Y11 Physics - Parkside Federation

Year 11 Assessment Information
Autumn Assessment Period
Why am I being assessed? The results of these assessments will be used to inform your teacher of your progress
so far. These will also be used to help your teacher to predict a grade for your final exams which will be the grade
which goes on the CAP (college application) form. This grade will also be entered on your first progress check
and will be used by your teacher to inform the report which they will write on you. This report is used directly as
part of your school reference for the CAP form. These exams are also designed to give you a flavour of the real
exams in the summer. They are designed to help you revise thoroughly in order to ease the burden of revision
before the summer exams. Students who revise their course thoroughly for their mock exams tend to do a lot
better in the ‘real’ exams in the summer.
Y11 English
CIE iGCSE English and English Literature
Coursework: English Language Assignment 1 and Assignment 2 completed by 25th November.
Mock English Language Paper during the mock period.
The exams officer will issue a separate timetable for all your mock exams and these should start from
the 12th of November.
Mock English Literature Paper (Fasting, Feasting and The Tempest only) during the mock period.
This should give you an indication of some of the topic areas covered in the different papers.
iGCSE English Language Mock Exam – Extended or Core
This exam covers both reading and writing skills. Please see the recent ‘Destruction’ assessment for
the format and targets given by your teacher. The skills assessed include: using the details from a text
in another format; analysing the language that a writer uses; and summarising texts.
iGCSE English Literature Mock Exam
This exam requires students to answer 2 questions from a selection. One on The Tempest by William
Shakespeare and one on Fasting, Feasting by Anita Desai. (Students will sit a practice exam on the
poetry later in the year)
English Language Mock Exam
To prepare for the English language mock, use your feedback from your recent ‘Destruction’
assessment to focus your areas of revision. Remember, you will need to: respond to a text in another
format; identify and comment on the language that the writer has used; and summarise the texts
according to a specific purpose.
For further resources, there is both a Cambridge IGCSE First Language English workbook by Marian
Cox that is available to buy. Further information about the exam is available on the CIE website
(syllabus 0522.)
You will be preparing for your coursework in lessons and will be able to draft and redraft this at home.
You will be given a piece of general feedback from your teacher for your first draft. Teachers are not
allowed to correct your work, but will tell you areas you could improve on. It is important that you
spend a reasonable amount of time crafting your coursework to ensure that it is of high quality. This
counts towards your final grade.
English Literature Mock Exam
To prepare for the mock on the novel and play sections of your English Literature papers you should:
 Reread both the novel and The Tempest
 Read through your notes from class or you could purchase a study guide.
 Look at your targets from the assessment you sat at the end of year 10 and revise these areas.
You may find the following website useful for revising The Tempest:
Y11 Maths
Year 11: See Mock Timetable
Students are working towards one of the following exams:
 Edexcel GCSE Mathematics (1MAO) Foundation
 Edexcel GCSE Mathematics (1MAO) Higher
Two 1hr 45 min tests covering all GCSE topics. The first paper is non-calculator and the second is a
calculator test. The test is two-tier GCSE style covering a range of levels; Foundation (G-C) and Higher
(D-A*). Pupils will be informed by their teacher which tier they are taking.
The following are some suggested ways and resources you could use to help you prepare for your
assessment. You should use the revision topic list as a checklist of what content you need to revise as
well as:
Your books: Go back through your notes and classwork. Where you have errors, try to now correct
them. Work through past home learning tasks to make corrections or check you can still remember
how to answer the questions.
Previous Assessments: Go back through over past paper and attempt the questions again, especially
the ones you found difficult. Use the feedback sheets from previous assessment to target your revision.
My Maths: You can re-attempt past home learning tasks set or alternatively try and challenge yourself
with new tasks. Use the “lessons” on My Maths if you are unsure on a topic. www.mymaths.co.uk
BBC Bitesize:
Key Stage 4 (Year 10-11): http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/maths/
Manga High: Try the challenges or games on this, focussing on the topics listed on your revision sheet.
