Welcome to 3rd Grade Curriculum Night

Welcome to 3rd Grade Curriculum
Mrs. Fleming: reading, language, Social
Mrs. Henderson: Math Science
to 3rd
Cliff Notes
You received a paper in this week’s Tuesday folder with most all our
classroom polices and procedures.
• Homework – Must be turned in on time for full credit. This is under
work habit traits on the report card. Homework supports learning in
the class room. All math homework is corrected together in class for
• Attendance: We need all students present in the classroom by 8 AM
to maximize learning time. Arriving at the 8:20 tardy bell takes away
from organization and prep time. Students often feel rushed and not
ready if they arrive to the class after announcements.
• Tuesday Folders – We will faithfully send them home on Tuesday.
Please look over the card, sign and return Wednesday. Keep all the
papers. Check for “Sign and Return”. You may leave comments on the
back of the card OR email your questions. A signed T. folder card is
taken as a weekly homework grade.
• .. Go to Slide show view show to click on blue hyperlinks.
Nurtured Heart –
Behavior Expectations
Kreinhop is all in for the Nurtured Heart Approach. What does
that mean?
• We’re looking for greatness and we will give statements of
greatness by giving Specific Precise Praise. “Good Job” is not
good enough. – I see that you are taking your learning
seriously by staying on task and showing your work! 
• No means No. Behaviors that inhibit learning or the learning of
others will be “Reset”. This is a short “time out” and students
are welcomed in quickly. Resets will affect behavior grades.
• In our rooms we have TOP NOTCH students and class awards
“minutes to win it” as evidence of student greatness.
• Brag bands… attempting to give away one a day.
Notching UP, the Nurtured Heart Approach by Howard Glasser
Math-Must Dos
Third Grade Curriculum is deeper and wider than previous years. Here are
a few absolutes to have a successful year in math.
• Reflexmath 4 to 6 days per week for 20 minutes or until the “green
light”. It is a state expectation that students reach “automaticity” with
addition subtraction facts and multiplication facts through 10x10.
• Multiple Step problems is another expectation that is being assessed
through the state assessment. We use the Singapore Model Drawing
approach to help. I have a link on my homework page and through this
slide. Students also will have the steps in their Problem of the Day book.
• Tonight you will receive a hand out of all the student expectations for
the whole year.
• Financial Literacy is new to Texas this year.
• Last year’s test is now released on the T.E.A. website.
Math-Must Dos
• 1st Quarter Essentials for math:
Read, Write and order whole numbers to 999,999. This looks like Standard
Form 345,612
Expanded Form 300,000 +40,000 +5,000+ 600+10+2
Word Form Three hundred forty-five thousand, six hundred twelve
You can use playing cards are Uno cards to form numbers at home and read them.
Try finding large numbers in the newspaper, Google maps or other non-fiction
b Compare and order whole numbers to 999,999. We start from the largest place
and compare to the right. Something is bigger than nothing.
65, 809 ______ 9,890
890 < 1,259
c. Fractions: create and then order fractions with these denominators: half, third,
fourth, sixth, eighth, tenths
c. Addition and Subtraction Facts must be mastered to Automaticity. Counting on
fingers, toes or head nodding is not a mastered fact. Let’s look at some data
from Reflexmath.
d. Addition and Subtraction with regrouping – we don’t say borrow any more .
e. Rounding to the nearest 10; 100; 1,000; 10,000; 100,000. The place to the right
determines which way to round. 452 to the nearest 100. the Tens place tells the
hundreds to go up. 238, the tens place tells the hundreds to stay.
Vocabulary will be key in science. Students are
expected to retain and maintain skills learned in
kindergarten through 5th grade for their state test.
Science is fun and we will be hands on 1 to 2 times a
Big the 1st Quarter:
• Safety rules.
•Tools we use
•Scientific Method
•Matter – states of matter and what happens when
you add heat.
•Mixtures – yum!
•Forms of energy
We will get acquainted with our science book and the
online resources. We do not have access to
Stemscopes this year. We will use studyjams and
explorelearning.com on occasion as well as brainpopjr.
Reading Essentials
Third Grade Curriculum is deeper and wider than previous years. Here are a
few absolutes to have a successful year in Reading.
• Read : 30 minutes every night to build fluency, vocabulary, and
• Complete: the Reading Log.
• Discuss: ask your child to talk about the book they just read. This way there
is accountability and your child will understand that they must think about
their book.
• Discussion Ideas for Fiction: retell the story, make connections (text-to-self,
text-to-text), sequence the plot, and identify the problem and resolution.
• Discussion Ideas for Nonfiction: identify details/facts that you have
learned, identify the main idea, use evidence in the text to draw
conclusions, and talk about questions that you still have about the topic.
Third Grade Student Learning Targets
1st 9 Weeks
I Can . . .
Generate questions about the texts I have read. (fig. 19C)
Determining Importance
Identify details or facts that support the main idea. (3.13A)
Inferences (fiction)
Make inferences about text and use text evidence to support understanding in
fiction texts. (fig. 19D)
Third Grade Student Learning Targets
1st 9 Weeks
I Can . . .
Make inferences and draw conclusions from the facts presented in text and
support those inferences with text evidence. (3.13B)
( When & Where)
Plot/Problem/ & Resolution
Summarize/sequence the plots main events and explain the resolution of the
story. (3.8A)