Job Pack KCL reference number: (A67/DAM/0212/16-PN) HireWire reference number: (THW/16/059639/000193) About King’s King's College London offers an intellectually stimulating environment in which to work, where staff are dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and learning, in the service of society. We are a multifaculty institution, providing high-quality teaching, research and innovation across the sciences, humanities, medicine, law, dentistry, and social sciences. As a member of the Russell Group, an association of leading UK research-intensive universities, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards in research and education. King's is the largest centre for the education of healthcare professionals in Europe, and is home to five Medical Research Council Centres spread across its three teaching hospitals. King's is one of the top 20 universities in the world (2014/15 QS World University Rankings). We are the fourth oldest university in England and based in the heart of London, King's has more than 26,000 students from nearly 140 countries, and more than 7,000 employees. The UK higher education funding bodies allocate about £2 billion per year of research funding to UK universities, based on the quality and volume of each university’s research. As well as informing funding allocations, the REF provides accountability for public investment in research, demonstrates its benefits, and provides important reputational yardsticks and benchmarking information about the research performance of UK universities. The results of the 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF) have confirmed King’s College London as a world-leading research university. Top ten nationally for research ‘power’ and ‘quality’ King’s has risen to 6th position* nationally in the ‘power’ ranking – up from 11th in the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) 2008. ‘Power’ takes into account both the quality and the quantity of research activity. King’s has also risen to 7th position* for quality – up from 22nd in 2008. 84 per cent of our research has been deemed 3* and 4* (up from 61 per cent in RAE 2008), meaning that it is regarded as ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent’. The proportion of the university’s overall submission classified as 4* has risen from 19 per cent in 2008 to 39 per cent in REF 2014. King’s submitted 1,369 staff compared with 1,172 in RAE 2008, which represents an increase of 14 percent. 80 per cent of eligible staff were submitted to REF 2014 compared with 79 per cent last time. Higher education sector comparisons In terms of comparison across the sector, King’s has had some outstanding successes notably: • Law is 1st in the country for quality of research and 7th for power (up from 19th and 14th respectively); • Education is 2nd for quality and 4th for power; • Clinical Medicine is 3rd for quality; • General Engineering (Imaging Sciences) is 5th for quality and submitted twice the number of staff compared with 2008; • Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience is 2nd in the country for power and achieved 100 percent 4* ranking for research ‘environment’; • Politics and International Studies is 1st for power*; • History is 5th for quality and 7th for power; • Philosophy is 3rd for quality and 3rd for power; • Communication, Cultural and Media Studies (Culture, Media and Creative Industries and Digital Humanities) are 1st for power and 8th for quality and scored 100% at 4* for research ‘environment’. Document Created: 2015.01.12 Based on proportions of research at 3* and 4*, 19 of our 27 submissions rank in the top quartile nationally. Outstanding performances include: General Engineering (Imaging Sciences) with a total of 99 per cent, putting us in first position nationally in terms of proportion of submissions ranked at 4*/3*; Clinical Medicine with 93 percent, also in first position nationally in terms of proportion of submissions ranked at 4*/3*; and the three submissions to Subjects Allied to Medicine (Dentistry; Nursing & Midwifery and Palliative Care; and Pharmacy, Nutritional Sciences and Women’s Health), which also achieved scores in the 90s. Research outputs For research outputs, 15 of 27 Units of Assessment have achieved an upper quartile ranking based on 3* and 4* classifications. Particularly strong performances have been seen for General Engineering (Imaging Sciences), Clinical Medicine, Dentistry and Mathematics. Impact The ‘impact’ of research was introduced as a new metric in the REF and represents 20 percent of the overall submission. Eighteen of King’s 27 submissions have upper quartile status based on 3* and 4* quality ratings. In particular the areas of Education; Culture, Media and Creative Industries/Digital Humanities; Nursing, Midwifery and Palliative Care; Public Health; General Engineering and Law scored highly for impact. Furthermore, measured against other multi-disciplinary universities, rather than specialist higher education institutions, King’s is ranked 4th in the country for research impact. *Times Higher Education REF rankings University fundraising: World questions|King’s answers Our fundraising campaign World questions|King’s answers was launched publicly in 2010 with a goal to raise £500 million by 2015 and to answer urgent global questions focusing on cancer, children’s health, neuroscience, mental health, understanding shifts in global power and supporting the next generation of global leaders. In June 2014 we announced that we had reached our target 18 months early and committed to raise another £100 million by the end of the campaign. The campaign is the largest UK higher education fundraising campaign other than Cambridge and Oxford. For more information, please visit the campaign website: King’s Health Partners King’s Health Partners is one of the UK’s five Academic Health Sciences Centres. It brings together a world leading research led university (King’s College London) and three successful NHS Foundation Trusts (Guy’s and St Thomas’, King’s College Hospital and South London and Maudsley). Our aim is to create a centre where world-class research, teaching and clinical practice are brought together for the benefit of patients. We want to make sure that the lessons from research are used more