If you have forgotten any of your log in details for My Maths or Manga High go and see your Maths
Equipment will NOT be loaned to students for this assessment. Use this list to make sure you have
everything you need:
 Pen and pencil – remember diagrams should be drawn in pencil
 Ruler
 Eraser
 Protractor
 Pair of compasses
 Calculator
We will provide tracing paper if needed.
Y11 Biology (Edexcel)
The Mock Exam
A single One Hour paper to include all the topics taught so far:
Cells and cell structure
Diffusion and osmosis
Plants and photosynthesis
Leaf structure
Plant mineral requirements
Kidney and homeostasis
Plant tropisms
Hormonal and nervous control
The eye
Mitosis and meiosis
Plant and human reproduction
DNA and genetics
Heart and circulatory system
The respiratory system and smoking.
Use your Revision Guides and Workbooks if you have them.
Go through the experiments you have done in class and the notes you have made.
Go through corrected tests and Home Learning
Make use of exam papers put upon Edmodo by your teachers
Good websites include:
Y11 Biology (OCR)
The Mock Exam
A single One Hour paper to include all the topics taught so far:
B1 – You and your genes
B2 – Keeping Healthy
B3 – Life on Earth
B4 – The processes of life
B6 – Brain and Mind
Use your Revision Guides and Workbooks if you have them.
Go through the experiments you have done in class and the notes you have made.
Go through corrected tests and Home Learning
Make use of exam papers put upon Edmodo by your teachers
Good websites include:
Y11 Chemistry (Edexcel)
The Mock Exam
A single One Hour paper to include all the topics taught so far:
The Particulate Nature of Matter
The Periodic Table
The Atom
Chemical formulae Empirical formulae and Equations
Abundance of isotopes
Relative Formula Mass and Molar volumes
Oxygen and Oxides
Carbon Dioxide and carbonates
Hydrogen and water
Acids, Alkalis and Salts
Tests for ions
Reactivity Series
Metal extraction
Rates of Reaction
Use your Revision Guides and Workbooks
Go through the experiments you have done in class.
Go through corrected tests and Home Learning
Make use of exam papers put upon Edmodo by your teachers
Good websites include:
Y11 Chemistry (OCR)
The Mock Exam
A single One Hour paper to include all the topics taught so far:
C1 Air quality
Apart from content: e.g. evolution and composition of atmosphere, pollutants and improving air
Data analysis skills: accuracy, reliability, fair test, real difference, cause and correlation, causal link
C2 Material Choices
Apart from content: e.g. properties and structure of polymers, designer polymers, nanotechnology
Data analysis skills as above
C3: Chemicals in our lives: Risks and benefits
Apart from content: e.g. risks and benefits of salt in diet, extracting and purifying salt, extracting
sodium hydroxide from brine, rock cycle
Weighing out risk and benefits
Life cycle assessments
C4: Periodic Table
Apart from content: e.g., atomic structure, group 1 and group7 elements (chemical and physical
properties), ion formation trends in the periodic table
Risk assessment
Hazards and risks, haz symbols
Providing scientific explanations
C6: Chemical synthesis
Apart from content: e.g., patterns in chemical reactions of acids with alkalis, neutralisation, titration,
ionic equations of neutralisation, theoretical and percentage yield, rates of reaction
Sequencing and describing steps how to carry out a procedure to make a soluble or insoluble salt
Risk assessment
Calculations of relative formula mass, volumes, concentrations, reacting masses, theoretical yields,
percentage yields
Use your Revision Guides and Workbooks
Go through the experiments you have done in class.
Go through corrected tests and Home Learning
Make use past papers on the OCR website
Good websites include:
Y11 Physics (Edexcel)
The Mock Exam
A single One Hour paper to include all the topics taught so far:
Force and Motion
Solids, Liquids and Gases
Energy Transfer and Energy Resources
Magnetism and Electromagnetism
Use your Revision Guides and Workbooks
Go through the experiments you have done in class.
