eggs, large bowls and measuring spoons and cups, recipe cards and books, felt “cookies”, Tan pompoms for donut holes, round scratch pads for donuts, plastic gloves, tongs, and tins. c. Bait Shop Purpose: Literacy, Language Development, Dramatic Play, Math concepts such as money and counting, fine motor development, sorting and classifying, observation Materials: Tackle box, bobbers, plastic worms, clothespins, empty cottage cheese, yogurt, or dip containers with lids, needle nose pliers, large paper clips or card board “fish hooks”, pink salmon eggs (marbles), magnifying glass for observing live worms, shells, order forms, money, sign-making materials, bugs, pebbles, books such as In A Small, Small Pond by Denise Fleming, Wonderful Worms by Linda Glasser, and Jump Frog Jump by Robert Kalan. d. Florist Purpose: Literacy, Language Development, Dramatic Play, Math concepts such as money and counting, Colors, Plant care, Science concepts about plants Materials: Plastic or silk flowers, pots, order forms, flower arrangement books and magazines, Styrofoam forms, scrap ribbon, sign- making materials, books about plants D. Clinics a. Eye Clinic Purpose: Dramatic Play, Community Helpers, Literacy, Science (Observational skills) Materials: Eye chart, old eye glasses and sun glasses, magnifying glasses for examining patients’ eyes, appointment book, prescription pad, phone, sign-in for waiting room, magazines, patient charts and folders. b. Veterinary Clinic/ Grooming Purpose: Math (Seriation, counting, measuring, sorting and classifying), Science (health concepts, pet care, nutrition) Materials: Leashes of various lengths, dog bones in various shapes and sizes, dog bowls, stuffed animals, strips of white sheets and popsicle sticks for bandages and splints, empty shampoo bottles, plastic wash tub, pet brushes, empty flea and heartworm preventative boxes, X-rays, scales, prescription pads, appointment book, phone, plastic hypodermics for vaccinating pets, brochures and charts on pet care, books such as Where’s Spot, How Puppies Grow, The Diggingest Dog, Have you Seen My Cat by Eric Carle, Clifford, as well as informational books about various breeds of animals. c. Doctor/ Hospital Purpose: Science concepts regarding healthy practices and the human body Materials: Stethoscope made of yarn, paper cup, and straws, IV bag made of hot water bottle and tubing from hardware store, casts made of large PVC pipe, books about human body, Halloween skeleton and bones, X-rays, prescription pad, appointment book, telephone, white jacket/lab coat, scrubs, mask, surgeon hat, strips of white sheets and popsicle sticks for bandages and splints, plastic hypodermics, clean empty medicine bottles, patient charts, What Hurts? Picture Chart, sign-in at front desk E. Clothing a. Department Store/ Alterations/ Tuxedo Shop Purpose: Dramatic play, literacy, language development, fine motor skills, measurements, money concepts, using descriptive language Materials: Old clothes, shoes, and accessories, price tags, sales slips, hangers, clothes line rack, size charts, measuring tapes, vacuum cleaner attachments, full length mirror, books such as Mary Wore a Red Dress, Caps for Sale, The Mitten, Caps, Hats, Socks, and Mittens by Louise Borden. b. Drycleaners Purpose: Dramatic play, money concepts, literacy, language development, fine motor skills. Materials: Clothes, hangers, tags or tickets with matching numbers, money, cash registers, clothes line, calendar, grocery sacks cut in the bottom to resemble cleaning bags, clothespins F. Sand and Water Purpose: Texture Exploration, Science concepts like sink/float, Writing, Conservation of liquid Materials: Large Plastic Tubs, shower curtain liners, turkey basting syringe, balance scale, Tunnels book, plastic animals who live in tunnels, buckets, measuring cups, detergent scoops, spoons, sink/float toys, corks, fishing bobbers and weights, boats, construction vehicles G. Sensory Play/Science (See Attached Handout) H. Blocks (See Attached Handout) I. Other Ideas for Centers Ice Cream Shop, Gas Station/ Garage, Shoe Store, Beauty Salon/ Barber Shop, Zoo, Photographer’s Studio, Fire Station, Camping, Construction Zone, Fitness Center J. Other Cool, Inexpensive Stuff (See also Attached Handout) Materials: Coupons, Knitting Yarn, popsicle sticks, flower pot covers, used postage stamps, cereal box labels, hardware supplies, old calendars and planners, coffee filters, paper plates, old magazines, pamphlets, and junk mail, plastic cutting sheets, Valentine candy boxes, margarine tubs and lids, plastic Easter eggs, cardboard pantyhose packaging, Fruit Loops, shoe laces, plastic placemats, pipe cleaners, packing peanuts, fabric scraps, wallpaper samples, strawberry baskets, and other flea market and yard sale treasures K. Unusual Art Tools Purpose: Creativity, Self expression, Visual Motor Skill Development Materials: Bubble wrap, spatula, toothbrush, empty shoe polish, empty roll-on deodorant, buff puffs, bottle scrubber brush, feathers, colored macaroni, Cheerios, cotton balls, unusual buttons with raised designs, empty spice shakers with sponge design hot glued to it, sponge rollers, wall paper books, spray bottles, paint chip samples. L. Sort, Count, and Discriminate Purpose: Math (sorting and classifying, counting, one-to-one correspondence, numeracy) Materials: Hula Hoops, Egg Cartons, Plastic Bowls, Embroidery Hoops, Muffin Tins, Ice Cube Trays, Divided Serving Trays. Beans, Coupons, Buttons, Labels, Unused Band-aids, Shells, Leaves, Plastic Flowers, Plastic animals, Colored Macaroni, Novelty Erasers, Bingo Chips, Plastic Bread Clips, holiday greeting cards, paint chip samples, lids, corks, plastic clothespins, plastic screw anchors, pictures, bolts, keys, straws, print logos, bottle caps, letters, graphing grid paper, M & M’s or Skittles, and Books such as the M & M Counting Book.