swiftly, effectively and systematically to improve healthcare services for people with physical and mental health care problems. This integrated organisation serves more than 1.5 million patients every year, has approximately 25,000 employees and has a combined annual turnover of £2 billion. For more information, visit: Hospital fundraising: together we can… together we can... is the fundraising partnership for Guy’s and St Thomas’, King’s College Hospital, South London and Maudsley, with academic partner King’s College London. For more information, visit The Faculty The Faculty of Social Science and Public Policy is committed to advancing social science scholarship to help tackle some of the most important social, political and ethical issues of our time. Established in 2001 to bring together a number of departments which were judged to be largely social science, the Faculty is one of the largest groups in any UK university to focus on policy-oriented, multidisciplinary social science research. Since 2001 the Faculty has grown rapidly, increasing significantly its research income and successfully launching a number of interdisciplinary initiatives, including several that cross faculty boundaries. The Faculty eschews traditional disciplinary silos: our ten constituent departments all comprise academic staff organised in problem-based research groups and accustomed to working on interdisciplinary projects within and across departments and faculties drawing together and applying insights from leading-edge research on a variety of issues and from a wide range of perspectives. Our excellence is consistently recognised in national and international league tables and research awards, and in the appointment of staff to influential positions within their wider international scholarly communities, e.g. as editors of some of the major social science journals and members of Research Council review panels. The variety of disciplines represented amongst the Faculty's staff goes well beyond the social sciences into the physical sciences and humanities, which provides close links with colleagues in fields such as Humanities, the Life Sciences, Nursing & Midwifery and Physical Sciences & Engineering. The policyorientation that characterises so much of our work is associated with significant government contracts and close working relationships with many departments in Whitehall and with government agencies elsewhere as well as Non Governmental Organisations nationally and internationally. Public policy interests within the Faculty are local, national and international in their emphasis and the Faculty is home to an interdisciplinary Public Policy programme. As part of our longstanding commitment to influential, policy relevant scholarship the Faculty maintains close and productive links with key national and international policy, practitioner and activist communities. The Faculty’s London-based departments are on the Waterloo and Strand campuses of the university, both of which are in the heart of London with easy access to the policy community and the cultural and intellectual heart of the city. The Faculty’s Defence Studies Department is based in Shrivenham, Wiltshire. The Faculty comprises the following departments: Defence Studies Education & Professional Studies Geography The School of Global Affairs Institute of Contemporary British History Policy Institute @ King’s School of Management and Business Political Economy Social Science, Health & Medicine War Studies The Faculty has gross revenues from all sources of £64 million and a net annual Faculty surplus of £5.5 million. It has approximately 300 FTE (full time equivalent HEFCE funded) academic staff and a professional services staff of around 70 FTE. In 2014/15, there are approximately 4,350 students registered on programmes in the Faculty, of whom 2,300 FTE are undergraduate, 1,650 FTE postgraduate taught and 400 FTE postgraduate research. Around 30% of the registered student population are international students from outside the EU. Annual research income is approximately £13 million, with the majority of funding coming from research councils, UK government and charities. The School of Management and Business The School of Management and Business at King’s College has expanded rapidly in the last few years and with the benefit of recent recruitment there are now 71 academic faculty and 15 professional services staff in the department. There are three thriving undergraduate programmes; the BSc in Business Management, which currently recruits approximately 180 high quality students each year; a BSc in Economics and Management which commenced in September 2014 and which recruits approximately 100 students and an intercalated BSc in Health Care Management. A new BSc in International Management will commence in September 2016 with approximately 50 students. The School is arguably the principal suppliers of undergraduate teaching in Business and Management Studies in the University of London. In recent years the School has developed a portfolio of advanced MSc programmes that build upon and reflect its research strengths. These include the MSc in Accounting Accountability & Financial Management, MSc in International Management, the MSc in Human Resource Management and Organisational Analysis (with CIPD accreditation), the MSc in Public Policy Management, and the MSc in International Marketing (with CIM accreditation). Recruitment to all programmes is strong and the School currently has 380 postgraduate students. New MSc programmes in Banking and Finance and a part-time MSc in International Marketing will commence in September 2016. There is also a growing doctoral programme with a cohort of approximately 70 students, including an ESRC funded Interdisciplinary Social Science Doctoral Training Centre. The School prides itself on its commitment to high quality in both its teaching and research and on its friendly atmosphere between staff and students. The School of Management and Business is located in the Waterloo campus and plans to move into new accommodation in Bush House during 2017. This location means it is well located for contacts with business, the City, public sector organisations, government, the arts and other organisations and colleges in central London. It sees itself