B3 Agenda Item No: Status of these minutes (check one box): Paper No: TB14/15/075 Trust Board Meeting Draft for Approval: ☐ Report to: Formally Approved: ☒ Meeting Date: 25 March 2015 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE Trust Board Meeting Date: Wednesday 28 January 2015 Venue: Boardroom, 8 Princes Parade, Princes Dock. Liverpool L3 1DL Name Time: 10.30 a.m. Job Title (Division/ Organisation*) *if not Mersey Care Present: Beatrice Fraenkel Nick Williams Neil Willcox Matt Birch Gerry O’Keeffe Joe Rafferty Neil Smith David Fearnley Ray Walker Elaine Darbyshire Amanda Oates Chairman Non Executive Director Non Executive Director Non Executive Director Non Executive Director Chief Executive Executive Director of Resources (Deputy Chief Executive) Medical Director Executive Director of Nursing and Secure Services Executive Director of Communications & Corporate Governance Executive Director of Workforce In Attendance: Mandy Gregory Louise Edwards Andrea Chadwick Jim Hughes Mike Whelan Alicia Whelan Andy Meadows Sarah Jennings Staff Side Director of Strategy Corporate Director of Finance and Estates Director of Informatics and Performance Improvement Carer Carer Trust Secretary Corporate Governance (Minute Secretary) Apologies Received: Brenda Roe Chris Dowrick Non Executive Director Advisory Board Member ISSUES CONSIDERED 2015 A1 1. A2 2. WELCOME Mrs Fraenkel welcomed everyone to the Trust Board meeting and reminded Board members that the meeting would be conducted on the basis that all members had read the Board reports prior to the meeting. CARER STORY Mrs Fraenkel welcomed Mr and Mrs Whelan to the meeting and highlighted the importance of providing opportunity for reflection on the experience of service users and carers. Page 1 of 16 Agenda Item No: B3 3. Mr Whelan provided a summary of his experience as a carer in respect of the trust’s Asperger’s service and a series of areas for improvement including the better signposting of support services and consistent provision of appropriate interventions. 4. Mrs Fraenkel thanked Mr Whelan on behalf of the Board for sharing his experience which set the context and focus for the remainder of the meeting and provided a vivid account of the carer experience, the areas in need of improvement and the significant impact of these areas on the service user and relatives / carers. Mrs Fraenkel emphasised the importance of the Board considering the impact of mental health service provision on carers and relatives in addition to those that use services. 5. Mr Rafferty apologised, on behalf of the organisation, and welcomed the honest summary of Mr Whelan’s experience. Mr Rafferty committed to undertake an in-depth review of the Asperger’s service to further understand where issues needed to be addressed. 6. Mr Rafferty confirmed that service user and carer engagement was evident across the majority of Mersey Care services to ensure services met the needs of both service users and carers and that the lack of this engagement within the Asperger’s service would be addressed. Mr Rafferty acknowledged Mr Whelan’s loss of trust in Mersey Care and committed to re-establish this through improvement in the service. Whilst some areas for improvement were not within the remint of the trust, Mr Rafferty confirmed that the trust advocate improvement in these areas. 7. Mr Rafferty advised Mr Whelan of on-going work to further understand the patient perspective, which may then require the provision of alternative training for staff. 8. Mr Rafferty agreed to remain in contact with Mr and Mrs Whelan as the trust endeavoured to resolve the issues raised and proposed to negotiate associated timescales with Mr and Mrs Whelan outside of the meeting. Mrs Fraenkel added that Mr and Mrs Whelan would be invited to attend a future meeting of the Trust Board to provide assurance that the concerns raised had been sufficiently resolved. Action Lead Further actions required: To review the Asperger’s service in light of the issues Mr Rafferty raised by Mr Whelan B1 9. Timescale June 2015 Status On-going APOLOGIES The apologies for absence received for this meeting are detailed on page 1. B2 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 10. No declarations of interest were made. Page 2 of 16 Agenda Item No: B3 11. B3 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 17 DECEMBER 2014 The minutes of the previous meeting held on 17 December 2014 were approved as an accurate record. No amendments were required. Action Lead Timescale Status Recommendations approved by the Board, namely: To approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Further actions required: None identified B4 12. B5 MATTERS ARISING There were no matters arising to report. CHIEF EXECUTIVE REPORT 13. Mr Rafferty provided an update on key issues of interest and information arising since the last Board meeting, particularly the recent publication of ‘The Forward View into Action: Planning for 2015/16 by NHS England, and the Dalton Review, both of which described opportunities for reviewing and re-shaping the way in which NHS services were delivered through a structural solution. 