Operation Golden Phoenix – Mission Report

“Operation: Golden Phoenix”
Nick Clark
(AKA ‘Commander Nustar’)
“Imagination is more important than knowledge” – Albert Einstein
Flight plan visuals (Images)
Description of experience
Backstory, relevant theories and facts
Image 1:
Image 2:
Image 3:
Image 4:
2. Description of experience
This ‘space trip’ involved the necessary use of a small quantity of hashish. This does NOT negate my
findings, as I will seek to argue later in depth in the report. In fact, it is the very reason some people
risk themselves lawfully and mentally by which to experience the ‘drug’ effects, as there is definitely
something to it (However often inexplicable to the mortal / ‘logical’ / rational normal state of mind).
Please note: It has not exacerbated my diagnosis of schizophrenia over the past few weeks. In
fact, it has given me a far better quality of life more often than not recently.
Whilst this will not go down well in some quarters, as a researcher into ‘cosmic mind theory’, it is
vital to my research, my mission, my report, and the understanding of how I may have found ‘Planet
Abblet’ in a star system of BILLIONS of stars.
On Friday 8th June 2012, I was doing what I normally do of recent weeks. Enjoying a few drinks,
listening to music in the ‘Star Temple’ (My name for the flats where I live), and on my computer in
the ‘Star Deck’ (The name for my office).
Earlier that week, during another moment of heightened inspiration, I had taken an old keyboard
that still worked, and sprayed it gold. After I had sprayed it gold, I added – what I thought – were just
random markings in red felt tip to the qwerty keys of the board in yet another artistic pursuit, where
I imagined what a keyboard of an alien craft might look like. This was intended just as a bit of a high
class creative concept giggle that was interesting.
I even used the keyboard on my computer the night before, where I realised – even for a pretty good
touch typist like me – just how important the traditional keys were on a keyboard for typing
The golden keyboard can be seen in the upper part of Images 1 and 2. In these photos, it just sits
there, not plugged in, but it added to my long standing idea of ‘Earth based space ships’ as a really
class development as part of my idea of a personal futuristic ‘array system’ for my ship. (I was
thinking about making a film along these lines – so one could argue it was a kind of prop, having five
years higher education in film and video at two separate art colleges).
A key button on the board though was a slightly botched attempt at doing a ‘yin-yang’ symbol. Part
of my research into the truth about various things in life (and maybe how ‘quantum thinking’ might
function) includes my theory on the Yin-Yang symbol. Which I shall explain now:
‘Some’ people believe the ‘Yin-yang’ symbol is ‘satanic’. I personally am not convinced of that rather
spurious assumption. I believe it is an ancient and quasi-primitive graphical description from the
Orient intending to demonstrate ‘five dimensional thinking’ and a rudimentary realisation and
depiction of quantum theory, notably the functioning of an atom, purely via the deep insight of an
ancient monk in deep meditation many years ago. Here is a new version I made a few weeks ago to
help demonstrate ‘my’ interpretation:
Fig.: 1 – An overlay of the Yin-Yang on top of a basic western diagram of the traditional ‘atom’, with
a lemniscate overlaid yet further still to remind one that infinity is made up of atomic energy
working in positive / negative / neutral balance. The ‘Five Dimensional’ thinking concept comes
from each element of the Yin-Yang, where we have:
1. The small white circle in the black ‘wave shape’ is the equal and opposite (Pre-Newtonian
comprehension regarding his ‘laws of physics’) to the small black circle in the white ‘wave
2. Knowing the wave shape might well denote ‘wave’, as in, wavelength, or, controlled
fluctuation of universal energy within a single atom.
3. The knowledge of each separate part as being a vital and equal part of the opposite value of
the same shape, albeit its reversed and upside down contrasting match to the alternative.
4. The innate sense of completion during meditation that all five elements of the symbol create
‘a whole’ or ‘oneness’.
5. Applying this ‘oneness’ to every element of day to day life as a gauging system for cosmic
thinking when analysing ‘anything’. (Whether computer science, getting ones haircut, or
flying fighter jets).
So… Going along in my merry way on the Friday night, just looking for another rather cosmic evening
in the Star Temple (The word ‘cosmic’ to me is NOT kooky nonsense. It is as vital a term as anything
to define a kind of psychological spiritual field, or method of the brain functioning, where one feels
linked to the universe at a virtually inexplicable level of divine profundity and empowerment).
At one point, I was so in love with my artistic concept for a futuristic array on board my ‘star ship’,
that I decided to take a photo of it for posterity for my - now quite extensive – particular image
collection using my awesome camera. (Image 2 – with initial overlay).
When I looked at the photo, I thought ‘that’s interesting… that looks like a constellation… How cool’.
