PowerPoint Presentation - Vlaams Materialenprogramma

Agfa Graphics NV
ALU recycling project
Eddy Pellegroms
• Offset printing & Offset Printing plates
• ALU market WW relevant volumes
• Agfa’s recycling project
Who’s involved?
Cradle-to-Cradle flow
Carbon Footprint: before/after
Project findings
Path forward
Offset printing
ALU Market WW
• Forecast 2015
• WW consumption of 58,5 mio tons
• China represents +50% of the ALU production
• Litho/printing part is +/- 700kton
• Limited number of Litho suppliers in the market
• 35%-40% is recycled ALU
Agfa Litho ALU recycling project: Goals
• Started in 2011 in collaboration with VITO & key partners
• ALU “Cradle-to-Cradle” project (C-t-C)
• Goals of the project:
• Avoid “down cycling” of used plates, by developing a recycling
process for lithographic aluminium
• No impact on Quality of Litho ALU in the Product/market
• Improve our carbon “footprint”
• Asses the environmental impact of this reversed logistics model
for Agfa Graphics and for our Customers
• No increase in product costs
C-t-C: Project challenges
• Printing market is focused on the use of ‘primair’ ALU to
produce plates
• Litho ALU has +99,3% pure ALU spec
• Sustainable high Quality
• Limited number of litho suppliers
• Reversed Logistics
• Phase 1: limit to our production plants
• Phase 2: limit to the European customers
• Relatively small market with a hugh number of
C-t-C project: Who’s involved?
• Agfa’s organisation
• Phase 1:
ALU suppliers
• Phase 2:
• Marketing & Sales
• Accounting
• Third party Logistics
• ALU scrap recyclers -> logistics providers
C-to-C: ‘old’ vs ‘new’ scrap flows
C-t-C: Carbon Footprint: Before/After
C-t-C: Project Findings
• The % secundair ALU content has no impact on the
quality of the print
• CO2 content decreased to 3,1kg/m² for Azura TS plate
• energy content is only 0,75MWH/ton
• -> +/-5% of energy needed to produce primair ALU
• Develop a new sales concept
• “Leasing” of a printing plate -> customers pays for the
added value
• Logistic challenge to organize recycling of used plates
from our customers
• Need for another concept/to upgrade our partners
Path Forward/Challenges
• Increase the recycling volume of used plates
• Look of new partners
• Challenge our current concept of reversed logistics
• Extend our offering to other regions
• US market
• Why?
• Company target for recycled vs total volume purchased
• 2014:
• 2015:
• 2018:
12% of the volume
40% of the volume
• Consolidation in the printing world/media world
• Lower “Cost of Ownership” for the Agfa customer
• Carbon footprint reduction
• Criteria for sustainable production/product