
Short Story Project
Choose one of the short stories read during this unit. Next, choose one project (there are five
options) that you will complete. You will share your project with the class.
Option 1: Film an Advertisement of your
If you choose this option, you will film an advertisement for your
short story. Use the checklist to help you successfully complete this
_____1. Write the Script. Make a list of the story’s most
important events. From the list begin to write a script. Your
advertisement should be about a minute in length. Choose
important elements from the story that you would highlight and
_____2. Shoot the Film. Film the advertisement using a digital
_____3. Check the Rubric. Make sure that your project is
complete and follows the rubric!
_____4. Be Ready to Present. Make sure you are able to post
your advertisement. You can use Youtube or other video posting site.
You will include your script and link to your video.
Option 2: Create a Playlist for your Short
If you choose this option, you will make a playlist of music for your
selected short story. Think of it as the story’s soundtrack. Use the
checklist below to help you successfully complete this assignment:
_____1. Pick the Songs. After reading the story, make a list of the
story’s 5 most important events. From the list begin to think of
songs that relate to what is happening during those events. Take into
consideration the tone and the themes of the story. The songs you
select can be about certain characters, situations, or events from the
_____2. Post your track listing. Choose at least 5 songs. Create
a document that lists each track. Include the song title, the artist
name, the reason why you chose the song (1 full paragraph per
song), and the song lyrics. Use the example from Romeo and Juliet
(below) as a guide.
_____3. Make an Album Cover. Find a picture that corresponds
with your soundtrack. Make sure to include it at the beginning of
your track listing document.
Track 3
Song: Hey there Delilah
Artist: Plain White T’s
I chose this song because it’s about missing someone you love. When Romeo is banished from Verona, he is forced to
separate from Juliet. He is in utter agony because he misses Juliet so much. I can imagine this song playing in the background
as Romeo waits for a letter from Juliet. In the song the singer talks about the sadness of being apart from Delilah and how he
can’t wait for the future when they will be reunited. Romeo, too, cannot wait until he gets to see Juliet again.
Hey there Delilah
What's it like in New York City
I'm a thousand miles away
But girl tonight you look so pretty
Yes you do
Time Square cant shine as bright as you
I swear it's true
Hey there Delilah
Don't you worry about the distance
I'm right there if you get lonely
Give this song another listen
Close your eyes
Listen to my voice it's my disguise
I'm by your side…
Option 2: Create a Playlist for your Short
_____4. Check the Rubric. Make sure that your
project is complete and follows the rubric!
_____5. Be Ready to Present. Make sure you have all
elements and are ready to present.
Option 3: Draw a Storyboard or Comic
Strip of your Short Story
If you choose this option, you will make a storyboard or comic strip of your short
story. Think of how you might illustrate the book if you were hired as its illustrator.
Use the checklist below to help you successfully complete this assignment:
_____1. Pick the Images. After reading the story, make a list of the story’s 10
most important events. From the list, begin to think of ways to visually depict those
situations or events. Pay close attention to the descriptions that the author gives of
characters and places, as your drawings must adequately represent the story.
_____2. Draw and Color. In chronological order, draw a storyboard or comic
strip of your story’s major events.You can use a large sheet of paper and divide it
into 10 squares or you can use 10 sheets of paper and create a storyboard booklet.
You can use online images or go to to assist in making
your final product.
_____3. Add Text to Each Square. Each square of your storyboard should have
a line of text from the story or a dialogue quote that relates to the images in the
square. The text in every square should be cited with the correct page number.
_____4. Check the Rubric. Make sure that your project is complete and follows
the rubric!
_____5. Be Ready to Present. Make sure you have everything to present and
turn in. You can use a scanner to scan in images and/or the final product if needed.
Option 4: Create a PowerPoint of Your
If you choose this option, you will create a PowerPoint for your selected short
story. Use the checklist below to help you successfully complete this assignment:
_____1. List major events and plot outline. After reading the short story,
make a list of the story’s most important events, places, and people. Choose your
color schemes and fonts wisely!