14. Mr Rafferty advised that whilst the Five Year Forward View set out a series of structural options, it also placed focus on the need to prioritise prevention, patient activation, and the role of communities. 15. Mr Rafferty informed Board members of the publication of the Planning Guidance 2015/16 developed by Monitor in conjunction with the Trust Development Authority, Care Quality Commission, Public Health England and Health Education England. Mr Rafferty noted that English NHS trusts were currently £400m in deficit and this was predicted to reach a deficit of £1billion by year end. The impact of this would be significant and should be addressed through prevention, community services and ‘activated’ patients. 16. Mr Rafferty confirmed that the trust was currently in the process of negotiating contracts for 2015/16 to be signed-off in March 2015. He advised that where agreement could not be reached, the arbitration process would apply where the total full-year value of all the disputed amounts was over £1,000,000. 17. In response to a question asked by Mr Birch, Mr Rafferty confirmed that the contracts signed by March 2015 would be outline contracts only, but the trust anticipated no involvement of arbitration. 18. Mr Birch noted that the trusts sound financial position was reflective of the strong executive team. Page 3 of 16 Agenda Item No: B3 19. Mr Rafferty advised Board members that the forthcoming industrial action had been cancelled. This would result in a pay award pressure and whilst the trust was aware of this, this added to the on-going significant financial challenges. 20. Mr Smith referred to the challenges faced by the NHS in respect of the need to deliver improved services against a background of increases in demand, whilst ensuring the delivery of cost savings. Mr Smith advised Board members of a 27% increase in referrals from 2011/12 – 2014/15, reflected in over-performance reported against contracted activity in local services, which was likely to impact on 2015/16 service contracts. Mr Smith added that over performance against contracted activity within Sefton services equated to £2.5m and thus required financial assistance. In this context, the trust was keen to negotiate an alternative approach to contracting, i.e., on a cost per case basis, given that the trust would not be able to deliver cost savings if the case load continued to grow. 21. In response to a question asked by Mrs Fraenkel concerning the financial implications of government settlements, Mr Rafferty confirmed that the funding cuts to be made in respect of social care would bring significant challenge and could only be delivered through the provision of social care through an alternative approach. Whilst the government was keen to retain social care, integration would enable efficiencies to be made which were challenging through current Section 75 Agreements. Mr Smith added that local authority funding pressures created risk for the Trust with regards the sustainability of addiction services and the trust had already been notified on the intention to tender these services due to financial pressures. 22. In terms of local developments, Mr Rafferty advised that work of the Trust Boards of both Mersey Care and Calderstones Partnerships NHS Foundation Trust continued to explore the ways in which working together could provide more sustainable and high quality learning disability services. In addition, following the Board’s approval of the Outline Business Case in respect of the transformation of the Secure Care Pathway in December 2014, consultation of the plans was underway and would close on 20 February 2015. 23. In response to a question asked by Mr O’Keeffe concerning the decision made by the Overview and Scrutiny Committees for St Helens and Sefton Councils to hold a joint meeting to consider the trusts proposal, Mr Rafferty confirmed that this was usual practice. 24. Mr Rafferty advised that, following a request for assurance by Sefton Safeguarding Adults Board, the trust had confirmed its intention to continue to contribute £12k in 2015/16 towards the Safeguarding Adult Board’s budget. The trust would continue to work closely with Sefton Safeguarding Adults Board to ensure value for money. 25. Mr Rafferty referred to the recent visit to the Trust by the Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, on Thursday 15 January 2015 and a short video clip was played outlining the media coverage of the event. Mrs Fraenkel gave thanks to Mrs Darbyshire and the Communications Team for coordination of the visit and associated coverage. Page 4 of 16 Agenda Item No: 26. B3 Mr Rafferty referred to the proposed changes to Executive Director Portfolios, outlined on page 8 of his report (and appendix A) and noted that Board was asked to agree the changes, to come into effect from 1 February 2015. Action Lead Timescale Status Recommendations approved by the Board, namely: Note the Chief Executives Report Approve the changes to Directors portfolios Further actions required: None identified C1 CARE AT A GLANCE 27. Mr Smith provided a summary of Trust performance to 31 December 2014 [month 9] and advised Board members that the report incorporated links to supplementary information to provide further insight where required, in addition to key pieces of both national and local intelligence. 28. Mr Smith outlined the recommendations of the report, namely: a) note the assessment of performance contained within this report and the performance improvement actions detailed in the performance escalation sections and supplementary reports; b) note the content of the safer staffing report; c) agree the performance reporting thresholds for the new additional staffing measure detailed in the workforce report; d) approve the increase in surplus to £5 million. Quality Performance 29. In respect of performance against quality indicators, Mr Smith reported that improvement had been identified with regard to physical health indicators and, since this report had been circulated, performance within high secure services had now met the target. This improvement could be attributed in part to the on-going weekly monitoring of performance against physical health indicators and the development of improvement trajectories by Clinical Divisions. 30. Mr Smith advised that concerning safer staffing levels, reporting indicated a number of shifts for which there was understaffing against clinically required staffing levels and this would be considered as part of the budget setting process and allocation of resources. External Performance 31. Mr Smith advised Board members of over-performance against contracted activity within local services which equated to in excess of £3m and underperformance within secure services. Performance against contracted activity would be considered as part of the contract negotiations for 2015/16. Page 5 of 16 Agenda Item No: B3 Financial Performance 32. Mr Smith confirmed that the Trust continued to remain on target to achieve all statutory financial duties but advised members of the request from the NHS Trust Development Authority (TDA) that the trust consider increasing its planned surplus to support the local health economy financial position. Mr Smith noted that in this context, the Board was asked to agree an increase in surplus to £5m, which could be carried forward into 2015/16 for re-investment. 33. Mr Smith advised Board members that the TDA had informed the trust that there were central pressures on capital schemes and therefore had not yet confirmed the Capital Resource Limit (CRL) increase requested by the trust in May 2014. The trust would be notified of the revised CRL in February 2015. Workforce Performance 34. Mr Smith advised that in respect of workforce indicators, performance reflected deterioration in staff attendance; however performance associated with the completion of Personal Development Reviews had increased. 35. Mr Willcox raised a concern with regard performance against workforce indicators, particularly in the context of the carer experience outlined earlier in the meeting, which emphasised the need for increased satisfaction. In response, Mrs Oates noted that feedback from staff indicated that staffing levels were the cause of poor satisfaction. Mrs Oates noted that feedback from staff indicated that staffing levels were the main factor in terms of poor satisfaction. 36. Mrs Oates advised Board members that the embedding of values would be a key focus for 2015/16, in addition to the establishment of a development centre for leaders. 37. Mr Willcox referred to the data quality kite mark and questioned the progress made in ensuring the reliability of data, particularly in respect of workforce indicators. In response, Mrs Oates advised that on the centralisation of staff sickness monitoring / reporting, historical underperformance had been identified and this was now being addressed. Mrs Oates added that long term sickness absence levels remained significantly high and noted that whilst a number of staff returned to work in January 2015, there were currently 83 staff members on long term sickness absence with no planned date for return to work. It was critical that staff were appropriately supported by both the staff support services and occupational health service, both of which had been recently reviewed and would be provided using an alternative approach. 38. Mrs Gregory referred to safer staffing levels and advised that the impact of Staffing levels had significant impact on the workforce and staff had raised concerns in respect of this, along with Agenda for Change (AfC) changes, amendments to the provision of lead payments and potential reduction in bank and agency workers. Mrs Fraenkel acknowledged these concerns and noted that these would be explored by the Board in a development session. Page 6 of 16 Agenda Item No: 39. B3 Mr Willcox highlighted the need to ensure clear articulation to staff with regard underspend and increase in planned surplus, in the context of reinvestment. Action Lead Recommendations approved by the Board, namely: Note the assessment of performance contained within the report and the performance improvement actions detailed in the performance escalation sections and supplementary reports. Note the content of the safer staffing report Agree the performance reporting thresholds for the new additional staffing measure detailed in the workforce report Approve the increase in surplus to £5.0m Further actions required: To discuss the leadership development centre and consider the impact of lead payments at a future Board development session C2 Mrs Oates Timescale Feb 2015 Status Completed INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATION REPORT 40. Mr Walker provided the Trust Board with the executive summary of the independent review report completed by HASCAS into the care and treatment of Mr Y and the associated action plan recently published on the NHS England website. 