Slide 1

employment law round up 2011
clear practical advice
Michael Ord & Jackie Turner
22 November 2011
Topics to be covered
• Legislative changes in 2011
• Case round-up
• Changes coming in 2012
Statutory changes 2011
Agency Workers Regulations
Abolition of Default Retirement Age
Positive action in recruitment
Public Sector Equality Duty
Bribery Act
Additional Paternity Leave
Compensation Limits
Agency workers regulations
In Force 1.10.2011
“agency worker”
“temporary work agency”
day 1 rights
“12 weeks” rights
Agency workers
• Day 1 Rights
– Collective facilities and amenities
– Information on job vacancies
• Rights after 12 Weeks
Basic working and employment conditions
Information re breach of that right
Deemed compliance
End of DRA
• 1.10.11 – no enforced retirement through DRA
• 4.1.12 – last possible day to request working beyond
• 4.4.12 – last day on which notice of retirement can take
effect (unextended)
• 4.10.12 – last day if extended by 6 months
End of DRA (Cont …)
• What now?
Contractual Retirement Age?
Objective Justification
Seldon v Clarkson, Wright & Jacks
Workforce Planning?
Cost? Cost alone?
Workforce Planning
Discussions on career intentions
Acceptance of flexible arrangements
More rigorous line management
Positive action
• 1.10.10
• People with protected characteristic
• [a] overcome disadvantage; [b] meet needs or [c]
participate in activity
• Can use as a tie breaker in employment
Public sector equality duty
• s149-157 EA
“have due regard to the need to…..eliminate ……..conduct
…prohibited by or under the Act [and]…advance equality
of opportunity [and]…foster good relations…”
Equality duty
which means to….
“have regard to the need to…remove or minimise
disadvantages …take steps to meet the needs of…and
persuade participation by [people with a protected
Equality duty (Cont…)
• Which means
Placing contracts
TUPE issues
Your compliance with equality issues will be pre
Bribery Act
• Risk Assessment
The geographical scope of your activities
The nature of the work your business does
Transactional risk
Business partnership risk
Bribery Act (cont …)
Ensure you have an appropriate policy
Check your disciplinary policies
Review contracts / service agreements
Whistleblowing policy? Special provision?
Communication of policy and “values”
Additional paternity leave
6 April 2011
26 weeks’ service
Child due, born or placed after 3.4.11
Father of C; married to M; having care responsibilities
M has returned to work
Up to 26 weeks
20 to 52 weeks from birth or placement
Compensation limits
• 1.2.11
Weeks’ pay £400
Compensatory Award £68,400
Additional award £10,400 – 20,800
Statutory redundancy pay £12,000
Notable cases
Working time
• Compensatory rest
– Hughes v Corps of Commissionaires
• Lay-over is not “work”
– Baxter v Titan Aviation
• Am I an employee?
– Autoclenz v Belcher
• Have I been dismissed yet?
– Societe General, London v Geys
Unfair dismissal
• Email usage (private)
– Gosden v Lifeline Project Ltd.
• Failure to appeal previous final warning
– Davies v Sandwell MBC
• Need to ensure policies clear and consistent
– Liberty Living plc v Reid
Unfair dismissal (cont …)
• Range of Reasonable Responses and Substitution of
view by ET/EAT
– Bowater v N W London hospitals NHS Trust
• Breakdown of Relations
– Ezsias v North Glamorgan NHS Trust
• Justifying different treatment
– Glowacki v General Mills
Equality and discrimination
• Avoiding enhanced benefits not unfair?
– Woodcock v Cumbria PCT
• Dual discrimination
– O’Reilly v BBC
• Volunteers
– X v Mid Sussex CAB
• Treating woman on Mat. leave “too favourably”
– Eversheds v De Belin
Sickness and holiday pay
• Does the employee absent through sickness have to
request holiday pay?
• Fraser v St George’s NHS Trust
– NO
• NHS Leeds v Lerner
• Intention important in Constructive dismissal claim
– Tullett Pebron plc v BGC Brokers
• Employer liable for theft by employee?
– Brinks Global Services v Igrox Ltd.
• Withdrawing notice
– C F Capital v Willoughby
• Discrimination victim turning down alternative post with
– Debique v Ministry of Defence
• Is misleading reference still (potentially) lawful?
– Jackson v Liverpool City Council
What’s ahead?
• 6 April 2012 – qualifying period for Unfair Dismissal claims
• Fees in the Employment Tribunal
£250 issue
£1000 on listing
More if over £30,000
Refunding and Waiver
• Cases heard by Employment Judge alone
• “Protected discussions”
• Michael Ord
– 0845 901 2036 (desk)
– 07850 199 846 (mobile)
• Jackie Turner
– 0845 901 2032 (desk)
– 07870 680 289 (mobile)
employment law round up 2011
clear practical advice
Michael Ord & Jackie Turner
22 November 2011