Haroun and the Sea of Stories

Haroun and the Sea of Stories
Reading Checks / Important Quotes
Chapter 3
Chapter 3 – Reading Check
What is in the book offered to Rashid
by Buttoo?
Why has Iff, The Water Genie, come?
What important decision does Haroun
Explain how the weather seems to echo the emotions
of Haroun, Rashid and Buttoo.
Weather gets smelly thunderous when they are and
becomes tranquil when they think happy thoughts.
In what ways is the line between made-up and real
becoming blurred?
More than one, water, books “ sea of story, Rashid’s wish,
genie, water tap…
Reread p.17. To what "subscription" is Rashid referring?
‘real’ subscription that is being shut off by Iff
What is the unusual pattern in the Water Genie Iff's
Gives lots of ways to say something many ‘ifs’
Think Now!
How may our world change with our
mood or vice versa? (ie. How can the
environment affect our mood? How may
we percieve the world differently
dependant on our mood?)
Place: The houseboat (Arabian Nights plus One)
Iff, the Water Genie. (a small, ancient looking man, no bigger than himself (Haroun),
wearing a huge purple turban on his head and baggy silk pajamas gathered at the
ankles. This little fellow sported an impressive set of whiskers, of a most unusual
color: the palest, most delicate shade of sky blue.)
The “Mist of Mercy” is replaced with a harsh, hot wind” after Snooty Buttoo speaks.
The Tale of the Moody Land (the story of a magical country that changed constantly,
according to the moods of its inhabitants.
Haroun only calls the splendid houseboat ‘very pleasant’ and this angers Snooty.
Haroun and his father switch rooms.
Iff comes to ‘cancel his (Rashid’s) subscription’ with the Disconnecting tool which
Haroun grabs.
Haroun learns about some of the things that exist in Iff’s homeland Kahani.
Kahani terms:
The Ocean of the Stream of Stories
Grand Controller (The Walrus, leader of the Eggheads)
Gup City
Find a quote that shows…
p. 47 – quote by Buttoo about stories and lies…
p. 58 – quote illustrating the difference between
stories and lies…
Compare and contrast the two above quotes.
What does it show about the characters and
p. 48 - quote showing joys of different types of
stories. Give an example of a story like this.
p. 53 – statement by Rashid that leads to the
problems to come…
p. 59 - An example of a Bildungsroman story
p. 47 – quote by Buttoo about stories and lies…
’My enemies hire cheap fellows to stuff the people’s ears with bad stories about me, and the ignorant people lap it
like milk. For this reason, eloquent Mr. Rashid, I have turned to you. You will tell happy stories, praising stories,
the people will believe you, and be happy, and vote for me.’
p. 58 – quote illustrating the difference between stories and lies…
‘Anybody can tell stories, liars and cheat, and crooks for example. But for stories with that Extra Ingredient, ah, for
those, even the best storytellers need the Story Waters.
Compare and contrast the two above quotes. What does it show about
the characters and society?
p. 48 - quote showing joys of different types of stories. Give an example
from your life of a story like this.
‘Surely you don’t want me to tell just sugar and spice tales? People delight in the sob stuff as long as they find it
p. 53 – statement by Rashid that leads to the problems to come…
‘..finito, khattum-shud! – Much better to stop fooling myself, give it all up, go into retirement,
cancel my subscription. –Because the magic’s gone, gone for ever,
p. 59 - An example of a Bildungs Roman story
‘You must take me to Gup City to see the Walrus, so I can get this stupid blunder about my father’s Water supply
reversed before it’s too late.’