41. Mr Walker confirmed that the incident had occurred some five years previously and delay in the closure of the incident could be largely attributed to a request for inquest. Mr Walker added that the incident had been subject to both a 72 hour review and external (independent) investigation. The outcomes of the independent investigation had been considered by the Trust Board and the associated action plan had been monitored regularly by the Quality Assurance Committee to ensure delivery. Action Lead Timescale Status Recommendations approved by the Board, namely: Note the content of the report and action plan. Identify any further assurances required. Further actions required: None identified C3 QUALITY SURVEILLANCE REPORT 42. Dr Fearnley provided Trust Board members with a high level summary of views expressed by service users, carers and staff on the services provided by the trust, through visits undertaken by Executive / Non Executive Directors and via concerns and compliments received. Dr Fearnley advised that the report would be further developed in due course. 43. Mrs Fraenkel requested that the term ‘formal’ was to be removed from references to whistleblowing cases. Page 7 of 16 Agenda Item No: B3 Action Lead Recommendations approved by the Board, namely: note the contents of the report; comment on the content of this new report; Identify any further assurance required / actions to be taken. Further actions required: S Jennings term ‘formal’ to be removed from references to whistleblowing cases within reports C4 Timescale Status March 2015 completed SERIOUS INCIDENTS AND COMPLAINTS REPORT 44. Dr Fearnley provided the Board with high level information relating to Serious Incidents (SUIs) and complaints for November and December 2014, in addition to data from previous months to enable comparison. 45. Dr Fearnley advised Board members of a suicide incident reported in the Broadoak Unit currently under investigation, the outcomes of which would be reported to the Board once concluded. 46. Dr Fearnley confirmed that Locktons had been commissioned to review the trusts reporting of safety and risk, which was due to conclude imminently. In the interim, the SUI report had been amended to reflect further detail of actions taken following incidents and complaints. 47. In response to a question asked by Mrs Fraenkel, Dr Fearnley confirmed that the financial cost of a suicide incident was taken from a report developed by London Economics and was based upon a series of factors including, but not limited to, immediate response and staff involvement. Mrs Fraenkel advised that London Economics were currently exploring the cost of mental health on the whole economy for which the trust may request involvement. 48. Mr Rafferty referred to the broader social economic burden and noted that if the trust successfully reduced the cost of a suicide incident by 20%, this would bring significant benefits to services. Action Lead Recommendations approved by the Board, namely: note the contents of the report; Further actions required: Report to Board on the outcomes of the investigation into the serous untoward incident at Broadoak Unit. C5 STAFFING – SIX MONTHLY REVIEW Page 8 of 16 Dr Fearnley Timescale May 2015 Status On-going Agenda Item No: B3 49. Mr Walker outlined the process undertaken to review the budgeted staffing establishment for inpatient areas and the requirements to support the variances for both planned and unplanned care. Mr Walker advised that a new method of data collection had been utilised in conjunction with the finance and workforce function to identify the cost for provision of unplanned care linked to, for example, special observations. Mr Walker confirmed that the review had identified an overall cost of £3m to support unplanned care and this would be further explored. 50. Mrs Oates added that concerns had been raised by Staff Side in respect of the potential increase in the in-patient staffing establishment which would subsequently reduce bank and agency usage but acknowledged the need for consistency of staff to ensure better care. 51. Mr Walker advised that whilst staffing levels were below those required, an improvement in the patient experience was demonstrable, however there was a need to review the allocation of funding, reduce the use of bank / agency staff and increase the proportion of permanent staff. 