Class: Health Teacher: Heather Jefferson Lesson Plan Week: 3/23-3/27 Monday: Standards/TEKS: 5A, 5B, 5K, 5L, 6A, 8A Title: Avoiding and Preventing Violence Objectives: - Identify factors that contribute to teen violence Identify policies to prevent violence in schools Describe ways to protect themselves from violence Materials/Resources: paper, pen or pencil, journal notebook, text book Procedure: Chapter 7, Lesson 3 -Read/discuss chapter 7, lesson 3 -Warm-up: Write a short paragraph explaining why you think some young people resort to violence to settle differences. Read paragraphs aloud and list reasons on board. Ask class to add to the list. Chapter 7, Lesson 3 of text book - PowerPoint/ student take notes Activity: Discussing: Help students identify specific unsafe situations that might arise in their school or community. What are the early warning signs of these unsafe situations? What are the best ways to avoid or leave these situations? Assessment/Assignment: Chapter 7, Lesson 3 Quiz, review chapter 7, lesson 4 Review: ask each student to identify one new idea they learned from this lesson. Encourage a variety of answers to avoid repetition. Other: Tuesday: Standards/TEKS: 5A, 5C Title: Preventing Abuse Objectives: - Define abuse and describe the different forms of abuse that can occur Explain the cycle of abuse List ways to avoid abuse Identify where to go for help if they are abused Materials/Resources: paper, pen or pencil, journal notebook, text book Procedure: Chapter 7, Lesson 4 -Read/discuss chapter 7, lesson 4 -Warm-up: What does the term abuse mean to you? Who would you talk to if you thought a friend was being abused? Would you first get approval from your friend before talking with someone about the abuse? Why or why not? Chapter 7, Lesson 4 of text book - PowerPoint/ student take notes Activity: Find/Read Article on someone being abused. What kind of abuse is this? How could this abuse been avoided? Where could this person get help? Assessment/Assignment: review chapter 6 and 7 for test review game on Wednesday Review: Ask each student to identify the most important concept he or she learned about abuse? Other: Wednesday: Standards/TEKS: Title: Exam 3 Review Objectives: - Prepare for exam 3 Materials/Resources: text book and notes Procedure: -Warm-up: open book and read Chapter 7, Lesson 4/Discuss -divide class into two teams -Chapters 6 and 7 Activity: Review Game/ Trash Can Basketball (winning team gets +5 on test) Assessment/Assignment: study for exam 3 Review: tell students about the test details, procedures, and what they will need Other: none Thursday: Standards/TEKS: Title: Exam 3, Relationships and Conflict Resolution Objectives: - Exam 3 Chapters 6 and 7 Discuss Nutrition Log/Project Materials/Resources: paper, pen or pencil, journal notebook Procedure: Take Exam 3, 44 questions - After student complete exam they will read AR Book Activity: None Assessment/Assignment: Review Chapter 8, Lesson 1 Review: Other: Friday: Standards/TEKS: 8A Title: The Importance of Nutrition Objectives: - Explain why the body needs nutritious food Discuss what influences their food choices Differentiate between hunger and appetite Define nutrient deficiency Materials/Resources: paper, pen or pencil, journal notebook, text book Procedure: Chapter 8, Lesson 1 -Read/ discuss chapter 8, Lesson 1 -PowerPoint/students take notes - Give Exam 3 back/discuss -Warm-up: Discuss Nutrition Project. Write down six items that you have eaten recently. What factors influenced your decision to eat each food? Activity: Comparing: What is the difference between appetite and hunger? How are they related? Why is it importance to recognize the difference between your appetite and your hunger? Why do you think that even after you eat a meal and are full, you still want dessert? Assessment/Assignment: Bring healthy snack Monday (HW grade), Nutrition Log, Review Chapter 8, Lesson 2 Review: What is one new fact you learned about factors that influence your food choices? Other: