Comparative Massacre Essay – Frontiers 2015 Total: ________ Category Grade -- Mastering (18-20) Developing (17-16) Emerging (16-14) Understanding and Applying Content Demonstrates sophisticated, accurate and insightful understanding of each of the 3 massacres and does a nice job situating all 3 in their historical context and applies that understanding by way of the analysis/evaluation to the thesis Evaluation Sources and Perspectives Skillfully explores the complexity of the issues by including excellent detail of the different source bases available for the massacres and discussing details of why perspectives in each massacre might vary Demonstrates accurate understanding but not overly deep understanding of all 3 massacres; superficial treatment of historical context; and applies that understanding at least partially by of analysis and evaluation in the essay to the thesis Explores the complexity of the issues but is less analytical for one of the massacre’s source base and struggles with discussion of perspectives (leaving some out) Analysis Dualist Interpretations Shows excellent ability to compare and contrast all of the massacres and deconstructs the story of each by adeptly using the dualisms and the availability of evidence. Shows some ability to compare and contrast the massacres but misses the nuances of the evidence for dualisms (or misses a dualism). Create Thesis Creates a thesis that contains an idea that provokes the reader to think and that holds the essay together and allows for sophisticated analysis; Develops ideas completely to form a unified whole (returns frequently to restate the argument); Sustains control over a thesis/controlling idea throughout the essay. Displays some creative thinking; Thesis or main idea is consistent and controlled but may not be as focused, arguable, and welldeveloped as those in top category; may lose sight of the thesis in places – or thesis may leave out part of the essay’s prompt. Mechanics and Organization (-1/2pt per capitalization, spelling error, Writing is fluid and clear; language sophisticated; individual voice/style evident; no first person or confused verbs; almost no mistakes in spelling/punctuation/capitalization; well organized so that each section transitions into the next and all sections are obvious; paragraphs and sentences logically flow one to the next Writing is fluid but some ideas unclear; language is basic; individual voice/style hard to discern; some first person and/or verb confusion; a few spelling, capitalization, and punctuation Demonstrates superficial and somewhat inaccurate understanding of 1 or more of the massacres; misses significant portions of historical context; struggles applying the understanding by way of analysis and evaluation to the thesis Superficially or inadequately recognizes the complexity of the sources/perspectives for more than one of the massacres and largely ignores the issues of sources/perspective. Shows only superficial ability to compare and contrast the massacres and misses the nuances of the dualism interpretations completely. Lacks evidence of creative thinking and the essay is more of a “report” than an analysis; Thesis or controlling idea is limited, confused, partially developed, and/or not arguable, and only addresses the prompt somewhat. Writing is quite choppy; ideas are unclear because of grammatical mistakes and organization is so poor that the paper does not logically flow. Any essay earning less than a C- will be rewritten. and missing requirements – see below) Requirements Comments: 12 pt font page numbers correct citations meets MIN pg requirements mistakes; organization is solid but at times sentences do not build and/or paragraphs do not logically transition into one another.