as a research intensive school which has the benefit of being located in a world-leading multi-faculty institution. The University has earmarked Management and Business as an area of significant growth over the coming years. Proposed new courses include a BSc programme in Economics, further growth in the area of finance (building upon the MSc programme in Banking and Finance that starts in 2016), and new MSc programmes in the area of entrepreneurship, which has been identified as an area of strategic growth. These developments will increase the scale of our activities and further cement our position as a leading provider of management teaching and research. Research in the School of Management and Business The School of Management and Business at King’s has been acknowledged by the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014 as one of the best departments in the UK. In terms of its publications, when ranked by the percentage of work that is 3* and 4*, the school ranks 8 th in the UK; 82% of the published research submitted for assessment was deemed to be world leading and internationally excellent, with more than a third of that being rated as world leading. Research within the School falls into nine research groups. Accounting and Financial Management Analysing the economic and organisational repercussions of different types of accounting and financial management systems is the mainstay of the research of the Accounting and Financial Management group. Members of the group specialise in a wide range of research areas but three particular themes are prominent. The first area of interest is financial management and market-based accounting research with a focus on the role of information in company valuation, empirical analysis of accounting information, and the role of real options in investment analysis. Accounting based research includes research on the capital market consequences of international financial reporting standards (IFRS), and modelling the impact of accounting and dividend information on equity valuation. Financial management research has a strong focus on option pricing and the implications of managerial discretion for company performance and valuation and for corporate risk analysis. Other related topics include research on modelling and estimating the cost of capital and valuation and financial reporting issues related to company pension schemes. The second area of interest focuses on corporate governance and accountability using a variety of quantitative and qualitative research methods. This includes quantitative empirical analysis on executive compensation and its impact on the quality of corporate governance and more qualitative research on how corporate governance information is incorporated into the analysis of sell-side financial analysts. The third area is the sociology of financial markets which has a major focus on trader behaviour and the impact of technology and other related areas such as the use of accounting information in the investment practices of private equity. Human Resource Management and Employment Relations The School has one of the leading research groups in the world engaged in human resource management, employment relations and organisational behaviour. The research on human resource management addresses some of the major contemporary debates concerning the relationship between human resource practices and outcomes such as performance and worker well-being. The research is closely allied to work exploring the structure and contribution of human resource departments and those responsible for the function: training and development and policies to limit bullying and harassment in the workplace. The research on employment relations has a strong international flavour. It explores the changing role of trade unions in contemporary organisations and how they can maintain an effective influence. It analyses the part played by employment relations in international mergers and acquisitions in different countries. It examines the roles of partnership arrangements in the workplace and how these contribute to trust relations. An allied body of research is exploring the role of the psychological contract as a framework for considering contemporary employment relationships in both a national and international comparative context. Research on organisational behaviours covers a range of themes. The first is concerned with careers and the role of contemporary careers. This includes the careers of professional workers and in particular female professionals in areas such as law and pharmacy. The second is concerned with work-life balance and relates to issues of working hours and types of employment contract. The third explores work in call centres and in particular its impact on well-being and commitment. A fourth body of research focusses on the heath sector, applying theory and research to address current issues including change management, the challenges of transfer from professional to managerial roles, the place of network and other forms of organisation and migration of health workers. The fifth area concerns issues of identification and employer branding in contexts ranging from recruitment to mergers and acquisitions. International Business and Comparative Management (IBCM) The international business and comparative management (IBCM) research group conducts interdisciplinary theoretical and empirical research on the nature and extent of international management activities. Members of the group examine international aspects of key management and international business issues such as entry strategies, corporate governance, consumer behaviour and strategy. Their work has attracted numerous grants from bodies such as ESRC and the European Union. The IBCM group approaches the international dimension to business from a comparative perspective. Researchers explore how differences between countries and regions impact firm and human activities. A shared feature of the research is an interest in how national institutions shape systems and outcomes. One particular aspect of this is how national patterns of corporate governance are similar or different across borders. The research in this area focuses on issues of decision-making among corporate stakeholders. Particular emphasis is