_____2. Upload 5 Pictures onto your PowerPoint. Post pictures that are
relevant to the story or character. Make sure that all pictures are appropriate.You
can use pictures and images that you take yourself or that you find on the internet.
_____3. Include Music (if possible) that is relevant to your story or character.
______4. Post 3 Quotes. Post and explain 3 quotes from the text that you think
are the most important.
_____5. Write a summary. In your own words, write a 2-3 paragraph summary
of the story, discussing the most relevant events.
_____6. Check the Rubric. Make sure that your project is complete and follows
the rubric!
_____7. Be Ready to Present.You will likely have two different documents to
turn in: one PowerPoint document and one Word document for your summary.
Option 5: Create a Character Facebook
If you choose this option, you will create a mock Facebook page for a character from one of the stories read
in this unit.You will create a document that simulates an actual Facebook page and NOT an actual Facebook
page. Use the checklist below to help you successfully complete this assignment.
_____1. Collect information on Facebook Profiles. Remember, you cannot access Facebook at school,
so you will need to complete this part at home. Jot down all of the information included on a Facebook
profile. At minimum, you must include:
Character name
Relationship status
Photograph or personal drawing
Quotation – this should be a quote from the story
_____2. Add Wall Posts. Add at least 3 wall posts related to your story. These should include items tied to
the plot and various elements of short stories.
_____3. Add Friends. Add at least 2 friends to your mock page. These can be characters from the story,
but make sure they make sense to the plot of the story. For example, would Mary in “Lamb to the Slaughter”
“friend” her husband? Probably not.
_____4. Check the Rubric. Make sure that your project is complete and follows the rubric!
_____5. Be Ready to Present. Make sure you have everything to present and turn in to your teacher.
Short Story Project Rubric
Total points: _____/24 possible points
I met and exceeded
all requirements.
I met all
requirements. I have
one minor error from
one section of the
I did not completely
meet one
I did not completely
meet two or more
My project does not
have any errors. I
excellent knowledge
of my short story and
other students will be
able to identify the
important parts.
I have 1 factual error.
I demonstrated basic
knowledge of my
short story and other
students will be able
to identify most of
the important parts.
I have 2 factual
errors. I
demonstrated some
knowledge of my
story and other
students will be able
to identify 2-3 parts
of my story.
I have several factual
errors. I don’t have a
lot of content and
other students could
not identify more
than 1 part of my
My project shows a
large amount of
original thought. My
ideas are creative
and inventive and it is
obvious I spent a lot
of time on my
My project shows
some original
thought. My ideas
are my own but I
needed help
selecting my story
and project.
I used other people's
ideas and gave them
credit, but I didn’t
think of how to
complete my project
on my own.
I used other people's
ideas and did not give
them credit.
My project is well
organized and
follows all project
guidelines. It is easy
for other students
and my teacher to
Some errors are
evident and/or one
part of my project is
not well organized.
Overall, students and
my teacher will be
able to understand
my project.
Overall, my project is
not well organized,
though one section is
organized. Students
and my teacher will
not understand all
My project was not
organized or I just
listed facts. Students
and my teacher will
not be able to
understand any part
of my project.
I made excellent use
of font, color,
graphics, effects, etc.
to enhance my
project’s appearance.
It is evident that I
spent a lot of time
making sure the
project looked great.
I made good use of
font, color, graphics,
effects, etc. to
enhance my project’s
I used font, color,
graphics, effects, etc.
but occasionally
these detract from
the appearance of my
I made no use of
font, color, graphics,
effects, etc. to
enhance the
appearance of my
There are no
misspellings or
grammatical errors in
my project.
There are three or
fewer misspellings
and/or mechanical
errors in my project.
There are four
misspellings and/or
grammatical errors in
my project.
There are more than
four errors in spelling
or grammar in my
Stories and Links
“Lamb to the Slaughter” – Roald Dahl
“The Lottery” – Shirley Jackson
“Where are you Going, Where Have you Been?” –
Joyce Carol Oates
“A Good Man is Hard to Find” – Flannery O’Connor