2159 LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS No. 175 THURSDAY 28 OCTOBER 2010 Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Meeting of the House ............................................................................................................................. 2161 Independent Commission Against Corruption—Report ........................................................................ 2161 Commission for Children and Young People—Report .......................................................................... 2161 NSW Child Death Review Team—Report............................................................................................. 2161 Community Economic Development Conference (Formal Business) .................................................... 2161 National Law Week 2010 (Formal Business) ........................................................................................ 2162 International Nurses Day (Formal Business) ......................................................................................... 2162 Shanghai World Expo 2010 (Formal Business) ..................................................................................... 2162 National Men’s Health Week (Formal Business) ................................................................................... 2163 Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal (Formal Business) ......................................................................... 2163 Croatian Statehood Day (Formal Business) ........................................................................................... 2163 Tamworth Regional Food Tour (Formal Business) ................................................................................ 2164 Fruit ‘n’ Veg Month (Formal Business) ................................................................................................. 2164 Access Community Group’s Youth Connections Program (Formal Business) ...................................... 2164 Country Support Forums (Formal Business) .......................................................................................... 2165 National Child Protection Week (Formal Business) .............................................................................. 2165 United Nations International Literacy Day (Formal Business) .............................................................. 2166 Prostate Cancer Awareness Month (Formal Business) .......................................................................... 2166 St George Illawarra Dragons (Formal Business).................................................................................... 2166 Chilean National Day (Formal Business) ............................................................................................... 2167 Papers—Tabled by Minister................................................................................................................... 2167 Standing Committee on Law and Justice—Report................................................................................. 2167 Petitions .................................................................................................................................................. 2167 Notices of Motions ................................................................................................................................. 2168 Business Postponed ................................................................................................................................ 2168 Answer to Question Without Notice ...................................................................................................... 2168 Disallowance of Statutory Rule—Schedule 1 [4] Clause 80B and Clause 80C (9) of the National Parks and Wildlife Amendment (Aboriginal Objects and Aboriginal Places) Regulation 2010 ............ 2168 Messages from the Legislative Assembly .............................................................................................. 2169 (1) Health Services Amendment (Local Health Networks) Bill 2010 .............................................. 2169 (2) Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 ....................................................... 2169 (3) Occupational Licensing (Adoption of National Law) Bill 2010 ................................................. 2170 2160 Legislative Council Minutes No. 175—Thursday 28 October 2010 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Suspension of Standing and Sessional Orders—Carers Week ............................................................... 2170 Carers Week ........................................................................................................................................... 2170 Questions ................................................................................................................................................ 2171 Messages from the Legislative Assembly .............................................................................................. 2171 (1) Courts and Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 ............................................................... 2171 (2) Parliamentary Budget Officer Bill 2010 ..................................................................................... 2171 (3) Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Amendment (Written-off Vehicles) Bill 2010 .............. 