Go through corrected tests and Home Learning exam questions
Make use of exam papers put upon Edmodo by your teachers
Good websites include:
Please note that the topic structure may appear different, so check them against your syllabus or
Y11 Physics (OCR)
The Mock Exam
A single One Hour paper to include all the topics taught so far:
P1 - Earth and the Universe
P2 - Radiation and Life
P3 - Sustainable Energy
P4 - Explaining Motion
P5 - Electric Circuits
P6 - Radioactive Materials
P7 - Further Physics
Use your Revision Guides and Workbooks
Go through the experiments you have done in class.
Go through corrected tests and Home Learning exam questions
Make use of exam papers put upon Edmodo by your teachers
Good websites include:
Please note that the topic structure may appear different, so check them against the BBC Bitesize
information for exact details of your OCR course.
Y11 BTEC Science
The November assessment
A single One Hour paper to include20 minutes of Biology, Physics and Chemistry on all the topics
taught so far:
B1 – You and your genes
C1 – Air Quality
P1 - Earth and the Universe – Earthquakes, waves and stars
Go through the experiments you have done in class and the notes you have made.
Go through corrected tests and Home Learning
Good Biology websites include:
Good Chemistry websites include:
Good Physics websites include:
Y11 French
Listening paper (45 minutes) during the mock period.
Reading/Writing paper (1 hour 30 minutes) during the mock period.
The exams officer will issue a separate timetable for all your mock exams and these should start from
the 12th of November.
Speaking exam (7-10 minutes) – individual teachers to advise students but most of these will be start
from the 3rd week of November.
This should give you an indication of some of the topic areas covered in the different papers.
school, food, weather, personal descriptions, future plans, hobbies, TV, house, school trips,
Reading and writing:
Types of film, places in town, family internet, work experience, healthy lifestyles and eating
Speaking: A, B, C (see the “Speaking exam” PPT for further information).
Listening practice, use the following sites:
http://www.frenchexams.org/ (intermediate section)
http://linguascope.com/ (parksidecc/elmtree: intermediate section)
http://www.rfi.fr/ (more advanced)
Reading practice, use the following sites:
http://www.frenchexams.org/ (intermediate section)
http://www.rfi.fr/ (more advanced)
*Ask the librarians for any past examination papers in order to help you tackle the vocabulary required at
GCSE level. They should be able to direct you to listening and reading papers.
**We recommend the CGP revision guides: a letter was distributed to all students offering a discounted
rate on these.
Writing practice, important to know how to form the key tenses, use the following to develop your
understanding of grammar:
Speaking practice, you will have been preparing this in lessons. Use the following sites to help you
practice your pronunciation and to practise some of your notes using an online prompt:
For general vocabulary revision, use the booklets provided (see Edmodo folder) and the suggestions on
how to learn vocabulary as well as the following sites:
Y11 Spanish
Listening paper (45 minutes) during the mock period.
Reading/Writing paper (1 hour 30 minutes) during the mock period.
The exams officer will issue a separate timetable for all your mock exams and these should start from the
12th of November.
Speaking exam (7-10 minutes) – individual teachers to advise students but most of these will be start
from the 3rd week of November.
This should give you an indication of some of the topic areas covered in the different papers.
shopping, future plans, house, family school, fashion, town, environment, fast food
Reading and writing:
holidays, aches and pains, work, relationships, school, environment
Speaking: A, B, C (see the “Speaking exam” PPT for further information found in your Edmodo folder).
Listening practice, use the following sites:
http://linguascope.com/ (parksidecc/elmtree: intermediate section)
Reading practice, use the following sites:
http://cvc.cervantes.es/aula/lecturas/ (more advanced)
*Ask the librarians for any past examination papers in order to help you tackle the vocabulary required at
GCSE level. They should be able to direct you to listening and reading papers.
**We recommend the CGP revision guides: a letter was distributed to all students offering a discounted rate
on these.
Writing practice, important to know how to form the key tenses, use the following to develop your
understanding of grammar:
Speaking practice, you will have been preparing this in lessons. Use the following sites to help you
practice your pronunciation and to practise some of your notes using an online prompt:
For general vocabulary revision, use the booklets provided (see Edmodo folder) and the suggestions on
how to learn vocabulary as well as the following sites:
Y11 Latin
There will be one examination paper which you will sit in class time. It will last for one hour.
