Yum-onomics: Lemonade Economics Presented by: Deborah Kozdras: USF Stavros Center dkozdras@usf.edu Website: http://yumonomics.com http://www.parcconline.org/parcc-content-frameworks Thinking Like an Economist http://www.econedlink.org/interactives/index.php?iid=13 7&type=educator Why Economics? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUcpCB http://yumonomics.com/ 7Wls8 1 Small Lemonade Stand + 6 Big Principles = Economic Thinking http://www.kidseconposters.com/i mages/6core.swf 1: People Choose We always want more than we can get and productive resources (human, natural, capital) are always limited. Therefore, because of this major economic problem of scarcity, we usually choose the alternative that provides the most benefits with the least cost. • • • What did Suzy want? What productive resources did she need to run her first lemonade stand? Once she went big, what were her scarce resources? 2: All Choices Involve Costs The opportunity cost is the next best alternative you give up when you make a choice. When we choose one thing, we refuse something else at the same time. • The opportunity cost was the next best alternative Suzy gave up when she made her choice to go big. 3: People Respond to Incentives Incentives are actions, awards, or rewards that determine the choices people make. Incentives can be positive or negative. When incentives change, people change their behaviors. Incentives can be economic, social, or moral. • • What were Suzy’s incentives to go big? How did the business incentives change in the commercial? http://www.econedlink.org/interactives/inde x.php?iid=119&type=educator 4: Economic Systems Influence Individual Choices and Incentives. People cooperate and govern their actions through both written and unwritten rules that determine methods of allocating scarce resources. These rules determine what is produced, how it is produced, and for whom it is produced. As the rules change, so do individual choices, incentives, and behavior. • • • When Suzy’s dad gave her the cell phone, the rules changed. The economic system changed. What were the new choices and incentives? 5: Voluntary Trade Creates Wealth People specialize in the production of certain goods and services because they expect to gain from it. People trade what they produce with other people when they think they can gain something from the exchange. This is self interest. Some benefits of voluntary trade include higher standards of living and broader choices of goods and services. • • • What were the different specializations of goods and services in the commercial? Who gained by trade? How did they gain? What were some of the benefits of voluntary trade? 6: The Consequences of Choices Lie in the Future. • Economists believe that the cost and benefits of decision making appear in the future, since it is only the future that we can influence. Sometimes our choices can lead to unintended consequences. • • What were the consequences for Suzy’s dad? What were other unexpected consequences for Suzy–good and bad? Lemonade War Vocabulary: slump, breakup, joint venture, partnership, competition, underselling, location…http://www.lemonadewar.com/ Lesson: Kid’s Econ Posters http://www.kidseconposters.com/keb/Title%20List%20Post er%20Set%20B/Supply%20and%20Demand/Lemonade%2 0for%20Sale.htm Play the lemonade stand game http://www.lemonadestandgame.com/ Make a Book Trailer • http://www.lemonadewar.com/book1_tlw_t railer.html Not Your Grandma’s Lemonade Stand • http://www.econedlink.org/interactives/EconEdLink-interactive-toolplayer.php?filename=em276_interactive.swf&lid=276 http://www.econedlink.org/interactives/EconEdLink-interactive-tool-player.php?filename=em276_interactive.swf&lid=276 Lemon Squeeze: Lemonade Stand The Lemon Story: Another Text Lemonade for Sale: Another Text Lesson: Kid’s Econ Posters http://www.kidseconposters.com/keb/Title%20List%20Poster%20Set%20B/Supply% 20and%20Demand/Lemonade%20for%20Sale.htm I Can Be an Entrepreneur • • http://www.econedlink.org/lessons/index.php?lid=476&type=educator http://www.econedlink.org/lessons/index.php?lid=476&type=student For More Info… http://yumonomics.com Other Websites • • • • • • http://www.bizkids.com http://www.federalreserveeducation.org http://commonsenseeconomics.com http://stosselintheclassroom.org http://www.councilforeconed.org http://www.genirevolution.org