2171 Conduct of Business—Precedence of Government Business ................................................................ 2172 Paper—Tabled by Minister .................................................................................................................... 2172 Suspension of Standing and Sessional Orders—Carers Week ............................................................... 2172 Carers Week ........................................................................................................................................... 2172 Business Postponed ................................................................................................................................ 2173 Central Coast Water Corporation Amendment Bill 2010 ...................................................................... 2173 Papers—Tabled by Minister................................................................................................................... 2173 Business Postponed ................................................................................................................................ 2174 Radiation Control Amendment Bill 2010 .............................................................................................. 2174 Special Adjournment .............................................................................................................................. 2174 Radiation Control Amendment Bill 2010 .............................................................................................. 2174 Plantations and Reafforestation Amendment Bill 2010 ......................................................................... 2174 Message from the Legislative Assembly—Firearms Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 ...................... 2175 Adjournment .......................................................................................................................................... 2175 Attendance ............................................................................................................................................. 2176 2161 Legislative Council Minutes No. 175—Thursday 28 October 2010 1 MEETING OF THE HOUSE The House met at 11.00 am according to adjournment. The President took the Chair and read the prayers. 2 INDEPENDENT COMMISSION AGAINST CORRUPTION—REPORT The President, according to the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act 1988, tabled the annual report of the Independent Commission Against Corruption for year ended 30 June 2010. The President further announced that under the Act the report was authorised to be made public this day. Ordered, on motion of Mr Primrose: That the report be printed. 3 COMMISSION FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE—REPORT The President, according to the Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998, tabled the annual report of the Commission for Children and Young People for year ended 30 June 2010. The President further announced that under the Act the report was authorised to be made public this day. Ordered, on motion of Mr Primrose: That the report be printed. 4 NSW CHILD DEATH REVIEW TEAM—REPORT The President, according to the Commission for Children and Young People Act 1998, tabled the annual report of the NSW Child Death Review Team for 2009—Volume 1: External causes of death, Volume 2: Diseases and morbid conditions. The President further announced that under the Act the report was authorised to be made public this day. Ordered, on motion of Mr Primrose: That the report be printed. 5 COMMUNITY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE (Formal Business) Mr Catanzariti moved, according to notice: That this House: (a) notes that the Community Economic Development Conference, hosted by Industry & Investment NSW, will be held in Broken Hill from 4 – 6 May 2010, (b) acknowledges the importance of consultation and engagement with the community on economic, social and environmental issues, challenges and opportunities, (c) acknowledges the efforts of communities to develop economic development solutions and investment strategies at a local level to secure regional prosperity, and (d) supports the theme of the Conference “Communities in Transition”. Question put and passed. 2162 Legislative Council Minutes No. 175—Thursday 28 October 2010 6 NATIONAL LAW WEEK 2010 (Formal Business) Ms Robertson moved, according to notice: 1. 2. That this House notes that: (a) National Law Week 2010 will take place between Sunday 16 May and Saturday 22 May 2010, (b) the theme for this year is ‘Law and Justice in your Community’, and this is being marked by events across New South Wales and Australia, (c) there are more than 100 different Law Week events planned right across the state, including the Law Week Road Show, which was in Albury yesterday, is in Wagga Wagga today, and will travel through Narrandera, Leeton and Griffith throughout the rest of the week, (d) the annual Walk for Justice took place on Monday 10 May 2010 to raise awareness of pro bono services and raise funds for the Public Interest Law Clearing House, and (e) the Legal Information Day in Martin Place on Monday 10 May 2010 was a great success, and included stalls staffed by the NSW Department of Justice and Attorney General, Legal Aid NSW, NSW Police, NSW Law Society, NSW Bar Association, Motor Accidents Authority, Young Lawyers, Alzheimer’s NSW and Red Cross Blood Service. That this House notes the importance of Law Week in building connections between the legal system and the community, and in particular making legal advice and information accessible to people of limited means and in regional and rural New South Wales. Question put and passed. 