Present chomp! Perfect chomp! Tense Principle Par ts of Verbs Every German verb has three basic forms. We call these the principle parts of the verb Verbs are These “parts” classified as They are the… combine and or Let’s talk weak, strong, change in various irregular, about weak • Infinitive ways to form on all depending • Simple past verbs… tenses, voices, how they form • Past participle and moods of the their second and verb. third part. Infinitive to travel to dance to learn reisen tanzen lernen Simple Past traveled danced learned reiste tanzte lernte Past Participle traveled danced learned (ist) gereist getanzt gelernt Just like we learned in the last lesson…some verbs require an “e” between the stem and ending for pronunciation This is the case for verbs that end in -d, -t, -m, or -n Infinitive to work to breathe to open arbeiten atmen öffnen Simple Past worked breathed opened arbeitete atmete öffnete Past Participle worked breathed opened gearbeitet geatmet geöffnet Verbs ending in –ieren are usually weak. Infinitives with more than two syllables do not have a ge- prefix in the participle. Infinitive To discuss To facinate To study diskutierten fazinierten studieren Simple Past discussed facinated studied diskutierte faszinierte studierte Past Participle discussed facinated studied diskutiert fasziniert studiert I’ve heard enough about the weak! I want to hear about the strong verbs! Str ong Verbs There are not as many strong verbs as weak, but they are frequently used verbs such as essen, trinken, sprechen, gehen, and schlafen. They experience a stem vowel change in the simple past and often the participle. The principal parts must be memorized. Infinitive Simple Past Past Participle to bite to fly to give to sing bit flew gave sang bitten flown given sang beißen fliegen geben singen biss flog gab sang gebissen (ist) geflogen gegeben gesungen Sein and wer den ar e str ong verbs Infinitive to be to become sein werden Simple Past was became war wurde Past Participle been become (ist) gewesen (ist) geworden 75 Common verbs you need to know: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. beginnen, begann, begonnen (to begin) beißen, biss, gebissen (to bite) bieten, bot, geboten (to offer) binden, band, gebunden (to tie, bind) bitten, bat, gebeten (to ask for, request) bleiben, blieb, ist geblieben (to stay, remain) brechen, brach, gebrochen (to break) brennen, brannte, gebrannt (to burn) bringen, brachte, gebracht (to bring) 10.denken, dachte, gedacht (to think) 11.essen, aß, gegessen (to eat) 12.fahren, fuhr, ist gefahren (to travel, drive) 13.fallen, fiel, ist gefallen (to fall) 14.finden, fand, gefunden (to find) 15.fliegen, flog, ist geflogen (to fly) 16.fließen, floss, ist geflossen (to flow) 17.fressen, fraß, gefressen (to eat-animals only!) 18.frieren, fror, gefroren (to freeze) 19.geben, gab, gegeben (to give) 20.gehen, ging, ist gegangen 21.genießen, genoss, genossen (to enjoy) 22.geschehen, geschah, ist geschehen (to happen) 23.gewinnen, gewann, gewonnen (to win) 24.gießen, goss, gegossen (to pour) 25.graben, grub, gegraben (to dig) 26.greifen, griff, gegriffen (to grip, grab) 27.haben, hatte, gehabt (to have) 28.halten, hielt, gehalten (to stop, hold) 29.hängen, hing, gehangen (to hang) 30.heißen, heiß, geheißen (to be called) 31.helfen, half, geholfen (to help) 32.kennen, kannte, gekannt (to know, be aquainted with) 33.klingen, klang, geklungen (to sound) 34.kommen, kam, ist gekommen (to come) 35.lassen, ließt, gelassen (to let, leave) 36.laufen, lief, ist gelaufen (to run, walk) 37.leihen, lieh, geliehen (to lend) 38.lesen, las, gelesen (to read) 39.liegen, lag, gelegen (to lie, be situated) 40.lügen, log, gelogen (to tell a lie) 41.nehmen, nannte genannt (to name,call) 42.reißen, riss, ist gerissen (to tear, rip) 43.rennen, rannte, ist gerannt (to run) 44.rufen, rief, gerufen (to call) 45.schlafen, schlief, geschlafen (to sleep) 46.schlagen, schulg, geschlagen (to hit, beat) 47.schließen, schloss, geschlossen (to close) 48.schneiden, schnitt, geschnitten (to cut) 49.schreiben, schrieb, geschrieben (to write) 50.schwimmen, schwamm, ist geschwommen (to swim) 51.sehen, sah, gesehen (to see) 52.sein, war, ist gewesen (to be) 53.singen, sang, gesungen (to sing) 54.sinken, sank, ist gesunken (to sink) 55.sitzen, saß, gesessen (to sit) 56.sprechen, sprach, gesprochen (to speak) 57.springen, sprang, ist gesprungen (to jump) 58.stehen, stand, ist gestanden (to stand) 59.steigen, stieg, ist gestiegen (to climb) 60.sterben, starb, ist gestorben (to die) 61.tragen, trug, getragen (to wear) 62.treffen, traf, getroffen (to meet) 63.treten, trat, getreten (to step, kick) 64.trinken, trank, getrunken (to drink) 65.tun, tat, getan (to do) 66.vergessen, vergaß, vergessen (to forget) 67.verlieren, verlor, verloren (to lose) 68.verschwinden, verschwand, ist verschwunden (to disappear) 69.wachsen, wuchs, ist gewachsen (to grow) 70.waschen, wusch, gewaschen (to wash) 71.wenden, wandte, gewandt (to turn) 72.werden, wurde, ist geworden (to become) 73.werfen, warf, geworfen (to throw) 74.wissen, wusste, gewusst (to know) 75.ziehen, zog, gezogen (to pull, draw) ziehen, zog, ist gezogen (to go, move) WHOA! That …good thing seems like a lot you already of verbs! know them! Here’s another Beispiele: rule to know: Verbs with Mitnehmen, separable nahm mit, prefixes put a mitgenommen –ge- between the prefix and root (to take along) verb. Verbs with inseparable prefixes (be-, emp-, ent-, er-, ge-, miss-, ver-, and zer-) do not at ge-. For mation of DAS PERFEKT haben or sein + past participle ich habe gesehen du hast gesehen er/sie/es hat gesehen ich bin gekommen du bist gekommen It’s all about er/sie/es hat thegekommen form! wir haben gesehen ihr habt gesehen sie haben gesehen wir sind gekommen ihr seid gekommen sie sind gekommen Sie haben gesehen Sie sind gekommen Rules to note: 1. The helping verb haben or sein is the verb that agrees with the subject. 2. The helping verb – being the conjugated verb – goes in second position 3. Verb 2, the participle, goes at the end of the sentence. Pa r t n e r g e s p r ä ch : r e s t at e e a ch s e n t e n c e t w i c e , ch a n g i n g the subject as suggested. Beispiel: Marion und ihre Mutter haben in einer Pension gewohnt. (der Gast, ich) Der Gast hat in einer Pension gewohnt. Ich habe in einer Pension gewohnt. 1. Michael hat ihr Gepäck ins Zimmer gebracht. (Herr und Frau Händel, wir) 2. Marion hat viele Fotos gemacht. (die Gäste, ihr) 3. Sie haben den Park besucht. (du, Frau Händel) 4. Herr Braun hat am Abend gearbeitet. (ich, Monika) REWIND! The present perfect tense in German can express an one of these past tenses in English. Ich habe gearbeitet I worked I did work I was working I have worked REWIND! The basic structure: Subject + haben/sein + participle 2nd position! Ich + habe + gefragt Du + hast + gefragt Er + hat + gefragt S ch r e i b e n : r e w r i t e t h e sentences in the present p e r fe c t t e n s e . Beispiel: Frau Koslowski macht einen Eintopf. Frau Koslowski hat einen Eintopf gemacht. 1. Herr Schmidt kauft zwei Eintrittskarten für das Fußball spiel. 2. Jorgen arbeitet schwer. 3. Sie bringt die Ostereier mit. 4. Lars spielt Nintendo. 5. Marion denkt nicht mehr an Rüdiger. I ch h a b e d a s s ch o n g e m a ch t ! : S a y yo u h ave a l r e a d y d o n e t h at . Beispeil: Das Museum besuchen Ich habe das Museum schon besucht. Mach einen langen Spaziergang. Spiel Karten Frag im Hotel Kauf ein interressantes Buch Bilde Fr a gen mit du im Perfekt . Beispiel: gestern / arbeiten Hast du gestern gearbeitet? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Gestern Abend / tanzen Heute Morgen / Musik hören Hausaufgaben / machen Oft / Tischtennis spielen Gestern / Deutsch lernen 2:00 Par tner arbeit 1. Stell die Fragen an deinen Partner / deine Partnerin. Mach dir dabei Notizen. 2. Erzähl der Klasse, was dein Partner / deine Partnerin gemacht und nicht gemacht hat. Youcannot cannot You run join two together two sentences with sentences with noa punctuation! comma! Fix the er r or with a comma and a coor dinating conjunction . Andre sank a perfect basket from half court court, but the coach’s wasback turned. unfortunately theback coach’s was turned. Be my FANBOYS — for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so. Fix the er r or with a semicolon . Andre sank a perfect basket from half court court; unfortunately, the coach’s turned. unfortunately the coach’s backback was was turned. Use the semicolon sparingly — 3 to 4 times per essay, max. Fix the er r