die Vergangenheit! Deutsch 1 Name:_______________________________ Deutsch I Kapitel 11A Name____________________________________ Datum__________________ Stunde________ For the remainder of our time together, we will be focusing on the conversational past tense to prepare for German 2. The following information is VERY IMPORTANT, and is on the final. A. The conversational past tense • It is mainly used in conversation. • It is also called the present perfect (das Perfect). • There is another past tense that we learn in German II. B. How to form it • The present perfect has 2 parts: - a _________________ __________ - and a past participle • The helping verb is either a form of ____________ or __________. C. The past tense in English and German. • In English: I have learned German. • In German: Ich habe Deutsch gelernt. • The helping verbs are: __________ and __________. • The past participles are: ____________ and ____________. • The main difference about the German past tense is that the past participle goes ___________________________________________________. D. Past Participles of Regular Verbs • To form a past participle: -take an infinitive and drop off the ____ or _______. -This is called the __________. -To the front of the stem, add ______. -To the end of the stem, add . E. Some regular verbs, their helping verbs and past participles: Verb Meaning brauchen dauern decken holen hören kaufen kosten lernen machen mähen regnen reisen schneien spielen spülen üben wandern warten wohnen F. Forms of HABEN and SEIN haben ich du er/sie wir ihr Sie/sie sein Past Tense G. Complete the sentences using the correct present perfect forms of the verbs in parentheses. 1. Wir __________________ eine Reise nach Berlin __________________ . (machen) 2. Es __________________ nicht __________________. (regnen) 3. Das Essen __________________ sehr gut __________________ .(schmecken) 4. Wir __________________ jeden Tag __________________ .(wandern) 5. Wo __________________ du deinen Computer __________________ ? (kaufen) 6. __________________ ihr das Geschirr __________________ ? (spülen) 7. Es __________________ dieses Jahr viel __________________. (schneien) 8. Sie(she) __________________ den Rasen __________________ . (mähen) 9. __________________ du die neuen Vokabeln __________________ ? (lernen) 10. Ich __________________ nach Liechtenstein __________________. (reisen) H. Translate the sentences into German. 1. I needed the book. 2. You set the table. 3. The film lasted 2 hours. 4. He got money. 5. She bought shoes. 6. We traveled to Austria. 7. You all played basketball. 8. They hiked yesterday. I. Some irregular verbs, their helping verbs and past participles: Unfortunately these needs to be memorized, but there are some patterns! Verb beginnen bekommen bleiben bringen einladen essen fahren finden fliegen geben gefallen gehen haben helfen kennen kommen lessen nehmen schreiben schwimmen sehen sein singen sprechen tragen trinken Meaning Past Tense Write a sentence for each of the days. What will they be doing? You will have one sentence in the past tense, one in the present, and one sentence in the future. yesterday gestern (past tense): heute (present tense): morgen (future tense): today tomorrow Übersetzen Wir! YAY! This is a mix of regular and irregular verbs. 1. Yesterday I bought a book. 6. Katrin came to the department store with me. 2. Elke saw her uncle in München. 7. Felix hiked and ate. 3. I mowed the lawn, and then I did my homework. 8. Hartmut learned German and spoke no English! 4. My grandparents lived in London for 2 years. 9. Walter got a German book. 5. I went to school. 10. When did the concert start?