placed on how corporate governance is linked to related management issues such as finance, business strategy, the business life cycle, human resource management and the diversity of financial, legal and political institutions across countries. A second aspect of the comparative approach concerns the nature of work across borders, including a focus on how work differs across countries and how work practices are transferred across national borders. The research into multinational enterprises emphasizes how various elements of firms’ internationalisation strategies (entry-exit, global value chains, mergers / acquisitions, human resource management and the transfer of practices) are shaped by host and home country settings and the socio-political environment. It includes issues such as selecting a market to enter, entry mode and forms of integration across borders. One emphasis is on foreign direct investment choices and how diverse socio-political networks influence access to foreign markets, entrepreneurial opportunities and resources. Another emphasis is on the role of ‘globalizing actors’ in establishing and disseminating new norms across borders within multinationals, for which the group has recently been awarded a large ESRC grant. Marketing The Marketing Subject Group sees marketing as an essential element of organizational growth and long-term viability through an understanding of consumer and market environments in the for-profit or not-for-profit sectors. Marketing is essential for crafting attractive market offerings, conveying value to target consumers, supplying consumers and capturing that value from consumers. Consequently the Group’s research encapsulates the theoretical boundaries of marketing thought as well as rigorously testing new ways of conceptualizing marketing. Consumer behaviour, quantitative and qualitative marketing and marketing strategy are all crossed by the Group to address important questions about practice and theory. Research interests include: advertising and marketing communications, consumer privacy and surveillance policy, creativity and risk, cross-national and cross-cultural marketing, digital marketing, decision-making, export and international marketing, innovation and crowdsourcing and service provision strategy. The Group’s members actively collaborate with research colleagues in North America, Europe, Asia and Australasia. Their work has been published widely in marketing and management journals in North America, Europe and Australasia. Public Services Management The cross-disciplinary Public Services Management Group is responsible for a strong and growing cluster of health, education and public sector management research with a high level of funding from such sources as ESRC and National Institute of Health Research. Much of this research is applied and involves working closely with national and local policy makers and practitioners. Current health management research in the department is examining networks in health care, knowledge mobilisation in health care, the visible and invisible effects of medical regulation and the enactment of management knowledge by general and clinical managers. There is also an ongoing research stream on the structure and management of the health and social care workforce, in particular examining the development of new roles and ways of working. There are good links with research being undertaken in the Medical School in the areas of implementation science, public health and primary care. Work on education concentrates on post-compulsory structures and funding, including work on the responses of higher education institutions to funding changes, and the implications of different apprenticeship delivery models. Economics This group has grown over the past few years and contains a growing cluster of economists who are highly active in a number of research areas. One stream is concerned with microeconomic issues focusing on the analysis of labour markets and education. This includes the measurement of human capital and its impact on comparative growth in industrial countries, the mechanisms that underpin the growth in postgraduate study, and the relationship between the supply of skills and changing employer demand for skills, in the context of changing technology and globalization. Research in this stream also covers the economics of inequality and disadvantage, the economics of migration, hours of work and employment protection legislation. A second research stream is in macroeconomics, monetary policy and international finance. This includes fiscal & monetary policy, central banking, monetary policy and financial markets, exchange rate fluctuations, capital flows, portfolio choice and current accounts. Members of staff have also an active research agenda on housing markets. Health economics is also an area of strength involving research on the performance of the healthcare sector across European countries, pharmaceutical competition, pricing and reimbursement, the link between health and recessions, the economics of preventative healthcare, and risky behaviours in the context of health. Members of this group also research in the areas of industrial organization; organizational economics; the methodology of economics; public private partnerships, corporate governance and political economy including research on public service delivery and participatory democracy in Brazil, as well as between media and political accountability. This group has links with other economists in the Faculty (e.g. Department of Political Economy, IOPP) and has strong links with external bodies such as the National Institute of Economic and Social Research. There are strong links with many national and international economics groups such as the Royal Economic Society, the Society of Labor Economists, the European Association of Labour Economists, the Money, Macro and Finance Research Group and the International Association for Research on Income and Wealth. Centre for Work, Interaction and Technology The Work, Interaction and Technology group specialises in video-based field studies of social interaction in work and organisational settings. These studies draw from analytic developments in the social sciences, namely ethnomethodology and conversation analysis, and address the multimodal, situated character of social action. Current projects include studies of health care, including optometry, dentistry and surgical operations, of command and control, auctions, markets, stores, and museums and galleries. Many of the studies have a particular focus on the ways in which tools and technologies feature in work and interaction. Projects are funded by the UK research councils including the EPSRC, ESRC and AHRC, the EU IST programmes and a number of other public and private sector institutions. Many of the projects are undertaken in close cooperation with industry and the services, including leading industrial research laboratories, and involve collaboration with academic partners in the UK, mainland Europe and the Far East. Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship research within the school has grown considerably in the last two years, taking in topics such as the psychology of entrepreneurs, strategic entrepreneurship, financing entrepreneurial ventures, social entrepreneurship as well as entrepreneurial family firms and serial entrepreneurs, employing classical methodologies from management science, whether quantitative or qualitative. Future entrepreneurship research seems set to become more interdisciplinary in the sense of integrating knowledge from technical areas as well as from natural sciences and political and social sciences. The recently launched Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation will contribute to our understanding of how businesses build sustainable solutions to some of the most pressing problems around the world, such as access to fresh water, healthy food, education and by that to help to build a better world. At the same time, it will also study so-called ‘intrapreneurship’, innovating within existing organizations and initiating and growing within organization projects that foster new solutions. Banking and Finance The banking and finance group is a new group in the school that has been set up at the start of this academic year to support the development of research and new postgraduate programmes in finance. At the moment it is made up of three academics who work in the interface of banking, finance, economics and econometrics. There are ambitious plans to more than double the group, to support its teaching and research activities. In terms of research, the academics in the group have been working in a variety of topics that have in the past been supported by bodies such as ESRC, the Bank of England and Eurostat. These topics include banking efficiency, timely detection of financial crises, forecasting financial and economic variables in a changing world after the great financial crisis, the effects of unconventional monetary policies, such as quantitative easing, on the financial system and the macro-economy, and the statistical underpinnings of portfolio management in the presence of large datasets. The latest topic is an example of a broader research agenda of the group, on the use of Big Data to aid financial and economic analysis. Further details of the research groups and the activities of specific staff can be found on the department web site at: Staff in the School of Management and Business The School of Management and Business currently comprises just over seventy full or part-time academic staff, as well as a growing number of research staff and a strong administrative support team. Academic Staff (February 2016) Sam Aryee, Professor of Organisational Behaviour Stephen Bach, Professor Human Resource Management Keith Brouthers, Professor of Business Strategy Georgios Chortareas, Professor of Applied Economics Colin Clubb, Professor of Accounting and Financial Management Stephen Deery, Professor of Human Resource and Public Sector Management Tony Edwards, Professor of Comparative Management and Industrial Relations (Head of School) Ewan Ferlie, Professor of Public Services Management David Guest, Professor of Organisational Psychology and Human Resource Management Christian Heath, Professor of Work and Organisation Jon Hindmarsh, Professor of Work and Interaction George Kapetanios, Professor of Finance and Econometrics Ian Kessler, Professor of Public Service Policy and Management Paul Luff, Professor of Organisation and Technology Mary O’Mahony, Professor of Economics Riccardo Peccei, Professor of Organisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management Alex Preda, Professor of Accounting, Accountability and Financial Management Sabine Rau, Professor of Entrepreneurship Lenos Trigeorgis, Professor of Finance Janet Walsh, Professor of Human Resource Management Douglas West, Professor of Marketing Alison Wolf, Sir Roy Griffiths Professor of Public Sector Management Tarik Driouchi, Reader in Finance Annita Florou, Reader in Accounting and Financial Management Martin Edwards, Reader in Human Resource Management Jo Lindley, Reader in Economics Jane Sturges, Reader in Organisational Behaviour Catherine Chen, Senior Lecturer in Finance Michael Clinton, Senior Lecturer in Human Resource Management Augustin De Coulon, Senior Lecturer in Economics Kristina Dahlin, Senior Lecturer in Entrepreneurship Andreas Kornelakis, Senior Lecturer in International Management Neophytos Lamnbertides, Senior Lecturer in Accounting Dirk vom Lehn, Senior Lecturer in Work, Interaction, and Technology Leone Leonida, Senior Lecturer in Economics and Finance Graeme Lockwood, Senior Lecturer in Law Stephen Pratten, Senior Lecturer in Economics Thomas Roulet, Senior Lecturer in International Management Filipa Sa, Senior Lecturer in Economics Gerhard Schnyder, Senior Lecturer in Comparative Management Matt Vidal, Senior Lecturer in Work and Organisations Oguz Ali Acar, Lecturer in Marketing Juan Baeza, Lecturer in Health Policy Joel Bothello, Teaching Fellow in International Management Alexandra Budjanovcanin, Lecturer in Work Psychology and Public Sector Management Trevor Colling, Director of Studies Evangelos Diokitopoulos, Lecturer in Economics Sonia Goncalves, Lecturer in Economics Aditi Gupta, Lecturer in Accounting Gabriella Gutierrez, Teaching Fellow in Human Resource Management Amanada Jones, Teaching Fellow in Human Resource Management Philipp Kern, Teaching Fellow in International Management Evangelia Katsikea, Lecturer in Marketing