I then had a rather intense ‘mind surge’, where the ‘cosmic mind theory’ gave me a highly energised
ripple of insightful power of such magnitude that it literally felt as though it was coming from the
That kind of moment is not uncommon for me, but I thought little more of it other than ‘how far
out’, and went to bed.
The next day, however, I couldn’t stop thinking about the ‘constellation’. (Made randomly from
particles which had somehow deposited upon my lower keyboard. (Which we may consider referring
to as ‘cosmic dust’) and that seemed during my thoughts in the ‘cosmic mind theorum’ to be there
out of ‘higher levels of subliminal, quasi-intergalactic purpose / influence’, as though a subtle and
esoteric clue to a mystery beyond that of solving nasty crimes).
So, while driving to see a friend who happened to be holidaying nearby in the forest (whom I hadn’t
seen for 16 years, but decided to give him a framed copy of one of my shooting targets as an
amusing reminder of our shared expertise at being the two best marksmen at our school, where eye
precision is key), the thought developed.
One of those ‘what if?’ moments, which are and should be very important to the innate believing
heart and mind of an intelligent human being. Along the lines of a ‘hunch’, but lighter, and more
curiously theoretical. Less corporeal, and more visceral.
Therefore, I drove to Dr. Ian Mason-Smith’s house to ask if he had a star chart. (Knowing he was a
retired ex-satellite designer, and the grandfather of my baby daughter Abi, I imagined it would be
just the sort of thing he’d own).
He did, and happily gave it to me. A quick scan took me just a few seconds to find a surprisingly close
match. Not out of random, but inexplicable knowing and precision based on a state of knowing that
is impossible to define easily, but which exists as an actual concept (and therefore a word) in other
cultures. (E.g. The Sanskrit word ‘Dharma’, which means essentially ‘Each person’s unique, ideal path
in life, and the knowledge of how to find it).
When I saw the constellation of ‘PHOENIX’, I knew it was the one on my keyboard because of this,
and the ‘cosmic dust’ on my keyboard was an intergalactic waypoint to find the ‘star’ I was looking
for further upper right, and marked with a red dot, with a green arrow pointing at it. (I marked the
‘star’ with a red dot and green arrow the night BEFORE, because in my higher frequency state of
intergalactic insight, I consciously did it for an unknown reason, without really knowing then yet
Using the constellation as a recognisable waypoint (Image 3… ‘A’ set of arrows), it directed me to
one particular star (B – which is the last part of the ‘CETUS’ constellation on the map, nearer
‘Phoenix’ than the rest.
While there are other stars in that region on the chart, the one I realised I needed to be looking at
was not only the obvious choice, but also had on the star chart a small circle within its main circle,
[Which I initially took to believe denoted a ‘planet’]. (Like in my graphically amended overlay –
PRIOR TO ANY KNOWLEDGE OF THIS). That tripled my sense of feeling that I was onto something, so
I looked up the star information using Wikipedia.
I discovered it was not a ‘planet’ that was being depicted in the star chart, but a ‘spectroscopic
binary’ system. (i.e. Two stars in the same region / solar system, one of which happened to be a red
dwarf), called V-Ceti or ‘Nu Ceti’.
I then went to Google Earth and used their astronomical setting to scan the stars, and punched in
Zooming rather remarkably through actual graphical space, and getting a bit of a childish thrill as
though I was on the Millennium Falcon on a special mission, I arrived at the image in Image 4.
Initially, I thought the blue dot was the red dwarf star, but I realised that the naming placements of
V-Ceti and V-Cet were arguably too far away from the blue ‘planet’ – unless it is purely poor
pinpointing by Google.
Seeing the blue ‘planet’ made me wonder if it was an actual planet, and that the blue denoted water
– which might denote life – which might even denote intelligent life.
Even though I was aware of how incredulous this all was, I often have such experiences because I
believe in ‘something other’. (Or rather, I ‘know’ there is something ‘other’, but proving it to others
is nigh on impossible). To me, this is a vital component of my being, and a powerful reason for
existence in itself. Although I run the risk of being extreme at times in my excitability over various
historical revelations in my psychohistory – and I assumed they would know if there was a planet
here, as they already knew there were two stars - I considered it was too uncanny anyway. Especially
as prior to all this, I had mentioned on Facebook a name for a ‘concept craft’ called ‘The Golden
Firebird’ which I had coined myself that very night on a seemingly disconnected thread. Another
word for ‘Firebird’, of course, is ‘Phoenix’, which was yet another ‘cosmic connection’.
After this blew my mind, I decided to try and find out more about the constellation, so decided I’d
visit – among other sites – nasa.gov.