7 INTERNATIONAL NURSES DAY (Formal Business) Ms Robertson moved, according to notice: That this House: (a) notes that Wednesday 12 May 2010 is International Nurses Day, (b) recognises the invaluable contribution that nurses make to New South Wales in hospitals, in the community and in aged care, and (c) wishes all nurses a happy International Nurses Day for 2010. Question put and passed. 8 SHANGHAI WORLD EXPO 2010 (Formal Business) Mr Moselmane moved, according to notice: That this House: (a) notes the Shanghai World Expo 2010, the largest World Expo ever staged, will be held from 1 May to 31 October 2010, (b) supports the recruitment of 200 Australians to staff the Australia Pavilion, drawn from many professions and sectors, including 18 representing New South Wales, (c) notes that the presence of New South Wales at the Expo will be enhanced through a number of business events designed to highlight the State’s strengths in key sectors, including sustainable design and building, business and financial services, tourism, education, mining and agriculture, 2163 Legislative Council Minutes No. 175—Thursday 28 October 2010 (d) notes that China is New South Wales’ largest trading partner with bilateral merchandise trade worth almost $20.5 billion in 2008-09, and that bilateral trade has grown 138 percent over the past five years, and (e) acknowledges the Shanghai World Expo 2010 as an invaluable opportunity to further strengthen economic and diplomatic engagement within our region and beyond, and to promote New South Wales as a destination for international investment, trade, tourism, education, events and as a source of world-class products and services. Question put and passed. 9 NATIONAL MEN’S HEALTH WEEK (Formal Business) Mr Catanzariti moved, according to notice: That this House notes that: (a) National Men’s Health Week will be held from 14 to 20 June 2010 this year, (b) Australian men are more likely to get sick from serious health problems, such as cancer, than Australian women, (c) the male mortality rate in Australia is also higher than that of women, (d) National Men’s Health Week promotes awareness for important male specific health issues, whilst acknowledging and celebrating the contribution that men make at work, home and in the community, and (e) all men should be encouraged to make the right choices to improve their lifestyle, wellbeing and all areas of their physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing. Question put and passed. 10 SALVATION ARMY RED SHIELD APPEAL (Formal Business) Mr Moselmane moved, according to notice: That this House notes that: (a) the weekend of 29 to 30 May 2010 marked the 2010 Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal, (b) much of the more than $3.5 million raised in New South Wales was collected through the tireless efforts of many thousands of volunteers across the state, and (c) the Government acknowledges the hard work of volunteers everywhere, without whom activities such as fund raising for the Salvation Army would not be possible. Question put and passed. 11 CROATIAN STATEHOOD DAY (Formal Business) Mr Moselmane moved, according to notice: That this House: (a) notes that Friday 25 June 2010 marks Croatian Statehood Day, commemorating the day in 1991 when Croatia declared independence from Yugoslavia, (b) recognises the long-standing relationship Australia has with the people of Croatia, 2164 Legislative Council Minutes No. 175—Thursday 28 October 2010 (c) acknowledges in particular the more than 100,000 Australians who claim Croatian heritage, and almost 60,000 people living in Australia who were born in Croatia, and (d) extends good wishes to all Australians who share a link with Croatia on this significant occasion. Question put and passed. 12 TAMWORTH REGIONAL FOOD TOUR (Formal Business) Ms Robertson moved, according to notice: That this House notes that: (a) the Tamworth Regional Food Tour was held on Wednesday 16 and Thursday 17 June 2010, (b) similar tours will be held this year for various industries right across regional New South Wales, (c) these tours are connecting producers from regional New South Wales with potential buyers from metropolitan businesses, and (d) the Regional Business Development Tours are strengthening the regional economies of New South Wales. Question put and passed. 13 FRUIT ‘n’ VEG MONTH (Formal Business) Mr Catanzariti moved, according to notice: 1. That this House notes that: (a) Fruit ‘n’ Veg Month will take place between Monday 30 August 2010 and Friday 24 September 2010, (b) Fruit ‘n’ Veg Month is a whole of school strategy, based on the Health Promoting Schools, and (c) the objectives of the 2010 Fruit ‘n’ Veg month are to: (i) (ii) (iii) 2. increase the awareness of the need to eat more fruit and vegetables, increase positive perceptions of fruit and vegetables by providing opportunities for children to taste unfamiliar fruit and vegetables in a meal or snack, and support familiarity and behaviour change by incorporating nutrition into cross curriculum lesson plans, the school canteen and whole of school activities. That this House congratulates schools involved in Fruit ‘n’ Veg month and wishes all students a happy Fruit ‘n’ Veg Month. Question put and passed. 