OVERBERG WATER 1. AREAS AND MUNICIPALITIES SERVED, ACHIEVEMENTS AND CHALLENGES Relationship with Municipalities Non-Financial Performance Audit Report Income Statement Balance Sheet Financial Indicators & -Ratios Bulk Water Sales & Revenue Bulk Water Tariffs Expenditure (Bulk Provision) Reserve 2. THE TARIFFS PROPOSED BY THE DEPARTMENT ON BULK WATER Graphic presentation of tariffs Principles of tariff structure Process 2 3 4 Serious work injuries → zero Absenteeism → 2,7% Staff turnover → 9% Labour unrest → zero Water quality → Class 1 (SANS 241, 2006) Water loss → 4,8% 5 Unqualified Audit Positive report on systems & procedures Relevant legislation adhered to 6 Consolidated Income Statement Income from and expenses financed through Bulk Water Sales Retail Water Sales (as secondary activity) Other Secondary Activities Reserve Total Income: R25 017 R’000 Total Expenses: R22 613 Other 1% Investments 8% TWK 8% other 20% Admin Fees 4% Direct Labour 45% Depreciation 8% Chemicals 8% Operating 79% Raw Water 2% Maintenance 7% Energy 10% 7 R’000 Net Income: R2 404 INSTALLMENT DWA LOAN R1 203 CHANGES IN WORKING CAPITAL R1 088 CONTRIBUTION TO RESERVE R0 ( R113 ) - shortfall To be financed through reserve 8 CAPITAL EMPLOYED R74 139 EMPLOYMENT OF CAPITAL Current Liabilities 7% Cash 1% Receivables 6% Loan DWA 34% Equity 59% Inventory 1% Short-term Investments 20% Investments 13% PPE 59% 9 Indicator / Ratio Net Profit % (Net Profit ÷ Sales x 100) Return on Assets (Net Income ÷ Total Assets x 100) Return on Equity (Net Income ÷ Equity x 100) Current Ratio (Current Assets ÷ Current Liabilities) Debtors Days (Water Consumers) (Debtors ÷ Sales x 365) Debt to Assets (Total Debt ÷ Total Assets x 100) Cost of Capital (Interest paid ÷ Total Debt x 100) Debt to Equity (Total Debt ÷ Total Equity) Asset turnover (times / year) (Sales ÷ Total Assets) CAPEX 2008/09 2007/08 12,07% 13,18% 3,24% 3,55% 5,47% 6,16% 4,32 6,18 73 days 65 days 41% 42% 0% 0% 69% 74% 0,27 x 0,27 x R4 mil R3,6 mil 10 BULK WATER SALES : VOLUME (2,1%) 4 259 546 2,177,237 (0,6%) 4 171 830 4 148 761 2,166,872 2,135,262 BULK WATER SALES : R 7,1% m3 4,3% 2006/2007 2,004,958 2007/2008 Mun 10 521 641 2,013,499 2008/2009 m3 2,082,309 10 971 913 11 746 761 6,085,497 5,377,775 5,698,873 5,143,866 5,273,040 5,661,264 2006/2007 2007/2008 2008/2009 Farmers Mun Farmers 11 2008/2009 2007/2008 R 2,83 2006/2007 R 2,47 R 2,63 6,5% 7,7% 2007/2008 2008/2009 R/c per m3 sold R/c per m3 sold 2.63 0.10 2.73 Water Sales Other Income 2.83 0.11 2.94 0.06 0.35 0.31 1.22 0.06 0.09 0.58 2.67 Raw Water Electricity Chemicals Direct Labour Cost Maintenance Other Admin, Oper. Depreciation 0.11 0.49 0.43 1.23 0.09 0.10 0.66 3.11 0.06 -0.17 R’000 HR & Pensionars, 344 Operating Capital, 3 672 TOTAL: R 24 906 Furniture, Equipment & Vehicles, 1 929 Infrastructure, 18 883 RESERVE FOR INFRASTRUCTURE REFURBISHMENT : R18,8 MILLION 5 YEAR INFRASTRUCTURE REFURBISHMENT PROGRAMME R45 MILLION 15 Graphic presentation of tariffs Principles of tariff structure Process 16 1000 900 800 700 C/M3 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 HEIDELBERG/SLANGR. CALEDON WITSAND 0-6m3 235 196 521 6-15m3 260 226 548 15-30m3 396 278 735 30-40m3 470 362 800 PER HOUSEHOLD PER MONTH (VAT excluded) Availability Fee: VAT excluded Caledon – R136 920 / per month Heidelberg/Slangrivier – R47 220 / per month Witsand – R13 475 / per month 17 40m3+ 552 464 860 Availability fee of 30% of allocation. Sliding scale tariff – the higher the water use, the higher the unit cost of the tariff. The use on the sliding scale is based on the number of households as supplied by and agreed with the municipality. The tariff structure supports WC/DU. • A too high choice of allocation by the Municipality will result in a higher unit cost if the consumption is low. • The lower the consumption, the lower the unit cost. The effective cost of water and the water tariff is therefore in the hands of the Municipality – it requires careful and sound planning and management from their side. At the same time Overberg Water has much more clarity and lower risk. 18 Prescribed Process Consultation Process Response from National Treasury & Salga Viability as result of tariff proposal Impact on end users 19