Neil Lambert, Teaching Fellow in Strategy and International Business Jean Ledger, Teaching Fellow in Management Yong Li, Lecturer in Financial Management Victor Martin-Sanchez, Teaching Fellow in Entrepreneurship Frauke Mattison Thompson, Lecturer in Marketing Andrew McFaull, Teaching Fellow in Accounting and Finance Prokriti Mukherji, Lecturer in Marketing Yeswanth Nama Venkatswwaralu, Lecturer in Accounting Vandana Nath, Lecturer in Human Resource Management Evagelos Pafilis, Lecturer in Public Sector Organisations Sarah Park, Lecturer in Entrepreneurship Kirk Plangger, Lecturer in Marketing Riccardo Rodrigues, Lecturer in Human Resource Management Nikoletta Siamagka, Lecturer in Marketing Simon Tan, Lecturer in Accounting and Finance Emre Tarim, Teaching Fellow in Behavioural Finance Sotiris Vandoros, Lecturer in Health Economics Alexia Ventouri, Lecturer in Economics and Finance Fatima Wang, Lecturer in Marketing Mingzhu Wang, Lecturer in Accounting and Finance Ling Zhang, Teaching Fellow in International HRM Research Staff and Visiting Fellows John Edmonds, Visiting Senior Research Fellow in Industrial Relations Howard Gospel, Professor (Emeritus) of Management and Senior Research Fellow in Human Resource Management Richard Laughlin, Professor (Emeritus) of Accounting Pat Oakley, Visiting Research Fellow, Human Resource Management Professional Services Staff Flores Anderson, Graduate Programme Officer Akash Chohan, UG Programme Officer Cathy Barlow, School Manager Ewa Dorobek, Graduate Programme Officer Simon Halpenny, Senior Research Officer Sarah Luo, School Administrative Assistant Gillian McAnuff, UG Programme Officer (Year 3) Will McGeough, Graduate Programme Officer Runa Rahman, UG Programme Officer (Assessment) Charlotte Woodward, UG Programme Officer (Years 1 &2) Eleanor Walkington-Ellis, UG Programme Officer (Ec&Mgt) Eve Zawadzki, Teaching Support Manager The Post The School of Management and Business seeks to recruit a Lecturer in International Management to teach at Undergraduate and Postgraduate level, to design and develop course modules and to contribute to the planning, organisation and delivery of degree programmes in the School. Applications are sought from suitably qualified candidates whose work is in any area of international management and are able to contribute towards module in this field. The successful candidate will need to demonstrate teaching experience and preferably have completed, or about to complete, a PhD in a relevant field. Informal enquiries can be made to Professor Tony Edwards, Head of the Department at or 020 7848 4092 or Professor Keith Brouthers at or 0207 848 4093 This post is based in the Franklin-Wilkins Building of the Waterloo campus. Job description Post title Lecturer in International Management Department/Division/Directorate School of Management and Business Grade 7 Responsible for n/a Responsible to Head of School Role purpose To take a role in the planning, organisation and delivery of undergraduate and postgraduate programmes To undertake high-quality research in the subject area, to publish the findings in highly-rated internationally recognised journals, and to participate in the major internationally recognised academic networks To carry out administration as requested by the Head of School Sustain high-quality research activity through a portfolio of individual and/or joint research projects and to secure the funding required for this research as required. Supervise postgraduate research students and/or research staff. Attend meetings and conferences to present research findings and thereby enhance the national and international standing of the School. Take responsibility for the planning, organisation and delivery of both undergraduate and postgraduate teaching activities within the School. Develop and use a variety of methods to assess student learning and provide feedback that is timely, relevant and appropriate. Undertake any other reasonable duties that may be requested by the Head of School. Role outline Key responsibilities and objectives of the job. To take a role in the planning, organisation and delivery of teaching activities within the School in accordance with established school practice Contribute to the ongoing development and design of the curriculum, in a manner that supports a research-led approach to student learning Act as personal tutor to students as agreed with the Head of School and assist with difficulties, e.g. learning support problems Participate fully in assessment and examination processes as appropriate using a variety of methods and techniques and provide effective, timely and appropriate feedback to students to support their learning Engage in professional development as appropriate Accept academic responsibility within the School and Faculty, involving school administrative responsibilities in respect of student services, student recruitment and advice as well as participating in aspects of Faculty governance on Faculty committees Undertake any other reasonable duties that may be requested by the Head of School Decision making, planning & problem solving: Identify programme development needs and propose how these should be achieved Design, deliver and assess modules through conventional means and through e-learning Collaborate with colleagues on implementation of assessment procedures Advise on strategic issues such as student recruitment and marketing Contribute to accreditation and quality control processes Ensure student needs and expectations are met Manage projects relating to own area of research Take responsibility for administrative duties such as admissions, time-tabling, examinations, attendance, etc Communication & networking: Communicate conceptual and complex ideas to a variety of audiences using appropriate media and methods Lead and develop internal networks Communicate with students through the e-learning platform Disseminate conceptual and complex ideas to a wide variety of audiences using appropriate media and methods to promote understanding Service delivery: Provide specialist or professional advice to students Independently provide advice and deal with queries of a specialist nature, interpret student requirements Give support to colleagues in dealing with queries and monitoring service objectives an