14 ACCESS COMMUNITY GROUP’S YOUTH CONNECTIONS PROGRAM (Formal Business) Mr Moselmane moved, according to notice: 1. That this House commends children's education charity The Smith Family, the St George Illawarra Dragons, Wilson’s Holden of Albion Park, Danics Auto and Tyre Service Centre of Albion Park, 2165 Legislative Council Minutes No. 175—Thursday 28 October 2010 Uracoa Smash Repairs, and Streetwise Safety Specialists for their support of the Access Community Group’s Youth Connections Program. 2. That this House notes that: (a) this program will benefit six adolescents who will spend two hours each week learning the practicalities of overhauling a 1997 model V6 Commodore in preparation of the 2011 demolition derby, (b) another six adolescents will be making a documentary about the project, aided by Australian actor and director David Field, and (c) the Access project aims to teach young people at risk of leaving school early, practical skills that will keep them engaged in education. Question put and passed. 15 COUNTRY SUPPORT FORUMS (Formal Business) Ms Robertson moved, according to notice: That this House notes that: (a) Country Energy is hosting forums across regional New South Wales to provide a helping hand to energy customers in hardship, (b) Country Support Forums are designed to provide information on tools and assistance for reducing energy consumption to help reduce energy bills, (c) a Country Energy Country Support forum will be held in Tamworth on Thursday 2 September 2010 and in Wagga Wagga on Wednesday 15 September 2010, where a range of government and community sector speakers will present information, and (d) these forums are in addition to over $800 million in assistance the New South Wales Government will provide to energy customers over five years to help pay their bills. Question put and passed. 16 NATIONAL CHILD PROTECTION WEEK (Formal Business) Mr Moselmane moved, according to notice: 1. That this House: (a) notes that National Child Protection Week will take place from Sunday 5 September 2010 to Sunday 12 September 2010; (b) notes that the theme for this year is “Protecting Children is Everyone's Business”, (c) reaffirms that anyone who suspects that a child is being seriously neglected or abused, has the responsibility to act, by contacting the Department of Community Services or the NSW Police Force, (d) notes the importance of listening to children, to parents, to families, and taking their concerns seriously, and 2166 Legislative Council Minutes No. 175—Thursday 28 October 2010 (e) 2. notes that a simple helping hand from a neighbour or relative, reaching out in a time of need, can help change things for the better for a family in crisis. That this House congratulates the National Association for the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN) for its work in organising Child Protection Week. Question put and passed. 17 UNITED NATIONS INTERNATIONAL LITERACY DAY (Formal Business) Mr Moselmane moved, according to notice: 1. 2. That this House notes that: (a) Wednesday 8 September 2010 is United Nations International Literacy Day, and (b) over 750 million people across the world lack basic literacy skills, two thirds of whom are women. That this House supports the aims of International Literacy Day and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation's (UNESCO) Literacy Decade to promote universal literacy, and keep child and adult literacy high on the international agenda. Question put and passed. 18 PROSTATE CANCER AWARENESS MONTH (Formal Business) Mr Catanzariti moved, according to notice: That this House notes that: (a) September 2010 is Prostate Cancer Awareness month, (b) in 2010, almost 20,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer across Australia, (c) prostate cancer is the most common cancer in New South Wales, and (d) over 80 per cent of new prostate cancer cases occur in men over 60 years of age, with 97 per cent of prostate cancer deaths occurring in this age group. Question put and passed. 19 ST GEORGE ILLAWARRA DRAGONS (Formal Business) Mr Moselmane moved, according to notice: That this House: (a) congratulates the St George Illawarra Dragons on winning the 2010 NRL Minor Premiership, (b) notes that the Dragons have played five games in Illawarra this season, and (c) congratulates the Illawarra community for getting out and supporting their local team. Question put and passed. 2167 Legislative Council Minutes No. 175—Thursday 28 October 2010 20 CHILEAN NATIONAL DAY (Formal Business) Mr Moselmane moved, according to notice: That this House: (a) notes that Saturday 18 September 2010 marks Chilean National Day, commemorating the day when Chile was proclaimed a republic, (b) acknowledges the important bond that Australians share with Chile, in particular through the contributions of Australians of Chilean heritage who have enriched the cultural life of New South Wales, (c) recognises that in New South Wales more than 12,000 people are Chilean born and almost 13,000 have Chilean heritage, and (d) wishes all Australians who share a connection with Chile well for this proud celebration. Question put and passed. 