Language Paper: unseen translation and comprehension
You will sit an adapted GCSE paper which will involve comprehension and translation of an unseen
passage. All words in the passage will come directly from the set vocabulary list or will be glossed for
Make sure that you know your GCSE vocabulary list, paying particular attention to military vocabulary
and any irregular principal parts. Use the grammar handouts and powerpoints available on Edmodo to
Language games and GCSE vocabulary testers are available on quia:
Y11 Hospitality
Coursework Assessment
Assessment of your written portfolio work so far, will take place in the week beginning 21st Oct
You will be given feedback on how to improve your work to help you work towards your potential
grade in the week beginning 4th Nov
You will have completed: The brief and analysis
 Examples of Christmas menus
 Research ideas for décor.
 A survey to find out customers preferences
 Evaluation of 5 dishes that you have tested for the event
 Evaluation of various venues within school
 The dietary requirements of you target group
You will be given a GCSE grade eg. A*-G
You will have completed work in class and also that set on Edmodo as home learning.
You will have stayed to catch up after the lesson on Wednesday where you need one to one support
from your teacher.
You should also revisit the targets given by your teacher when he or she has marked your work to
ensure that you are working towards these.
Y11 BTEC Sport
Week commencing 4th November in your BTEC lessons
As the BTEC Sport course is continuous coursework based, there is no formal assessment session. You
will continue to work in your normal rotation of Diploma and Certificate course units.
At this stage you will have been expected to have completed:
 Leadership Unit
 Practical Sport
 Fitness Testing and Training
 Development of Personal Fitness
Continue with current lessons and rotation
Unit 1 paper, “Living in Digital World” (1 hour 30 minutes) during the mock exams period.
The exams officer will issue a separate timetable for all your mock exams and these should start from
the 12th of November.
N.B. We have started the CAB (Controlled Assessment Brief) which is worth 60% of your final mark.
The Unit 1 paper is worth 40%.
This should give you an indication of some of the topic areas covered in the paper:
digital devices and their suitability to different needs, social networking, password security, IT security
in general, online shopping and services, software applications, digital divide
Use the following sites to help you:
Here is a link to some past papers:
Y11 Geography
The assessment will take place during the mock examination period, beginning the week of November
11th 2013.
Students will be undertaking a ‘Decision Making Paper’ (Exam Paper Two). This exam requires little
preparation, as the students will be presented with a range of source material that they then use to
answer exam style questions
This exam is very difficult to revise in terms of content, as the exam board often select an area that
students will not have studied. However, students should use their books and notes from lessons to
reflect on how you answer exam questions worth different marks, remembering that facts, figures and
statistics from the sources will help them achieve the highest of grades.
Y11 Religious Studies
Mon 11th Nov – Paper 3
Wed 13th Nov – Paper 4
Paper 3: Matters of Life; Drug Abuse; Crime & Punishment; Rich and Poor in Society
Paper 4: Existence of God; Problem of Evil and Suffering; Science and Religion
2 x exam papers. Each paper is 1 hr 10 min (extra time 1 hr 30 min).
Answer 3 questions from each paper (a “question” totals 18 marks and is made up of part-questions
ranging from 1-6 marks).
In Paper 3 you will be given some choice as we have covered 4 topics, but in Paper 4 you will be
required to answer all three questions on the topics we have covered.
Y11 History
Paper 1: 2 hours: Tuesday 12th November (pm)
Paper 2: 1 ½ hours: Wednesday 20th November (pm)
Paper 1: This paper is 50% Medicine through time and 50% Germany. Each section comprises of several
questions based around historical sources plus a section of ‘extended answer’ questions.
Paper 2: This paper comprises of 6 questions based around a set of historical sources. The topic for this
paper is the Black Death in the Middle Ages.
Students need to revise the whole of their Medicine Through Time course and the whole of their
Germany course for Paper 1.