52. In response to Mr Smith, Mr Walker confirmed that services were not filling shifts on a reoccurring basis which impacted negatively on the continuity of care, staff experience and cost of service provision. In addition, managers were being required to provide clinical cover which impacted on the capacity to undertake supervision and appraisals. Mr Walker advised that by increasing the staffing establishment, there would be an expectation that all staff were able to evidence regular supervision, personal development reviews and compliance with mandatory training requirements. 53. Mr Smith noted that some wards had reported over-staffing, to which Mr Walker confirmed that 10% of wards had higher staffing levels than required in terms of clinical need and it was intended that this would be reduced to 5%. 54. Mrs Edwards queried the process to be used to review staffing levels in the community in light of the significant number of community services across the Trust. Mr Walker advised that external expertise had been commissioned to undertake a baseline of staffing in community teams, however it was acknowledged that this was challenging in the context of on-going changes to the models of care. 55. In response to a question asked by Mr O’Keeffe, Mr Walker confirmed that the review had identified that £3million had been spent on unplanned activity, therefore the Board was asked to agree that this be considered as part of budget setting. This would result in the recruitment of a substantial number of permanent clinical staff (approximately 100 whole time equivalent). Mr Smith noted that this would present some financial pressure, as services had held vacant posts to assist in the delivery of Cost Improvement Plans. 56. Mr O’Keeffe raised a concern that reduction in the use of bank staff would impact negatively upon those staff that relied on this additional income. In response, Mr Smith advised that 80% of the trusts costs were pay-related and thus there was a need to Page 9 of 16 Agenda Item No: B3 make such efficiencies. Mr Rafferty added that additional funding was being invested in services to increase patient safety through better continuity of care. 57. Mrs Fraenkel proposed that a Board development session was held to further explore safer staffing levels. Action Lead Recommendations approved by the Board, namely: Each Division to ensure that the staff identified in the review to support planned care are allocated to the clinical areas. The additional investment of £3,009,721 million for unplanned care is identified as a priority in the cost pressures exercise as part of budget setting for 2015/16. The current 22% head room is reviewed prior to budgets being approved. Any in-year proposed decreases to in-patient budgets will require the support and agreement of the Executive Director of Nursing and Secure Services. Further actions required: A Meadows Board Development Session in respect of Safer Staffing Levels to be scheduled. D1 Timescale Status February 15 Completed CAPITAL PROGRAMME 2015/16 58. Mr Smith referred to the Trust Board’s approval of the Estates Framework in May 2014, which provided high level details of planned capital schemes, and confirmed that the Capital Programme sought to move the plans forward through investment of £35.88m. This total investment was broken down in operation capital investment equating to £8.40m and strategic capital investment of £27.48m. 59. Mr Smith advised that the Capital Programme for 2015/16 had been considered and recommended by the both the Performance and Investment Committee and Executive Committee for Trust Board approval. Mr Birch added that following a request for additional assurance, further detail had been provided in respect of those schemes that had been rejected (following a prioritisation exercise) and thus were not reflected in the Capital Programme for 2015/16. 60. Dr Fearnley, referring to the trust’s strategic priority in respect of zero suicide incidents, emphasised the need to be assured that service assessments of ligature opportunities were consistent through a more robust strategic approach. Dr Fearnley questioned whether there was provision to eliminate ligatures through capital investment during 2015/16. In response Mrs Chadwick, at the request of Mr Smith, confirmed that concerns had been raised within the Capital Investment Group with regard to the need to escalate work to remove ligatures across services and proposed that Mr Walker and Dr Fearnley define the anti-ligature standard to then be implemented. This would result in clear, quantifiable requirements for capital investment, for which there was flexibility in the Programme to fund through contingency monies and slippage. Page 10 of 16 Agenda Item No: 61. B3 Mr Birch advised that whilst the level of investment required to remove ligatures was not yet quantifiable, there was a need to progress this quickly to ensure delivery of the Capital Programme was not delayed. Action Lead Timescale Status Recommendations approved by the Board, namely: Approve the proposed Capital Programme for 2015/16. Further actions required: None identified D2 RATHBONE LEASE BUY OUT 62. Mr Smith referred to previous discussion with Board members concerning the potential opportunity to buy out the Rathbone Rehabilitation Unit lease with Contour Housing Association (CHA). 