21 PAPERS—TABLED BY MINISTER Mr Robertson tabled the following papers: 22 (1) Energy Supply Act 1995—Report of the Department of Industry and Investment entitled “NSW Solar Bonus Scheme”, dated October 2010. (2) Report entitled “Solar Bonus Scheme: Forecast NSW PV Capacity and Tariff Payments”, dated 25 October 2010. STANDING COMMITTEE ON LAW AND JUSTICE—REPORT The Chair (Ms Robertson) tabled Report No. 43 of the Standing Committee on Law and Justice entitled “Review of the exercise of the functions of the Motor Accidents Authority and the Motor Accidents Council—Tenth Report”, dated October 2010, together with transcripts of evidence, submissions, tabled documents, correspondence and answers to questions taken on notice. Ordered: That the report be printed. Ms Robertson moved, according to standing order: That the House take note of the report. Motion made (Ms Robertson speaking) and question: That this debate be now adjourned until next sitting day—put and passed. 23 PETITIONS Scripture classes Revd Mr Nile presented a petition from 19 citizens of New South Wales stating that the Government’s plan to introduce ethics classes at the same time as Special Religious Education classes places the new curriculum in direct competition with scripture classes so that students will be forced to choose between them and requesting that the House call on the Government to ensure that planned ethics classes are offered at a separate time from Special Religious Education classes. Petition received. 2168 Legislative Council Minutes No. 175—Thursday 28 October 2010 Bondi Road summer clearway Mr Harwin presented a petition from 52 citizens of New South Wales opposed to the Government’s decision to reintroduce a summer clearway on Bondi Road from 1 December 2010, and requesting that the House call on the Government to scrap the clearway and work with the community to find alternative solutions to local traffic congestion. Petition received. Part 3A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 Mr Shoebridge presented a petition from 72 citizens of New South Wales requesting that the House immediately repeal Part 3A of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 as its operation has seriously undermined public confidence in the planning system, that an independent planning body be established to assess essential state infrastructure following genuine consultation with the community, and that all other development applications will be determined by elected local councils following genuine consultation with the community. Petition received. 24 NOTICES OF MOTIONS 25 BUSINESS POSTPONED 26 (1) Private members’ business item no. 1 in the order of precedence postponed, on motion of Mr Lynn, until next sitting day. (2) Private members’ business item no. 6 in the order of precedence postponed, on motion of Mr Clarke, until next sitting day. ANSWER TO QUESTION WITHOUT NOTICE The President informed the House of the publication in today’s Hansard of an answer to a question without notice lodged with the Clerk since the last sitting of the House. 27 DISALLOWANCE OF STATUTORY RULE—SCHEDULE 1 [4] CLAUSE 80B AND CLAUSE 80C (9) OF THE NATIONAL PARKS AND WILDLIFE AMENDMENT (ABORIGINAL OBJECTS AND ABORIGINAL PLACES) REGULATION 2010 Question: That the motion of Mr Cohen proceed as business of the House—put and passed. Mr Cohen moved: That the matter proceed forthwith. Question put and passed. Mr Cohen then moved according to notice: That, under section 41 of the Interpretation Act 1987, this House disallows Schedule 1 [4] in relation to clause 80B and clause 80C (9) of the National Parks and Wildlife Amendment (Aboriginal Objects and Aboriginal Places) Regulation 2010, published on the NSW Legislation Website on 24 September 2010 and tabled on 19 October 2010. Debate ensued. Question put. 2169 Legislative Council Minutes No. 175—Thursday 28 October 2010 The House divided. Ayes 4 Mr Cohen * Ms Faehrmann Dr Kaye Mr Shoebridge * * Tellers Noes 27 Mr Ajaka Mr Borsak Mr Brown Mr Catanzariti Mr Colless Ms Cotsis Ms Cusack Mr Donnelly * Ms Ficarra Mr Foley Miss Gardiner Mr Gay Ms Griffin Mr Harwin * Mr Khan Mr Lynn Mr Mason-Cox Mr Moselmane Revd Mr Nile Ms Parker Mrs Pavey Ms Robertson Ms Sharpe Mr Veitch Ms Voltz Mr West Ms Westwood * Tellers Question resolved in the negative. 28 MESSAGES FROM THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY The President reported the following messages from the Legislative Assembly: (1) Health Services Amendment (Local Health Networks) Bill 2010 Madam PRESIDENT The Legislative Assembly having this day passed a Bill with the long title “An Act to amend the Health Services Act 1997 to implement a health network system for the purposes of the National Health and Hospitals Network Agreement; to make consequential amendments to certain other Acts and statutory rules; and for other purposes” presents the bill to the Legislative Council for its concurrence. Legislative Assembly 27 October 2010 (2) RICHARD TORBAY Speaker Workers Compensation Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 Madam PRESIDENT The Legislative Assembly having this day passed a Bill with the long title “An Act to amend workers compensation legislation to make further provision for determination of compensation and work injury damages, workplace rehabilitation, medical assessment, appeals and other matters” presents the bill to the Legislative Council for its concurrence. Legislative Assembly 27 October 