Venus Boi

By: Colton, Kris & Zach
Basic Information
Venus is the second planet from the sun.
Radius is 3,760 miles long.
Venus is 67,240,000 miles from the sun.
It takes 225 days to orbit the sun but it rotates
on its own axis once every 243 days.
• A day on Venus is longer than a day on earth.
What’s it Like
on Venus
Interesting facts
• This planet is named after the Roman Goddess
of love and beauty.
• Only planet named after a female.
• Venus and Earth are called twins because they
have similar in size, mass, density,
composition and gravity.
• Temperature reaches up to 870 degrees F.
Question #1
• Which of the following planets experiences a
run away greenhouse effect?
• (A) Mercury
• (B) Saturn
• (C) Venus
• (D) Earth
Question #2
• Kepler’s first law states that planets orbit the
sun in paths called?
(A) Ellipses
(B) Eclipses
(C) Orbital patterns
(D) Figure 8’s
Question #3
• What are the two inner planets that are most
alike in size, mass, and density are?
(A) Mars and Venus
(B) Earth and Saturn
(C) Mercury and Mars
(D) Earth and Venus
Venus in the
Solar System