Day #13 - Banquet Scene and Response


English 9

Mrs. Sharp/Ms. Edwards name: period:

Macbeth: The Banquet Scene

Think back to the banquet scene we watched in class. Here is some of the original text:

Act III, scene 4 (edited)

The banquet is prepared. Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Ross, Lennox, Lords, and Attendants. All are on their feet, waiting for a toast from Macbeth.

My noble lord,

You do not give the cheer.


Enter the Ghost of Banquo and sits in Macbeth’s place

MACBETH: Good digestion and health!

May’t please your highness sit. LENNOX:



The table’s full.

Here’s a place reserved, sir.


LENNOX: Here, my good lord. What is’t which moves your highness?



Which of you have done this?

What, my good lord?

MACBETH: Thou cans’t not say I did it: never shake

Thy gory locks at me.



Gentlemen, rise: his highness is not well.

LADY MACBETH: Sit, worthy friends: my lord is often thus.

Prithee see there! Behold, look, lo!



My worthy lord,

Your noble friends do lack you.

Avaunt, and quit my sight! Let the earth hide thee!

Exit Ghost of Banquo


Responding to the Banquet

Think back to what you saw of Macbeth’s performance. List three words that describe how Macbeth was acting/feeling during the banquet. For each, explain why you think the word describes Macbeth at this point.



Describing Word (Adjective) Explanation


Now, consider what the characters attending the banquet may have been thinking as the events unfolded.

What do they now think about Macbeth? Do they have any thoughts/ideas about any of the other people at the banquet?

Select one of the following characters:

Lady Macbeth Lennox Ross a servant a guard

IN THE VOICE OF YOUR CHARACTER, write a response to the events of the banquet. You will write in the FIRST

PERSON, describing any/all of the following:

Macbeth’s behavior and what he said

Lady Macbeth’s reaction (what she did and said)

The reactions of the other guests (spoken or unspoken)

What YOU (as the character) were thinking, feeling, and doing as the action was happening.

What you already know about Macbeth and your relationship to him.

You can write a letter to a friend, a diary entry, or any other type of informal writing, but you must write as your character. Be sure to make it clear who you are and what your role at the banquet was (without writing,

“My name is Joe, and I’m a servant”!).

Feel free to work out your ideas in pre-writing or drafts, but prepare to turn in a final copy of your response on a separate piece of lined paper. Use the following checklist as a way to check your writing.

Writing Checklist

______ Did you write as if you were one of the characters THROUGHOUT your writing?

______ Did you make it clear which character you were and what your role was?

______ Did you address Macbeth’s behavior and what he said as your character?

______ Did you address Lady Macbeth’s reaction?

______ Did you describe the reactions of the other guests?

______ Did you describe what your reactions as your character?

______ Did you describe what you already knew as your character?

Did you check for: ______ Complete sentences ______ Capitalization/Punctuation


_____ Spelling