2010 RICHARD TORBAY Speaker 2170 Legislative Council Minutes No. 175—Thursday 28 October 2010 (3) Occupational Licensing (Adoption of National Law) Bill 2010 Madam PRESIDENT The Legislative Assembly having this day passed a Bill with the long title “An Act to apply as a law of this State a national law relating to the regulation of certain occupations” presents the bill to the Legislative Council for its concurrence. Legislative Assembly 28 October 2010 RICHARD TORBAY Speaker Leave granted for procedural motions for the first reading, printing, suspension of standing orders and fixing of sitting day for second reading to be dealt with on one motion without formalities. Bills, on motion of Mr Veitch, read a first time, printed, standing orders suspended on contingent notice for remaining stages and second reading of the bills set down as orders of the day for a later hour of the sitting. 29 SUSPENSION OF STANDING AND SESSIONAL ORDERS—CARERS WEEK On the President calling on the Clerk to read the order of the day, Ms Westwood moved, according to contingent notice: That standing and sessional orders be suspended to allow a motion to be moved forthwith that private members’ business item no. 260 outside the order of precedence relating to Carers Week be called on forthwith. Debate ensued. Question put and passed. Ms Westwood then moved: That private members’ business item no. 260 outside the order of precedence be called on forthwith. Question put and passed. 30 CARERS WEEK Ms Westwood moved, according to notice: That this House: (a) acknowledges that Sunday 17 October 2010 to Saturday 23 October 2010 is Carers Week, (b) recognises and congratulates carers in New South Wales for the significant contribution they make to supporting people to live at home and participate in the community, and (c) congratulates Carers NSW, the peak organisation for carers in New South Wales, for the role they have played in this year’s Carers Week and throughout the year. Debate ensued. 2171 Legislative Council Minutes No. 175—Thursday 28 October 2010 _______________________ According to sessional order, proceedings interrupted at 12.00 noon for Questions. ________________________ Statement by President The President made a statement regarding the retirement and service to the Parliament of Mrs Helen Mantas, cleaner. ___________________ 31 QUESTIONS 32 MESSAGES FROM THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY The President reported the following messages from the Legislative Assembly: (1) Courts and Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 Madam PRESIDENT The Legislative Assembly having this day agreed to the Bill with the long title “An Act to make miscellaneous amendments to legislation relating to crimes, court proceedings and other matters” returns the bill to the Legislative Council without amendment. Legislative Assembly 28 October 2010 (2) RICHARD TORBAY Speaker Parliamentary Budget Officer Bill 2010 Madam PRESIDENT The Legislative Assembly has this day agreed to the amendments made by the Legislative Council in the Bill with the long title “An Act to establish and confer functions on the Parliamentary Budget Officer as an independent officer of Parliament; to provide for costings of election promises by that Officer; to repeal the Charter of Budget Honesty (Election Promises Costing) Act 2006; and for other purposes”. Legislative Assembly 28 October 2010 (3) RICHARD TORBAY Speaker Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Amendment (Written-off Vehicles) Bill 2010 Madam PRESIDENT The Legislative Assembly has this day agreed to the amendment made by the Legislative Council in the Bill with the long title “An Act to amend the Road Transport (Vehicle Registration) Act 1997 and other legislation with respect to the notification, registration and management of written-off vehicles; to repeal the Road Transport (General) Amendment (Written-off Vehicles) Act 2007; and for other purposes”. Legislative Assembly 28 October 2010 RICHARD TORBAY Speaker 2172 Legislative Council Minutes No. 175—Thursday 28 October 2010 33 CONDUCT OF BUSINESS—PRECEDENCE OF GOVERNMENT BUSINESS Mr Kelly moved, according to contingent notice: That standing and sessional orders be suspended to allow the moving of a motion forthwith relating to the conduct of business of the House. Question put and passed. Mr Kelly then moved: That, notwithstanding anything contained in the standing or sessional orders, for today only: (a) proceedings be interrupted at 3.30 pm, and (b) Government business take precedence after 3.30 pm. Question put and passed. 34 PAPER—TABLED BY MINISTER Mr Veitch, according to the Children’s Court Act 1987, tabled Practice Note No. 2—Children’s Court of New South Wales—Initiating Report and Service of the relevant portion of the Community Services file in Care Proceedings. 35 SUSPENSION OF STANDING AND SESSIONAL ORDERS—CARERS WEEK On the Deputy President calling on the Clerk to read the order of the day, Ms Westwood moved, according to contingent notice: That standing and sessional orders be suspended to allow a motion to be moved forthwith that private members’ business item no. 260 outside the order of precedence relating to Carers Week be called on forthwith. Debate ensued. Question put and passed. Ms Westwood then moved: That private members’ business item no. 260 outside the order of precedence be called on forthwith. Question put and passed. 