standards Analysis & research: Extend, transform and apply knowledge required from scholarship to teaching, research and appropriate external activities Determine relevant research objectives and prepare research proposals Contribute to the development of research strategies Team work, teaching & learning support: Act as a responsible team member, leading where agreed, and developing productive working relationship with others Collaborate with colleagues to identify and respond to student needs both on campus and in the e-learning environment Design teaching material and deliver across a range of modules within subject area Use appropriate teaching, learning support and assessment methods Supervise student projects Contribute to the planning, design and development of objectives and material Identify areas of current provision in need of revision or improvement Set, mark and assess work and examinations and provide feedback to students Specific Aspects - indicate frequency D (daily), W (weekly), M (monthly) where applicable: Intensive Display Screen Equipment work (eg. data entry or digital microscopy): Direct patient contact involving exposure prone procedures (EPP): Heavy manual handling: Direct patient contact, no EPP Highly repetitive tasks (eg. pipetting or re- Work with patient specimens (eg. blood or tissue shelving books): samples): Shift work, night work or call-out duties: Work with GM organisms or biological agents that may pose a hazard to human health: Work involving risk of exposure to environmental or human pathogens (eg. in waste streams or soils): Hazards which require health surveillance eg. respiratory sensitisers (allergens, substances with risk phrase R42, wood dust etc) or loud noise: Driving vehicles on College business: Food handling or preparation: Work at height (eg. ladders, scaffolds etc) Work in confined spaces (eg. sump rooms, etc) Organisational chart Executive Dean—Head of School—Lecturer Additional Requirements All employees are expected to adhere to King’s policies and procedures which are published on the HR webpages. Employees will be expected to comply with any reasonable request from a manager to undertake work of a similar level that is not specified in this job description. This post may be required to work irregular hours in accordance with the needs of the role. For Arts & Sciences only (delete if not applicable) You will be expected to teach and/or assist, as appropriate, using both traditional and innovative methods in such areas as eLearning, short courses, blended learning, summer courses, distance learning, multi-media learning, this list is not exhaustive but to give an indication of the type of areas currently offered. Occupational Health Clearance As part of our pre employment checks the successful applicant will be sent a ‘Health and Capability Declaration Form’ and if they declare that they do have a health condition or disability that may require accommodation measures so that they are able to carry out their work comfortably and efficiently, they will be sent an Occupational Health Questionnaire to determine whether any reasonable accommodation measures are required for the candidate to take up the post. Please note This job description reflects the core activities of the role and as the university and the post-holder develop there will inevitably be changes in the emphasis of duties. It is expected that the post-holder recognise this and adopt a flexible approach to work and be willing to participate in training. If changes to the job become significant, the job description should be reviewed formally by the postholder and line manager. The Human Resources department should then be consulted as to the implications of the proposed changes. Confidentiality In the course of your work you may have access to personal or confidential information which must not be disclosed or made available to any other person unless in the performance of your duties or with specific permission from your Dean of Faculty/ Division /Department. (In particular if your work involves the handling of clinical samples and/or patient data, NHS policies for the maintenance of security and confidentiality of NHS systems and data must be observed). Breaches in confidentiality may lead to disciplinary action. No Smoking Policy King’s College London is committed to maintaining a healthy environment for staff, students and visitors. Therefore, please note that smoking is not permitted in any of the university buildings or in university vehicles. Smoking is also not permitted immediately outside the entrances to university buildings or near to windows and air intake units. Staff working at associated NHS trust sites or other premises should adhere to whatever policy is in place at these locations. NB. This information is provided as guidance only, and does not form part of the employment contract. Person Specification Eligibility to work in the United Kingdom Applications are welcomed from international candidates. The recruitment of this post meets Home Office advertising requirements that qualify the role for sponsorship under Tier 2. Consequently, if required, the university could potentially sponsor the successful candidate in applying for a visa under Tier 2 of the points based immigration system, providing all other requirements are met. Information on Tier 2 sponsorship can be found on the UK Visas and Immigration website: Criteria E S S E N T I A L D E S I R A B L E HOW IDENTIFIED AND ASSESSED AP AS I P R Application Assessment Interview Presentation References Education / qualification and training Appropriate list of relevant publications X AP Evidence of world-class research capacity X AP, AS, I, P, R Some experience of developing research projects and collaborative funding bids X AP, I PhD in relevant subject area X AP, I Some experience of teaching at Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels X I, P, R Evidence of Good research skills X AP, I, R Evidence of Good presentational skills X AP, I Some experience of carrying out academic administration X I, R Some experience of being innovative in teaching and curriculum design X P, I, R Some Experience of teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students X AP,I,P Significant evidence of Research experience X AP,I,P