63. Mr Smith advised that the trust had a lease with CHA for the 24 bed Rehabilitation Unit on the Rathbone site under a 25 year agreement, which had 17 years remaining. Mr Smith confirmed that the trust had paid £0.56m to CHA in 2014/15 and the lease was subject to retail price indexing (RPI), thus by 2032 this cost was anticipated to rise to £0.85m (based on 2.5% inflation per annum). The non-discounted total cost of the remaining lease was £11.95m assuming 2.5% inflation per annum. 64. Mr Smith informed Board members that the trust had recently negotiated the surrender of the lease with CHA for a payment of £4.50m (ex VAT), plus legal and accountancy fees and subject to the transaction being completed by 31st March 2015. Mr Smith proposed that the trust’s cash resources were utilised to buy out the lease and confirmed that this purchase would contribute long-term to cost improvement plan delivery. Action Lead Timescale Status Recommendations approved by the Board, namely: Approve the proposed buy out of the Rathbone Rehabilitation Unit lease with CHA. Further actions required: None identified E1 65. ANNUAL UPDATE OF THE STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK Mrs Edwards outlined the 2015/16 strategic aims and objectives for approval which had been previously subject to the consideration of the Performance and Investment Committee and Board (through a development session). Mrs Edwards confirmed that it was intended that the revised aims and objectives built upon the relative success of the work undertaken over the previous 2 years, whilst simplifying objectives to ensure staff were clear as to how their work contributed to delivery. Page 11 of 16 Agenda Item No: B3 66. Mrs Edwards confirmed that in the development of the strategic aims and objectives for 2015/16, the trust had clearly articulated the intention to ensure programmes of work were very focussed on the challenge of improving quality whilst reducing cost; with increased focus on the point of care. 67. Mrs Edwards added that, subject to Board approval, programmes of work underpinning each strategic objective would be developed and prioritised with the engagement of divisions. The work programmes and associated financial impact would be reported to the Trust Board in March 2015. 68. In response to a question from Mr Walker, Mrs Edwards advised that timeframes for the development of metrics for strategic objectives would be confirmed in due course and the reporting against delivery would be simplified. 69. Mr Willcox acknowledged the significant work undertaken in the development of the Strategic Framework and provided support of the revised aims and objectives for 2015/16. 70. In response to Mrs Fraenkel, Mrs Oates confirmed that staff would be alerted to the revised Strategic Framework and awareness of this would be supported through the provision of road shows. Mr Walker added that each team across the organisation would be required to produce a set of shared objectives, which were aligned to the strategic objectives. 71. Mrs Edwards proposed that the revised Strategic Framework was to be utilised with effect from 1 February 2015 and would be cascaded quickly to allow staff to consider the revised aims and objectives prior to the Performance Development Review process to commence from 1 April 2015. Mr Rafferty requested that the date and version control were added to the document to ensure staff referred to the correct document. Action Lead Recommendations approved by the Board, namely: Note the planning process and milestones for 201516 Formally sign-off the strategic aims and objectives for 2015-16 Note that the strategic programmes and planned investment will be signed off in March. Further actions required: Version control and date to be added to the Strategic L Edwards Wheel prior to cascade Strategic Framework Work Programmes and costings L Edwards to be reported to the Trust Board Page 12 of 16 Timescale Status 1 Feb 2015 Completed. 25 Mar 2015 On-going Agenda Item No: E2 72. B3 FOUNDATION TRUST APPLICATION UPDATE Mr Smith provided Board members with an update on the trust’s application for NHS foundation trust (FT) status. Action Lead Timescale Status Recommendations approved by the Board, namely: note the content of this report. note the trust continues to progress with its application for NHS FT status. Further actions required: None identified E3 BOARD ASSURANCE AND ESCALATION FRAMEWORK 73. Dr Fearnley presented the Board Assurance & Escalation Framework to Board members, noting it reflected the high level risks that may be significant enough to impact upon delivery of the organisation’s strategic objectives. 