or with a subor dinate conjunction . Andre sank a perfect basket from half court after unfortunately the coach’s back the was coach’s turned. back was turned. Reduce one of the two clauses to an incomplete thought. T hese ar e the subor dinate conjunctions. after although as because before even though if, even if in order that once provided that since so [that implied], so that than that though unless when, whenever where, wherever, whereas whether while Remember these gener al punctuation r ules w hen subor dinating one of the clauses in the er r or. Subordinate clause Main clause +Ø+ +,+ main clause. subordinate clause. Here’s our sample: Although Andre sank a perfect basket from half court, the coach’s back was turned. Andre sank a perfect basket from half court after the coach’s back was turned. Adding an Dropping unnecessary the comma after courtisislike like a comma grandstanding championship game ! is whenturnover a teammate open! Quick Test Directions: In the items that follow, choose the option that corrects an error in the underlined portion(s). If no error exists, choose “No change is necessary.” Show me you got game! Item 1 The dogs drooled drooledwhile whilewe weate ateslices slicesofofhot hot A pizza but pizza pizza, but butthe the thecat cat catfeigned feigned feignednonchalance nonchalance nonchalance even even even B C though we knew that she wanted a pepperoni. A. B. C. D. drooled. While pizza, but pizza, but nonchalance. Even No change is necessary. Item 2 Mary Ellen screamed, screamed,her herroommate’s roommate’spet pet tarantula crawled out of the bag of popcorn. A. screamed her B. screamed; because, her C. screamed screamed as asher her D. No change is necessary. Item 3 Running late with dinner, dinner,Elizabeth Elizabethfussed fussedwith with A seasonings and seasonings andwiped wipedspots spotsoff offthe the B glasses. While glasses. glasses while Whilethe thefamily familystared staredatattheir theirempty empty CC plates. A. B. C. D. dinner; Elizabeth seasonings, and glasses while glasses while No change is necessary. Item 4 Everyone scrambled off the lakeside patio. patio. When When the 10-foot alligator lumbered onto shore. A. patio patio when when B. patio; when C. patio, when D. No change is necessary. Item 5 The glass of iced tea promised thirst-quenching refreshment.Roseanne, refreshment refreshment Roseanne, Roseanne, however, however, however, had had had to to beat tobeat beat A BB Maria to the refrigerator refrigeratoras asthey theyraced racedthrough through C the front door. A. B. C. D. refreshment.Roseanne refreshment. Roseanne however; had refrigerator; as No change is necessary. Item 6 Warren wanted to make a good impression on Melody but Melody butthe thesoda sodaexplosion explosionthat thatsoaked soakedhis his shirt ruined their first meeting. A. Melody; but, the B. Melody; Melody; however, however,the the C. Melody, however, the D. No change is necessary. Item 7 Because of the hot sun, sun, ice icecream creamran randown downthe the A cone and cone andcoated coatedRandall’s Randall’sfingers, fingers,his his for tongue his tongue tongue B CC couldn’t keep up. A. B. C. D. sun; ice cream cone, and fingers, for fingers, forhis his No change is necessary. Item 8 Wanda took a deep breath and got ready to yell. yell. Because Paul Because Paul was was about about to to explain explain why why his his half half of of the rent would be late again. A. yell, because B. yell yell because because C. yell for D. No change is necessary. Item 9 After Simon bought roses for Emily, Emily, he hespotted spotted A Derek’s car in her driveway drivewayand andrealized realizedthat thatthis this B gesture would not repair the relationship relationshipororwin win C back her love. A. B. C. D. Emily. he driveway. And relationship; or No change changeisisnecessary. necessary. Item 10 Since Larry had studied for hours; hours;he hewas was relieved to find a big red A at the top of his grammar quiz. A. hours he B. hours. He C. hours, hours, he he D. No change is necessary. Grammar Bytes! provides additional handouts and exercises on fragments, comma splices, chomp! and fused sentences. Go to chomp! ! The End. 1. beginnen 2. beißen 3. bieten 4. binden 5. bitten 6. bleiben 7. brechen 8. brennen 9. bringen