Some experience of carrying out academic administration X AP, I Engagement in professional organisations (conference papers, workshops, memberships) X AP Some experience of teaching undergraduate and postgraduate students X AP,I,P Knowledge/skills Experience Personal characteristics/other requirements Temperament suitable to teaching and research X AP,I,P Some experience of being a Team player X AP,I Desire to promote the subject at all levels X AP,I Willingness to contribute to the pastoral care of students X AP,I Willingness to collaborate with colleagues on courses X AP,I Summary of Terms and Conditions of Service This appointment is made under the King’s College London Terms and Conditions of Service for Academic staff, a copy of which is available from the Recruitment Team upon request. Period of Appointment: Indefinite Contract Salary: £40,082 - £47,801 per annum plus £2,323 London Weighting Allowance per annum Probation: Three years Annual Leave: 27 working days per annum pro rata (please note the annual leave year runs from JanuaryDecember) bank holidays and customary closure days in are in addition to the annual leave entitlement. Staff receive four additional customary closure days in December. Notification as to how these days are taken is circulated at the start of the academic year. Superannuation This appointment is superannuable under the the USS pension scheme. In accordance with recent legislation, we automatically enrol our staff in a pension scheme if they meet certain age and earning criteria. This is known as auto-enrolment. The university collects pension contributions via a salary sacrifice method called PensionsPlus. These deductions are made before the calculation of tax and national insurance is calculated; therefore reducing the amount you pay. Staff already superannuated under the NHS Superannuation Scheme may opt to remain in that scheme provided an application to do so is received by the NHS scheme trustees within three months of appointment to King’s College London. Please note that NHS Superannuation Scheme: Medical Schools are classed as “Direction Employers” and some benefits of the NHS Scheme are not available to Direction members. Alternatively staff may opt to take out a personal pension. Please note that the university does not provide an employer's contribution towards a private pension plan. Training and Education: King’s College London recognises the importance of training in achieving its objective of pursuing excellence in teaching, research and clinical practice through the activities of its staff. We are committed to providing training for all members of staff so that they can perform their jobs effectively and offering them opportunities for further development. Most training and development will occur "on the job" and formal training opportunities are also available within King’s College London associated hospitals trusts and through other external organisations. Staff Benefits: King’s College London offers a wide range of staff benefits. For the full comprehensive list of staff benefits please refer to our website: Staff Benefits Equal opportunities: King’s College London recognises that equality of opportunity and the recognition and promotion of diversity are integral to its academic and economic strengths. The following principles apply in respect of the university’s commitment to equality and diversity: To provide and promote equality of opportunity in all areas of its work and activity; To recognise and develop the diversity of skills and talent within its current and potential community; To ensure that all university members and prospective members are treated solely on the basis of their merits, abilities and potential without receiving any unjustified discrimination or unfavourable treatment on grounds such as age, disability, marital status, pregnancy or maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, trans status, socio-economic status or any other irrelevant distinction; To provide and promote a positive working, learning, and social environment which is free from prejudice, discrimination and any forms of harassment, bullying or victimisation; To foster good relations between individuals from different groups and tackle prejudice and promote understanding. King’s has been a member of the Athena SWAN Charter since 2007 and gained its Bronze institutional award in 2008. Our award was successfully renewed in September 2013 for a further three years. The Athena SWAN agenda forms part of a wider suite of diversity and inclusion work streams. Working with the Charter is helping King’s to identify best practice for the working environment of all staff working in science disciplines. Applying for the Post: At the bottom of the HireWire advert you will be directed to download and complete the required application form. Please then upload your application form via your profile into the HireWire system. We will not accept Curriculum Vitae in isolation and you must complete the required application form for your application to be considered. Applicants with disabilities: King’s College London is keen to increase the number of disabled people it employs. We therefore encourage applications from individuals with a disability who are able to carry out the duties of the post. If you have special needs in relation to your application please contact the Recruitment Coordinator responsible for the administration of the post on Travel expenses Regrettably, only limited contribution to travel costs for applicants from outside the United Kingdom may be available. Please contact your recruitment coordinator on with a quote to be agreed by the Department before booking your travel arrangements. Response and Feedback Unfortunately we are not able to provide feedback to candidates who are not shortlisted for the role. We are only able to provide feedback to interviewed candidates upon request. We would like to assure you, however, that every application we receive is considered in detail and a shortlist only drawn up after careful reference to a detailed person specification. If therefore, your application is not successful, we hope that you will not be discouraged and will still apply for other suitable vacancies at King’s College London as and when they are advertised.