Students need to revise the Black Death for Paper 2 as well as making sure they have a clear overview
of how this period of medicine fits into the overall course. How is medical practise better or worse than
what went before and after?
Students also need to ensure they are fully familiar with how to answer each ‘type’ of question on this
paper as there are ‘rules’ to follow in order to ensure the highest marks are achieved.
In addition to your notes in your exercise books and folders students could benefit from purchasing
one or more copies of the key text books which are:
Medicine Through Time:
1. “The Development of Medicine for OCR GCSE”; Colin Shephard; ISBN 0 340 7876
2. ”Essential Medicine and Health Through Time: an SHP development study”; Ann Moore and
Ian Dawson; ISBN 0 7195 8537 6
3. “Medicine through Time”; Aaron Wilkes;
ISBN 978 1 85008 461 7
1. “Germany 1918-1945”; Josh Brooman; ISBN 0 582 47384 5
2. ”Essential Germany 1918-1945: a depth study”; Dale Banham and Christopher Culpin; ISBN 0
7195 7753 5
3. “Germany 1918 – 1945: a depth study”; Hodder Education; ISBN 978 0 7195 7059 9
These text books are also available in the Learning Centre and in the History Department for students
to use during their free lessons and after school but they must not be taken home as we are currently
using them with Year 10 students in lessons.
Useful websites:
If students need any advice on navigating their way around these sites to find the relevant information
please see your History teacher.
Y11 Ancient History
The assessment will take place during the mock examination period, beginning the week of November
11th 2013.
Students will be undertaking two papers.
All Papers 1hr 15 min – 80 marks
All units have a translations book and textbook which are available from me in hard copy or on Edmodo
for electronic copies.
Paper 1…
Unit A031: The Greeks at war
Option 1: The Greeks defend themselves, 499–479 BC
Paper 2…
Unit A032: The rise of Rome
Option 1: The origins of Rome: The kings, 753–508 BC
All units have a translations book and textbook which are available from me in hard copy or on Edmodo
for electronic copies. Student will face the same range of questions in each topic.
Short 4 and 5 mark ones to start. A 14 mark question directly answering from a source provided and an
18 mark part using the same source and supported from the students own knowledge. An essay from
two offered for 30 marks equally split between AO1 Knowledge, AO2 Understanding and AO3
Use of the materials and notes used in class and for your homework will form the main elements of
your revision.
On Edmodo there are already support materials. The text book is a good revision aid for notes.
Translations books form the basis for the evidence we have to show our understanding of. All students
should have full notes / their own copies of the Translations and Textbooks (or access through Edmodo
to them) / a full draft of an ideal essay on the topic.
Students should think carefully about how you use these:
 Try making notes on your notes – condense the material down to learn it rather than simply
reading it again and again.
 Make use of the translations book and text book as live documents to add and develop for your
current and future revision.
 Produce illustrated mind maps of the main themes and ideas.
 Use different colour ‘post it’ notes to highlight significant areas.
 Select the points which you think best help you to prove your ability to show your knowledge,
understanding, analysis and evaluation.
 Re-draft essays and other style questions from Y10 to improve quality and test on timing.
 There are documentaries we have looked at – consider what they say to develop your
understanding of the topic. Remember that the views on the documentaries are based upon
more reading and sources beyond what we have read but you can certainly use them to
present a different view from the source we are looking at.
A full revision proforma is on Edmodo covering syllabus details books websites and revision times.
Y11 Create
Compositional, creative, choreographic and devising skills are assessed throughout the unit
In the two weeks which lead up to the end of each unit students will take part in a final piece
Autumn 1 – two weeks leading up to 25th October
Students in the Performing Arts (Music, Dance and Drama) take part in final performance pieces which
are an accumulation of the skills learned during that specific unit.
In visual art students complete a final piece which displays the artistic skills which they have learned
during this unit.
In addition students will complete a written assessment sheet which records their learning during the
Students will not need to revise as this is an assessment of practical ability rather than an examination
testing retained knowledge.
However if students or parents would like to remind themselves of the skills learned all teachers have
recorded homework for students on Edmodo and these contain links to useful sites