My mind was then officially blown, as on the main page, there was a big advert for their latest major
project called: NuSTAR. (Phonetically exactly the same as my Star Commander name given to me by
friends and family for quite some time now).
I understand ‘coincidence’ is one thing… but a series of coincidences at this level implies ‘more than
mere coincidence’. Some people, such as advocates of the theory of synchronisity, do not accept
‘coincidence’ as it stands as a definition anyway, and some people (e.g. The Christian sect of
Calvinists) don’t believe in ‘accidents’. So to have a series of remarkable ‘what ifs?’ tends to generate
developed feelings of believing one is onto something.
I was completely stunned at this incredible series of events, and even phoned Sarah (Ian’s daughter,
and mother of my baby) to get her to check out nasa.gov to make sure I had a second witness
report, if, for some reason, they took it down while I was travelling through the ‘cosmic theorem
expanded mind belt’. I personally had no idea about the NuSTAR project until that night, and while
the spelling is slightly different, it wouldn’t be the first time that weekend that an identical sound
had been only altered slightly by technical semantics.
I decided this entire experience was far too profound and (sorry to use the word) ‘cosmic’, that I had
to file a report ON THE OFF CHANCE that I had found a planet over 300+ light years away via
‘intergalactic channelling from an intelligent source’.
There were too many facets to the whole process to suggest this wasn’t a part of the universe
machinating at a higher frequency, with believing me functioning as some kind of eye witness
conduit to higher perception.
The weekend that followed included many other novel twists and turns, but it came to ahead on the
Monday when I phoned the Royal Astronomical Society to ask about the blue ‘planet’, and he
informed me – whilst it was unlikely it was a real planet – that the name ‘Ceti’ was pronounced the
same way as ‘Seti’, the organisation which looks for higher intelligence in the universe. I was now
convinced something ‘other’ was happening.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpjnzxtZ6Qgof ‘w’ and how it was pronounced still being deeply
ingrained into the Teutonic parlance to this day.
4. Conclusion:
Although if the planet in question is already known about (If, indeed, it even is a planet), which I’m not
sure it is… The process I went through to experience this incredible journey is NOT psychotic. NOT illicit,
and NOT nonsense.
It is inexplicable, perhaps. But that doesn’t mean it is without value. It might even be a benchmark to
prove that the human mind is capable of very much more than we currently accept socially, and that
‘higher sentient forces are at play in another dimension of reality’, which on occasion, some people can
tap into. (I do not for one moment think we’re purely put on this planet to talk sex, football, and violence
while drunk at the pub).
Pioneers and researchers into ‘great possibilities’ are historically met with scorn and derision by the
ignorant, (Socrates, Christ himself, Copernicus and many others, for instance) but this should NOT stop
the progress and purpose of mankind’s reason for being among the stars, and our destiny, otherwise we
might as well all die now out of sheer boredom, ignorance and futility.
I never smoked cannabis because I wanted to be a bad boy or a criminal. It was always to do with the
incredibly divine senses of perception it generated in me, yet, I consider, the ‘reason’ it is often
associated with ‘criminality’ is – aside from its obvious current illegal status – it was ‘bad boys’ who would
historically be more prepared to break the law to use it, and one of the properties of its effects is that it’s
a kind of ‘mind enhancer / soul dilator’… So when ‘bad boys’ use it en masse, their ‘nefarious
psychological attributes’ may be enhanced. When this process happens as a group, it can give a narcotic
tribe a bad name.
However… One reason I am glad we live in a more liberal society is that it has allowed less morally
deranged minds to experiment (often in the naïve youth), and ‘believing’ is a key facet to the
psychological experience when undergoing ‘mind expansion’ happening at a lighter and more spiritual
It doesn’t mean to say it’s always ‘logical’ (That in itself is a fundamental tier of comprehension), but
there is enough cultural back history of quality in – especially the field of music, computer software
engineering and neo-tribal philosophies – that owe a debt of gratitude to this particular narcotic.
(Some consider it to be ‘the tree of knowledge’. I do not, primarily because it isn’t a tree, and that would
contradict the aforementioned statement in Genesis which supports the use of cannabis, which is a seed
bearing plant, not a tree).
That is my mission report in a nutshell, and I shall finish by saying that ‘If it isn’t a planet… Or it is already
known about and named… then it’s just been a very interesting exercise… HOWEVER… If it IS a planet,
with water, and potentially intelligent life communicating through higher ‘intergalactic channels’… Or
perhaps even some advanced ‘beyond planetary status form of housing intergalactic sentience’ then the
world should be amazed at the process by which it was discovered, and as the ‘theoretical discoverer’, if I
am allowed to name the Planet, I think ‘Abblet’ would be a most fitting title.
Now we just need to work out how to get there!
“To infinity… And beyond!”
Buzz Lightyear.