36 CARERS WEEK Order of the day read for resumption of the interrupted debate of the question on the motion of Ms Westwood: That this House: (a) acknowledges that Sunday 17 October 2010 to Saturday 23 October 2010 is Carers Week, (b) recognises and congratulates carers in New South Wales for the significant contribution they make to supporting people to live at home and participate in the community, and (c) congratulates Carers NSW, the peak organisation for carers in New South Wales, for the role they have played in this year’s Carers Week and throughout the year. Debate resumed. Question put and passed. 2173 Legislative Council Minutes No. 175—Thursday 28 October 2010 ____________________ According to resolution of the House this day, proceedings interrupted at 3.30 pm for government business. ____________________ 37 38 BUSINESS POSTPONED (1) Notice of motion no. 1 on the Notice Paper of government business postponed, on motion of Ms Sharpe, until a later hour of the sitting. (2) Order of the day no. 1 on the Notice Paper of government business postponed, on motion of Ms Sharpe, until a later hour of the sitting. CENTRAL COAST WATER CORPORATION AMENDMENT BILL 2010 On the order of the day being read, Ms Sharpe (on behalf of Mr Kelly) moved: That this bill be now read a second time. Leave granted for the mover’s second reading speech to be incorporated in Hansard. Debate ensued. Question put and passed. Bill read a second time. The Deputy President (Revd Mr Nile) left the Chair and the House sat as a committee of the whole for consideration of this bill. The committee reported the bill without amendment. The House adopted the report. Standing orders having been suspended Thursday 21 October 2010— Bill, on motion of Ms Sharpe, read a third time. Bill returned to the Legislative Assembly without amendment. 39 PAPERS—TABLED BY MINISTER Ms Sharpe, according to the Annual Reports (Statutory Bodies) Act 1984, tabled the following reports for year ended 30 June 2010: Game Council of New South Wales Riverina Citrus. Ordered: That the reports be printed. 2174 Legislative Council Minutes No. 175—Thursday 28 October 2010 40 BUSINESS POSTPONED Order of the day no. 3 on the Notice Paper of government business postponed, on motion of Mr Veitch, until a later hour of the sitting. 41 RADIATION CONTROL AMENDMENT BILL 2010 On the order of the day being read, Mr Veitch (on behalf of Mr Robertson) moved: That this bill be now read a second time. Leave granted for the mover’s second reading speech to be incorporated in Hansard. Debate ensued. ____________________ According to sessional order, proceedings interrupted at 5.00 pm for adjournment. ____________________ The House continued to sit. ____________________ 42 SPECIAL ADJOURNMENT Mr Veitch moved: That this House at its rising today do adjourn until Tuesday 9 November 2010 at 2.30 pm. Question put and passed. 43 RADIATION CONTROL AMENDMENT BILL 2010 Order of the day read for resumption of the interrupted debate of the question on the motion of Mr Robertson: That this bill be now read a second time. Debate resumed. Question put and passed. Bill read a second time. Leave granted to proceed to the third reading of the bill forthwith. Standing orders having been suspended Tuesday 26 October 2010— Bill, on motion of Mr Veitch (on behalf of Mr Robertson), read a third time. Bill returned to the Legislative Assembly without amendment. 44 PLANTATIONS AND REAFFORESTATION AMENDMENT BILL 2010 On the order of the day being read, Ms Sharpe (on behalf of Mr Kelly) moved: That this bill be now read a second time. 2175 Legislative Council Minutes No. 175—Thursday 28 October 2010 Leave granted for the mover’s second reading speech to be incorporated in Hansard. Debate ensued. Question put and passed. Bill read a second time. Mr Cohen moved, according to contingent notice: That standing orders be suspended to allow the moving of a motion forthwith: That it be an instruction to the committee of the whole that they have power to consider an amendment relating to plantation operations not subject to certain provisions of the Water Management Act 2000. Debate ensued. Question put and negatived. Leave granted to proceed to the third reading of the bill forthwith. Standing orders having been suspended Wednesday 20 October 2010— Bill, on motion of Ms Sharpe, read a third time. Bill returned to the Legislative Assembly without amendment. 45 MESSAGE FROM THE AMENDMENT BILL 2010 LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY—FIREARMS LEGISLATION The Deputy President (Ms Westwood) reported the following message from the Legislative Assembly: Madam PRESIDENT The Legislative Assembly having this day agreed to the Bill with the long title “An Act to amend the Firearms Act 1996 and the Firearms Regulation 2006 to make further provision with respect to the regulation and control of firearms; and for other purposes” returns the bill to the Legislative Council without amendment. Legislative Assembly 28 October 2010 46 ADJOURNMENT Ms Sharpe moved: That this House do now adjourn. Debate ensued. Question put and passed. The House adjourned at 6.10 pm until Tuesday 9 November 2010 at 2.30 pm. RICHARD TORBAY Speaker 2176 Legislative Council Minutes No. 175—Thursday 28 October 2010 47 ATTENDANCE All members present, except Mr Obeid. David Blunt Deputy Clerk _____________________________ Authorised by the Parliament of New South Wales