74. Dr Fearnley advised that following concerns raised within the Audit Committee regarding the capacity of the senior management team in the context of the on-going transformational changes, a risk had been added the to Strategic Risk Register accordingly. Dr Fearnley confirmed that this risk had been scored (8) but did not meet the threshold for escalation to the Board through the Board Assurance and Escalation Framework. The Audit Committee would be in receipt of the full Strategic Risk Register in February 2015. 75. Dr Fearnley confirmed that an independent review of the trusts risk management systems and processes had been commissioned to ensure best practice was being utilised. Action Lead Recommendations approved by the Board, namely: Note the contents of the Strategic Risk Register Agree any amendments or further assurances required. Further actions required: None identified Page 13 of 16 Timescale Status Agenda Item No: E4 76. B3 BOARD GOVERNANCE Mr Meadows outlined a series of proposed changes to the trust’s corporate governance framework (Standing Orders, Standing Financial Instruction and Scheme of Reservation & Delegation) in addition to minor amendments to the Raising Concerns at Work Policy, for approval. Action Lead Timescale Status Recommendations approved by the Board, namely: Consider and approve the changes to the following documents with effect from 1 February 2015 o Standing Orders o Standing Financial Instructions o Scheme of Reservation and Delegation o Raising Concerns at Work Policy Further actions required: None identified E5 FIT AND PROPER PERSONS TEST PROCESS FOR DIRECTORS 77. Mrs Oates outlined to the Trust Board the process to be adopted by the trust to ensure that directors were subject to the fit and proper person test introduced as a statutory requirement through the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014. 78. Mrs Oates advised that in respect of the Disclosure and Barring Service checks, Executive Directors and advisory Directors would be required to register with the DBS Update Services. In addition, all Non Executive Directors, Executive Directors and Advisory Directors would be required to complete a self declaration form (appendix B) on an annual basis. Action Lead Timescale Status Recommendations approved by the Board, namely: comment on and approve the process to be adopted by the trust to undertake a fit and proper persons test for directors Further actions required: None identified E6 MEMBERS’ COUNCIL: LESSONS LEARNT REPORT 79. Mrs Fraenkel outlined the lessons learnt through the Members’ Council, which would be taken into consideration by the trust when establishing a Council of Governors, subject to foundation trust authorisation. 80. Mrs Fraenkel confirmed that the Members’ Council had accepted the report and had agreed to act as a reference group to assist in the preparation for establishing a Council of Governors in due course. Page 14 of 16 Agenda Item No: B3 Action Lead Timescale Status Recommendations approved by the Board, namely: Note the contents of the report Note that Council members agreed to act as a reference group for the trust. Further actions required: None identified E7 BOARD COMMITTEE MINUTES: A) AUDIT COMMITTEE 81. The Board noted the minutes and chair’s report of the Audit Committee. B) EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 82. Mr Walker referred to the benchmarking report recently considered by the Quality Assurance Committee and proposed that this was reported to the Board. 83. The Board noted the minutes and chair’s report of the Executive Committee. C) PERFORMANCE AND INVESTMENT COMMITTEE 84. Mr Birch confirmed that the Committee continued to divide its capacity effectively between scrutiny of performance and the monitoring of strategic programmes. 85. The Board noted the minutes and chair’s report of the Performance and Investment Committee. D) QUALITY ASSURANCE COMMITTEE 86. The Board noted the minutes and chair’s report of the Quality Assurance Committee. E) MEMBERS’ COUNCIL 87. The Board noted the minutes and chair’s report of the final Members’ Council. F) REMUNERATION AND TERMS OF SERVICE COMMITTEE 88. The Board noted the outcomes of the Remuneration and Terms of Service Committee. Page 15 of 16 Agenda Item No: F1 B3 CHAIRMANS REPORT 89. Mrs Fraenkel referred to the recent Ministerial Visit which provided opportunity for the trust to outline its ambitions in respect of suicide prevention and perfect care. Mrs Fraenkel acknowledged the contribution made by Mr Robert Greenburg in providing a description of his experience as a service user during the visit. 90. Mrs Fraenkel advised that preparations for the opening of Clock View continued to progress well and referred to the forthcoming over-night stay for Board members at the new facility to take place in February 2015. 91. Finally, Mrs Fraenkel referred to a meeting held on 27 January 2015 with Mr Morgan and the family of a service user, in respect of a series of complaints regarding the trusts provision of care and treatment. Mrs Fraenkel highlighted the importance that the trust was open and transparent with regards areas that required improvement to ensure these areas could be addressed and progress tracked. F2 ANY OTHER BUSINESS 92. No other items of business were discussed. 93. The meeting closed. Page 16 of 16