Compliance Financial Steps and Procedures

Clinical Research
Account Set-Up/Business
Applicable TTUHSC OPs
HSC OP 10.16:
HSC OP 50.03:
HSC OP 50.07:
HSC OP 50.08:
HSC OP 50.09:
HSC OP 50.21:
HSC OP 50.34:
HSC OP 50.35:
HSC OP 65.01:
HSC OP 65.02:
HSC OP 65.06:
Account Manager Designation and Signature Authority
Proper Handling of Cash Collections
Secondary Depository Procedures
Deposit of Private Gifts, Grants, and Agreements
Change Funds and Petty Cash Funds
Residual Funds Derived from Drug Studies, Clinical
Trials, Fixed-Price Contracts and InvestigatorResearch
Unidentified Receipts and Holding Account
Establishing Sponsored Program Accounts/Budgets
Facilities and Administrative Cost Recovery Plan
Contracts and Grants Made Directly to Individuals
New Study Accounts Summary
Occurs upon receiving first check
Checks (from the sponsor) should be mailed directly to the Division of Clinical
Research (Pam Frazier). The liaison (Dawn Bender) will then notify you with
information and request documentation.
If you are at a regional campus and the sponsor incorrectly sends the check to you,
the check should be deposited immediately into a holding account. The Financial
Monitor (Jill Raupe) should then be notified. If you are at the Lubbock campus
please send the check to the Division of Clinical Research (Pam Frazier).
You will then complete these forms:
-Account History Form
-Signature Authority Form (HSC OP 50.03)
-Budget Revision Form
Copy ALL of these forms for your records and send originals to Financial Monitor
(Jill Raupe), mail stop 8146
Account number assigned by Accounting Services (Kathleen Emmons)
Locating Forms Online
Budget Revision Form
History File Form
Signature Authority Form
Forms may be saved to your hard drive for quicker
and easier access for future use.
The Budget Revision Form
– Code 48: Investigator payments
– Code 55: F & A (indirect costs)
• Formula: Total amount divided by 1.25 X .25 = indirect rate
Other expense codes
– Code 02: Other salaries
– Code 07: Fringe Benefits
– Code 10: Maintenance and Operation
– Code 23: Subject Costs
Established Study Accounts Summary
Checks (from the sponsor) should be mailed directly to the Division of Clinical
Research (Pam Frazier). The liaison (Dawn Bender) will then notify you with
information and request documentation.
If you are at a regional campus and the sponsor incorrectly sends the check to you,
the check should be deposited immediately into a holding account. The Financial
Monitor (Jill Raupe) should then be notified. If you are at the Lubbock campus
please send the check to the Division of Clinical Research (Pam Frazier).
You will then complete this form:
– Budget Revision Form
Copy form for your records and send originals to Jill Raupe, mail stop 8146 or
– Both electronic and paper copy allowed
Accounting Services (Kathleen Emmons) processes Budget Revision
Closing a Study Account
Final payment received, deposited, and budgeted
Check study files to determine if all payments have been made
Check contract and/or sponsor to determine if TTUHSC may keep
remaining funds
Complete Budget Revision form and submit to Financial Monitor (Jill
– Code 94: Non Mandatory Transfer OUT of study account
– Code 98: Non Mandatory Transfers INTO residual account
Accounting Services (Kathleen Emmons) will then perform a final
check of indirect costs and close account; rolling money into residual
account (HSC OP 50.34)
Fee Invoicing
Division of Clinical Research
– Will invoice for administrative and pharmacy fees for clinical trials
(all campuses)
Research Integrity Office
– Will invoice for IRB fees for clinical trials
(all campuses)
Contact Information
• Liaison: Dawn Bender
– 743-2556
• Financial Monitor: Jill Raupe
– 743-4754
• Director of Contracting: Pam Frazier
– 743-4367
• Accountant: Kathleen Emmons
– 743-1888 x 267